#1 2016-04-07 04:16:09

[CL SS1]
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Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

This complaint is to report the admin FlickoffTheSwitch, who in the map Aberdeen, (which was played approximately at 10 pm U.S. Central time, 5/04/2016), deliberately kicked me, CL [SS] 2 and another player called Dave Lombardo, without any warning from him, nor the server and after asking him why the kick, the only reason he gave me, was because he wanted to see if we come back, the reason he gave CL [SS] 2 was because it was suspicious for him that we were finishing the map in a little time and no reason were given to Dave Lombardo.
The problem here is that he kicked the whole ally team in the map, WITH NO REASON , nor warning.

When we asked the reason for the kicked, he behaved very arrogant and come up with the answer you can see in the screenshot I took.

I’m personally disappointed, any admin I’ve seen in the US SIMPLE server has acted so disrespectful and so arrogant enough to make whatever he wants. He also turns map vote off, and time off just because he likes that map, without asking anybody; For I’ve seen in the forum, the core of all this, is to have fun and I hope someone agrees that those attitudes won’t get you any close to have fun at all.

Besides, I’m raising this complaint because is not the first time we have this kind of inconveniences with this person, sadly we have no footage of it and I know this screen capture is barely nothing, but it’s all I got from the chat, maybe he can show the full record.

And now that I took my complaint to the forum like some nosey said I’m looking forward to an answer and if it’s necessary, an admonition to the parties involved .



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#2 2016-04-07 04:33:51

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Btw... [CL SS]2 = Chavez


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#3 2016-04-07 05:33:34

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Thought you were the SS guys that are banned from SiMPLE server.  There were a number of players complaining that you guys were using cheats, which wouldn't surprise me either way. It was the end of the round, axis won the match correct? Did you get banned?



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#4 2016-04-07 05:42:09

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Map Aberdeen... Votemap off/timer off?

Ill be there smile

Btw.... Please turn the mains uncap please ( dont think to add jipes)


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#5 2016-04-07 05:47:39

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Also, Chavez, since you want to personally attack me and the way I admin  " He always turns the timer off" & "He turns the map vote off" Your goddamn right. I have the dependency to turn the map vote off after 3 or 4 votes for the same map when it ends with no map change. Also, maybe 2 - 3 times a month I turn the timer off, and I wouldn't be the only admin who does. You are a cheap player who only cares about his own personal score, not a team player, someone who in my mind would cheat at a moments notice if he thought he could get away with it. At least I can always say I play a fair game and use my best judgement to remove any players who are causing problems on the server. You have caused problems in the past, both by base attacking and team killing, maybe not in the recent past but never the less, it has been a problem. So, if you want to throw stones in a glass house, bring it on. I'm more than willing to stand my ground.



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#6 2016-04-07 05:58:51

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

CL SS are not the SS guys.

You guys all make up and be friends...I know flick is a hard ball...but he has been abused for 2 years trying to control the fuktards., since he was also raised by wolfs and is a 40+ year old virgin. ..give him a break.


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#7 2016-04-07 06:03:42

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

I turn off map vote after the second or third failed vote (usually for the same map, which is usually Stalingrad) within the same game.  As I've said before, if the vote fails the first three times, it's probably going to fail the fourth time.  By that point it's just a disruption that blocks a significant portion of peoples' screens.


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#8 2016-04-07 07:53:58

[CL SS1]
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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

I've always been CL [SS]1 in game, and im not new playing on US Simple server... And yes, we got banned after the kick in kusrk after that screenshot, maybe lombardo too i dont know... And i dont consider myself or chavez a cheap players, for me a cheap player is someone who gets upset when is loosing, something very common in you flick. The thing about the map vote off happens in market garden and the map proposed is not the same, as you say. The time off usually comes after in same map (MG) without asking anybody. I know you that good and im not confusing you with anybody.


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#9 2016-04-07 08:07:10

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Well... I dont know why this guy thinks that we are cheaters or we just think on our personal score, you can ask Karma or Russ about us playing as a team, usally always in the same team, monky told me that once, same ping... same team... thats how it works, and yeah, its always easy call someone cheater when you are lossing, BOS has the same problem when he is in the air. I dont have problems about turning off map vote, or time, piper does the same thing then people keeps voting. All we want is an admin with a mature judgment, not a guy that kicks or bans people just because they are loosing...


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#10 2016-04-07 08:19:36

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

[CL SS1] wrote:

I've always been CL [SS]1 in game, and im not new playing on US Simple server... And yes, we got banned after the kick in kusrk after that screenshot, maybe lombardo too i dont know... And i dont consider myself or chavez a cheap players, for me a cheap player is someone who gets upset when is loosing, something very common in you flick. The thing about the map vote off happens in market garden and the map proposed is not the same, as you say. The time off usually comes after in same map (MG) without asking anybody. I know you that good and im not confusing you with anybody.

  Well if you got banned, it wasn't from me. In fact, if I remember correctly Trojan gave you a 15 min Ban, and you came back within 5 minutes avoiding the initial ban. Which will be permanent once I find out the details from Trojan. Also, I never denied turning the timer off a few times a month, and you need to check your facts, just because you didn't see me ask, doesn't mean I didn't. I don't get mad when I lose a map, I get just treat douche bags like you and Chavez in kind. You like doing some cheap crap like bailing from a plane 3 feet off the ground into a tank, or continually running a jeep into another vehicle because you're too lame to find a legit way to get a kill, don't expect me to be your buddy.  No better than ex packing a flag in CTF, which I'm sure you would like to be able to do as well. I call it sportsmanship, something your generation knows nothing about.  You both are irrelevant to SiMPLE in my eyes, I have no respect for either of you, because you have no respect for anyone else on the server. You come to cause problems and play like dicks. Well, guess what? You get what back what you put in.



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#11 2016-04-07 08:30:52

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Well I apologyze, I forgot what kinda game it is, we can now send letters, kisses and hugs one to each other... (Sarcasm... just in case)
about me using a plane to kill, well, I remember i asked Russ if that was legal, and he sayd YES, but, mr admin star, dont liked and i got kicked. Like the server says... if you want respect, show respect. big_smile


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#12 2016-04-07 08:35:02

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Don't be so hard on Chavez and CL SS they are good players on simple
I haven't really had a problem with them compared to some of the more offensive players

yes they are cheeky and yes they crash a plane in to me too but that isn't against the server rules smile
I run jeeps into tanks cos i don't have any other way of killing it .. i think it is my signature move hehehe

Yes they shouldn't be arguing in server with admin decisions because that is not the place for it .. Get in teamspeak and talk it out or get on forums
Now as Pit says lets be friends and hug it out big_smile


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#13 2016-04-07 08:37:09

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

That's taking the high road Chavez...Flick apologized in server too btw...maybe you guys missed it.

Does that mean cupcakes Piper?


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#14 2016-04-07 08:39:14

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

yes cupcakes for all big_smile


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#15 2016-04-07 09:07:16

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch



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#16 2016-04-07 09:07:38

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Yay!!!! Cupcakes ....................I don't care about the rest of this thread................ there are cupcakes everyone!!!!


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#17 2016-04-07 09:47:40

[CL SS1]
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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

I dont have the possibility to do a bail 3 feet high above the ground with a laptop that peaks the ping constantly and you can chechk it out, maybe you are confusing me again dear, anyway i never wanted or exepect to be your buddy either, i never got this intention and btw i dont think a person who has a pitty music sales page, knows very much of sportsmanship.
But PitViper has spoken, so as Piper, and im gonna put this thing down to bed.
Not without giving thanks to the other admins for taking time to answer and reply.


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#18 2016-04-07 19:11:19

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

FlickoftheSwitchFlickoftheSwitchFlickoftheSwitch, you are always the trouble maker FlickoftheSwitch again, again and again but you still get infinite chance.

alright an easy apologize after such brutal speech and ban, IN SERVER. great one flick, whom did you apologize to?


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#19 2016-04-07 21:56:34

Oscar Goldman
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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

tiger's Mom called. She apologized for not getting the abortion.


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#20 2016-04-07 22:00:28

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Oscar Goldman wrote:

tiger's Mom called. She apologized for not getting the abortion.

You mean she HAD the abortion, and named it Tig......


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#21 2016-04-07 22:39:33

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

The TeamSpeak thing WORKS for all the issues players have. Its a good tool for players and members alike. Its real easy to make an argument in TS and usually all walk away from it and get the cupcakes while they are still warm, rather than wait for them when its on the Forum and they are now room temp. I want the warm ones...........


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#22 2016-04-08 08:03:14

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

just kick a teamkillers and that's it.   more players = less bots. dont forget. 

taxi, basecamper or anything else,  it dosen t matter, except  teamkillers.  let s play. just a game. it s my point of view.


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#23 2016-04-08 08:46:46

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

If Flick kicked you, then you needed kick'in.  STFU.  You got kicked.  Wait till I am admin.


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#24 2016-04-08 09:10:34

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Chavez wrote:

Well I apologyze, I forgot what kinda game it is, we can now send letters, kisses and hugs one to each other... (Sarcasm... just in case)
about me using a plane to kill, well, I remember i asked Russ if that was legal, and he sayd YES, but, mr admin star, dont liked and i got kicked. Like the server says... if you want respect, show respect. big_smile

You need severe kicking Chavez


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#25 2016-04-08 09:30:54

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Really Archer !!!


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#26 2016-04-08 10:08:01

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

PipeR wrote:

Really Archer !!!



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#27 2016-04-08 13:45:48

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Archer! wrote:

If Flick kicked you, then you needed kick'in.  STFU.  You got kicked.  Wait till I am admin.

PipeR, he needs the sugar-free cupcakes from now on.


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#28 2016-04-08 14:05:58

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

yup suger free .. frosting free.. actually no cupcakes for him for a little while lol


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#29 2016-04-08 14:07:19

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:

and the weiner ---- i mean winner goes to the monkey again sad


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#30 2016-04-08 16:17:34

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Re: Complaint against FlickoftheSwitch

Oscar Goldman wrote:

tiger's Mom called. She apologized for not getting the abortion.

a whoremaster from china is calling your mon. time to collect the renminbi and some candies from him


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