#1 Re: Report Abuse » Kicked 3-4 times without a reason » 2016-08-24 17:00:00

Also, in the past at least, it would tell you if you were booted out for what reason. (Like the player who got booted it when then say "Kicked for high ping" etc.) I don't think that it does that anymore. It just says "Kicked from server" but it obviously displays in the yellow text on the screen in game.

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Kicked 3-4 times without a reason » 2016-08-24 08:00:55

you can't just !kick you have to have a reason before you kick i.e. !kname, !kdis etc.

#3 Re: Report Abuse » Rules » 2016-08-16 07:18:49

If you and i were dog fighting Chief and you flew back over your main, bailed out, and hopped into another plane and took off, I'd totally loop back and shoot your butt down. Its totally fair game because we were dog fighting before and you just happened to jump into a new vehicle.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » It violates rule do you defend yourself? » 2016-08-13 16:03:50

Yeah the kursk round was particularly filled with people who were disrupting. As for the second video if you were kicked it may very well have been a mistake. Overall though you should not worry Shokaku. Keep playing the way you are and you have nothing to worry about.

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » It violates rule do you defend yourself? » 2016-08-13 08:11:34

BoS wrote:

That is all he is asking Marco, I'm guessing here, why am i getting kicked when i tried to defend myself from MG firing from main base.  knowing that rule of not attacking main base yet someone within main base is using the MG to down planes or shoot inf.  I vouch for JPN, pretty much rule abide .

Yes if someone is in the main in tank, apc, flak etc and shooting at him he has the right to go in and kill that target. I agree 100% with that. But I never kicked him nor warned him today. He was perfectly fine. LEO and i were dealing with other players misbehaving. Not JPN. I've played with JPN a bunch recently and hes always been a good player.

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » It violates rule do you defend yourself? » 2016-08-12 18:29:24

Sorry i dont understand. Are you asking if it is allowed to bomb inside a main base if someone from inside the main base is shooting you?

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » It violates rule do you defend yourself? » 2016-08-12 18:12:11

I dont quite understand what you're asking. Are you unhappy about the death bubble around the main bases that take health away from vehicles?

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I just got banned in the USA server » 2016-08-03 17:59:57

We warn (at least I do) every map for teamstacking because people are always doing it. If it becomes egregious I kick for it. Just don't do it Limmy.

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Evilbunk » 2016-07-14 06:20:17

Server kicked you earlier for lang when you were playing iwo the same time i was. Keep it clean in there.

#11 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban » 2016-02-21 21:15:01

you're unbanned and i Pmed you.

#12 Re: Off-Topic » American Football Game of the week » 2015-12-14 05:13:58

Glad to see Dallas got whacked today.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » kicked from server » 2015-12-11 22:22:57

Yes i understand, but thats technically a glitch. You can shoot out of the barrels but people can shoot you back unless you someone jumps on top of the barrels and shoots down at the guy in them, which is how i killed you. If you want your permanent ban removed you can ask, but thats the decision of higher up admins, not me sadly.

#14 Re: Server Ban Appeals » kicked from server » 2015-12-11 21:12:27

People to my recollection were complaining about the situation.

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » kicked from server » 2015-12-11 21:10:04

The map was was el alamein, you were glitching in the south flag inside the barrels making it impossible to cap the flag, so i flew in bailed out, saw you in the barrels, killed you and then banned you for glitching. I didnt have time to take a Screen shot, but thats why i banned you.

#16 Re: Report Abuse » Remove adming rights from Nameless » 2015-12-02 04:52:04

PitViper wrote:

Ban him forever...go over to his house and smash his computer and chop off all his fingers.

Mohammad would.

rofl hahahhaha

#17 Re: Report Abuse » BFSoldier » 2015-11-19 23:02:49

The issue with the BFSoldier name is that its the default name for origin, while for the CD based game, its Player ( or the variations of that in their respective languages, Giocatore, Jouer, Spieler etc.)

#18 Re: Off-Topic » Multiple Casualties in Paris » 2015-11-14 02:21:55

really terrible. Most probably isis. Attacks were all coordinated. Bombing of syria will probably severely ramp up now along with Special operations.

#19 Re: Server Ban Appeals » baned?why? » 2015-10-22 18:02:26

Maxwell wrote:
PitViper wrote:

Obviously you still are having issues with English.  I don't remember saying anything about glitching.

but  Catpain_Blackadder  told me  I was baned for  glitching.

he was mistaken it seems like, Maxwell.

#20 Re: Report Abuse » Need assistance with perceived abuse » 2015-09-28 03:38:00

valento wrote:

Do you srsly kick ppl when they are afk even if the server isnt full? If yea, why? Dont get me wrong but i never saw the us server full at anytime. But mby im wrong.

It does get full sometimes Vale. Also with the bots in the server, sometimes if people are AFK it throws off the autoteam-balance so its necessary to kick AFKs at times.

#21 Re: Off-Topic » Post your fridge / daily / favourite foods » 2015-09-25 07:20:12

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:

slow day..didn't feel much like eating....

Brk: quinoa/blueberry oat waffle with duck egg and French butter, French press south American dark shade grown fair trade (like my coffee)
Lun: Asian salad, carbonated water
Din: wild salmon, spaghetti squash, orzo pasta, iced tea

add: Organic to all above..... squash and duck eggs from the garden...

you have ducks that lay eggs? big_smile

#22 Re: Report Abuse » SgtBilko » 2015-09-23 17:14:36

i've kicked him before.

#23 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I´m banned? » 2015-09-21 21:48:37

no worries glad its sorted out

#24 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I´m banned? » 2015-09-20 23:53:05

sven shouldnt be banned. He's a long time player and a good player!

#25 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned from Simple USA » 2015-08-21 08:08:15

nämeless wrote:
Qlimax wrote:

Hahaha, this is almost more funny than the Moon/Timmos case in the European section xD
I just read the "jazzy" story.. HILARIOUS! big_smile

Europeans sucks, they are too polite and too sensitive. When Yankees are really ready to take business into their hands, it's much more interesting because if worst comes to worst, they always can shoot each other. I bet those two roughnecks already fingering triggers of their firearms every time they leaving comments in this thread.

Roughnecks or Rednecks, Nameless?

#26 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned from Simple USA » 2015-08-18 07:37:05

Lol i cant believe jazzy and twigs were banned. Oh well glad you're both unbanned. Love you Jazzy <3 smile

#27 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2014-11-11 18:46:49

George wrote:

yes, marco , m10 owns big_smile

M10 is beast big_smile

#28 Re: Off-Topic » football team of my town... » 2014-11-11 18:45:54

they play another NFL team sunshine. Dallas just played Jacksonville.

#29 Re: Off-Topic » football team of my town... » 2014-11-11 10:34:40

the NFL has this thing where they have an "international series" they played 3 games in london this season. 3 more next year also but maybe more.

#30 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2014-11-11 10:31:41

terrible george. I suggest you die less.

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