#1 2023-04-28 00:49:18

United States
Reputation: -7
Registered: 2023-04-28
Posts: 26
Windows 10 Firefox 102.0

SiMPLE is dying quickly now

It’s the same that happened to AX server. Soon SiMPLE will be empty. This is sad.
Several mistakes has been made and the situation is not reversible by now.


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#2 2023-04-28 09:22:22

Reputation: +542
Registered: 2014-08-13
Posts: 968
Unknown Firefox 108.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

That's what happens when mods and tweaks are added to the server that make the gameplay unpleasant. They hold a personal grudge against more skilled players.
This has been brought up by many for a long time now


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#3 2023-04-28 14:11:29

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
Reputation: +1968
Registered: 2015-12-10
Posts: 2,337
Windows 10 Firefox 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

simon wrote:

mods make the gameplay unpleasant. They hold a personal grudge against more skilled players.
This has been brought up by many for a long time now


Last edited by ABAS (2023-04-28 14:12:28)


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#4 2023-04-28 14:31:03

Reputation: +34
Registered: 2022-02-28
Posts: 58
Android Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Most 'skilled' players move on to newer games.
Bf42 now remains for the enthusiasts and perhaps the less skilled.
It is a great game. Don't let the bullies let it die.
If you are so 'skilled', why are you still here.
Most new players are quickly deleting the game when all they do is get killed immediately.
Personally I try not to spawn camp. Depends who is playing.
Give the new players a chance.
They'll improve given a chance.
And as for mr Merlin and his b17.
Not only would he be one to discourage new players but his attempts to get people banned with his whining is ridiculous.
I and others have been victim of this.
Food for thought...


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#5 2023-04-28 14:42:56

Republic of the Congo
Reputation: +68
Registered: 2016-03-07
Posts: 58
Windows 10 Firefox 106.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

i told you assholes not to be banning people for bullshit otherwise the server is gonna empty. and dont blame it on the game dying just look how moongamers is booming


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#6 2023-04-28 14:45:19

Reputation: +697
Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 3,788
Windows 10 Firefox 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

The vibe attracts the tribe. People are not attracted to the vibe here, because there are many toxic and fake people.
There are friendly skilled people too, don't want to be too negative but things are as they are, not as we want them to be.

Last edited by dary (2023-04-28 14:48:48)


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#7 2023-04-28 15:50:29

Reputation: +392
Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 747
Windows 10 Firefox 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Kevin wrote:

i told you assholes not to be banning people for bullshit otherwise the server is gonna empty. and dont blame it on the game dying just look how moongamers is booming

It is booming, just like simple was booming after aX died, some of the players move over. Banning and kicking for petty things surely doesn't help, but i doubt it's the main reason.
The differences i noticed and liked in moon were a better map pool, a balanced game and no sped up game with a clunky hit registration. Try playing a round of infantry in simple and then in moon, it's a day and night experience, even on high ping it's better and more consistent in moon. I know this last reason is the reason some of the infantries have quit or only play in moon. They've guessed the server quality is just bad in simple or that the server attacks have messed with it, but i would not be surprised if something was modded in, to mess with the regs, just like it was done with the fire deviation mod.
If vibe or toxic people were the reason then tanks a lot would've died first, but that server still gets the same numbers, lately even more than natural


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#8 2023-04-28 17:26:19

Reputation: +353
Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 506
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Everything around BF42 is close to extinction. Not just Simple main. The nr. 1 server/thing with the "highest" population will always attract the most, that's kindda how it is everywhere in life - in this case it seems to be Moongamers being nr. 1 right now. In the past Simple has had a high population late at night (EU time) which attracted a lot of players outside EU, now when these players check their serverbrowser  Moongamers have the highest population and therefor I'm sure they just join that one.

The Corona wave which I guess gave BF42 an uprising (at least for my case) is gone, the weather is changing to the better, you can barely find any clanwars anymore, lots of idiots and trolls, weird hitboxes, etc. etc. And the biggest reason: The game is getting older and so are the players. So personally I think it's very wrong to blame dis and dat and a particular thing. Eventually this would happen, it's just I guess surprising that it seems like Moon will win the last battle - or maybe not since they have active active and responsive  head admin(s).


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#9 2023-04-28 20:02:32

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1456
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,272
iOS Safari 16.4

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

That’s why we need to enact a great revival plan to save this game we all love, ain’t that right razor ?


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#10 2023-04-28 20:14:57

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
Reputation: +2611
Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,700
Windows 7 Opera 95.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Kevin wrote:

i told you assholes not to be banning people for bullshit otherwise the server is gonna empty. and dont blame it on the game dying just look how moongamers is booming

Damn, we assholes should've made you head admin for your precious contribution and let you run simple servers properly, just like bunch of trolls and cheaters ruined Ax server when it run out of active admins. Our biggest mistake was not letting people cheat and not letting trolls disrupt the game for others, If that makes us assholes in your eyes be my guest LOL


    Positive reputation 9   Negative reputation 0

#11 2023-04-28 20:21:41

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
Reputation: +2611
Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,700
Windows 7 Opera 95.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

To anyone who genuinely enjoys our servers and plays this game for fun and not to troll others, we are indeed having a hard time now but we will overcome it and we will come back stronger than before. Our tech team is working hard to fix some server issues, please bear with us.


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#12 2023-04-28 22:37:44

Republic of the Congo
Reputation: +68
Registered: 2016-03-07
Posts: 58
Windows 10 Firefox 106.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Paul Baumer wrote:

Damn, we assholes should've made you head admin for your precious contribution and let you run simple servers properly, just like bunch of trolls and cheaters ruined Ax server when it run out of active admins. Our biggest mistake was not letting people cheat and not letting trolls disrupt the game for others, If that makes us assholes in your eyes be my guest LOL

I called it before, if you guys keep banning people for frivolous stuff then they are gonna move to another server and thats whats happening now. It's not so much that people are leaving this old game, thats naturally the main factor but whats taking place at the moment is server mismanagement. Reason? just look at the swing in population between simple and moongamers the past 6 months, that thing never occured in the past 5 years or so for what i can recall. The closest thing to it was aX closing down and then its playerbase moving to different servers but thats a different story, simple and moongamers have always been running. Also don't assume im here to try to disrupt anything, its just slight frustration at the direction the server has taken since the previous head admin left. And yes (i said it before), cheaters, tkers, are rightly to be banned and always been so dont try to make it sound i don't agree with this. the only thing where i voice opposition is in players getting banned for slight chat banter because you have to look at the realities here: there is at most 100 active players at the moment and a ban at this point in the game is unaffordable unless with due cause (cheaters, tkers) and not because someone made a george floyd joke. besides, i never witnessed this in the previous administration, so thats where im coming from plus i also really believe thats what made the game more engaging. Oh and about aX, that server was without admin since 2016-2017, you are very wrong if you think it died because of lack of admins or trolls, actually ironically ax was founded on no admins and trolls lol. i was there when it died, and one of the main reasons it happened is because the auto admin that managed base attackers, team killers, taxi to plane, etc and their respective auto kicks and bans got disabled because the server was under constant attack and restarts. after that it became a jungle with no order and people stopped joining. i also heard people got caught in mass ban waves and couldn't connect to the server but i dont know if thats true.


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#13 2023-04-28 22:47:50

Reputation: +243
Registered: 2018-01-16
Posts: 416
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

The attacks had been a mayor factor on the declining of the playerbase, (Phillipines sucks but having to play it twice just makes me wanna uninstall the game), and when that happens people goes to Moon, then what Doubti said becomes true, the more people it has the more people it attracts.
Stopping the server restarts/crashed is gonna solve this? Maybe. But I think its time to finally merge the servers so we can have a better mappool and a unified playerbase.


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#14 2023-04-28 23:58:54

Reputation: +2781
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 7,048
Windows 10 Chrome 109.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now


There were a lot of Problems with those connection losses due the past half year.

I doubt that people stay away of other reasons. It's just annoying to reconnect 3-5 times.

You can see those disconnects in every map. Sometimes just after the start or due the Maptime.


Btw. Who is dis CalTech.

Some Newbie comes to the forum, ... could be a troll, ... and everybody get's on it?


Last edited by Arkos (2023-04-29 00:01:05)


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#15 2023-04-29 12:15:05

Ferd Grapperhaus
Reputation: +235
Location: Amsterdam
Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 452
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Kevin wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Damn, we assholes should've made you head admin for your precious contribution and let you run simple servers properly, just like bunch of trolls and cheaters ruined Ax server when it run out of active admins. Our biggest mistake was not letting people cheat and not letting trolls disrupt the game for others, If that makes us assholes in your eyes be my guest LOL

I called it before, if you guys keep banning people for frivolous stuff then they are gonna move to another server and thats whats happening now. It's not so much that people are leaving this old game, thats naturally the main factor but whats taking place at the moment is server mismanagement. Reason? just look at the swing in population between simple and moongamers the past 6 months, that thing never occured in the past 5 years or so for what i can recall. The closest thing to it was aX closing down and then its playerbase moving to different servers but thats a different story, simple and moongamers have always been running. Also don't assume im here to try to disrupt anything, its just slight frustration at the direction the server has taken since the previous head admin left. And yes (i said it before), cheaters, tkers, are rightly to be banned and always been so dont try to make it sound i don't agree with this. the only thing where i voice opposition is in players getting banned for slight chat banter because you have to look at the realities here: there is at most 100 active players at the moment and a ban at this point in the game is unaffordable unless with due cause (cheaters, tkers) and not because someone made a george floyd joke. besides, i never witnessed this in the previous administration, so thats where im coming from plus i also really believe thats what made the game more engaging. Oh and about aX, that server was without admin since 2016-2017, you are very wrong if you think it died because of lack of admins or trolls, actually ironically ax was founded on no admins and trolls lol. i was there when it died, and one of the main reasons it happened is because the auto admin that managed base attackers, team killers, taxi to plane, etc and their respective auto kicks and bans got disabled because the server was under constant attack and restarts. after that it became a jungle with no order and people stopped joining. i also heard people got caught in mass ban waves and couldn't connect to the server but i dont know if thats true.

Some new account with a name I have never seen before comes to the Simple forum to say that the server will be empty. No, it won't be empty. The covid-era is done (we saw a grow in our population in those years), there are server crashes and it's spring outside. Furthermore, it's a game released years and years ago, people move on after a certain amount of time.
Those who have been removed from the game permanently deserved it and it was not a big amount of players. Do you really think the majority of people leave because people get kicked or banned because of chat bullshit and insults? It's always the same small group of people doing this. Like Paul said, we will be fine smile

Do you really think it is different at Moongamers? I think they are even harder with chat abuse and insults. And why is it mostly the same guys receiving bans there too?  It's mostly the same small group of known guys. The only difference there is they plead guilty because they know there is zero tolerance. Some great examples @ Moongamers:

Image BBCode test

Image BBCode test

Image BBCode test

Enjoy both Simple and Moongamers and be thankful to those who keep it alive, both admin-teams and players.
Feedback about game-play is always welcome and thank you for that!


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#16 2023-04-29 13:08:07

Reputation: +254
Location: Padova
Registered: 2016-10-22
Posts: 365
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

I am agree with Ferd here. There are a few players that have been kicked/banned for the same reason over and over again. Insulting/trolling/disruptive gameplay etc. I am not going to name those again and again but these guys do not really want to change their behavior seems like. Look at the ban appeals and you will see how many appeals a single person has over the same shit he does to be banned. Seems like those guys do the same shit in moongamers as well.
Well, follow the rules or stop crying over a ban, simple as that.


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#17 2023-04-29 13:54:38

At duty
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Location: South Pole
Registered: 2021-07-06
Posts: 352
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Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

It is fun that kicked ppl still coming into to give moral speeches, "open your eyes", show you the reality and so... after being assholes all over again and well punished. They cant stand w/o talking about SIMPLE. If you run into a bar you poke everyone's eyes, mock them, the boss is gonna kick ya forever, no mercy... then comes the "this site is declining" thing cuz the place wasnt made for you, time to eat it and move on.
Those players who have been kicked/banned for bad behavior appeal politely and have second opportunities, others have been even MORE tolerated w/o changes, one reason why people get pissed and quit servers.

Dunno why talking about servers death when thats not a new lol, everything dies tho, ask yourself first what you made to help servers grow instead. Everyday new players comes, even youngers. No ones is caring about server's farewell cuz they're busy still enjoying it.


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#18 2023-04-29 16:47:34

Reputation: +34
Registered: 2022-02-28
Posts: 58
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

'Caltech' has opened a right can of worms...

I think everyone should lighten up a bit?

Here's a hilarious 'new player experience'. Quite imformative and 'quite' balanced.
A lot of familiar situations highlighted.

Worth watching to the end to get the full balance.
Do you think he would have got banned for beaching the Carrier today? lol


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#19 2023-04-29 17:11:17

Reputation: +440
Location: Honolulu
Registered: 2012-03-04
Posts: 1,959
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Maybe its because you guys racked up over 900 permanent bans since may 2021. Lets be nice and say 800 of those are for evading. thats still 100 players. Dont think ppl complaining about admin bans are necessarily wrong here.

Last edited by Zody (2023-04-29 17:12:26)


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#20 2023-04-29 17:24:17

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
Reputation: +1968
Registered: 2015-12-10
Posts: 2,337
Windows 10 Firefox 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

7:20 a noobie colts hard trying Mamba big_smile


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#21 2023-04-29 17:30:45

Reputation: +34
Registered: 2022-02-28
Posts: 58
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

I wondered if anyone would spot that lol


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#22 2023-04-29 18:07:22

United States
Reputation: +63
Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 108
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

That video is hilarious. Especially to those of us who've played all these scenarios.


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#23 2023-04-29 18:09:42

Reputation: +24
Registered: 2021-10-23
Posts: 41
iOS Safari 16.4

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now


I think, SIMPLE should cancel evade bans of old popular players who are increasing competitiveness in the server.

What do you think ?


    Positive reputation 4   Negative reputation 0

#24 2023-04-29 18:19:31

Reputation: +38
Registered: 2023-01-31
Posts: 17
Windows 10 Firefox 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:
Kevin wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Damn, we assholes should've made you head admin for your precious contribution and let you run simple servers properly, just like bunch of trolls and cheaters ruined Ax server when it run out of active admins. Our biggest mistake was not letting people cheat and not letting trolls disrupt the game for others, If that makes us assholes in your eyes be my guest LOL

I called it before, if you guys keep banning people for frivolous stuff then they are gonna move to another server and thats whats happening now. It's not so much that people are leaving this old game, thats naturally the main factor but whats taking place at the moment is server mismanagement. Reason? just look at the swing in population between simple and moongamers the past 6 months, that thing never occured in the past 5 years or so for what i can recall. The closest thing to it was aX closing down and then its playerbase moving to different servers but thats a different story, simple and moongamers have always been running. Also don't assume im here to try to disrupt anything, its just slight frustration at the direction the server has taken since the previous head admin left. And yes (i said it before), cheaters, tkers, are rightly to be banned and always been so dont try to make it sound i don't agree with this. the only thing where i voice opposition is in players getting banned for slight chat banter because you have to look at the realities here: there is at most 100 active players at the moment and a ban at this point in the game is unaffordable unless with due cause (cheaters, tkers) and not because someone made a george floyd joke. besides, i never witnessed this in the previous administration, so thats where im coming from plus i also really believe thats what made the game more engaging. Oh and about aX, that server was without admin since 2016-2017, you are very wrong if you think it died because of lack of admins or trolls, actually ironically ax was founded on no admins and trolls lol. i was there when it died, and one of the main reasons it happened is because the auto admin that managed base attackers, team killers, taxi to plane, etc and their respective auto kicks and bans got disabled because the server was under constant attack and restarts. after that it became a jungle with no order and people stopped joining. i also heard people got caught in mass ban waves and couldn't connect to the server but i dont know if thats true.

I like this post.  It shows how moongamers gives mercy, and ferd gives perma bans...brilliant contrast thanks ferd
Some new account with a name I have never seen before comes to the Simple forum to say that the server will be empty. No, it won't be empty. The covid-era is done (we saw a grow in our population in those years), there are server crashes and it's spring outside. Furthermore, it's a game released years and years ago, people move on after a certain amount of time.
Those who have been removed from the game permanently deserved it and it was not a big amount of players. Do you really think the majority of people leave because people get kicked or banned because of chat bullshit and insults? It's always the same small group of people doing this. Like Paul said, we will be fine smile

Do you really think it is different at Moongamers? I think they are even harder with chat abuse and insults. And why is it mostly the same guys receiving bans there too?  It's mostly the same small group of known guys. The only difference there is they plead guilty because they know there is zero tolerance. Some great examples @ Moongamers:

Enjoy both Simple and Moongamers and be thankful to those who keep it alive, both admin-teams and players.
Feedback about game-play is always welcome and thank you for that!


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#25 2023-04-29 18:46:08

Reputation: +13
Registered: 2012-07-19
Posts: 58
Windows 8.1 Chrome 109.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

How about a ban amnesty? smile
You can always re-ban people if need be.

Just wondering if what Simon said about the server mods and tweaks are true? Has there been some sort of fiddling with the hit reg because sometimes it's fine, other times I find it awful.


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#26 2023-04-29 19:04:09

Ferd Grapperhaus
Reputation: +235
Location: Amsterdam
Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 452
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

CPAV wrote:
Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:
Kevin wrote:

I called it before, if you guys keep banning people for frivolous stuff then they are gonna move to another server and thats whats happening now. It's not so much that people are leaving this old game, thats naturally the main factor but whats taking place at the moment is server mismanagement. Reason? just look at the swing in population between simple and moongamers the past 6 months, that thing never occured in the past 5 years or so for what i can recall. The closest thing to it was aX closing down and then its playerbase moving to different servers but thats a different story, simple and moongamers have always been running. Also don't assume im here to try to disrupt anything, its just slight frustration at the direction the server has taken since the previous head admin left. And yes (i said it before), cheaters, tkers, are rightly to be banned and always been so dont try to make it sound i don't agree with this. the only thing where i voice opposition is in players getting banned for slight chat banter because you have to look at the realities here: there is at most 100 active players at the moment and a ban at this point in the game is unaffordable unless with due cause (cheaters, tkers) and not because someone made a george floyd joke. besides, i never witnessed this in the previous administration, so thats where im coming from plus i also really believe thats what made the game more engaging. Oh and about aX, that server was without admin since 2016-2017, you are very wrong if you think it died because of lack of admins or trolls, actually ironically ax was founded on no admins and trolls lol. i was there when it died, and one of the main reasons it happened is because the auto admin that managed base attackers, team killers, taxi to plane, etc and their respective auto kicks and bans got disabled because the server was under constant attack and restarts. after that it became a jungle with no order and people stopped joining. i also heard people got caught in mass ban waves and couldn't connect to the server but i dont know if thats true.

I like this post.  It shows how moongamers gives mercy, and ferd gives perma bans...brilliant contrast thanks ferd
Some new account with a name I have never seen before comes to the Simple forum to say that the server will be empty. No, it won't be empty. The covid-era is done (we saw a grow in our population in those years), there are server crashes and it's spring outside. Furthermore, it's a game released years and years ago, people move on after a certain amount of time.
Those who have been removed from the game permanently deserved it and it was not a big amount of players. Do you really think the majority of people leave because people get kicked or banned because of chat bullshit and insults? It's always the same small group of people doing this. Like Paul said, we will be fine smile

Do you really think it is different at Moongamers? I think they are even harder with chat abuse and insults. And why is it mostly the same guys receiving bans there too?  It's mostly the same small group of known guys. The only difference there is they plead guilty because they know there is zero tolerance. Some great examples @ Moongamers:

Enjoy both Simple and Moongamers and be thankful to those who keep it alive, both admin-teams and players.
Feedback about game-play is always welcome and thank you for that!

Oh man...

I honestly don't feel much for another discussion with persisting trolls like you, but let me say something about this:
It would surprise you how few people I have permanently removed from this game, apart from some cheaters and evaders. Still crying over BLITZKRIEG? Get over it dude. Same thing will most likely happen to him at Moongamers.

Now your accusation. If I was after permanently removing players like you imply, trust me, you would be gone by now. But that's not my goal here CPAV.

Nothing will change: warnings, kicks,  short and longer bans for trolling and insulting will happen. If you don't like it here, there is still two things you can do. Grow up and stop your pathetic victimization and play at Simple or simply get out of here. Now you just sound like some lonely guy at a bar he doesn't like anymore because he is no longer allowed to harass the female guests.

Cya around at Simple or in any other case, all the best.

Last edited by Ferd Grapperhaus (2023-04-29 19:16:59)


    Positive reputation 1   Negative reputation 0

#27 2023-04-29 19:05:57

Ferd Grapperhaus
Reputation: +235
Location: Amsterdam
Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 452
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Liquorice wrote:

How about a ban amnesty? smile
You can always re-ban people if need be.

Just wondering if what Simon said about the server mods and tweaks are true? Has there been some sort of fiddling with the hit reg because sometimes it's fine, other times I find it awful.

It already happens sometimes Liquorice, like my requests to unban MICA KAMIKAZA for example. Also other admins ask for amnesty for specific players sometimes.

Last edited by Ferd Grapperhaus (2023-04-29 19:11:11)


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#28 2023-04-29 19:26:02

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1456
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,272
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:
Kevin wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Damn, we assholes should've made you head admin for your precious contribution and let you run simple servers properly, just like bunch of trolls and cheaters ruined Ax server when it run out of active admins. Our biggest mistake was not letting people cheat and not letting trolls disrupt the game for others, If that makes us assholes in your eyes be my guest LOL

I called it before, if you guys keep banning people for frivolous stuff then they are gonna move to another server and thats whats happening now. It's not so much that people are leaving this old game, thats naturally the main factor but whats taking place at the moment is server mismanagement. Reason? just look at the swing in population between simple and moongamers the past 6 months, that thing never occured in the past 5 years or so for what i can recall. The closest thing to it was aX closing down and then its playerbase moving to different servers but thats a different story, simple and moongamers have always been running. Also don't assume im here to try to disrupt anything, its just slight frustration at the direction the server has taken since the previous head admin left. And yes (i said it before), cheaters, tkers, are rightly to be banned and always been so dont try to make it sound i don't agree with this. the only thing where i voice opposition is in players getting banned for slight chat banter because you have to look at the realities here: there is at most 100 active players at the moment and a ban at this point in the game is unaffordable unless with due cause (cheaters, tkers) and not because someone made a george floyd joke. besides, i never witnessed this in the previous administration, so thats where im coming from plus i also really believe thats what made the game more engaging. Oh and about aX, that server was without admin since 2016-2017, you are very wrong if you think it died because of lack of admins or trolls, actually ironically ax was founded on no admins and trolls lol. i was there when it died, and one of the main reasons it happened is because the auto admin that managed base attackers, team killers, taxi to plane, etc and their respective auto kicks and bans got disabled because the server was under constant attack and restarts. after that it became a jungle with no order and people stopped joining. i also heard people got caught in mass ban waves and couldn't connect to the server but i dont know if thats true.

Some new account with a name I have never seen before comes to the Simple forum to say that the server will be empty. No, it won't be empty. The covid-era is done (we saw a grow in our population in those years), there are server crashes and it's spring outside. Furthermore, it's a game released years and years ago, people move on after a certain amount of time.
Those who have been removed from the game permanently deserved it and it was not a big amount of players. Do you really think the majority of people leave because people get kicked or banned because of chat bullshit and insults? It's always the same small group of people doing this. Like Paul said, we will be fine smile

Do you really think it is different at Moongamers? I think they are even harder with chat abuse and insults. And why is it mostly the same guys receiving bans there too?  It's mostly the same small group of known guys. The only difference there is they plead guilty because they know there is zero tolerance. Some great examples @ Moongamers:




Enjoy both Simple and Moongamers and be thankful to those who keep it alive, both admin-teams and players.
Feedback about game-play is always welcome and thank you for that!

Could you perhaps not take screenshots of random conversations on Discord? That's kind of creepy.


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#29 2023-04-29 19:27:20

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1456
Registered: 2012-12-01
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Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

HappyFace wrote:


I think, SIMPLE should cancel evade bans of old popular players who are increasing competitiveness in the server.

What do you think ?

Yup, and I would add, unban BFSoldier/000.


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#30 2023-04-29 19:44:19

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1456
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,272
Windows 10 Chrome 112.0

Re: SiMPLE is dying quickly now

ABAS wrote:

7:20 a noobie colts hard trying Mamba big_smile

Didn't you see the other player emptying his Thompson clip into me right before? Come on ABAS you should be more observant than that, you are a pilot wink


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