#1 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » Yesterday 10:28:28

This is a turn of the tank at an angle of 20 degrees to the enemy, there is also a reverse rhombus, these terms are from the game world of tanks and war thunder, which I played for 10 years, in BF this rhombus does not really affect, of course, because this is an arcade game and there is not a drop of realism of real physics, etc.
The most effective rhombus on the T34, KV-1, and Tiger N tanks (1) and the reverse rhombus at is-1 (ass-rhombus)

#2 Re: Off-Topic » Lets hear your Holiday vacation Plans/Stories » Yesterday 10:16:40

The climate is unstable, now I'm in my village 200 km south of the city, if it's hot in the city and 28-32 degrees, then here it's 15-18)

#3 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-25 22:50:44

Plus, let’s look such a situation, you shoot at a tank or it doesn't matter where you shootin someone , you were distracted for a second and now expacks and mines are flying at you from the windows, and a zook shoots at you from behind and goes around the corner, your actions, an old tanker?

#4 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-25 22:41:39

Are you talking about those "old tankers" who play this game for half their lives and still suck? Let's play this version of map, tttanker))) if you can stand with 0 deaths until the end of the game, I admit that I'm really noob and I don't know how to play this game. And if you've watched my videos, then you're either blatantly lying now or you don't know what a camera is by yourself. And tell me the diff as u said “new” tankers and “old” tankers, ittook me less than six months to master tank from zero, the only thing I didn't know was the perfect T34 rhombus, which Simon kindly explained to me (in principle, I didn't know this because I didn't play the t34 quite a lot like him)

#5 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-25 17:41:06

Wrong remark. And how do you hide the tank if you have to attack all the time? (I'm talking about the blue side) it's not difficult with the red one, sit to the left of the blue base and camp, but if the blue ones have captured one flag, they will soon capture the second one, then you will need to move and recapt that's the problem. If the allies captured the first flag, then it makes your tank easier, if you are a blue tank camper, then your allies will blow you up themselves. Campers = aren’t takers as like noobs.

#6 Re: Feedback » More Freedom? » 2024-07-24 22:04:51

Why did you stop playing with the release of the reg patch? You won't get scorewhoring like before, are you just offended that all these years of modifying your PC to get the best reg and a lowered hitbox went fuck yourself?

#7 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-24 22:03:19

Tanking at Stalin and Berlin is like infing at aberdeen. 5 min tanking and then zookas n engi eat you

#11 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2024-07-22 18:55:08

Привет , Это нормально да админы под веществами здесь( не все) на сколько тебя забанили? И тот кому ты отвечаешь уже давно не играет и врядле он тебе ответит , напиши в дискорде https://discord.gg/9neC8g3g

#12 Re: Off-Topic » Lets hear your Holiday vacation Plans/Stories » 2024-07-22 18:50:43

Lol climate change is self-explanatory, tests of nuclear weapons, bombs, various experiments disrupt the climate, destroy the ozone layer. There have always been good snowy cold winters in my city (2000-2013), but during the last 10 years, God willing if the snow falls and lies for at least a few days, last winter there was no snow, the winter before last it went for 3 days somewhere on January 10, and so on.

#17 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-14 15:21:45

Haha) Moreover, when I took a break for a month after playing for a long time , I had a dream about game in, and my dreams are the dreams of people with schizophrenia at a temperature of 39 under LSD and mushrooms

#18 Re: Report Abuse » Maphacker » 2024-07-13 17:07:09

Yes he was shooting like that to me as well , cheater + rulebreaker thx for he is banned

#24 Re: Report Abuse » Maphacker » 2024-07-12 14:26:48

Don’t understand wdym under brix. Cheaters appears daily when there aren’t admins there

#25 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-12 14:24:23

Darcano wrote:
tragic wrote:
Darcano wrote:

Now you are making fun of me. Didn't spawn as medic because I guessed liga servers were "vanilla".

260 ping while playing for over an hour and you couldn't tell the reg patch was active?

The only time I spawned as medic afaik was at the end that killed gorr, jazzy and dary and capped church but I thought it was pure luck lmao. Sorry BmC.


#26 Re: Report Abuse » Maphacker » 2024-07-10 21:54:36

In last seconds you can clearly see how he was harassing for the enemy plane but I got kicked

#28 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-07-10 13:57:53

Darcano wrote:

You don't have to lead with 120ms of ping...

Haven’t you still understood?

#29 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2024-07-08 15:11:04

Таран эта херота ток на пендоском серваке там одну букву на русском напишешь - кик ,такие да долбоящеры

#30 Re: Off-Topic » Best analytical essay writing service by expert writers » 2024-07-08 15:04:29

Ты имеешь ввиду кремлеботов-ватников?

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