#1 2016-12-08 21:44:02

janet reno (TX)
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WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Be advised the SR Administrator Pit Viper has resorted to allowing cheaters to play on this server to maintain population. Not long ago Tuia allowed Pit Viper to coop the Simple USA server “for the good of the game” and it is now known as Social Rejects USA.

The administrator Pit Viper lifted the Permanent Ban of the confessed cheater Icebags in an apparent scheme to boost the servers lagging population by allowing cheating.


       i meant rejects.. i dont play there anymore so im not going to go back and forth with cheatbags. anyone with a brain knows hes a cheater so why bother anyhow..you guys still let him play/cheating..so i play on moon now. watch rejects number drop as he plays..they already are.
By rought1 | Yesterday 10:47 AM

       It says nothing because this is the Rejects server and is not associated with simple. Practice more and then you can be proud to stand behind your real in-game name. Good luck.,
By srs-pitviper | Yesterday 3:11 AM

       either way the server will loose. he will chase away players or DDOS if banned . he has you simple by the balls..
By rought1 | Dec 06, 2016 10:02 PM

       maybe I wasn't clear.. hes a known cheater and always has been . he makes it obvious.. there is no question hes cheating,, yet server allows it.. what does that say for simple? are they afraid hes going to DDOS the server again.. don't back down from him. he a piece of shit!
By rought1 | Dec 06, 2016 9:54 PM

       It's the number 1 server in the USA for a reason. Practice more...I and others have no problems against him.
By srs-pitviper | Dec 06, 2016 9:45 PM

As you can see the Administrator, Pit Viper condones cheating. So play on Rejects at your own risk.


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#2 2016-12-08 22:59:45

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

my estimate is that 10 % of the players on simple fra, ax, mg etc. cheat, so nothing groundbreaking about your writings


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#3 2016-12-09 00:21:38

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

LOOOL Icebags was actually hacking? ahahahahahagxdff..


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#4 2016-12-09 07:18:59

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters


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#5 2016-12-09 07:20:58

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Janet you are such a homo, have another drink.


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#6 2016-12-09 08:37:21

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters


Thank you for posting the link to that memorable thread where our resident hacker Icefags confessed to his cheating.  He is always good for a laugh.

It appears I have exposed the SR's desperation to maintaining their dying server. It's over when you have to allow cheaters on the server.  Another sign of their desperation is Pit viper unbanned Finn Balor, a game troll, without prejudice.

Now SR is resorting to allowing flaming trolls as well as hackers on their server to pad their dwindling player base. How sad, after co-opting the Simple USA server they are reduced to harboring undesirables in a desperate attempt to keep their numbers up.


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#7 2016-12-09 10:18:42

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

ahaha...you really need to cut back on the alcohol man.


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#8 2016-12-09 10:46:06

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Oh my, I feel your pain guys! On top of this important discovery I have to drop a bomb! Not to put you down but this isn´t the only problem we face. But let us try to solve one at a time,ok?
Here goes:

Following Earth's last ice age, which peaked 20,000 years ago, the Antarctic warmed between two and three times the average temperature increase worldwide, according to a new study by a team of American geophysicists.

The disparity -- Antarctica warmed about 11 degrees Celsius, nearly 20 degrees Fahrenheit, between about 20,000 and 10,000 years ago, while the average temperature worldwide rose only about 4 degrees Celsius, or 7 degrees Fahrenheit -- highlights the fact that the poles, both the Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south, amplify the effects of a changing climate, whether it gets warmer or cooler.

The calculations are in line with estimates from most climate models, proving that these models do a good job of estimating past climatic conditions and, very likely, future conditions in an era of climate change and global warming.

"The result is not a surprise, but if you look at the global climate models that have been used to analyze what the planet looked like 20,000 years ago -- the same models used to predict global warming in the future -- they are doing, on average, a very good job reproducing how cold it was in Antarctica," said first author Kurt Cuffey, a glaciologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and professor of geography and of earth and planetary sciences. "That is noteworthy and a confirmation that we know how the system works."

These models currently predict that as a result of today's global climate change, Antarctica will warm twice as much as the rest of the planet, though it won't reach its peak for a couple of hundred years. While the most likely climate change scenario, given business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions, is a global average increase of 3 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100, the Antarctic is predicted to warm eventually by around 6 degrees Celsius (10 degrees Fahrenheit).

The new results, which are the first good calculation of Antarctica's ice age temperature and the amount of warming since, do rule out a couple of climate models that do not include enough feedback to accurately reproduce the amplified temperature in the polar regions, Cuffey said.

Cuffey and his colleagues, including Gary Clow of the U.S. Geological Survey in Lakewood, Colorado, published their results online last week in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Deglaciation in Antarctica

The analysis is based on the fact that as the world warmed following the coldest part of the last ice age 20,000 years ago, the ice deep inside the Antarctic glaciers warmed more slowly than Earth's surface, just as a frozen turkey put into a hot oven will still be cold inside even after the surface has reached oven temperature. By measuring the remaining difference -- the 20,000-year old ice deep in the West Antarctic ice sheet is about 1 degree Celsius cooler than the surface -- the scientists were able to estimate the original temperature based on how fast pure ice warms up.

Clow measured twice, once in 2011 and again in 2014, the temperature in a 3.4-kilometer-deep (2-mile-deep) borehole from which the West Antarctic Sheet Divide ice core had been drilled during an eight-year project that ended in 2011. Ice at the bottom of the borehole was deposited about 70,000 years ago; ice about one-sixth of the way up about 50,000 years ago; and ice about one-third of the way to the surface 20,000 years ago.

Cuffey developed a technique to combine these temperature measurements, which are smoothed as a result of heat diffusion in the ice, with isotopic measurements of old ice to come up with an estimated temperature of 11.3 degrees, plus or minus 1.8 degrees Celsius, warming since the depths of the ice age.

Interestingly, the Antarctic temperature increased much more rapidly than did Arctic temperatures after the glacial maximum. By 15,000 years ago, Antarctica had warmed to about 75 percent of its temperature today. The Arctic took another 3,000-4,000 years to warm this much, primarily because of the fact that the Northern Hemisphere had huge ice sheets to buffer warming, and the fact that changes in ocean currents and Earth's orbital configuration accelerated warming in the south.

Antarctica was also more sensitive to global carbon dioxide levels, Cuffey said, which increased as the global temperature increased because of changing ocean currents that caused upwelling of carbon-dioxide-rich waters from the depths of the ocean.

The situation today, with global warming driven primarily by human emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, is different from natural cycles, he said. The ability of the oceans to take up carbon dioxide cannot keep up with the rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which means carbon dioxide and global temperatures will continue to increase unless humans cut their carbon dioxide emissions.



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#9 2016-12-09 10:51:45

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

janet reno (TX) wrote:


Thank you for posting the link to that memorable thread where our resident hacker Icefags confessed to his cheating.  He is always good for a laugh.

It appears I have exposed the SR's desperation to maintaining their dying server. It's over when you have to allow cheaters on the server.  Another sign of their desperation is Pit viper unbanned Finn Balor, a game troll, without prejudice.

Now SR is resorting to allowing flaming trolls as well as hackers on their server to pad their dwindling player base. How sad, after co-opting the Simple USA server they are reduced to harboring undesirables in a desperate attempt to keep their numbers up.

Hey Janet - you forgot the bit about allowing a player to openly insult one of the admin team on the rejects forum and Pit letting them get away with it without any recourse.


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#10 2016-12-09 10:54:32

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Don't worry Pete it will all be fine .....Trump does not believe any of that so nothing to worry about smile


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#11 2016-12-09 13:18:27

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Thanks BB. Pop the champagne and dance the weekend away!

Last edited by PanicModePete (2016-12-09 13:21:21)


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#12 2016-12-09 13:40:10

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

I can't wait for the weekend to begin



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#13 2016-12-09 16:26:45

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Pit viper,

No matter how much you try to deflect from the issue at hand, you allow trolls and cheaters to play on your server. SR is in a death spiral.


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#14 2016-12-09 18:50:05

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

tuia wrote:

I can't wait for the weekend to begin


that michael gray dude would double as a pretty sexy chick


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#15 2016-12-10 02:59:26

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

I don't answer drunken retards.

Tuia ship that babe this way.


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#16 2016-12-10 07:24:50

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Pit Viper

you are an idiot. Call me a homo, the baby you want tuia to send your way is a tranny just like you. The difference between you and I is I can sober up after a bottle of tequila, you however will always be a retard.

Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2016-12-10 07:25:37)


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#17 2016-12-10 11:09:39

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

tuia wrote:

I can't wait for the weekend to begin


Send ALL of 'em. tongue


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#18 2016-12-11 05:07:45

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

what is wrong with you people?


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#19 2016-12-11 09:11:24

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Picture an old fat dude sitting around drinking, watching porn and trying to think of a way to matter in-between dry ejacks.


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#20 2016-12-11 10:33:10

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Ok yeah got that ...............what about Janet?


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#21 2016-12-11 21:01:15

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Pit viper,

Your inability to rebut lends proof of my accusation you are desporate to maintain your server numbers by allowing cheaters and trolls play on your server.


Pit viper is a tranny loving homo according to his posts.


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#22 2016-12-11 22:28:09

gay 4 pay just today
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

dude allows cheaters on his server yea, but there aint nothin wrong with being a tranny loving homo.


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#23 2016-12-12 00:56:32

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Hello Col.HT,

I was pointing out his sexual preferences pit viper has posted on this thread. I don't care if he has suitcase handle ears and a no drip lip. He is still harboring cheaters and trolls to keep his server population up.


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#24 2016-12-12 01:20:29

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

coL.HT wrote:

dude allows cheaters on his server yea, but there aint nothin wrong with being a tranny loving homo.

LMAO big_smile


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#25 2016-12-12 02:33:56

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Must be easy to swallow when you dry ejack!!! smile


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#26 2016-12-12 07:13:20

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Dakota wrote:

Must be easy to swallow when you dry ejack!!! smile

Ever tried the cinnamon challenge? wink


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#27 2016-12-12 11:05:38

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Hello Dink,

Besides being a sexual pervert, pit viper is a control freak. You have to sign up for Social Retard's forum before you can look at the comments. Shit viper comes here for what, prove I'm right about Retard's decline.

Snot wiper is scared to let his forums be open to the public like Simple server.


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#28 2016-12-12 11:34:23

Capt price
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

janet reno (TX) wrote:

Hello Dink,

Besides being a sexual pervert, pit viper is a control freak. You have to sign up for Social Retard's forum before you can look at the comments. Shit viper comes here for what, prove I'm right about Retard's decline.

Snot wiper is scared to let his forums be open to the public like Simple server.

It helps u a lot

Last edited by Capt price (2016-12-12 11:35:15)


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#29 2016-12-13 05:09:16

janet reno (TX)
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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

Hay Dakota,

Peace be with you. Swallowing should be on the Social Rejects (SR) PM level please. Hey I thought better about you? Do you agree  Pit toilet Drain, is a douche bag?


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#30 2016-12-14 05:40:21

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Re: WARNING: Simple/ Social Rejects (SR) USA harbors cheaters

I do not recognize any attack...so I am not defending myself Duke...probably why you are confused.  This thread was indeed started by a drunken retard with the sole intention to start crap out of nothing.  This tranny means nothing...everything it says has but one purpose.  Typical example of a misinformation specialist that only works on stupid people and feeds the trolls like fink. 

For a classic example... http://www.srejects.com/index

My forums require no registration to read...only to post.  Misinformation.
janet and pookie are 65+ year old men that have little to live for.  Don't buy into it their weak ass wanna-be crafty crap.


*fixed the link

Last edited by PitViper (2016-12-14 10:08:53)


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