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ban a good player for this? lol
what's going on with this server?
I often see k88 and ooo on the server, but I have never seen any provocations on the part of the k88. Except for the issue of rq. But ooo has created himself the image of a touchy boy who is not able to survive defeat in the battle for gold.
Doesnt take much for grown men to come snd say sorry I made a mistake, but my expectations werent high snyway.
Did you apologize to 000 for teamkilling him? No you didn't, and instead you insulted him so don't talk about apologies please, especially after you went with flamewar on head admins instead of appealing your ban in a civil and polite way. You also didn't give us any reason to think that it was an incident because your attitude and deep hate towards 000 in your posts prove the contrary even a part from the video.
And the video proves that I made no mistake, your turn into 000's plane is obvious from the minimap. By the way, do you imagine how long 000's ban would be if he did the same to you? Like I said this bullying has to stop from both sides and we are ready to take measures if it doesn't.
Ye, looks like you are ready to make even more ....., gratulations, go ahead.
You havent made any mistake by video, thats why so many regulars and even admins came in to say that was accident and you screwed this. You never fly, so your judgement cant ever be rational in this case where title of vid. make people fool.
What measure did you take against his shit Kevin just posted, nothing right ? Just because Im quite about it in public and dont come to cry here in forum or to you personally like he does, doesnt mean its not happening.
Doubti, Kevin, others speoke about couple of occasions, this dude has been doing this shit and much worse horseshit against me for the last 3+ years almost each day and even if he does not speak much in chat does not mean he hasnt been doing so much awfulness, I just dont speak and dont cry about it, I can live with that. You are completely blind or dont care. Everybody knows when I play and give some effort to win a rnd, this guy leaves, mostly for 4+ years.. imagine how much rage he has to have after all he's ever shown. Maybe a year ago I told it henk or anyone. Apart from all the shit he's been doing on server against me for such long period of time, hes proven thousands of times things people mentioned here, hes only here to be disruptive, hes only here to upset people etc etc, he does not enjoy himself being kind with us, what has he brought or done posivite for this community? nothing, only negative energy etc.
About my none-appeal - this is no flamewar with headadmins, just pointed out about the problem you have created lately and decisions like this wont give you any favours, but do what you want, you are the boss if you think you do things right, then be it. I could not care less if im banned or not, you turned this completely upside down, my motivation to help went from 110% to 0. I'll gladly spend my energy and bit of free time i got left since October on much more worthy things. You can close this topic now.
Last edited by KILLER88 (2022-05-28 10:33:02)
in BF42 the one who moves faster gets the tk, not 50/50.
Head admin is a hard job, they cant please everyone its impossible. Paul and RaketenHorst do their best for the majority. No need to be arrogant with them.
You 2 should always be in opposite side when you play, no more tks and you can kill each others indefinitely.
I think these two love each other. And we all love to see them fighting, hating each other. Don't you agree?
But the topic is not about the relationship between them, it is about a teamkill, if it is deliberate or not.
If this thing had happened on land or even at sea i would definitely can tell who is right who is wrong. But it happens on air and i don't know sh*t about planes. Therefore TKer88 has a point here. If one does not fly that much, his judgement can't be rational. Me, for example, I see a delib crash in that video. But... Not rational. And why the hell SBD88 would do that kind of a stupid tk like a mad kid? No way.
So... If i were a judge, i would select three best of the best pilots as a jury and ask their opinion about that video. That would be objective and fair. Ofc this not gonna happen.
Anyway. KILLER88 is a real precious player here. It's obvious that you head admin guys will not give his admin powers back but just do not demotivate our friend for sh*t. Please!
And by the way, you go find some new admins! Especially for late night hours. I played all the night yesterday and there were no admins for 5+ hours. Wtf?
I dont get it, if he just wanted to tk the dude, he could have done it much easier with planeguns or whatever
Don't forget the quote: “People see what they want to see and what people want to see never has anything to do with the truth.”
So it'll be 3 days tomorrow morning since Kevin's catch. What actions have our head admins made? Actually looks like nothing was done and nobody cares as Bfsoldier1 keeps playing, but after he fake nicknamed and uploaded video it didnt take more than 2 hours to wrongly ban me.
Do not get me wrong, even after all, Hillbilly was shortly in charge and made probably one of few things right, he made a poll if toxic 000 should be perm banned or not in admins section - my vote was NO, he should not be banned .
The more you look at it and actions head admins do, the more it shows serious problems Simple is having...Ofc its not easy job to do and you wont please everyone, no doubt, but its not that hard to set your priorities first and do the most easy decisions right.
Last edited by KILLER88 (2022-05-29 13:22:09)
000 was banned for a month, even after that Me and Paul had lots of discussion about it if 000 has changed or not
for Kevin's video there are some things to be considered, before 000 bails , its his opponent that bails into flags so 000 bails and kills test01, so he saves his teamflags
but there are his usuall lame movments, he suicides, he disconnects and reconnects with new name and he targets a special players ( how ever many do it vs Merlin for example or test01 artilary and ...), if we want to ban someone we look at rules, the rules didnt specified these things, bailing into flags to kill a bailer is forbidden?
if admins consider these movments as a forbidden rules then fine, 000 will be banned for breaking those rules, its like Bugging discussion
Report Abuse player topic and PM is open for all, bring any videos or pics if someone has of 000 or any other player breaking rules and it will be discussed
000 was banned for a month, even after that Me and Paul had lots of discussion about it if 000 has changed or not
for Kevin's video there are some things to be considered, before 000 bails , its his opponent that bails into flags so 000 bails and kills test01, so he saves his teamflags
but there are his usuall lame movments, he suicides, he disconnects and reconnects with new name and he targets a special players ( how ever many do it vs Merlin for example or test01 artilary and ...), if we want to ban someone we look at rules, the rules didnt specified these things, bailing into flags to kill a bailer is forbidden?
if admins consider these movments as a forbidden rules then fine, 000 will be banned for breaking those rules, its like Bugging discussion
Report Abuse player topic and PM is open for all, bring any videos or pics if someone has of 000 or any other player breaking rules and it will be discussed
to be precise test is just bailing to get flags as he usually does for his team. what 000 is doing is targeting him exclusively hence the suicide and then repeats the same thing without stop. keep in mind hes been doing that for the past 2-3 months or so and i just happened to record 20 min of one round. if i had recorded every single time he does that kind of disrupting + to other players i'd would probably have a 4 hour compilation. as too 000, he's just a retard and a mental case like merlin so i wouldn't put much hope on him changing. also hilarious he posts a picture of people trolling him when he does the same ingame and that's why people have a problem with him to begin with. just pull a log chat of everything he says and also his name changing at the end to troll opponents such as "king inf" when everyone knows hes just a camping queen.
I don't get the big problem with 000. If you think he is focusing you can do the same, you can try and get on the nerves of these kind of noobs.
you're doing the same kind of retarded stuff a.k.a *can't kill someone from behind and dogfight starts = disconnect*. That's just hilarious, and add to that you're probably using someone from the opposite team to get the location of the player you target. I guess nameless was right about at least one thing.
Darcano wrote:I don't get the big problem with 000. If you think he is focusing you can do the same, you can try and get on the nerves of these kind of noobs.
you're doing the same kind of retarded stuff a.k.a *can't kill someone from behind and dogfight starts = disconnect*. That's just hilarious, and add to that you're probably using someone from the opposite team to get the location of the player you target. I guess nameless was right about at least one thing.
I have my reasons to disconnect and the people that played with me knows them, don't care what you think.
And thanks for the compliment I guess.
theres no catch ... i was not caught .... theres nothing to hide
i wasnt disrupting in any way. i did that openly and ive done it for hundreds of hours. that clip was a treat, full of smacktime
- targeting individuals has been allowed for years ... almost everybody does it
- suiciding has been allowed for years ... its very common
- disconnecting / reconnecting has been allowed for years ... its normal to do
- fakenicking / alternate nametags ..... are allowed
- bombing / shooting / knifing / humping / teabagging dead players has been allowed from 2012 to 2022 ... its also quite common
what i did was allowed, as i see it
loosen up ..... simple is not bf-league or a nursery home. as usual, some are applying clanwar /all kinds of bizarre rules to simple
playing here is supposed to be entertaining, and 50% of the simple population in 2022 have so low skill that they kindof misuse vehicles anyway, driving / flying / sailing around, doing almost nothing, getting low kill rates and making too many clumsy accidental teamkills. they seem be allowed to do almost anything
but i guess many conformists are too emotional, want to restrict creative gameplay, and would like to declare new and special rules for high-profile players
Those things arent rules in bf-league. Maybe the fakenicking part, but its not a rule its just common courtesy to reveal your identity when you play in a clanwar. Some ppl in here have the wildest ideas of the league
playing here is supposed to be entertaining, and 50% of the simple population in 2022 have so low skill that they kindof misuse vehicles anyway, driving / flying / sailing around, doing almost nothing, getting low kill rates and making too many clumsy accidental teamkills. they seem be allowed to do almost anything
That's how it is. At this point the fight for all game mode would work well and no flags, just everyone killing everyone and doing what they want.
Cause when the m10s on aberdeen or planes on iwo get wasted by happy noobs and thanks to that your team takes it up the tailpipe then nobody has the motivation to fight out of that situation these days, simply disconnect, change teams or start fukin around will happen.
This is also why it's better when players with a bit of skill and motivation are #0 or #1 and have the chance to use the best equipment, kicking for that is dumb
Last edited by simon (2022-05-30 12:02:40)
Definitely not provable that that was an intentional TK from the vid. Probably best for everyone to move on from this.
If you want to crash, turn along the trajectory (1), if not, then along (2).
Obviously, here the bfsoldier framed Killer and provoked this teamkill. This is his trick, to spin the plane in such a way that it crashes into the pursuer. Only usually he tries to do this with the enemy, but then he did it with a teammate. The motive for this is so that the Killer does not score frags at the beginning of the round and provoke him to a teamkill.
He did similar tricks several times with me and with other players, the planes crashed on takeoff, all so that the other pilot did not fill frags, then he might not get gold.
If he saw that a plane was flying behind him, he should have turned around along the normal trajectory, but he turned around along the minimum trajectory and returned to almost the same place from where he started to turn around and left no maneuver for the other plane, and the other also wanted to turn around. And those who can fly know this.
Just watch his turn from 1:32 and everything will become clear.
lets look at the underlying root reasons why BFSoldier 3 / Test01 suddenly made these three posts today, where he attacks me with false accusations
BFSoldier 3 / Test01 is frustrated because i get too many gold medals. gold medals that usually belong to test01. test01 is also frustrated because i kill him too much
those are the reasons
Obviously, here the bfsoldier framed Killer and provoked this teamkill
not true
The motive for this is so that the Killer does not score frags at the beginning of the round and provoke him to a teamkill
not true
He did similar tricks several times with me and with other players
no i did not
It is never you right?
Is that why you are 'KING BAN APPEAL " then?
Or does that have justified reasons somehow too?
Or those pics and vids Alfred posted recently?
Not true I suppose?
Or that time you renamed yurseld to "Zoidy_is_a_c***"?
Must have been my imagination and "Not true" also!
Yur a sad manipulative person and a constant liar for the sake of self glory and virtual gold medals....
We were promised change recently but I haven't noticed much of that so far....
Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-06-11 00:34:21)
If he saw that a plane was flying behind him, he should have turned around along the normal trajectory, but he turned around along the minimum trajectory and returned to almost the same place from where he started to turn around
Easy to disprove this claim when you follow their paths on the minimap.
K88 had a direct view of 000 throughout the turn (not true the other way around) and for some reason decided to place himself into the path of danger. If anyone is at fault it's him. Accident seems unlikely.
BFSoldier3 wrote:If he saw that a plane was flying behind him, he should have turned around along the normal trajectory, but he turned around along the minimum trajectory and returned to almost the same place from where he started to turn around
Easy to disprove this claim when you follow their paths on the minimap.
K88 had a direct view of 000 throughout the turn (not true the other way around) and for some reason decided to place himself into the path of danger. If anyone is at fault it's him. Accident seems unlikely.
Thank you for posting this. Can you stop attacking mainbase right now in Gazala please? Otherwise this whole post is a bit hypocrite isnt it?
Last edited by Ferd Grapperhaus (2022-06-11 10:10:05)
Thank you for posting this. Can you stop attacking mainbase right now in Gazala please? Otherwise this whole post is a bit hypocrite isnt it?
I did attack your main twice, during a round where we were being consistently mainbased by your team.
Not saying it's right, but I'm not going to deny.
Regardless, where's the hypocrisy? I didn't make any personal claims or say I've never broken a rule, etc.
Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:Thank you for posting this. Can you stop attacking mainbase right now in Gazala please? Otherwise this whole post is a bit hypocrite isnt it?
I did attack your main twice, during a round where we were being consistently mainbased by your team.
Not saying it's right, but I'm not going to deny.Regardless, where's the hypocrisy? I didn't make any personal claims or say I've never broken a rule, etc.
Thank you! I was just saying, because I also saw you teamkilling the same guy twice in a minute or so. It just did not feel right after the above post of yours.
Thank you! I was just saying, because I also saw you teamkilling the same guy twice in a minute or so. It just did not feel right after the above post of yours.
Ah, yes. Since you're announcing it, I'll explain. In the absence of an admin, player "Hitler" had to be "dealt with" in order to stop him from sfv/destroying every plane that was taking off. He was eventually kicked. Again, I'm not a golden saint and I didn't want to talk about myself in this thread. Sometimes certain measures are necessary even though the admins could never publicly admit it.
Doesn't change the evidence in this thread which, imo, is clear to suggest intentional crash by K88. Accident remains weakly possible. I only posted when 000 started getting accused of a frame job, which doesn't seem likely based on the video.
Goddamn those are some cool graphics you made there Ackman .... thumbs up for both the technical aspect and the conclusion
Feels like this teamkill will be debated for years, just like the JFK assasination ....
BFSoldier3 wrote:If he saw that a plane was flying behind him, he should have turned around along the normal trajectory, but he turned around along the minimum trajectory and returned to almost the same place from where he started to turn around
Easy to disprove this claim when you follow their paths on the minimap.
K88 had a direct view of 000 throughout the turn (not true the other way around) and for some reason decided to place himself into the path of danger. If anyone is at fault it's him. Accident seems unlikely.
Easy to disprove your claim. 1. Bfsoldier did not leave space for another plane to maneuver. 2. Any other player would have turned around in a normal trajectory. 3. He constantly tries to spin the plane so that the pursuer will crash into him.