#2 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-12-16 23:24:51

Was kicked for baserape today. Without warnings. "Admin" refused to apologize and asked to post the video.
Is this considered a baserape?

#3 Re: Technical Help » Changing Keyboard Layout on Win 11 » 2024-12-05 15:33:38

This is an updated code for changing the layout in BF1942 on Win11

The way it works now is
It works only when bf1942.exe is running. Otherwise it won't be active and will not interfere with regular layout change.
Script file for Autohotkey is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qFF-1m … drive_link

#4 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Join BF League today! » 2024-11-28 17:04:02

A little older and the video will be black and white

#5 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Join BF League today! » 2024-11-28 03:12:42

Yes, the league is lacking players/teams and will be nice if you join

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I got banned but for a lie » 2024-11-10 06:39:11

Looks like it's a 2 day ban.
After that you're back. Cheers

#7 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Battlefield 1942 comics » 2024-11-09 12:36:23

An illustrator and designer at soul, wasting his talent on this god forsaken place...

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ununderstandable BAN? » 2024-11-08 15:45:23

Means you are using a publick keyhash in your game, which others have used and since they were fooling around the keyhash got banned and since your game has the same key you got banned as well.

#10 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2024-10-30 10:55:24

Я как то пробовал, но у меня не работало

#12 Re: Technical Help » Sound issues » 2024-10-19 14:37:08

Try also 44khz, sound detail High, channels 64, hardware acceleration OFF.
These are mine default ones.

#14 Feedback » Morning shift » 2024-10-18 18:29:38

Replies: 5

The server is a mess on most mornings/ early daytime. Many teamkills, baseattacks, planezooks etc.

1) Ofcourse, -9 score to kick a player doesn't help, this needs to change to like -4. Two teamkills and you get kicked. Second time should be ban.

2) Also, I think the votekick should be enabled. At least when no admin is playing. Admins can later disable it when they are online. > At least players will be able to do something against trolls without involving in tk's themselves.

#15 Re: Technical Help » Sound issues » 2024-10-18 18:21:57

This means that the problem is not in the game files, and not in the sound equipment you're using.

Try updating the directX on your computer.
Also, check if other apps are running during this time and if yes, try gaming with those apps switched off.

#16 Re: Technical Help » Sound issues » 2024-10-15 18:49:44

In this case this cause it looks like a software issue.

If it's not a hard one, just reinstall the game, just backup of settings bofore deleting. It will take probably 1 hour max but will save you a lot of time on searching for the cause.

#17 Re: Technical Help » Sound issues » 2024-10-15 16:07:02

Which headset are you using?
Problems only in game or other apps?
Have you tried rebooting? Does it help?
Have you tried using another headset?

#19 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Kamikaze should not be ILLEGAL » 2024-10-13 01:13:04

Kamikaze is allowed. What map were you playing and what was the scene when a player got his warning?

#20 Re: Videos and Screenshots » My video » 2024-10-11 16:57:20

Good point, never knew this. Perhaps needs another patch from uuuz tongue

#21 Re: Videos and Screenshots » My video » 2024-10-11 16:12:57

Nice one. I appreciate the efforts to make it more cinematic, like the low pass under bridge with front cam etc. it has no battle advantage, however it makes the picture much nicer. Sometimes it's these details that make it a lot more enjoyable.
Good kills also btw :]

I am very surprized that you use a non-widescreen for flying. Isn't it like.. the wider the monitor the more objects you can see around you?

Not sure if you're using the patch with colors and all that other stuff. You can mark your gunner a specific color and find him on map quicker, or mark high value gunners and low value gunners different colors. You can see for example if one of those guys is somewhere near the takeoff and request a pickup etc. Or easily see if the fly-by was successful cause the gunner's kill will be a specific color. But if you dont want the lgbt interface that is also understandable.

#22 Re: Technical Help » Sound issues » 2024-10-09 00:20:59

What was the setting and why was it changed? Does the patch do this?

#23 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-10-07 22:01:44

Killer keeps adding time to rounds not rly listening to what other players would like. After asking about more time, despite receiving only 2 replies (yes and no), he added 15 mins.
After I start a vote for a map, he turns the mapvote off lol.
On my asking to turn it back on he ignores me.

This needs resolving.

#25 Re: Technical Help » Battlefield 1942 crashing at startup on Win 10 pro,please help » 2024-10-02 14:02:38

Idk man, try to download and install the game from another source. Sometimes that might fix it.

#26 Re: Technical Help » Battlefield 1942 crashing at startup on Win 10 pro,please help » 2024-10-02 01:06:23

Have you tried right click and run in compatibility mode? Like windows 7 or xp sp2 >?
Also mark run as administrator.

#27 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-10-01 12:54:31

Was ballbreaking with you. Kind of a type of joke. But if it was offensive to you then I'm sorry. I thought you'd get it.

I dont have problems with you as a person, but as admin - that stuff requires some tweaking.

#28 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-10-01 11:49:23

Winston Smith wrote:
Serebro wrote:

from yesterdays pcw:

Oh cool! I watched this video yesterday too! Funny vid!
BTW, what is your icon? is it coffee in a newspaper?

Good eye! 50% accuracy smile
It's sunflower seeds in a newspaper roll.

#29 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-10-01 11:43:55

When admins are lazy or incompetent I will point that out, with a fake nickname or regular.
Noone is "crying". You are just being taught to act like a representative.

2Darcano - plane hoggers spamming to "bail out" deserve that treatment. Also, I think that your public server anonimity statement has no value. You were explained why, and this is only one of the reasons. Was interesting to see which arguments you chose, instead of rephrasing the same sentense. But whatever.

#30 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-10-01 02:07:39

Darcano wrote:

This is a public server, trying to be "anonymous" is kind of dumb

Please elaborate. I don't see logic in this statement.

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