#211 2020-04-12 09:05:33

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Re: My report thread

000 deleted his chat, this means he cant type , this thing is not in game settings or other editable files he didnt tell us anything about this 
All games have verifying integrity of game files this means they cant do what ever changes to files but bf42 doesnt have this option so 000 is doing something irregular


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#212 2020-04-12 09:18:22

Czech Republic
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Re: My report thread

ziba128 wrote:
KANER88 wrote:

We all HAVE TO respect the rules, so you HAVE TO respect them too. Sorry, its been here too long. Nobody cares about your " i dont use chat". When we tk, we have to say sorry, when U TK, you have to say sorry too. Its in the rules, so stick to rules or stop wasting time with these non-sense reports... Its up to you to understand. Otherwise go playing on aX. U can change your name 10 times a game and dont have to say a damn when u tk.

KANER88 wrote:

I think it is. And in case it wasnt written, admins REQUIRE and SAY all the time “ type sorry” when u accidental tk, you can get kicked. Its nothing new, its very well-known for many many years. He knows the rules pretty well. Nothing wrong with those kicks.

Is community of clown admins still accepting new members? There is a lack of normal admins, so it should be stopped

I don’t see into this..  Wouldnt make any other statements about this. Its your view..


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#213 2020-04-13 02:02:26

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Re: My report thread

Here is one example of what 000 is doing with nicks


Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2020-04-13 02:03:48)


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#214 2020-04-13 02:08:41

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Re: My report thread

He was mad because he was owned by Sven, me and someone else on Berlin before. I think he's punching a pillow every time he gets owned. smile


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#215 2020-04-13 02:17:09

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Re: My report thread

ur pathetic hydra ... the trashtalking admin tries to shed other players in a bad light

thats the first time in 6+ months i have finally talked back to nameless' ingame tauntings of me

he has completely unprovoked called me "fagnatic" ingame 10+ times in that period, plus he taunts / mocks me in other ways

nameless is the bad guy, not me. he is the endless ingame insulter

.... he deserved that reply

Last edited by 000 (2020-04-13 02:19:10)


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#216 2020-04-13 02:18:07

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Re: My report thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

ur pathetic hydra ... the trashttalking admin tries to shed other players in a bad light

thats the first time in 6+ months i have finally talked back to nameless' ingame tauntings of me

he has called me "fagnatic" ingame 10+ times in that period, plus he taunts / mocks me in other ways

nameless is the bad guy, not me. he is the endless ingame insulter

.... he deserved that reply

You always use nick to insult...


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#217 2020-04-13 14:23:28

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Re: My report thread

Nameless in this case was being a cumwad as usual, you have no business citing this or in any such matter, given you are a hypocrite at it, running a double standard where you can do something, but if someone else does the same or similar, suddenly its wrong


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#218 2020-04-13 15:23:57

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Re: My report thread

Six little eggs on the run, they fuck each other three goes boom dubi dom watch out be safe so
three little eggs had sex, one wanted to explode goes boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so two little eggs in the sun, one sleep too long goes boom boom boom dubi dom
the story ends with one little egg was blind, make suicide with pan boom boom dubi dom
another story come


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#219 2020-04-13 19:42:11

Black Mamba
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Re: My report thread

What a fucked up community


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#220 2020-04-13 19:42:44

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Re: My report thread

Black Mamba wrote:

What a fucked up community

What a fucked up community

Last edited by Jim2102 (2020-04-13 19:43:04)


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#221 2020-04-13 19:43:42

Black Mamba
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Re: My report thread

Complete nuthouse I’m telling ya


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#222 2020-04-13 19:44:56

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Re: My report thread

Black Mamba wrote:

Complete nuthouse I’m telling ya

This is not your chat room. Please go Facebook


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#223 2020-04-13 20:00:19

Black Mamba
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Re: My report thread

Are you going to ban me for 6 months for posting here?


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#224 2020-04-27 01:56:38

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Re: My report thread

reporting admin hydra for admin abuse again

he provokes and insults me 24/7 via ingame chat

he has now talked shit to me for two years straight. this fucking homo nolife retard is obsessed with me. he taunts and mocks me constantly

just search the chat log for hydra and all his crap ... but i guess reports like these are pointless, since there only are rules for players, while admins can get away with anything

a little sample of hydra provocations and insults from this recent week, theyre all said directly to me, he thinks insults are allowed if he doesnt say names. but he says them exactly every time i kill him:

admin hydra :      this bailer cunt
admin hydra :      soon rq
admin hydra :     all he knows is to spawnkill   so sad
admin hydra :     so desperate
admin hydra :     lol bailer scum
admin hydra :     see cunt no bail
admin hydra :     lol fag cant get gold all day


and many other endless other mockings from him

plus there are the 200+ times where he has called me "shithead", "fag", "fagnatic", "cunt" etc. etc. etc.

additionally, he kicked me twice today for teamstacking. both teamswitches were not stacking, and perfectly allowed

heres one of the switches he kicked me for today :           


this ape is dumb normally, but during this corona isolation, he has been degraded even more, so hes now semi-crazy, and now believes that all my allowed teamswitches are stacks, and kick / ban reason

go fuck yourself hydra

Last edited by 000 (2020-04-27 01:57:38)


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#225 2020-04-27 10:50:06

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Re: My report thread

...just consequences of your game style 000.


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#226 2020-04-27 11:58:21

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Re: My report thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

reporting admin hydra for admin abuse again

he provokes and insults me 24/7 via ingame chat

he has now talked shit to me for two years straight. this fucking homo nolife retard is obsessed with me. he taunts and mocks me constantly

just search the chat log for hydra and all his crap ... but i guess reports like these are pointless, since there only are rules for players, while admins can get away with anything

a little sample of hydra provocations and insults from this recent week, theyre all said directly to me, he thinks insults are allowed if he doesnt say names. but he says them exactly every time i kill him:

admin hydra :      this bailer cunt
admin hydra :      soon rq
admin hydra :     all he knows is to spawnkill   so sad
admin hydra :     so desperate
admin hydra :     lol bailer scum
admin hydra :     see cunt no bail
admin hydra :     lol fag cant get gold all day


and many other endless other mockings from him

plus there are the 200+ times where he has called me "shithead", "fag", "fagnatic", "cunt" etc. etc. etc.

additionally, he kicked me twice today for teamstacking. both teamswitches were not stacking, and perfectly allowed

heres one of the switches he kicked me for today :           


this ape is dumb normally, but during this corona isolation, he has been degraded even more, so hes now semi-crazy, and now believes that all my allowed teamswitches are stacks, and kick / ban reason

go fuck yourself hydra

Did I say anything that is not true?
And yes you switch teams just to spawnkill.

Kursk regularly switch teams. If your team have both flags you switch to other team. Why? So you can go to sawmill flag and nade spam from medic box.

El Alamein you played most of the map axis. You switched the moment you realized you may not get gold medal.  Reason more why you switched teams is that there is wespe located near airfield and hangar on that map. You use that wespe to spawnkill if all other tactics fail to get the gold.

Bulge you switch but not that often. Why? So you can go G4(m10 flag) stand at ammo box and nade spam.

I saw you play axis side on Omaha first time in years. You again switched teams. Why? Because your Omaha tactics is made of two tactics either you get the priest or you go to left bunker and kill people that spawn. Since allied caped and hold the middle flag for a long time you switched to axis to do that. Reason why is Hencca and Killer were top players and you wanted your gold medal desperately.

You use plane but soon as someone shoots at you, you bail, death bail, run to base to bail or crash your plane to the ground. Something that got you kicked by so many other admins.

Iwo Jima you always have at least 4-5 teamkills. You shoot feom POW like mad at hill not watching mini map to check if someone from your team is trying to cap it. Started to think you tk on purpose people not allowing them to cap the hill flag so you can get them easy kills.  On this map I never saw you play axis. Also you like to get a plane and bail at flag. Complete waist of planes. Another evidence you only care about you and your kills

I saw you teamkilli a guy to get a boat.

You abused glitch so long that is allowed for some reason. I am talking about hangar window. Your low ping and the fact some maps (El Alamein CTF for example)  infantry spawns there gives you unfair advantage. You can shoot tru window we cant shoot you back.

Keep in mind you got banned for stacking (not by me)  the day before. 

RQ - How is this provoking? You do this all the time when you dont get gold medal. Its your style. I am just pointing out how dumb it is to leave. That is just one more evidence that I am right and you don't play for team (we lost countless Kursk because you DONT CAP THE FLAG AND JUST SPAWNKILL).  I saw you lose gold medal to I think it was Hencca on Berlin map leave. You than came back right away to Kharkov changed your nick from like HJK to Hencca_is_cunt and than leave.

I dont use shithead anymore after your last post even tho most of my shithead references are not pointed out st you.

You team stack all the time everyone knows that and just for once be honest and don't lie you switch team so you can help other team. You switch to spawnkill and get the gold. If you wanted to help other team you would go for flags. Not stay near flags with tank spawnkillng or nade soamming.

PLEASE DONT TRY TO SELL THAT STORY YOU SWITCH TEAMS TO HELP LOSING TEAM. Like I said if you cared about team you would cap the flag not stand there nade spaming.

Irony is you coming here complaining about me insulting you and in the same post you are insulting me.

You never play axis Bocage (to abuse b17)
You never play allied Berlin
You always play axis on BoB
You always play allied Omaha
Almost always play axis on Bulge
and the list goes on and on you stack soooooo much

Have a nice day and love you :*

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2020-04-27 14:46:23)


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#227 2020-04-27 11:59:48

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Re: My report thread

Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

Last edited by MadMax (2020-04-27 12:00:33)


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#228 2020-04-27 12:01:19

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Re: My report thread

MadMax wrote:
Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

And I did followed all the rules.


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#229 2020-04-27 12:20:46

Marshal Murat
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Re: My report thread

Hydra{SRB} wrote:
MadMax wrote:
Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

And I did followed all the rules.

that makes you our responsibility!


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#230 2020-04-27 12:32:24

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Re: My report thread

MadMax wrote:
Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

Zero can be very bad boy when needed or when there is no admin online.
For gold he would sell his entire family, no limits on what he can do to get it(always through spawn kill ofc).
Maybe he's a Jew.. who knows. big_smile


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#231 2020-04-27 14:15:24

Reputation: +18
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Re: My report thread

Hydra{SRB} wrote:
MadMax wrote:
Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

And I did followed all the rules.

With all due respect and not taking sides with either one here, but if you call someone a cunt, or scum, as an admin you are not really setting a great example.
Same in regards to talking about his gameplay in that way, as an admin it doesn't look good!


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#232 2020-04-27 14:21:15

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Re: My report thread

tristan wrote:
Hydra{SRB} wrote:
MadMax wrote:

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

And I did followed all the rules.

With all due respect and not taking sides with either one here, but if you call someone a cunt, or scum, as an admin you are not really setting a great example.
Same in regards to talking about his gameplay in that way, as an admin it doesn't look good!

Hi 000 from fake account. I explained everything in my post


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#233 2020-04-27 14:33:12

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Re: My report thread

Hydra{SRB} wrote:
tristan wrote:
Hydra{SRB} wrote:

And I did followed all the rules.

With all due respect and not taking sides with either one here, but if you call someone a cunt, or scum, as an admin you are not really setting a great example.
Same in regards to talking about his gameplay in that way, as an admin it doesn't look good!

Hi 000 from fake account. I explained everything in my post

Lol, yous, yous must be in a massive tit, or the guy must be a supper troll... This isn't a fake account and I wasn't asking you to clarify anything, just stating that as an admin insulting a player creates a bad precedent...
If there is rules constantly broken, would make way more sense to ban for long periods of time, than to insult someone, and lead others to believe it's ok to do so as an admin is doing it.


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#234 2020-04-27 15:08:09

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Re: My report thread

tristan wrote:
Hydra{SRB} wrote:
tristan wrote:

With all due respect and not taking sides with either one here, but if you call someone a cunt, or scum, as an admin you are not really setting a great example.
Same in regards to talking about his gameplay in that way, as an admin it doesn't look good!

Hi 000 from fake account. I explained everything in my post

Lol, yous, yous must be in a massive tit, or the guy must be a supper troll... This isn't a fake account and I wasn't asking you to clarify anything, just stating that as an admin insulting a player creates a bad precedent...
If there is rules constantly broken, would make way more sense to ban for long periods of time, than to insult someone, and lead others to believe it's ok to do so as an admin is doing it.

I find it funny that someone who is not active or someone I dont see play is all of sudden taking interest in this topic. Much love smile <3


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#235 2020-04-27 15:34:34

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Re: My report thread

Hydra{SRB} wrote:
tristan wrote:
Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Hi 000 from fake account. I explained everything in my post

Lol, yous, yous must be in a massive tit, or the guy must be a supper troll... This isn't a fake account and I wasn't asking you to clarify anything, just stating that as an admin insulting a player creates a bad precedent...
If there is rules constantly broken, would make way more sense to ban for long periods of time, than to insult someone, and lead others to believe it's ok to do so as an admin is doing it.

I find it funny that someone who is not active or someone I dont see play is all of sudden taking interest in this topic. Much love smile <3

I play nearly every day for the past year wink


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#236 2020-04-27 16:02:15

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Re: My report thread

tristan wrote:

I play nearly every day for the past year wink


And Isolde is happy with that?

Image BBCode test



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#237 2020-04-29 05:13:11

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Re: My report thread


more admin abuse from nameless, yesterday .....

nameless, why do you call three good and straight b17 runs for "waste" / "disruption" ..... ? and kick me in the middle of a round ?

wait ... i can answer that .... youre annoyed that im not as easy as merlin, and that its hard to kill me in the bocage b17

what im doing is completely normal b17 flying, i get kills and its not waste. im a good b17 pilot who normally get tonnes of kills. youre making up your own rules, because youre pissed off that its too hard for you to kill me in the b17

since when is it against the rules to bail safely from a b17 that is 1 second from getting shot down ?

-    since never, its allowed


00:00  ->   run 1 :   i get 2 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed
00:22  ->   run 2 :   i get 2 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed     
00:39  ->   run 3 :   i get 3 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed   nameless is angry now
01:06  ->      nameless calls my b17 usage for "waste" and kicks me

nameless' abuse is getting worse during this covid19 lockdown, he teamkills more, and provokes and insults more via ingame chat

i think he is drinking alcohol daily now, and getting pretty wasted each time. seems like alcoholism to me

he keeps calling me "fag" and " fagnatic" again and again these last weeks, while i only have talked back once to him ingame recently

nameless, please stop provoking and insulting me ingame, please dont classify normal b17 usage as waste, please dont kick for that


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#238 2020-04-29 11:57:47

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Re: My report thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:


more admin abuse from nameless, yesterday .....

nameless, why do you call three good and straight b17 runs for "waste" / "disruption" ..... ? and kick me in the middle of a round ?

wait ... i can answer that .... youre annoyed that im not as easy as merlin, and that its hard to kill me in the bocage b17

what im doing is completely normal b17 flying, i get kills and its not waste. im a good b17 pilot who normally get tonnes of kills. youre making up your own rules, because youre pissed off that its too hard for you to kill me in the b17

since when is it against the rules to bail safely from a b17 that is 1 second from getting shot down ?

-    since never, its allowed


00:00  ->   run 1 :   i get 2 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed
00:22  ->   run 2 :   i get 2 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed     
00:39  ->   run 3 :   i get 3 kills, nameless then shoots the b17 down, i bail unharmed   nameless is angry now
01:06  ->      nameless calls my b17 usage for "waste" and kicks me

nameless' abuse is getting worse during this covid19 lockdown, he teamkills more, and provokes and insults more via ingame chat

i think he is drinking alcohol daily now, and getting pretty wasted each time. seems like alcoholism to me

he keeps calling me "fag" and " fagnatic" again and again these last weeks, while i only have talked back once to him ingame recently

nameless, please stop provoking and insulting me ingame, please dont classify normal b17 usage as waste, please dont kick for that

Because you like to bomb and as soon as someone shoots you like to bail. bail in base, death bail. run your plane into the ground (or bail in middle of ocean and then use suicide option). You put so much effort in that just so peoole dont kill you.
Please dont compare yourself to Merlin. And again so pointless to make a post about someone insulting you an then insult that person more than he ever did you. Calling someone alcoholic and stuff so sad. At least Nameless has life and dosent need gold medal to feel important.

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2020-04-29 12:18:09)


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#239 2020-04-29 16:09:10

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Re: My report thread

MadMax wrote:
Insane wrote:

...just consequences of your game style 000.

respectfully disagree, the duty of admins is to serve, protect the rules and punish based on server rules and not for the "consequences of a gamestyle", this is not fair. like or not his gamestyle, as long as he does not violate any rule, this is not a reason for punish.

I will help you to re-read the rules.
This is what his gamestyle is about:

His gameplay style is usually directed towards irritation and disturbing someone.

Although his impunity and an obscurity of this rule drove us here.


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#240 2020-04-29 16:32:25

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Re: My report thread

51 Google Chrome tab? Are you serious?


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