#1 2018-01-29 20:29:53

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yes i know .... gio can say anything in the server : "ill kill your dog, cook it and eat it" etc ... he also had a lengthy talk today where he mentioned tits, breasts repeatedly ingame .... and he occasionally kicks and bans randomly for petty stuff

hes very tolerant regarding himself, what kinda foul language hes allowed to use ingame, and misuse of admin rights

highly intolerant against players in general

14 days ago, near the end of a berlin round, he kicked me for saying "gold for bfsoldier" ... and he has kicked me for similar stuff 10+ times

for the first time ever, i was kicked for nade spam today, even though its allowed. by whom ? gio of course. he has insulted me lots of times. but cant handle when it goes his way, so now he banned me

if this was my server, i'd start counterpunishing him, kicking / banning him every time he made an unjust admin action

Last edited by 000 (2018-01-31 02:02:53)


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#2 2018-01-29 20:37:53

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Re: *****

14 days ago it wasnt him stop to lie plz and gio never insult anyone and this sever will be never ur server u will be also never admin so move on and try to play fair stop raging u are the one who insult people here.


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#3 2018-01-29 20:46:30

Reputation: +222
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Re: *****

Find one time that I had insulted you and post it . I am sure you are recording a lot of your games .
Even better find one time that I have mentioned anybody's family members , of any player!
Until then enjoy spamming this forum , that's your life anyway
I warned you that mentioning my mother bcs of a kick wont be forgotten


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#4 2018-01-29 21:04:37

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Re: *****

gio wrote:

Find one time that I had insulted you and post it

found, took you only 10 secs to insult me :

gio wrote:

Until then enjoy spamming this forum , that's your life anyway

insult ...

gio wrote:

DIStruptive gameplay , this is what the Kdis is for and this is what you were doing .

nadespamming is allowed. it isnt disrupting

so, how long is the ban

Last edited by 000 (2018-01-29 21:24:29)


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#5 2018-01-29 23:11:51

Paul Baumer
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Re: *****

Xp fanatic, if you are so perfect why don't you ask for admin rights and try to change things yourself?There are some people who did that instead of spamming bs on forum and wasting admins time.Stay cool and respectful please.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2018-01-29 23:12:13)


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#6 2018-01-30 02:07:10

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Re: *****

lol xpfanatic as admin XD
imagine the result and consequence ...


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#7 2018-01-30 04:32:45

Reputation: +222
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Re: *****

I didnt insult you , just the truth , and waaaay different from what you said.
To be clear ban wasnt for playing but for behavior/language
Tell me how long would YOU ban someone that said to you what you said to me


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#8 2018-01-30 04:59:50

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Re: *****

thats typical southern european to be so sensitive / intolerant about such stuff. and you keep saying that you dont forget what i have said. you sound like a mafioso, they like to threaten people, just like you do by saying that

frankly, after all your unfair actions against me ; 10+ kicks, 2 bans, most of them unreasonable and uncalled for, youre the one that should apologize or get punished, not me

whenever youre angry at me ( typically when i have a good score going or kill you a lot ) you look for ANY minor stuff that you can kick / ban me for

- remember that berlin round where you kicked me with one minute left for saying " gold for bfsoldier "
- or today : kicking me for nadespam ..... nadespam is allowed, and youre not allowed to kick for it

you call yourself fair ? you constanly abuse your rights, kicking, banning for minor stuff. id really like to get access the chat log, so everybody could see all the shit you get away with saying, while you kick / ban players for saying the same

i would kick, max, for that oneliner .... especially because that nadespam kick was complete bs

how long is the ban ....

Last edited by 000 (2018-01-31 02:01:14)


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#9 2018-01-30 07:37:15

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Re: *****

Dont insult family and parents xp unfortunately ur éducation didnt teach u how to speak to people...


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#10 2018-01-30 09:07:10

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: *****

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

lol xpfanatic as admin XD
imagine the result and consequence ...

i bet he would admin better then you did.


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#11 2018-01-30 11:07:01

Reputation: +222
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Re: *****

Do you want me to post your pm for the previous ban? Let the rest decide if I was fair?
I remember you thanking me for being fair to you at the end!
Now you mention it like I was targeting you and that is a new low point even for you.
In Berlin I kicked you for saying "I like killing Latinos"
Finally I said that I wont forget meaning that if you have big mouth and disconnect you wont be saved. I will ban you next time I see you (and this is what eventually happened)
Enjoy your vacations


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#12 2018-01-30 11:58:06

Reputation: -7
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Re: *****

For all administrators who got involved in this discussion: Are you looking for a way to resolve this situation, or are you trying to further escalate it ?!
   It's more than obious that alvarez and paul leech on xpfantastic's emotional state and try to further discredit him in favour to justify gio's provocative abuse of power that lead to this ban. Granade usage is not forbidden by the server rules. On maps where granade spam is unwanted it is already restricted through technical means.
  Everyone here knows Xpfantastic plays for the score, and like it or not he scores first in the majority of games. Kicking the guy in the middle of the game for something that is clearly not violation of the server rules, is abuse of power and aims to disturb the player and trigger emotional reaction. Since your server lacks code of conduct for the admins, manipulative behaviour like gio's will continue to be tolerated. I'd suggest you adapt such code of conduct so admins can be subject to higher standards of behavior. For example wikipedia's code of conduct for admins can be easily adapted in matter of hours:

"Admins are entrusted with additional abilities, but do not have special rights beyond those of regular players. An admin should not ban a player if they are not neutral with respect to that player, or have a conflict of interest."

Last edited by hanyweh (2018-01-30 12:20:20)


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#13 2018-01-30 13:40:41

Where´s Clarice?
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Re: *****

Im southern european and im not sensitive/intolerant, quite the opposite smile I just dont take it personally and its easier to let go. Just too much drama around this forum/players.


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#14 2018-01-30 13:43:09

Reputation: +222
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Re: *****

This unknown guy always has something to say , never in game though.


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#15 2018-01-30 20:35:15

janet reno (TX)
United States
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Re: *****

gio wrote:

Find one time that I had insulted you and post it . I am sure you are recording a lot of your games .
Even better find one time that I have mentioned anybody's family members , of any player!
Until then enjoy spamming this forum , that's your life anyway
I warned you that mentioning my mother bcs of a kick wont be forgotten


Here you are making threats and mentioning family members. You post script you mentioned your mother, you want forget, and you solicit help from other admins to retaliate. Against someone in the "Get a grip" thread.

gio wrote:

DIStruptive gameplay , this is what the Kdis is for and this is what you were doing I was in same team so you cant say I kicked bcs I was mad or something.
P.S. Mentioning my mother before you ragequit over one kick wont be forgotten , hopefully from the rest of admins also.


Gio has created another conflict through his incompetence and personal biases . It was recently in the TOOKIE post, “get a grip Gio”. Gio was having a personality conflict similar to this situation. Gio makes a threatening statement in his Post Script about defamation of his mother. There is no comment about Gio’s mother in the thread.

This is disturbing. So this guy has admin rights? You need to put “old delusional” on the Admin abuse list too. Look at all his admin buddy friends who troll for him after his request for admins to retaliate,  " hopefully from the rest of admins also."


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#16 2018-01-31 01:43:30

Reputation: +222
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Re: *****

Are you on meth or something? Have you got any idea what we are talking about or you just found another chance to flame me?
The "mother" thing was in game on server talk. Ofc you wouldn't know bcs you are never on it
Why exactly are you quoting me? To prove what again?What does it show?
Go back where you came from


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#17 2018-01-31 05:28:04

janet reno (TX)
United States
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Posts: 680
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Re: *****

hanyweh wrote:

For all administrators who got involved in this discussion: Are you looking for a way to resolve this situation, or are you trying to further escalate it ?!
   It's more than obious that alvarez and paul leech on xpfantastic's emotional state and try to further discredit him in favour to justify gio's provocative abuse of power that lead to this ban. Granade usage is not forbidden by the server rules. On maps where granade spam is unwanted it is already restricted through technical means.
  Everyone here knows Xpfantastic plays for the score, and like it or not he scores first in the majority of games. Kicking the guy in the middle of the game for something that is clearly not violation of the server rules, is abuse of power and aims to disturb the player and trigger emotional reaction. Since your server lacks code of conduct for the admins, manipulative behaviour like gio's will continue to be tolerated. I'd suggest you adapt such code of conduct so admins can be subject to higher standards of behavior. For example wikipedia's code of conduct for admins can be easily adapted in matter of hours:

"Admins are entrusted with additional abilities, but do not have special rights beyond those of regular players. An admin should not ban a player if they are not neutral with respect to that player, or have a conflict of interest."


This is an excellent idea. A code of Conduct for admins. This admin makes up grenade spam rule to ban XP.  Again another example of admin abuse. Suspend these incompetent admins a month at a time is a good start.

Should of know it is Gio. So here is the third time in a week Gio has made a complete fool out of himself.

Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2018-01-31 05:31:19)


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#18 2018-01-31 17:44:28

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Re: *****

janet reno (TX) wrote:

Should of know it is Gio.

I think you wanted to say "SHOULD HAVE KNOWN"
Please contact me through pm for more private English lessons .


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#19 2018-01-31 19:02:35

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
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Re: *****

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Dont insult family and parents xp unfortunately ur éducation didnt teach u how to speak to people...

hey kiddino ,you better not use other peoples images on your teamspeak , and insulting people



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#20 2018-01-31 20:52:26

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Re: *****

we all know the style of play bfsoldier, and sometimes he behaves like a girl. But let's be honest. I dont see any violations for him in this case. The Latino alvarez himself has a very long language, and likes to insult people on a national . I guess, fantik  should be unbanned, and close this discussion. all the more so, ban a few days already, uts many for "language"
Let the child continue to count all his gold medals.


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#21 2018-01-31 21:04:34

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Re: *****


Woot? He was been banned? I didn't got that. I ment he was just kicked.


Last edited by Arkos (2018-01-31 21:04:52)


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#22 2018-01-31 21:37:32

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Re: *****

drama queens.. all of you!


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#23 2018-01-31 23:14:36

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Re: *****

ABAS wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Dont insult family and parents xp unfortunately ur éducation didnt teach u how to speak to people...

hey kiddino ,you better not use other peoples images on your teamspeak , and insulting people


are you going to kick me or ban me on teamspeak ?


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#24 2018-01-31 23:14:41

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Re: *****

Vale vale, suck my balle big_smile


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#25 2018-01-31 23:17:22

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Re: *****

Räkan wrote:

Vale vale, suck my balle big_smile

I like this poetic side of you Rakan smile

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-01-31 23:17:53)


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#26 2018-01-31 23:31:57

disciple of Jeff
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Re: *****

Alvarez-Latino wrote:
ABAS wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Dont insult family and parents xp unfortunately ur éducation didnt teach u how to speak to people...

hey kiddino ,you better not use other peoples images on your teamspeak , and insulting people


are you going to kick me or ban me on teamspeak ?

I dont give shit about what you say and what you do in teamspeak i just want the owner of pictures to know that


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#27 2018-01-31 23:53:29

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Re: *****

A futur gestapo admin!


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#28 2018-02-01 18:25:37

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Re: *****

ABAS wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Dont insult family and parents xp unfortunately ur éducation didnt teach u how to speak to people...

hey kiddino ,you better not use other peoples images on your teamspeak , and insulting people


its really true..
alvarez be good boy


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#29 2018-02-01 18:46:23

impeached (twice)
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Re: *****

ABAS wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:
ABAS wrote:

hey kiddino ,you better not use other peoples images on your teamspeak , and insulting people


are you going to kick me or ban me on teamspeak ?

I dont give shit about what you say and what you do in teamspeak i just want the owner of pictures to know that

I'm glad to know you dont give a shit about what he does on TS. wink


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#30 2018-02-01 21:37:18

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Re: *****

ABAS wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

are you going to kick me or ban me on teamspeak ?

I dont give shit about what you say and what you do in teamspeak i just want the owner of pictures to know that

I'm glad to know you dont give a shit about what he does on TS. wink

He must be punished.... but admins sleep


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