#1 Re: BF1942 Events » BF1918 Fall of the Wall Event 2023 » 2023-10-29 14:28:02

@bubu2 @S_h_a_r_k_93 Lets make it. We will see how much like, we can start 8pm CET. We can play the Fall of the Wall map in change to regular BF1918 Maps you like? Fall of the Wall next Map Berlin, Fall of the Wall, after then Priesterwald and so on. Also all have the chance to play this Map, to this event. ANd the guys dont get boring too fast, because only one Map is playing. What do you think? You dont have to seperate download the map. Its included to the v3.4 BF1918.

#3 Re: BF1942 Events » Battlefield 1918 3.4 Release Event! » 2023-10-22 10:21:51

Battlefield 1918 3.4 Release Event!   

The first event was such a success that 52 players took part in it yesterday. Therefore, it will continue next Saturday, at the same time. Hope you'll show up.

The next event is on October 28th at ( 8pm CET / 2pm est )

Name: BF1918 3.4 fhsw-europe.com

Server IP:

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for what? » 2023-10-02 13:21:21

Thats the reason, why not so much people find the way to the server. Its because the automatically message "You are banned". I dont know whats wrong? All other server no problem to join Please make a solution like Moongamers and other server do. I get the ban too. Why ever.

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Gametracker gone? » 2023-09-27 06:14:52

If I understand it right, the problem with the server name is under construction, see here the discussion: gametracker.com

#6 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE is dying quickly now » 2023-09-25 10:47:35

Is it possible to add some Custom Maps and Mappacks at the "Simple New Maps Server" like Strasbourg, Joes Mappack, Into Saipan,  Leningrad, Grand Theft Zeppelin and many more, and offer the big Package as Download (New Maps)? Best the COOP Maps what is possible to add. After then we have a bigger good Pool of Maps. Or you Searching the best for add Into the Package.

#7 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE is dying quickly now » 2023-09-23 14:45:36

Moss wrote:

probably a keyhash issue

Can anybody fix the "Your have banned" message kick trouble? After then more Players can join.

#8 Re: BF1942 Events » BF1918 Fall of the Wall Event 2023 » 2023-09-21 18:10:45

S_h_a_r_k_93 said.: "Hallo zusammen, ich habe mich auch registriert, um mich in dieses Thema einzubringen: Ich möchte das Event auf meinem Discord-Server - Lost-Soldiers BF2 Community - als "alliiertes Event" bewerben (wir promoten alle Arten von Vietnam, 1942, 2 & 2142 Events), da ich selbst auch gerne teilnehmen würde; aber ich würde es vorziehen, wenn Serverdetails, aber auch eine genaue Tageszeit, geteilt werden können (oh und ein Flyer auch, ich denke, es wäre so einfach wie das Überlagern von Titel/Serverdetails/Uhrzeit auf einem der Bilder in Beitrag #1?), damit der Werbebeitrag nicht mehrdeutig ist. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es anderen Serverbesitzern auch so geht, technisch gesehen sind wir übrigens noch im Sommer (MESZ)"

As histroy start we play, we think this date works, "Day of Event":  8th.November and 9th.Novermber

Time for start is : 8pm CET

But at the moment, we have no Server, to during this.
For the event it would be welcome, to have balanced teams. But if it isnt impossible, you write the history yourself into, "the Berlin Wall wasnt fall"." Thats the thing about history. We would be support it, if its possible to the german parameters during. Because its a celbrate to East Germany (Ex DDR) going together with (Bundesrepublik Deutschland West) to the Deutschland/Germany from today we know.

#9 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE is dying quickly now » 2023-09-21 15:43:48

Maybe a problem is, players get a “your are banned” automatically message from all the simple server. Some can’t join the server because of. It would be good, if do you give the server the same settings, like the moongamers server. Because at the moongamers server nobody get a kick and ban from the free download able bf1942 copy. Please fix the automatically ban without a reason. That’s a solution. Please make it official in a post, you have change it to the good.

#10 Technical Help » How to modify Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam, completely "server-side" ( » 2023-09-20 12:30:44

Replies: 0

How to modify Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam, completely "server-side" (clients/joining players don't need the "map patches" themselves!)

Hey guys I've just put together a 4 part video series on nearly everything I know about editing map .rfa's to make SSM maps in both BF1942 and BFV.
1. Introduction To The Long Lost Art (Basics of both, a start to finish creation of a basic patch with adjusted object spawn templates and control point templates. Using WinRFA for dummies. How to set up your folders for DIY modding. Unpacking objects.rfa for learning vehicle names)
2. Adding bots to TDM, CTF and CQ for BF1942 - with the jetpack crash in Secret Weapons Expansion maps fixed. Unpacking game.rfa in order to adjust the relevant AI folder/files in the map.rfa. Unpacking objects.rfa for learning vehicle and handweapon names.
3. Modifying scoring in BF1942 (And why you can't in BFV) - modifying game.rfa
4. Adding Support for Air Vehicles in BFV Land-Only Coop maps - unsure if this is applicable for 1942
Not really looking to get into custom map development and use of battlecraft from here, however there are definitely people with that experience still running around today.

Autor/request: ardeshiir

Source: gametracker.com/games/bf1942

#11 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Strasbourg » 2023-09-19 10:17:36

Is it possible to reup all the different Strasbourg files?

Its deleted from the Mediafire. sad

#12 Re: BF1942 Events » BF1918 Fall of the Wall Event 2023 » 2023-09-18 09:48:16

bubu wrote:

Hello ridgeraiser! I am Bubu from FHSW Europe and registered on Simple forum just to reply to this post smile
I would like to offer a BF1918 server for this opportunity. It is based in Germany and is stable as long as the maps are stable. Please, let me know if you accept our server and I will install the required map as well as share the IP/Port information in PM with you.

Hi Bubu, thank you for your feedback. Sure, it's no problem that your (FHSW-Europe) provides the server for the event. If you want, can you make a flyer about it? We can design this event as a pre-event before the normal FHSW event starts? Or as a whole BF1918 Fall of the Wall evening event? The Fall of the Wall Map is to be included in the official BF1918 inventory in the future. But probably only for the future, as the release of the current v3.4 version is just around the corner.

Hi Bubu, vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung. Sicher, es ist kein Problem, dass Ihr (FHSW-Europe) den Server für das Event stellt. Wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr einen Flyer dazu machen? Wir können dieses Event, als vor Event gestalten, bevor dann das normale FHSW Event startet? Oder als ganzes BF1918 Mauerfall Abend Event? Die Mauerfall Map soll zukünftig in den offiziellen BF1918 bestand aufgenommen werden. Wahrscheinlich aber erst für die Zukunft, da der Release von der aktuellen v3.4 Version vor der Türe steht.

#13 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1918 v3.4 Release New Animations, Maps, Vehicles and More! » 2023-09-13 13:18:31

Tonight the first new Battlefield 1918 v3.4 FHT Meuse Argonne Offensive Map will be present: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ7vQ3Q_18k That makes hungry for more.

#14 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1918 v3.4 Release New Animations, Maps, Vehicles and More! » 2023-09-13 13:15:58

{Phantom} wrote:

If 3.4 will be out by the next event in November, can you explain why the event will be on v3.3?

Also, when 3.4 is out, will 3.3 be required?

Because the official Release isnt happen. A date of release isnt out. What we do, if its not Release till that time? We can take the view on the time what is now. And for now, the v3.3 is public the up to date one.

#15 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Mod Collection » 2023-09-07 13:40:17

Moss wrote:

i think i have them all ++ haha

My suggestion is, to let all this Custom Mods and seperate Custom Mappacks upload to share there: hg-clan.blogspot.com

One Mod i missed, anyone save this one: Desert Combat 0.2B

#16 Re: Feedback » Gazala » 2023-09-07 13:33:23

For the Mapvote, please list all Vanilla Maps in. Players can choose, what they want and what the game have to offer.

#17 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Mod Collection » 2023-09-03 17:08:51

Is it possible to up the mods anywhere to share for all? There are some not anymore public mods listed i see? Thank you.:)

#18 BF1942 Events » BF1918 Fall of the Wall Event 2023 » 2023-09-01 16:13:56

Replies: 9


November 9th is the 34th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and there is hardly a major media outlet that has not already dealt with the topic in detail. Of course, the gaming scene should not be left out here, so I suggest to hold a Battlefield 1918 (BF1918) "Fall of the Wall" event. The game will be played on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8 p.m. on a specially created map. What we need is a BF1918 server that lists this map and players who agree to be there on this day?
We can also play the map with the current version of BF1918 v3.3.
As stated in the description of the map from 2006, capitalist and socialist forces are separated by the Berlin Wall. Control of Checkpoint Alpha is the key to victory, but it also requires team play, as barriers and gates can block the way. These are controlled in the guard's house by A and D or the arrow keys. In the following years, the map was revised again and provided with nice details. Screenshots, which Cicero has thankfully created, give a first insight.

Day of Event:  8th.November and 9th.Novermber

Time: 8pm CET

Server: ? We need one who Host the Mauerfall Map

Battlefield 1918 v3.3: Download

Mauerfall Map: Download

36722.jpg 36723.jpg 36724.jpg

Am 9. November ist es soweit: der Fall der Mauer jährt sich zum 34. Mal und es gibt kaum ein großes Medium, das sich nicht bereits ausführlich mit dem Thema beschäftigt hat. Die Gaming-Szene darf sich hier natürlich nicht lumpen lassen, deshalb schlage ich vor ein Battlefield 1918 (BF1918)  "Mauerfall" Event durchzuführen. Gespielt werden soll am Mittwoch- und Donnerstagabend ab 20 Uhr auf einer eigens dafür erstellen Map. Was wir dafür brauchen, ist ein BF1918 Server der diese Map Listet und Spieler, welche sich bereit erklären an diesem Tag dabei zu sein?
Dabei können wir die map auch mit der aktuellen Version von BF1918 v3.3 spielen.
Wie es in der Beschreibung der Karte aus dem Jahr 2006 heißt, sind kapitalistische und sozialistische Kräfte durch die Berliner Mauer getrennt. Die Kontrolle über den Checkpoint Alpha ist der Schlüssel zum Sieg, erfordert aber auch Teamplay da Schranken und Tore den Weg versperren können. Diese werden im Wärterhäuschen durch A und D bzw. die Pfeiltasten kontrolliert. In den Folgejahren wurde die Karte noch einmal überarbeitet und mit netten Details versehen. Screenshots, die Cicero dankenswerterweise erstellt hat, geben einen ersten Einblick.

#19 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1918 v3.4 Release New Animations, Maps, Vehicles and More! » 2023-09-01 12:52:31

Please take a look in to teh current running Servers guy. BF1942 needs all guys. It doesnt Matter what mod or Game Mode you support, please join in. There are diffrent Servers to join i like to you now:




#21 BF1942 Discussion » BF1918 v3.4 Release New Animations, Maps, Vehicles and More! » 2023-08-31 10:43:59

Replies: 7

Greetings everyone! It has been a while since the last update but fear not, for we the members of the Battlefield 1918 Mod Development have been at work slowly making the 3.4 update a reality. With this in mind we wish to show some of the new features that are being added with this update. To start off let's look at some of the new animations that are being added!

Carcano_Animation.gif Arisaka_Animation1.gif

Mannlicher_Animation1.gif Belgian_Mauser_Karbine_Animation.gif

New animations, especially for our bolt actions have been one of the most requested features by our fans (along with adding Iron Sights) as such we hope you are as excited as we are by this latest bit of news. Of course new animations are not the only thing coming in the 3.4 update so let us now look at some of the new maps arriving. First off let's look at Kosovo! Fought in November of 1915, this battle was one of the last stands made by Serbia before the great retreat through Albania. Here Serbian players can expect to conduct a similar fighting retreat in order to slow down and potentially halt the pursuing Bulgarian forces.

vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h04m18s579.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h04m41s889.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h04m57s368.png

While we hope this map will be another change of pace for fans it is of course not the only new map we have to announce and this is also an excellent time to look at new content being added for the Upcoming Russian Civil War Expansion as well. For a start let's talk about the Battle Of Lemberg! Fought from November of 1918 to May of 1919 this battle saw Polish and Ukrainian forces clash over the titular town of Lemberg. On this map players will see the Ukrainian forces lay siege to the city and push slowly through the streets.

vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h05m10s027.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h05m36s364.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h05m53s878.png

Of course this is not the only new map being added for the Russian Civil War either as now is an excellent opportunity to talk about the Battle Of Avratin! Set in November of 1921 this battle was a bold and desperate final attempt by the Ukrainian forces to gain independence from the Red Army. Expect a more open map that is a hybrid between a push and meeting engagement. The Red Army does hold a few CPs at the start but there are also plenty of neutral flags.

vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h06m36s640.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h06m47s034.png vlcsnap-2023-08-29-15h07m05s972.png

Speaking of Avratin it is now an excellent opportunity to talk about another new vehicle that players will see on this map. The Austin-Kegresse armored halftrack! This vehicle is a variant of the Austin armored car with a new turret layout along with it being converted into a halftrack. It also features a gun port in the rear so that passengers can fire on enemies that attempt to flank it.


With these new additions it is also worth noting that those wishing to see our mod in action may do so through this latest trailer, we hope you enjoy!


Lastly it is important to discuss the release date for 3.4. We know our fans have been waiting most patiently for this latest update and the excitement has been most welcome to see. It is under this context that we must inform you that while we had intended to release the mod in August of 2023, this release date has now been moved to late September of 2023. This of course may not be the news that those who have waited and are continuing to wait may wish to hear, that said take heart for the day will come when 3.4 is finally released, and also please note that we still have plenty more to reveal in terms of maps, factions, and features. With this in mind we hope that we shall have your patience longer still while we work to make 3.4 a reality for all of you. With all of that said the Battlefield 1918 Mod Development Team would like to thank all of you amazing fans for your continued support, and we hope that you have a good day.

Battlefield 1918 v3.3 current Version before Release v3.4: Download

Autor: ACE1918

Source: moddb.com

#23 Re: Technical Help » Battlefield 1942 + Expansions » 2023-08-26 11:21:58

Can you please updated the bf1942hd Package against crash, after patch with the new Masterserver file. The only file what this bf1942hd package need is the new bf1942.exe to find Servers (03/22) again. This one missed in bf1942hd: https://www.moddb.com/games/battlefield … 2org-patch

#24 Re: Technical Help » Battlefield 1942 back play online, so you go Win 7/8/10! » 2023-01-19 14:36:12

Is it possible to change the bf1942.exe Master Server IP for Origin Players too? The last stand is from the 2014, as AX Community active. Last Year they shut all down. The CD Retail Players get a quick update here last year for go again.

#25 BF1942 Events » Desert Combat Mix n Match Event!!! » 2022-07-21 19:53:53

Replies: 1

Hello all!

To keep pace with our popular weekly Desert Combat events;

A variety of maps will be played during this event, some with custom bots, some ctf. It will be a fun variety filled night!

Event will be roughly four to five hours long, then we will return to regular map list.

Players are more than welcome to stay longer than the booked event slot, we will continue on with other maps not associated with the event afterwards if the player counts permit.

-[HELLO]- Desert Combat : 14567


Friday July 22nd

Time for the event;

5 PM EST - 10 PM EST

To participate you need the following;
1. Battlefield 1942
2. Desert Combat 0.7
3. Desert Combat Final

Link/Guide for DC: click here

Hope to see you on the battlefield soldier!

Autor: BangBangOw

Source: helloclan.eu

#26 Re: Technical Help » Battlefield 1942 back play online, so you go Win 7/8/10! » 2022-07-20 11:45:57

i wish i could edit my posts for bring them sometimes up to date.


Here is the easiest way for you to find Servers back in your Browser, overwrite you old "bf1942.exe" in your .....C:\Program Files\Battlefield 1942\ : https://www.moddb.com/games/battlefield … 2org-patch

#27 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Questions & Answers » 2021-11-16 20:22:13

Arkos wrote:


Direct Play in Windows 10 activated?

Blackscreen.exe > compatibility Mode > Start as admin?

And here is the newest patch > https://team-simple.org/download/battle … _v1.61.exe


Thank you for your fast solution. Direct Play was activated. But the Blackscreen.exe... solution i didnt knew before. Thank you.
It works not perfect now, but it works. :-) How to give this same screen resolution stretch to the Game Menu?

I test it again, after end of map the "blackscreen back to the desktop" crash comes to the map change. Also the crash comes by enter a server from "BF 1942 Vanilla Menu" to the Desert Combat Mod for example.

If i let it on the 800 600 32 60 all runs fine. Why this different to the resolutions?

#29 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Questions & Answers » 2021-11-16 13:35:41

How to set up the screen resolution to expand the screen for BF 1942 from the standard only option 800 600 32 60 to 1920 1080 32 60?
If i try to change the parameters in "Video.con and VideoDefault.con", BF 1942 goes to a black screen after connect to an online Server? Any Solution? Using game package is the ready patched "Battlefield 1942 HD".

#30 Other Languages » Battlefield 1918 v3.3b angekündigt!!! » 2021-10-18 13:30:32

Replies: 4


Grüße an alle und willkommen zu einem News-Update zu Battlefield 1918, da wir vom Battlefield 1918-Entwicklungsteam freuen uns, V3.3b sowie einige der neuen Funktionen, die es enthalten wird, offiziell ankündigen zu können. Viele mögen sich fragen, was dieser neue Build bieten wird, also präsentieren wir zuerst eine neue Fraktion, die dem Mod hinzugefügt wird, die IMRO oder Die Interne Mazedonische Revolutionäre Organisation.



1893 als militante Unabhängigkeitsbewegung hauptsächlich von Bulgaren gegründet, wurde die IMRO im Ersten Weltkrieg von der bulgarischen Regierung unterstützt und wurde für ihre Überfälle berüchtigt. Angesichts des Guerillakriegscharakters der IMRO sollte es für die Spieler natürlich keine Überraschung sein, dass sich diese Fraktion hauptsächlich auf Überfälle mit hauptsächlich Infanterie und etwas Kavallerieunterstützung konzentrieren wird. Darüber hinaus dürfen die Spieler auch eine neue Karte für die Fraktion erwarten und das bringt uns zu einer der neuen Karten in V3.3b, nämlich Valandovo.



Historisch gesehen ein großer Überfall der IMRO gegen eine wichtige serbische Eisenbahn am 2. April 1915. Auf dieser Karte wird die IMRO mehrere serbische Stellungen überfallen, wobei das Hauptziel die Zerstörung der Eisenbahnbrücke ist. Eine Aufgabe, die IMRO-Spielern viel leichter fallen würde, wenn sie es schaffen würden, während des Kampfes serbische Artillerie zu erobern. Natürlich ist dies nicht die einzige neue Karte von der serbischen Front, die die Spieler erwarten können, wobei eine andere Karte erwähnenswert ist Gucevo.



Gucevo wurde im Rahmen der größeren Schlacht von Drina im Herbst 1914 ausgetragen und zeichnete sich dadurch aus, dass es eine der ersten Schlachten des Krieges war, die sich durch ihren Grabenkrieg charakterisierte. In diesem Fall liegen die Gräben besonders nahe beieinander. Daher werden unsere Spieler, sei es für die Serben oder die Österreich-Ungarn, feststellen, dass diese Karte besonders hektische Kämpfe hat, wobei Granaten und Dynamit wirklich zu effektiven Kriegswerkzeugen werden. Apropos Kriegswerkzeuge, kommen wir zu einigen der neuen Fahrzeuge, auf die sich die Spieler freuen können, das erste ist das Blériot XI Spotter-Flugzeug.


Dieses Flugzeug, ein Vorkriegsdesign, das in den frühen Tagen des Krieges ausgiebig eingesetzt wurde, bietet den Spielern die Möglichkeit, Offboard-Artillerieangriffe durchzuführen, um feindliche Stellungen zu zerstören. Während dieses Flugzeug möglicherweise keine wirklichen Mittel hat, sich selbst zu verteidigen, wird es glücklicherweise hauptsächlich auf Karten sein, die vor effektiven Kampfflugzeugen liegen. Das heißt, lassen Sie uns nun zu einem Fahrzeug übergehen, das zu den am besten bewaffneten in der gesamten Mod gehört, nämlich dem mächtigen K-Wagen!


Ein experimentelles Super Heavy Tank Design aus Deutschland, der K-Wagen war bis Kriegsende noch nicht fertig, obwohl 2 fast fertig waren. Das hat die Spieler natürlich nicht davon abgehalten, eine Chance zu haben, einen zu fahren, und so wird der K-Wagen auf der Karte Battle of the Giants erscheinen, wo seine 4 Kanonen und 7 Maschinengewehre sicherlich nützlich sein werden.

Mit einer Besatzungskapazität von 11 Ist der K-Wagen ein mächtiges Fahrzeug, das zu einem unschätzbaren Herzstück auf Geheimwaffenkarten werden sollte. Es gibt natürlich noch mehr Fahrzeuge und Karten, die in den kommenden News-Updates genauer dargestellt werden; Vorerst gibt es hier jedoch einen Trailer zum neuen Update. Wir hoffen, dass es für unsere langjährigen Fans zufriedenstellend sein wird und euch alle darauf gespannt macht, was unsere Mod sonst noch bieten wird:


Nach all dem möchte das Battlefield 1918-Entwicklungsteam allen einen guten Tag wünschen und hoffen, euch alle bald wieder zu sehen!

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