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A fully booked flight
Nice ... and here is/was the inVictus airline express 3000 from league war against Phoenix [PHX] on midway 02.11.2020
Serebro wrote:A fully booked flight ... and here is/was the inVictus airline express 3000 from league war against Phoenix [PHX] on midway 02.11.2020
Nice one.
Were you supposed to land at the nearest airport because of a disturbing passenger (Karlson) ?
A very unique skill... I can die 2 separate ways at a time...
How the heck?
I have no idea. I was a passenger in a plane and we were shot down. I bailed in water and when an inf killed me I've seen this bug and was very surprized. I think the inf got the kill counted.
Seems like the game counts part A and part B of the kill, which were separated here due to intesive change of events.
Last edited by Serebro (2022-12-11 22:17:15)
A very unique skill... I can die 2 separate ways at a time...
They thought double is better, just in case
Last edited by Arkos (2022-12-11 23:04:23)
It can't be closer
Battle of Britain. We win with 22 tickets. We got down to 1 before the brits zeroed out^^
Last edited by Rinjo (2022-12-18 02:43:36)
Chased by three planes including two stangs, rip Killer
I spilled my beer.
I know this is not the "best of all" screen, but it has been a long time since I managed to be in first place.
Thank you everyone for your cooperation!
Some retro "nation war" pics.
+ the Hungarian community in 2011.
+ clan wars from the past.
bf42_yugo vs hun_2010
bf42_hun vs pol_2010
bf42_hun vs ukr_2010
bf42_hun vs tur_2011
Some of you remember for the Forgotton Honor (FH + FHSW mods based) community.
They have played historical wars with historical teams, squads and leadership.
I also played with them, these were my "ribbons".
bf42_ddw_ls vs gunbf 2013
bf42_ddw_ls vs cbs 2013
bf42_fg vs legiox_pcw 2012
bf42_tamplier vs tns_pcw 2016
bf42_tamplier vs spqr clanwar 2012
clan war and pcw photos from Frenemy
bf42_special event for dignitas anniversary
bf42_ pas42 vs alliance
bf42_ illuminator vs alliance
bf42_spqr vs illuminator - xGx.bf42 Movie 2011
Last edited by Millerke (2023-02-23 13:36:27)