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A while ago,
Map- Market garden
- I was playing ith name "Royal Bengal Tiger". I was flying in 109 on axis side and found a mustang and started to dog fight, due to mustang maneuverability in df i called for help. Then this Mourtis dude came a killed that crandberrie in stang. Cran said, ' you saved his ass' to mourtis, and this doubti not knowing who i actually was, began to say ' darcano mode' , ' nameless' and so on and they both exchanged some 'lol's ... So is asking help for plane is something wrong or weak? Isn't co-operation good? Fine, i moved on, Khan and I were waiting for plane, Khan just stood infront of me and is doing some funny knee pushup showoff like kidding, then plane spawned just behind him and he still doing pushups and i took plane and took off, lol.. I and Hilly laughed and while typing 'hahaha ....plane...gone..' my plane which is going straight while typing was crashed into mourtis' plane while he is passing by, I said sorry. He then began to abuse ' fucking retard' and kicked me out of server. How fair is this? I said sorry and i get a an abuse and kick? and i came back and asked why, and he started saying i was disruptive. How come saying sorry is and unexpected crash is disruuptive? He must have definitely thouught i was darcano and my ping is also about 180? And I asked the same thing about his power abuse and this arrogant man said 'go start a post on forum" and kicked me second time. How arrogant? Even though i said sorry, he replied with an abuse with preloaded hate, a kick, a disruptive tag and a second kick. All this for a unexpected crash? He also threated that ' how come you arent banned' ... He keeps boasting lot of things here and preaches bullshit sometimes on forum and being cool only to his friends in forum and game, fine, but why he is hard with other people in public server as admin? How hypocrite and poison is this guy? Man, then be an admin only to your friends on clan servers, not on public server. Don't show your fangs to common people with imagining people (darcano, nameless) in your head. Admin power to such hypocrites is harmful to calm players. Admin community should definitely know about such people within admins.
Im not even gonna read all of this. Being kicked because of a tk is not the end of the world. After you got kicked, you came back to insult Mourits many times, calling him a retard and idiot. Maybe next time when u decide to spend a hour to write some bullshit, remember all the insults and think again about writing or not.
Ferd, after he kicked me, I came back and asked him ' why did you kick me retard' why abuse me idiot" only...In your sense you call this as abuse? First know what is abuse, its not only words but also actions. First of all without reading why are you judging me about writing and typing? You seem like a funny man, like an advocate/Judge giving a final judgement to case without even knowing any information about case. First know what happend, then judge, dont make fool of yourself. And coming to writing, i usually ignore usual bullshit in game. A kick is not end of world, but misusing it and ruining a nice time of joyful play matters. I never complain crap on forum. But, if i find any high profile acting in a two faced way, then there is necessity for community to know as it hurts other joyfull players. Understand? Next time dont make unnecessary writign for urself. Dont need an hour to type it, i can destroy keyboard with more than 80 words per minute.
Last edited by nifty (2021-08-15 17:43:54)
Hi Royal Bengal Tiger. Thx for making a forum post.
I think most players dislike me and some might also think I'm a very bad admin, I have no problem with that.
I kicked you because u flew your plane straight into my plane when I was just taking off after repairing far from the axis airfield. I found that super annoying and disruptive, and I didn't care if u you were wanking or your nose was itching. Then u continued over and over to be annoying through the chat, and that's pretty much what happened through my point of view. I never thought u were Darcano and Nameless and neither do I have any ingame issues with either of those players - and why would I think you were any of those?
You are writing: "He keeps boasting lot of things here and preaches bullshit sometimes on forum and being cool only to his friends in forum and game". Can you elaborate this? What bullshit am I preaching and what do u mean with cool to who?
As I wrote some time ago to a a player called Bawan92: "Admins aren't paid workers. When most of us are present on the server we're playing our own game and spending a bit of focus on that. On top of that there might be some radio spammers which causes the text chat to disappear before you manage to read about the problem.
To answer your assertion about some players might be favored: I can only speak on my on behalf here, but yes I favor certain players. Regular players I know and (sort of) trust speak the truth I react rather quickly if I manage to read about their problem. With unfamiliar player names I have absolutely no clue if they speak the truth or just want to troll another player by accusing them of team damage and what not. I can't and won't spend time on researching about the actual problem and I wouldn't like to kick/ban/warn the wrong player - I would say it really helps if several players report the same id/player. You have to take in mind that when the server is full with 72 players and 100% friendly fire there can be quite a lot of reports - epsecially now when a lot of aX players moved over to Simple and have to get used to server rules."
Have a nice day. I hope I won't be on the same team as you if we meet again, Royal Bengal Tiger.
Last edited by LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits (2021-08-15 19:20:28)
I never thought u were Darcano and Nameless and neither do I have any ingame issues with either of those players - and why would I think you were any of those?
Didnt you wrote those names after killing him, indicating that i must be any of them. Then why did you said those names?
Question =
"He keeps boasting lot of things here and preaches bullshit in forum and game". Can you elaborate this? What bullshit am I preaching
for this,
read your words -
Regular players I know and (sort of) trust speak the truth I react rather quickly if I manage to read about their problem. I would say it really helps if several players report the same id/player.
First, you didnt read what the problem is, yo kicked me in anger, for above bullshit you spoke, this is complete opposite.
With unfamiliar player names I have absolutely no clue if they speak the truth or just want to troll another player by accusing them of team damage and what not.
With this dumb mentality, withouut knowing truth you could even ban clean players, just like you blabbered to ban me yesterday. This is actually very annoying for new players, as you not even trying to look after problem but in returning kicking and threatning. You have your own ego issues and you are trying to satisfy it by kicks. This is disruptive to players.
Another question-
"being cool only to his friends in forum and game". Can you elaborate this? What do u mean with cool to who?
again now read your own words,
I can only speak on my on behalf here, but yes I favor certain players.
Now you understand?
I kicked you because u flew your plane straight into my plane when I was just taking off after repairing far from the axis airfield. I found that super annoying and disruptive, and I didn't care if u you were wanking or your nose was itching. Then u continued over and over to be annoying through the chat, and that's pretty much what happened through my point of view.
I said sorry when i crashed into you, but you abuse and kicked me out without reading it? Look, public server is'nt youur personal bedroom, like i threw a stone into your room so that you can sue me. This is public server and you are an admin, you should fucking know wt the problem is, you cant kick/ban of your choice if you get annoyed. Just coz you angry and got annoyed, for an unexpected thing, you did lot of bullshit. So asking you again for reason for kicking is also annoyance? I wonder how simple community gave admin power to such impatient kid. This behavior is not appropriate behavior for admin, because your arrogance and impatience created lots of mess. So, dont think this is your personal bedroom or your uncle's server, if you want to use admin power to satisfy your instant ego by punishing others, then don't be an admin. Such snakes should'nt be an admin.
I called you hypocrrite only after reading your other posts and game behavior, as seen above, there is lots of difference for what you speak here and action you do there at server. No match in your words and your actions, just you are trying to be nice here and what not? Actually this kick is not my problem, but your fake nice being and hypocrism needs to be looked after by community.
Last edited by nifty (2021-08-16 04:14:42)
This will be my last post here since I'm trying to cut down to how much time I can waste here on the forum. But here we go.
1. Yes I did. To Cranberrie not you. Both me and Cranberrie ain't new to the Simple server and it is commonly known that both Darcano and Nameless flystyle is kindda safe/high, searching the sky for enemy planes. On top of that they both are very good at using the team radio. I wrote it after I had been killed by a mustang at low careless altitude for what feld as the 10th time. Writing "Darcano/Nameless mode" means (for me and Cranberrie) "I'm gonna fly more safely/higher".
2. Read your words? Since I won't answer any further to this post of yours It doesn't matter for me to have you explain or give examples to this. If you don't like or agree to what I would say thats subjective, but I don't recall writing "bullshit". Maybe you don't agree to my server suggestions or my latest personal questions to killer88's vendetta to Deeko, but again I don't think it's "preaching bullshit", but whatever.
3. I know what the/your problem is. I kicked you because you played disruptive by flying your plane straight into my plane. I had just been taking of from repairing far from the axis airfield, which to me mean that any player flying into the 109 at that altitude and distance has to be either blind or doing it intentionally. Just like when people mine, zook or taxi around the airfield - it's annoying but doesn't make me angry. Maybe it would help u or any other player doing retarded stuff like this by writing something like "sorry" insantly instead of just "lol/heh".
4. I think all admins here can agree to what I wrote in the full post of what you cut from. Example a regular player like Tes01 who often face disruptive trolls and often is reporting them, I often react instantly. Unknown players I don't know I can't know if they speak the truth or just report "Maj.Merlin" because they wan't "his" b17. Do you understand that? Every player is free to either come here and read the rules, appeal their ban or stop using different fakenicks and then have their player name "known". Again I personally kicked you because to me it feld like you played disruptive. I kicked you again because u came back and filled the chat with your angry spam. Maybe you should apply for admin rights, sounds like you are very devoted to do a great job, and I also see you have +3 likes/believers to your first post here.
5. If you think I'm friends to lets say test01 or other players where I react to their ingame reports then ok, but I am not. Read the above.
6. No? And neither do I think you do lol. Again I think most if not all admins here can agree to my post about "admin reactions". Read the above or let me quickly explain to you again: Yes I react faster or favor lets say "Maj.Merlin", even thou I'm not a fan of him or his obsessive playstyle. Why? Because he is a known and regular player. I just did the same today towards Ferd Grapperhaus, Stuka++ and Dima.
7. I can freely kick any disruptive player(s), and so I did and I would do it any time again, so be carefull. I don't know what "a lot bullshit" or "what a lot of mess" I have done. Through my playtime in the "late years of BF1942" I have been admin on most populated public servers and clan servers - I haven't been the best or most fair admin true and I don't claim to be so, but some had faith, respect and trust in me to grant me rights. I really would advise you to apply for admin rights here on the Simple servers, it sounds like you will be the perfect saint of an admin.
The only thing I regret about this case is how I wasted my time answering your post twice, but well I made and exception.
If you thought I played disruptive, then why did u kick me even without warning me? It's just your frustation. I never got a kick on simple even in year as far as I remember. And dude, asking reason for kick which you done with frustation(masked with disrupt reason) is not spam. You pretty much wrote the same thing as your above post. No, I dont want to be admin. I have been playing here for years. I ain't a new player. Just on big break and hopped in recently. Be careful? for what? you threatning to kick? In that case i ll dedicate my free time and let you know definition of disrupting. Bans cant stop none in this server, only new players can be put hold.
Last edited by nifty (2021-08-17 15:32:03)
Nifty is right , shame on you doubti , Nifty accidentally crashed into you and you kicked him, everything what happened afterwards , doesn't matter , it's a perfect normal human reaction to get angry and ask questions , you couldn't justify your decission and kicked him again, wouldn't you be dissapointed when Nifty was admin and he kicked you for an accidental teamkill , That's admin abuse ................ case closed .Tiered of seeing these cocky players with admin rights and admins c*ck suckers defending them. ik vraag me af welke bijdrage jij bij deze discussie hebt oetlul grapperhousclown , No cocky self righteousness player should be an admin ever " the only thing I regret about this case is how I wasted my time answering your post twice, but well I made and exception." Omg this reply smells like Narcissism . I ve known doubti for a long time, , first he tries to make you his puppy , asking for your email, asking how he can contact you , when you decline him , he turns evil , calling you noob, making fun of you .................... way to go doubti.......... Anyway AX is dead , simple is the only populated server left , but the server owner should be more like Sk and get rid of the scumbag admins , even the ones defending cheats banned on AX , only cause they speak the same language , Nameless once banned me 10 years ago, hopping in and out of aa, when I sniped him he banned me , another admin abuse , way to go nameless , phx henk , I was waiting for a plane , told nifty to get my plane , Henk spawned, third in line , blocked plane spawn, took plane, made funny jokes of my mother who died 8 yeas ago, , no admin worthy comment Henk , schaam jezelf jongen . The roman poët Juvinal ones asked this question Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? "Who's guarding the guards" I'm asking now , who's adminning the admins ............................
....................... NO MORE SIMPLE ADMIN SCUMS PLS
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-09-20 20:41:57)
Could someone summarize what was said in this thread
NO MORE SIMPLE ADMIN SCUMS PLS , That's what it said....... and yes seventy , you've been playing bf for a long time to and what's the reason for your reply, so is your post a mockery and are you supporting admin abuse or do you want to get rid of them, my guess is you 're just looking for some attention , some friends support for a past glory, such a long time ago , looking for an acknowledgement and justification for the many hours you ve lost and waisted on bf like the most of us .. Funny how you've got triggered doing the same i've just blamed others doing so , you tell me seventy, who's adminning the admins ..........
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-09-20 21:21:20)
NO MORE SIMPLE ADMIN SCUMS PLS , That's what it said....... and yes seventy , you've been playing bf for a long time to and what's the reason for your reply, so is your post a mockery and are you supporting admin abuse or do you want to get rid of them, my guess is you 're just looking for some attention , some friends support for a past glory, such a long time ago , looking for an acknowledgement and justification for the many hours you ve lost and waisted on bf like the most of us .. Funny how you've got triggered doing the same i've just blamed others doing so , you tell me seventy, who's adminning the admins ..........
Apologies for the mockery. There is a lot of text in this thread without any structure, so it's hard to read. Yes, I am against admin abuse. Most of the time it's difficult to say who is telling the truth in these threads. Everyone is washing their hands in innocence. Judging by the threads that have piled up against certain admins, I am sure everything that goes on here cannot be all Kosher.
But there is little that can be done here, unfortunately. Yes, you are asking the right question: Who is adminning the admins? I guess no one. It's some sort of Wild West mentality here. I haven't really been playing in a long time, so maybe that's why it's easy for me to say. Then what can we do? I guess we can only stop playing this game and enjoy other stuff in life.
Glitchers, cheaters, trolls, almost never any admins on... aX deserved to die.
Simple is far from perfect but easily better than aX, that's why it prevailed.
Ehm Angeleyes are you on drugs or just seriously mad about something that ends up at my place? I kicked this guy because hew flew delib into my plane (at least how I saw it - just a kick) then he came back and flamed (imo.). But I have already explained this and wasted my time on this (oh I said it again).
And btw., liar, I have never ever send a BF42 related email nor had any conversation related to bf through my email account. All my communication went through bf-league pm's, xfire, discord or other bf42 forums. I barely know you other than the one always flying mustang. I believe the aX server is still running so please go there with your grudge and leave false information about me out of here. Good day.
Could someone summarize what was said in this thread
-Bad admin
-bad player
-bla bla bla
-bla bla bla
The only thing I regret about this case is how I wasted my time answering your post Doubti . ........... You've never sent me an email, you ve asked for my email , not all maps have mustangs and why would a guy delib fly into you , so he can waste his time waiting for another plane to spawn?...... Are you the one who decides who has to play where ? do you own simple , Much respect for Seventy, I misinterpreted your post , sorry Seventy. Your narcismn is showing up again Doubti , making fun of others, like you are used to do with the rest of your Australis gang or whatever you call it , thinking you are the perfect one, justifying yourself , blaming others, just google narcissism behaviour............. and than read your posts again, I hope I 've helped you solving your personnal problems and make the world around you much easier and a better place for your beloved ones .. ................ So who's adminning the admins ,I ask again , you tell me Mourits ................ Have a nice day, admin abuse , case closed............
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-09-22 22:27:19)
"case close" lol. This case has been closed for quite while and you decided to on your own to fire it up, mr. unknown random liar, who come here to play psychologist. As I said I don't even know you other than you being the one flying mustangs.
Please leave me alone and while you do that, you can ask yourself why trolls, retards and idiots behave as they do, teamkilling, crashing vehicles, stealing vehicles and so on - you should know as the psychologist you are. And while you think about that me and my "Asstralis" clanmates will go and and make fun of and bully others, you freaking mad angry weirdo.
- Ah yes I forgot: Tuia and Nameless and all the other admins are dealing with the admins - we have a closed site on the forum where we talk about stuff. Tuia is ofc. afk, and Nameless is the solo head admin. And no I'm no the one to decide where people play, but if people act against the rules I will kick/ban/sometimes warn them. If they don't like that they are free to play with you on aX where there ain't any rules. Have fun.
Ps: Please apply for admin rights, you will 100% be the perfect example.
you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol
you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol Omg and yes , you 're right , I have a degree in psychology , so stop embarrissing yourself before I make a complete fool out of you ...................., Kr Angeleyes aka Mr unknown, aka Devilseyes ................... aka the mustang pilot........... trying to get tula and nameless to back you up by quoting them, .................. another shame on you mOURITS....................Like I've said, Admin abuse , case closed on AX
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-09-24 22:45:54)
you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol
Yeah I'm not sure where you get these numbers but there's no way 800 people were playing BF1942 one year ago -.-
Lol, Adios Bf1942 , I like your nick, not going to argue with you, not going to mention Kung flew, , not even mentioning the people forced working at home playing bf1942 again ,bftracker will show you who's right ......................
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-09-24 23:12:37)
Angeleyes wrote:you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol
Yeah I'm not sure where you get these numbers but there's no way 800 people were playing BF1942 one year ago -.-
Really depends on the scale. If you make it per day then it might very well still be 800 people playing at least during the weekends. It's not the same 70-80 players that play all day with the exception of some special players.
Black Mamba wrote:Angeleyes wrote:you still don't get it Mouritz, don't show your weakness by getting triggered cause someone pointed out you 've made a wrong decession you can't justify , this isn't about you , this isn't about Nifty , this isn't about me. This morning , Central European time, 8: 00 am , only 47 people were playing bf1942. One year ago , almost 800. Bf1942 is dying , we should all stick together to keep bf1942 alive and have fun .............. hope to c u on AX lol
Yeah I'm not sure where you get these numbers but there's no way 800 people were playing BF1942 one year ago -.-
Really depends on the scale. If you make it per day then it might very well still be 800 people playing at least during the weekends. It's not the same 70-80 players that play all day with the exception of some special players.
I'm talking about the total number of players in the Internet menu at any given moment, there's no way it's 800, at most I would say in the 350-400 range on Sundays, but no more than that.
, I have a degree in psychology
Just for curiosity, this is from Saturday 9:00 PM data from gametracker … order=DESC
So who made this idiot Phx Henk an admin? He's not acting like one, he's only being an admin for himself like that cheat aimbot was on Ax . When you re waiting for a plane this Dutch cheesehead blocks the plane spawn. When you move to another plane spawn spot he follows you and blocks it again, hate myself for not recording it, so once again, who's admitting the admins Any normal guy would just have put a fucking bullet through his head but he's an admin and all the admins on this infested forum support eachother cause they love the power they have. Bf1942 is dieing, anyway I am wondering, , does any admin wants to stand up, have the balls , act righteous and ban these power abusing fake admins .... guess not , so if any of you idiots want to respond ............... don't waste my time, all I want is the guy who owns this server to tell me why this server has a history of admin power abuse .................... kr Angeleyes
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-11-27 21:51:44)
Anyway I 've got some nice vids of some admins, one of them starts with a J, another with a K. You can clearly c , all bullets hit the same spot in the wall , no spread, no recoil , good job simple ,fucking admin power abusing cheat infested server . Ax forever so Fuck you Neverland chugging graizer, fish , erie , preacher , skoal , jedie, ironman and the rest for being a fucking sellout and following the numbers
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-11-27 22:18:25)
First change the way you ask help from admins.
Second put proof of what you complain about and who.
Third dont put all admins in the same bag, maybe one of them whould help you ?
Fourth You have 7 posts in here. … er_id=3106
All in the abuse section ?? I wonder if it for the right reason ?
Last edited by Dakota (2021-11-27 22:18:04)
I' m not looking for admins help , I' m just telling what most of these sheep playing bf are afraid to say. Like I ve said , if you 're not the owner of this server, stop wasting my time
In my opinion, if you respond to my post you 're just an admin cocksucking retard looking for some power , waisting my time, I don't need any reply from you cocksuckers . I want the real simple owner to answer
Last edited by Angeleyes (2021-11-27 22:35:04)
Hmm, ... harsh words.