#1 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-07-22 19:16:56

Congratulations to Spain. It was a good team and good games. Overall, the Euro Cup was not as exciting. And also congrats to Canada. It is no shame to lose against a team like Argentina, and also I saw that the Canadians gave it all. See you guys in 2026...

#2 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-07-01 14:05:20

Black Mamba wrote:

The finishing in this Euro has been pretty poor so far. Hopefully it gets better in the finals.

What's your take on Canada's performance so far? I have only watched the highlights, so I can't really judge. Should get tough against Venezuela anyway from what I have seen.

#3 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-28 16:48:02

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:

Even funnier was that Denmark won this cup, after returning from holidays to participate. They didn’t qualify for it at all, but Yugoslavia was banned from the tournament. There is a documentary about it, a must watch!

Yes, I remember that "incident" very well smile Tomorrow they can take revenge for it. My predictions are: Switzerland - Italy 1-2 and Germany - Denmark 1-0.

This is what I expect. What I hope for is actually more goals and much more exciting football than The Simpsons smile

#4 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-27 20:39:58

Dary, you know what's funny now that you listed all those countries? I totally forgot that up to the Euro Cup 1992 there were only 8 teams who participated, and there were only the semi-finals and the final.
It makes you lol when you think about it from today's perspective lol


#5 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-27 07:04:46

Congratulations to Georgia, it was crazy moments...

#7 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-25 02:09:19

Croatia was actually very good, but Italy was too strong. But, of course, one minute can decide everything. At least it was fun to watch. If I'm not mistaken, there is still a chance for croatia via 3rd place, even though it's very minimal...?

#8 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-18 17:20:38

If you already know all the results, the teams can stop playing now and the players can go on vacation with their loved ones ^^

#9 Re: Off-Topic » Hear from our Russian/Ukraine friends? » 2024-05-22 19:34:12

joint wrote:

Yes, we can't change politic.
The only thing we can choose is our gender.
Just pick one of 78 already, stop being a man! smile


#11 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random BF1942 Montage » 2023-08-14 17:32:17

It's a great video, Serebretto, and the music fits in nicely. Reminds me of the fun days we had on this server before half of its members went mental.

#12 Re: Report Abuse » Player "Maj. Merlin" » 2023-08-05 18:27:12

Zatoichi wrote:

his lifelong brainwashing by the state of that maniac, has culminated in his death recently as I understand it,

Sorry for the off-topic, but from where did you get the information that nameless might be dead?

#13 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-07-24 13:03:55

Insane, how is the situation in Kharkiv? Your city is intact or has already been damaged? How are people coping with the situation?

#15 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-12 15:58:43

+Dima+ wrote:
seventy wrote:

This is continuation of thread "World War III" ? Made a lot of sense to close the topic *eyeroll*

It's funny that free and democratic Western countries have always accused Russia of censorship and restrictions on freedom of speech. And now one kind of Russian flag is enough to close the topic on the forum. By the way, an exclusively Russian-language topic. Ah, this amazing democracy and freedom.

I don't have a problem with reading the posts in this forum, I think my mind can handle it. If I disagreed, I would say so. To me it just looked like the thread moved somewhere else.

Telrin is correct, I will leave this thread for the Russian-speaking.

#16 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-12 15:22:35

This is continuation of thread "World War III" ? Made a lot of sense to close the topic *eyeroll*

#17 Re: Off-Topic » Mr President! » 2023-04-15 19:08:56

noice wrote:

It`s not even BF1942 related

That's some funny avatar you've got there big_smile

#18 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-31 15:49:46

I feel sorry for you, joint. So many years of friendly chat in the Russian thread, so much wasted ink. It must feel like a big slap in the face for you.

#19 Re: Off-Topic » Ryzen tests » 2023-03-16 22:20:41

Hi Arkos, do you know about nameless? For 6 months no forum activity.

#21 Re: Off-Topic » USA Superbowl? » 2023-02-13 07:32:43

May the best team win! I will need some time to figure out the rules. Where can one watch this thing on the internet?

#22 Re: Off-Topic » Post some (interesting) videos! » 2023-02-10 17:12:41

Arkos wrote:

But, i did not watch it, because it makes no sense.

You post videos all the time, but others post videos = it makes no sense big_smile

#23 Re: Off-Topic » Post some (interesting) videos! » 2023-02-09 20:50:14

I understood maybe 15% of this topic, but it is still a very interesting phenomenon smile

#24 Re: Other Languages » Patriotismus » 2023-02-01 20:52:36

Hallo Blindschuetz,

hälst du ein patriotisches Empfinden für notwendig und wenn ja, welche Umstände könnten dazu führen, dass du dich patriotischer fühlst? Danke, dass du ein interessantes Thema angestoßen hast.

#25 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-01-16 19:58:41

I hope that my joint is doing okay. It's very bad news from Dnipro.

#26 Re: Off-Topic » FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 » 2022-11-22 18:09:52

I don't want to bother about this world cup, but whatever website I open, the results are already there. It's a virus.

I hope that whichever country wins this thing, they will glorify themselves in the proper manner.

By the way, nice weather in Qatar.

#27 Re: Off-Topic » FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 » 2022-11-17 17:51:17


This man always gives angry interviews...

#28 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-24 08:12:57

What is happened here? More background infos?

#29 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-23 16:03:40

joint is back!!! I was worried about you, my friend. Glad to see you back on track, hopefully everything okay!

#30 Re: Videos and Screenshots » TheVicar TV » 2022-07-26 06:55:06

TheVicar wrote:

This will probably freak some pilots out when we rise to the sky on mass:


lol, that guy looks so relaxed like he's having the greatest time of his life.

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