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nämeless wrote:It's even possible to buy with no recipe.
Perhaps you mean 'prescription' rather than recipe. Prescription is a note from your doctor, where as a recipe is how to make something.
Yes, prescription.
nämeless wrote:it's illegal and nobody knows why. It doesn't help to gain muscles or power, it's a pharmacology for heart, for recovery.
Careful, you mate, with that kind of logic.
In France, the flippant way in witch some people take dope (among amateur athletes or physical workers) is doing a lot of damage. The side effects are more violent and more precocious than one would imagine.
Meldonium has no side-effect. It's written on the pack that something bad may happen to you but nothing happens. Nobody knows any cases of that. My mother sometimes uses Meldonium cause she's over 60 and being a teacher her job is pretty nervous.
Must be coincidence, that all those people have heartproblems
In the western world it's name is Carnitin and it's free to buy everywhere. I guess this Company was making big business after the AntiDopingArticles. +2000%
If i search in Google "List locked athlete meldonium Carnitin" i get plenty of searchresults "Buying Meldonium"
Yes, I know. Carnitine is also available here. L-Carnitine and the others.
Awesome AVATAR monkey!!!!!
I didnt know that they got expelled because of meldonium , which was ok until January 2016 !? Fkn bull shits !`Most funnier was when they said how ''clean'' athletes can play but only under IOC flag, not under russian , clearly showing whats the point of banning .
Your Mom is 60 nameless and take the medication for a reason (education stress and age). Why would a 16 and up athlete would take it ?? just to recover faster (cheat) between event ( competition ) and it could mask other subtance that they are taking just like propecia for hair lost does.
Last edited by Dakota (2016-08-09 20:47:51)
Your Mom is 60 nameless and take the medication for a reason (education stress and age). Why would a 16 and up athlete would take it ?? just to recover faster (cheat) between event ( competition ) and it could mask other subtance that they are taking just like propecia for hair lost does.
Well, Canadian athletes taking the medications for recovery. Everybody does who goes pro.
Let's not forget one of the biggest Dope ers.....Mr Hall of Shame...Lance Armstrong...Dick
Does he still have any nuts in his sack Monkey ?? or are they fakes ??
I got a kick out of watching one of the gymnast's parents: … ll%2C19%5D
lol palestine got rank 47 of 47 in swimming
I got a kick out of watching one of the gymnast's parents:
I saw so many Gifs of this on imgur, but none of them mentioned the sport. I thought it must have been diving, or judo! … ll%2C19%5D
lol palestine got rank 47 of 47 in swimming
There are 147 other countries which didn't even make it in this list.
You can be proud... Dude, you can be proud.
I must say, I'm enjoying these Olympics a lot!
And it must be said, reluctantly of course; The USA is a powerhouse of athleticism!
I must say, I'm enjoying these Olympics a lot!
And it must be said, reluctantly of course; The USA is a powerhouse of athleticism!
dmn Swedes eh?
HoOK wrote: … ll%2C19%5D
lol palestine got rank 47 of 47 in swimmingCongratulations!
could be worse:
I must say, I'm enjoying these Olympics a lot!
And it must be said, reluctantly of course; The USA is a powerhouse of athleticism!
But what's up with the US at shooting? No American winner yet, right?
Edit: Ok, I looked it up. They only have one gold so far, still weird to me.
Last edited by Zody (2016-08-13 20:02:37)
ping pong is a great game to play (years ago i was unbeatable in it ) but boring to watch, as for me..
how about Iranian outfits for female runners? its awesome but seems a little heavy:).. rly, wtf? why didnt they simply order them to put on an aualung or hermetic hemlet?
Last edited by joint (2016-08-14 16:39:00)
ping pong is a great game to play (years ago i was unbeatable in it
) but boring to watch, as for me..
how about Iranian outfits for female runners? its awesome but seems a little heavy:).. rly, wtf? why didnt they simply order them to put on an aualung or hermetic hemlet?
Hazmat Suit
ping pong is a great game to play (years ago i was unbeatable in it
) but boring to watch, as for me..
how about Iranian outfits for female runners? its awesome but seems a little heavy:).. rly, wtf? why didnt they simply order them to put on an aualung or hermetic hemlet?
its about being muslim and atheltic seems hard
impudent monkeys
oops, sorry, SurrenderMonkey, i swear i got nothing against primates
Last edited by joint (2016-08-14 22:53:16)
And this is Rio? What a shithole.
Fucking poor, please don't make children who you can't educate properly.
Last edited by Serebro (2016-08-15 07:48:04)
impudent monkeys
oops, sorry, SurrenderMonkey, i swear i got nothing against primates
Nothing surprising there, only naive and brainwashed people get shocked with these racial realities. I have to deal with these subhumans daily on public transportation. They only know one thing which is force, you can't reason with them, and they always prey on the weak. Here, like the rest of European nations and North America they get paid to have as much children and live on welfare. They should get paid not to have children and deported back to their African nations. But, the policy, fomented by the jews and their traitor lackeys, is dysgenetics and creating a melting pot of races.
Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are indeed shitholes. Although, Brasil is a vastly and naturally rich country, it is underdeveloped because there is so much mongrels due to all race-mixing. Only the south of Brasil near Uruguay is worthy of interest. It is the nature of people that make up the nations greatness. Ending my rant and back on topic, I haven't yet followed the Rio Olympics, just watched the sport flash news. I intend to watch some swimming, basketball, handball and volleyball games and, of course, the 100 and 200 meters sprint race.
I've been watching a lot of it...some of our swimmers got "pulled over" while riding in a taxi by locals posing as cops with fake badges but real guns. They demanded the athletes money and other personal belongings
Lochte, a US medal winner, had a gun put to his forehead and cocked. Many more tourists were strong-armed as you have show too. Obviously law enforcement has a grip on the situation...they get 60%.
Stop racism! Say NO to racism!
I loved seeing that one guy try to psych out Michael Phelps by staring at him and shadowboxing and shit. Thennnnn... he ate a large serving of humble pie.
I'm pretty sure Phelps is a merman.
Last edited by Sunshine (2016-08-15 15:10:32)
I loved seeing that one guy try to psych out Michael Phelps by staring at him and shadowboxing and shit. Thennnnn... he ate a large serving of humble pie.
I'm pretty sure Phelps is a merman.
this one even better ) … 1Lg9MjHY6k
Last edited by joint (2016-08-15 15:26:42)
Your Gifs always feature a monkey..., has something changed?
I believe the scene depicted occurred in China during the year of the Monkey.
ee eee
impudent monkeys
oops, sorry, SurrenderMonkey, i swear i got nothing against primates
Ah, this explains a lot of what I see on the server.
joint wrote:impudent monkeys
oops, sorry, SurrenderMonkey, i swear i got nothing against primatesAh, this explains a lot of what I see on the server.
hmm, didnt get what you see on the server and what explanes what?