#1 Re: Report Abuse » tK at the worst » 2025-02-05 12:03:36

hi LT Joe!

Thx for the report!
Next time please make a screenshot/video and post it here also.


#2 Re: Report Abuse » Permanent Main Base Attack by A0354 [UA] » 2025-01-16 14:44:38

Hiho Falcon!

Thank you for the report.
Next time please make a screenshot also.

Plus info:
Gothic line -> The Defguns are not allowed to shoot in the allied/axis mainbases.


#3 Off-Topic » Merry Christmas 2024 » 2024-12-18 20:40:26

Replies: 0


Merry Christmas!
Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Have a wonderful Christmas.


#4 Re: Report Abuse » killer88 admin rights » 2024-12-18 12:10:21

Long story short, drink a whiskey together and let life go on. smile

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » appeal » 2024-12-18 12:06:40

Hi z.Eagle!

You were automatically banned from the server for "too many kicks for banned words".
This means you got warnings from the server at least 2 times before the kicks, than 2 kicks, than a ban.
You have to speak more carefully!

I will remove your ban now, please pay attention to how you speak on the server in the future.


#7 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Help with R to R and SW downloads » 2024-12-13 01:35:31

Maj-ID10T wrote:

Not the new maps, I have those.. I mean Road to Rome and Secret Weapons downloads. When I run the setup install program to C/ea games/ bf1942 it stops the install and says "no bf1942"....????

How did you install bf1942?
From cd-s?
From here maybe?

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban » 2024-12-12 13:11:44

What name do you use to play?
What kind of msg do you get, after you try to join Simple servers?

#9 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Help with R to R and SW downloads » 2024-12-12 13:08:27

When you download the mappack under "Download New Maps" header a SiMPLE-BF1942-New-Maps.exe will be downloaded to your computer.
Start it.
Than you have to search your bf1942 directory on your computer.
For example: D:\games\BF1942
And click on Install.

#12 Re: Report Abuse » lop Alvarez-Latino and others » 2024-11-21 15:29:23

The lop|Alvarez-Latino case will come soon.

#13 Re: Report Abuse » lop Alvarez-Latino and others » 2024-11-21 15:28:14

Hi All!
First off all, please everyone calm down and think about the situation.

2024-11-18 15:57:47 : # [Global] lop|jazzy: sieg heil
Jazzy, please in the future do not ack like this. On the one hand, it's not appropriate to say that, and on the other hand, an admin doesn't behave like that.
Thank you for your understanding!

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ununderstandable BAN? » 2024-11-09 23:18:53

Hi Soldier from RUS!

Try now to connect please.


#18 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banishment » 2024-11-09 18:38:21

Hi vitorbfbrasil!

You were automatically banned from the server for "too many kicks for minus-score".
This means you got kick from the server at least 2 times, because you reached the minus limit, which is not so good at all.
You have to play more carefully!
It is a 3 days ban, so you can enter on 2024-11-10 02:27:58.


#20 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banishment » 2024-11-06 15:52:54

vitorbfbrasil wrote:

Hello "Miller is the key my name in the game is BFSoldierbrasil

Thank you for the info!

You were automatically banned from the server for "too many kicks for banned words".
You can join back from now on, but next time please choose your words carefully.


#21 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Soy Ryan » 2024-11-05 14:52:38

Hi Ryan!

You were banned for disrupting gameplay, reported for admins.
It is a 3 days ban, so you can enter on 2024-11-07 11:20:19.


#22 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I was banned » 2024-11-05 14:50:07

Hi tyze!

You were banned for sfv and tk for planes, reported for admins.
It is a 3 days ban, so you can enter on 2024-11-07 11:15:42.


#23 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banishment » 2024-11-05 14:47:43

Hi vitorbfbrasil!

What was your ingame name, than you got the ban?


#24 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban indulgence - I mixed up the teams » 2024-10-09 16:31:25


Next time please play more carefully and watch for your team and your teammates!

You can go back and play!


#25 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned » 2024-10-08 14:50:48

hi -=TL=-MadMax!
Nice try, but wait for the admins'  + banner admin's decision about the " it's me max only from my brother's computer
/ I need to be silent, I'll just say hello to you"


#26 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Battlefield 1942 licence » 2024-10-02 19:28:21

Now we know where to search the Hanomag if it is necessary. big_smile

#29 Re: BF1942 Discussion » 3D map in bf42plus » 2024-06-04 12:46:12

Hali uuuz!
I'm starting to feel a little like the really "noob" or "beginner" people don't even have to learn the maps and it's specifics.
This is for the medic lockers, ammo crates, repair pads. I know the mods you mentioned, but these are other mods not the basic game.

I know that the modern games shows everything on the map, but this is a retro game, i think it should stay as it is.

An example, when a "BFplayer" asks how to enter a vehicle............ So distressing. big_smile

The question's answer: Only enable it if the server allows it.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter what generation it is, those who want to play the game culturally, learn it, get to know it, discover it and adapt to the others.
I think bf1942-rtr-sw is not the most complicated game in the world. big_smile

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