#1 Report Abuse » Lt. Dildo Dan » 2022-11-17 00:11:41

Replies: 0

Two games in a row on Rtr+SW I got multiple kills on Lt. Dildo Dan, and the way he decided to get his revenge was to switch teams and TK me. The second game he also did it to another player. I don't think any admins were on at the time. He got kicked for minus score or from being ptked a couple of times, but kept coming back, so please keep an eye out for this dildo. Games were on Eagles Nest and Essen, Essen was running just a few minutes ago.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Sreject » 2016-12-07 21:07:51

Finn Balor wrote:

maybe Mr Asshole.
reason god knows...

I love the irony created by the juxtaposition of these two sentences.

#3 Re: Report Abuse » To Admins: You need to consider banning "Jake From State Farm" » 2016-09-07 18:39:10

I saw an unban request over on aX from jake, basically for base attack.  He admitted what he'd done, sounded sorry, and was unbanned.  He also claimed that someone else is using his name and going around as a medic, team wounding him.  I think jake is funny and want to give him the benefit of the doubt, so try to verify it's the same jake.

#6 Re: Report Abuse » I was abused by admins..... » 2016-09-04 07:26:33

I replied to your friend about this at http://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4932:

Catpain_Blackadder wrote:

If your friend was Ferrucio629, I'm the one who banned him.  He was first kicked (not by me) after he TKed by zooking a friendly tank on his own base.  I gave him the first ban was when he jumped in front of a friendly plane that was taking off, then started shooting at it.  He got a 15 minute ban, because he had already been kicked earlier in that game.  Our standard procedure is to warn, then kick, then ban for 15 minutes, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, and 1 month.  Each infraction gets the next higher penalty.

After that he came back (immediately getting warned by the server for bad language), and not unlike you, would not stop spamming chat.  There was another complaint from a player who said Ferrucio had intentionally jumped in front of his car to draw a TK, but I didn't see that one.  Finally, he went onto the Allied main base to steal a tank and started firing when he got into it: that is attacking the enemy main.  Since that map has death bubbles it also causes problems with the map because the tank starts to burn and leaves a hazard for the Allied team on their base.  The ban could have been for attacking enemy main, but I thought disrupting game play better described the overall picture.

If there is another such incident it will go to a 3 day ban.

Rules are posted at http://team-simple.org/rules.

BTW, the person driving the car that hit you (rockinrolla) is not an admin.

#7 Re: Report Abuse » Ban/Kick with no reason » 2016-09-04 07:06:06

If your friend was Ferrucio629, I'm the one who banned him.  He was first kicked (not by me) after he TKed by zooking a friendly tank on his own base.  I gave him the first ban was when he jumped in front of a friendly plane that was taking off, then started shooting at it.  He got a 15 minute ban, because he had already been kicked earlier in that game.  Our standard procedure is to warn, then kick, then ban for 15 minutes, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, and 1 month.  Each infraction gets the next higher penalty.

After that he came back (immediately getting warned by the server for bad language), and not unlike you, would not stop spamming chat.  There was another complaint from a player who said Ferrucio had intentionally jumped in front of his car to draw a TK, but I didn't see that one.  Finally, he went onto the Allied main base to steal a tank and started firing when he got into it: that is attacking the enemy main.  Since that map has death bubbles it also causes problems with the map because the tank starts to burn and leaves a hazard for the Allied team on their base.  The ban could have been for attacking enemy main, but I thought disrupting game play better described the overall picture.

If there is another such incident it will go to a 3 day ban.

#8 Re: Off-Topic » Pleiades53 I am SOOOOO disappointed in you » 2016-09-01 18:44:01

I thought the EmDrive was where I keep my mp3 collection.

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned? » 2016-08-31 20:29:52

c0loNeL wrote:
Chameleon wrote:

ok so my user name was Mrktgrdblos at the time and I switched when i was logged into game and got kicked, why for? Colonel  said something in the last 1/2hr Allah akbar and I said allah Jesus is that why?  why was I kicked?

I love Simple

I said what?? lol Don't see you on ban list as Blade said. Might have been a kick for team stacking?

That wasn't c0loNeL:

8/14/2016 13:38:18 : # [Global] CORONEL: Allahu Akbar
8/23/2016 22:31:38 : # [Global] CORONEL: Allahu Akbar
8/25/2016 16:50:21 : # [Global] CORONEL: Allahu Akbar

#10 Re: BF1942 Discussion » The Engy- snipers...? » 2016-08-31 06:46:53

Arkos wrote:


But the worst thing is, when i press zoom it's zooming in and then out, but i stay allways on the right mouse.

I see that behavior when there is bad lag.

#11 Re: Report Abuse » Count De'Money TKing ..... AGAIN!!! » 2016-08-30 19:03:44

I saw your post preceding his ban over on aX, so we'll keep an eye out for him here.  Which SiMPLE server was it, though, FRA or USA?

#12 Re: Server Ban Appeals » huh » 2016-08-29 21:28:25

Medics carrying weapons is a violation of the Geneva Convention!

#13 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Forgotten Hope 0.7 servers » 2016-08-29 00:31:14

Pixel-fighter.com is a dedicated FH server, and I think it's home of a lot of the FH modders.  It's in Germany so it's only populated at certain times (usually evenings Germany time).  FHSW is a different mod, and for some reason seems to be anathema there.

#14 Re: Report Abuse » Kicked 3-4 times without a reason » 2016-08-24 22:57:42

The server will automatically kick you for having a banned word in your name.  I don't think it gives a warning.

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why Am I Banned? » 2016-08-17 16:59:46

I don't see you on the ban list.  It could have been a 15-minute ban that has now expired.  Other than that you may have to wait for the admin who banned you, or a higher-level admin to check things.

#17 Re: Off-Topic » Rio Olympics 2016 » 2016-08-16 20:01:08

joint wrote:
Catpain_Blackadder wrote:

Ah, this explains a lot of what I see on the server.

hmm, didnt get what you see on the server and what explanes what?

It explains a lot of the rule breakers I see.

#19 Re: Technical Help » Bf1942 Server Error » 2016-08-15 18:36:32

I'm not so sure that's an error message.  To me it looks more like an informational message.  I don't know where you downloaded the server software, but I don't see a start.sh script in the package from the SiMPLE site so I can't look at the script that appears to be calling lnxded.  It does have both static and dynamic versions of the server though, and it looks like you solved your first error message by renaming one of those to lnxded, which I would have suggested.

The message "using statically linked binary" doesn't look like an error to me, unless the server stops immediately after that.  And even if it does seem to quit, make sure it didn't just run it in the background.  If you do this in the same terminal session you can do a "ps -f" and see if lnxded is running.  Finally just try connecting to it and see if it is there.

#20 Re: Off-Topic » Rio Olympics 2016 » 2016-08-15 16:35:00

joint wrote:

impudent monkeys smile
oops, sorry, SurrenderMonkey, i swear i got nothing against primates

Ah, this explains a lot of what I see on the server.

#21 Re: Off-Topic » Rio Olympics 2016 » 2016-08-15 16:24:02

Winston Smith wrote:

Your Gifs always feature a monkey..., has something changed?

I believe the scene depicted occurred in China during the year of the Monkey.

ee eee

#22 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Evilbunk » 2016-08-10 06:16:49

I was playing earlier tonight and saw "Evilbunk was kicked from the server" without him being on.  That usually indicates a banned player trying to connect, so that might be some confirmation his problem is a ban and not some other issue.

Are you sure you're connecting to the new IP address?  If not, try refreshing your server browser.

#24 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1942 Server Downloads » 2016-07-29 16:37:01

I believe what Embedded is asking refers to a patch in assembly code shown in the link he provided.  He's asking if the version downloadable from the SiMPLE server includes that particular patch.  I don't know for certain, but I would assume it does because that patch was posted to the bfmods.com link by a "tuia," who I would assume is the same tuia as the SiMPLE server owner.

#25 Re: Report Abuse » Those gay Estonians again » 2016-07-28 23:31:44

Frank(Ger) wrote:

Yesterday on france server was someone with the name "Joachim Peiper" who had nothing but minusscore.
Isn´t the real Peiper called "Jochen Peiper"?

Historically, Peiper was the commander of the SS unit that committed war crimes during the Battle of the Bulge.  The most infamous of these was the Malmédy Massacre, in which 84 American soldiers were murdered.  His given name was Joachim, but he changed it to Jochen during the war, possibly because as a Nazi he didn't want a name that sounded Jewish.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmedy_massacre.

#26 Re: Feedback » The Server is having problems-USA -server » 2016-07-27 23:22:22

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Hillbillyninja wrote:

.....-I'm actually sexier than socks on a rooster!

Well...wouldn't take much now, would it?


So that's where they get the expression "Drop your cocks and grab your socks!"

#27 Re: Technical Help » Logitech keyboard problem » 2016-07-27 23:17:56

That's what I was kind of thinking.  Just wanted to make sure it wasn't some driver issue.  I got it as a gift last year, and just realized today that it has a three-year warranty, so I'll get in touch with Logitech.

#28 Technical Help » Logitech keyboard problem » 2016-07-27 18:53:08

Replies: 9

Has anyone heard of this problem?  I have a Logitech K740 illuminated keyboard, and recently I've been having an intermittent problem with some of the keys not working.  It happens randomly, and when it happens it's always the same group of keys that stop working at the same time.  It's about 5-8 keys, including R, T, Z, and Backspace, among others, but always the same group of keys around different areas of the keyboard.  When it happens all I can do is keep hitting the keys until they start working again, but nothing seems consistent about them starting to work again.

I don't need any keyboard recommendations, thanks, because I still have more than two years left on my warranty, but is this a known problem?  If so, is it hardware or software?

#30 Re: Report Abuse » Those gay Estonians again » 2016-07-22 03:05:22

I would imagine that the type of player who keeps TKing the whole game doesn't care if you TK him back; in fact, that's probably what he wants.  In any case he shouldn't be able to do it more than nine times without getting auto-banned.  If I can recognize who the problem is when people are TKing or team wounding each other I'll kick or ban that one, and give a warning to the victim not to retaliate.  Usually they will agree if I explain things.

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