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I didn't mean to say there aren't any human rights violations. I can't judge that much, but that being the reason for the sudden change of mind is clearly fabricated~
Can't say much about alleged crimes and such. But one thing is clear. The attack was planned long in advance. The story that their army was making an exercise, was about to leave and then suddenly decided to make a full-scale attack due to imminent human rights violations is so obviously fabricated that nobody can seriously believe it.
This attack was clearly planned for months... This is not how a reactive military assault looks like to protect some people from genocide...
I used to underestimate the load generated by an increased number of pco. Maps with lots of networked information are much laggier than ones with little.
Consequently Battle of Britain and Midway are a mess on simple because of 10 planes on each side, ships + boats and several land vehicles...
If I'm not mistaken he did bail into the plane he started with already because his camera is glitched as far as I can tell and that happens when you bail into a plane.
Angeleyes wrote:you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol
Yeah I'm not sure where you get these numbers but there's no way 800 people were playing BF1942 one year ago -.-
Really depends on the scale. If you make it per day then it might very well still be 800 people playing at least during the weekends. It's not the same 70-80 players that play all day with the exception of some special players.
Perhaps it would be good to delineate a clear-cut punishment catalogue stating how many times per year you're allowed to be drunk, have a bad day or let your dog push some buttons.
Optimally this would never happen of course. And I have to say I'm disappointed as well that this kind of stuff seems to be necessary for you with a certain regularity Meow.
And of course merlin would comment after getting the chance. It was just a matter of time...
However, this behaviour is not so far off from what you criticise merlin for. Surely it's not as frequent as merlin goes ham but the rules don't exist for you to break them and then take some punishment.
And that merlin is often unjustly protected by the administration (and bullied simultaneously) doesn't justify that you randomly misbehave yourself.
Killing players in buildings with a plane is easy if you're a good pilot. Not saying that guy isn't hacking though since I have no idea who you or that guy are.
You were banned by Lecter for one day for disruptive gameplay. The ban runs out soon and I doubt lecter will show up here before it does.
But perhaps he'll come around to explain why he opted for the 1-day ban.
Glitchers, cheaters, trolls, almost never any admins on... aX deserved to die.
Simple is far from perfect but easily better than aX, that's why it prevailed.
You can only see them drawn on the map if you are in an artillery.
However, everyone sees the radio message when snipers declare a target...
'Just fine' is not what they are after. It also runs 'just fine' on windows.
Virtualising wouldn't be good for what these guys are trying to achieve.
Seems like neither side fully understood my point if I am honest.
Can someone move this thread to the gutter already? It's just sad at this point...
The last big vanilla bf1942 public community...
The game deserves better.
Weiße LEDs speichern oft selbst etwas Energie in ihrer Phosphorschicht, die kannst du nicht über einen Schalter einfach entleeren sondern das braucht einfach ein bisschen Zeit.
Das kann manchmal sogar ein paar Minuten dauern. Glaube nicht, dass das etwas mit deinen Ping Spikes zu tun hat.
Ich sehe halt nicht, wie der Strom vom Netzwerkkabel bis an die LEDs kommen soll. Da sollten Transistoren dazwischen liegen, die Strom vom Netzwerkchip nur durchlassen, wenn der PC Strom hat...
Für mich wäre erstmal entscheidend zu verstehen, über welches Medium die LEDs aktiv werden, weil die können sowohl über Wellen durch die Luft aktiviert werden, als auch über einen Strom auf ihrem Schaltkreis.
Die Kabelisolierung ist halt eigentlich dafür da, um 'Übetragung durch die Luft' beidseitig zu unterbinden. Also sowohl vom Kabel auf die Umgebung als auch von der Umgebung auf das Kabel.
Wenn das Kabel verbunden ist und dann trotzdem ein Ministrom auf dem Mainboard bzw. den LEDs anliegt ist das für mich eher auf einen Abschirmungsfehler bei der PC-Hardware zurückzuführen als auf ein Problem bei der Abschirmung des Kabels.
It's the first time you mention that the PC is completely disconnected from power which is a very relevant piece of information.
It seemed logical but wasn't clear from the video that you were showing which is why I asked in my first post whether you unplugged it.
I still think you should make a test like I suggested to determine if it's really interference through air or if it's actually interference on the hardware.
Keep the pc unplugged, connect the ethernet wire to an ethernet device next to the pc, could be a switch, hub or even a laptop or another pc.
If the leds continue to light up from this setup, only then you can be sure it's interfering through air. Otherwise a hardware malfunction is much more
Why the website goes down since a time? Since when it happens? Know anyone the reason here?
And my next Question is about the hslan EoD Server, can you please make this Server visible in the Gamespy Browser? :
The Server is listed in, but its hide in all Gamespy Browsers. The solution for the moment toplay is, put the Server Address IP manual on your Gamespy Browser, after then the Server is added to the list. But to beware the to the list is, to add the Server to your favourites, because after your next Browser Update the Server goes lost. Thats why i ask, is it possible to list the 24/7 EoD hslan Server visible, like all the other listed Server at the Gamespy Browser?
The server needs to send heartbeats to and have the gamespy port 23000 open. To send the heartbeats you can either resolve the name locally in the hosts file of the server or you can rename it via a binary patch.
I'm sure bud is going to provide links as per usual
The game menu can only launch in 800x600 unless you make a binary patch. There are people that have done this before. Try sending a PM to henk.
In general my question was aimed towards finding out if the LEDs are lit from transmission on the circuitry or transmission through air.
If what you say is correct then the LEDs should also be lit if you connect the cable to some ethernet device next to your casing, no?
You unplugged the pc before doing this, right? Also, what happens if you disconnect the net card from the mainboard instead of disconnecting the wire from the net card?
The cup isn't done. There is still a tournament phase after the group phase.
He shot two shots. Look how long that hit indicator remains on... The moment he shot them the guy was not that far away. The hitbox is off here, but it's nothing out of what can happen with a normal game installation and certainly not 10x size.
Hit reg is crazy and seemingly consistent throughout the whole game. Can't remember to have played a single round like that in at least a decade.
Such a bullshit. Capping all the flags would be getting to the root cause of the problem if one would go along with this nonsense.
It's probably true that if others were to bother collecting your chat interactions that they would not turn out to be such a lengthy wall.
But you do have double standards nonetheless as you haven't been able to conceal your own thoughts in a recent post you made. Also I can very well remember how you played many rounds in the past just targeting specific players which should be forbidden according to the rule you cited.
The reason you pull so many dislikes is because your play style is one of the most boring on the server. You just try to do whatever you think gets you the highest score and then leave if you don't manage to get first place. The only reason you're having a bit of fun doing so is because you are one of the only players playing like that. If everyone will always try to get the b17 on bocage, the PoW on Iwo Jima, the priest on omaha or spawnrape certain flags on kursk and so on. Then doing this will become very boring for everyone very quickly.
It's a team game. Rather than to judge yourself based on your position on the scoreboard judging yourself based on how well your team performs is much more reasonable. Furthermore it's still a game and not a cutthroat competition. Purposefully ruining the fun for others isn't an achievement to be proud of. There's a difference between beating someone that was given a chance and dropping explosives on people that just spawned, over and over with no intention of capturing the flag which should be your actual objective. And you are not the only player that seems to have trouble understanding that.
As long as you don't show more integrity in your strive for justice and decency all your posts will be in vain. Especially on a forum like this one where everyone tries to pull you down with them into their respective mud fight.
The server/community management obviously has big trouble with double standards. But so do you 'bfsoldier1'...
I can only recommend to both sides to start working on their respective shortcomings first and to start pointing at others second.
Being part of the majority does not justify immoral behaviour.
Don't think you are still banned. Was probably just 15 minutes.
I haven't felt ideologically annoyed by the server anymore for a while already which is why I became more active here in the first place.
Thank god that annoying announcement was removed. Even the '2ndSS' people are basically gone, so I am not sure what you are on about.
If they post their stuff in some separate thread on here that nobody is forced to read then I can tolerate that.
The field of view can mess with the screen ratio depending on how the game is being processed by windows/video driver, especially when the game is set to full-screen it is possible that using a FoV setting that does not correspond to your actual screen ratio will result in the same sort of effect.
But if you pay attention to the horizon you should be able to clearly see how it's getting stretched and squeezed when moving in and out of corners.
When rotating 45° the horizon reaches form one corner of the screen to the opposite. This distance is obviously longer than side-to-side but yet the same amount of horizon seems to be displayed as at 0° or 90° rotation.