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Hello. I got banned, just come to computer ( was afk ) and i see ''banned from server''
Why ? Becouse of Major Merlin reported me for his shit?
You got one day for tk/tw MAj merlin.
Thanks for fast answer , but that is not true, he's the one who keeps constantly shoot. He is Disrupting my gameplay... wtf
Then you must wait for Tuia to answer. Merlin reported that you keep shooting him while he called admins to kick you
And you trust him , on je obican troll Vojislave??
You could kick me instead or something, but ban ,that must be personal. Merlin is a troll , lieing peace of SH**.
Go to console and look who tk-ed first.
I didnt banned you , and i know what kind of guy he is. Also have nothing personal against you For unban must wait for Tuia , he is in charge now . Regards
Merlin is not a trusted person. You were banned by Serebro, so wait for his response.
Ok thx Vojislav for informations
bdw why you banned on ax ?
I don't know either. I was at plane , killing the enemy's, the last i remember i droped a bomb with my plane and killed the enemy in tank, after that it pooped '' banned from server ''... i dont know why , but i think it's kinda jealousy or smthing like that. SSK accused me for something i didn't do.
until now you were asking why were you banned for no reason, don't wonder you don't get answer for such nonsensical question
with you on the server, it's always something, baseraping, language, teamkilling, you name it
i don't have time or patience to babysit you when you join this server
when you dropped that bomb on that lonely friendly tank going for the flag on el alamein, probably thinking "why not, it's fun", i realized it's been enough
Baseraping?? OK then,language??? I was focused on playing, didn't chat, teamkilling??? wtf, i had 55-8, why the f should i tk?
Merlin reported you for teamwounding, stalking and teamkilling him during time when no admin was online. Knowing he is a whiner and noone will trust him - it's not a good thing to do.
We don't need trolls here. If he spams chat (or idk what the reason was), report it on forum.
Since you atention to the problem was gotten, I will ask to remove your ban now.
Please play respectfully.
Thank you guys. Had no attention to ruin or dis. the game, i always come in peace, and try to play that way!
Hf all.
Bullshit, read those server logs, its clear cut that's exactly what he was doing, deliberated, under the name Albanian power, I never lie about what takes place in these events, ever, not once, anyone who doubts this and can't be bothered to check the damned record, while I'm being shot in the arse for 0 reasons (while playing game and not chat engaged, doesn't matter to him, he wanted to initiate it) 0 reasons other than this Eurotrash's lack of self control, any who think I need to lie about that without checking who's actually full of shit,lying
for all any of you know its a long ago first banned troll who's doing this crap again, then going up to you gullible bunch of pigeons and saying "Hey what gives? I don't understand, what am I doin wrong" a goddamned chimp, could articulate the idea of the wrongdoing in neglecting fair play, grasp the inconsideration of deliberate sabotage only for the sake of selfish entertainment, so if an ape can get their through its simian skull, then there's no reason to even consider for one second, that he is not blatantly lying though his teeth, he was fully aware of what he was doing, again, read the logs, I am playing, and then repeatedly I cannot leave carrier unharassed with gunfire, but for this goof ninja, now if in the off chance there is a mistaken ID, doubt it, then its a matter of a faker with my name, but, if all the other reports I file, players I name, always turn out to be repeat offenders, there to tk, have tk'd, come back, tk again, no matter who it is, anyone who shows that behaviour is mentioned by number and or name, period, including this one, all my other tk complaint filings are legit, they all happened, why would this be any different? you worry at being manipulated as admins even for one second, one kick, but ask yourselves, if honest report tkr's, who do you really think is trying to manipulate you here? me? or the guy who arbitrarily started plane shooting me as a teammate over and over based on nothing?
Bullshit, read those server logs, its clear cut that's exactly what he was doing, deliberated, under the name Albanian power, I never lie about what takes place in these events, ever, not once, anyone who doubts this and can't be bothered to check the damned record, while I'm being shot in the arse for 0 reasons (while playing game and not chat engaged, doesn't matter to him, he wanted to initiate it) 0 reasons other than this Eurotrash's lack of self control, any who think I need to lie about that without checking who's actually full of shit,lying
WELL THEY CAN BLOODY WELL GO FUCK THEMSELVES CAN'T THEY?for all any of you know its a long ago first banned troll who's doing this crap again, then going up to you gullible bunch of pigeons and saying "Hey what gives? I don't understand, what am I doin wrong" a goddamned chimp, could articulate the idea of the wrongdoing in neglecting fair play, grasp the inconsideration of deliberate sabotage only for the sake of selfish entertainment, so if an ape can get their through its simian skull, then there's no reason to even consider for one second, that he is not blatantly lying though his teeth, he was fully aware of what he was doing, again, read the logs, I am playing, and then repeatedly I cannot leave carrier unharassed with gunfire, but for this goof ninja, now if in the off chance there is a mistaken ID, doubt it, then its a matter of a faker with my name, but, if all the other reports I file, players I name, always turn out to be repeat offenders, there to tk, have tk'd, come back, tk again, no matter who it is, anyone who shows that behaviour is mentioned by number and or name, period, including this one, all my other tk complaint filings are legit, they all happened, why would this be any different? you worry at being manipulated as admins even for one second, one kick, but ask yourselves, if honest report tkr's, who do you really think is trying to manipulate you here? me? or the guy who arbitrarily started plane shooting me as a teammate over and over based on nothing?
Only bla bla bla's ! ) Enjoy
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