#1 2016-01-26 07:01:42

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More admin abuse

i was just in SiMPLE USA server.

Tobruk just started. i spawned on blue at the factory and got in M10. Off i went.

Then FlickOfTheSwitch and Archer start screaming at me to bring the M10 back.

Uhhhh no. What rule says admins get to allocate armour? No rule.

So i saved a flag at the front, took out a human Tiger and two human Panzers then got mined.

That's how the game goes.

So i respawn and start taking back the front flags which had been turned white but that's when Flick kicked me.

Kicked because an admin got butthurt i took his pwecious wittle tank. Awwwww.

If that's not admin power abuse i don't know what is.

This isn't Flick's personal server to do whatever the hell he wants.


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#2 2016-01-26 07:42:28

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Re: More admin abuse

Yeah, exactly what I thought. I kicked you for not answering me. I yelled at you several times. I didn't ban you, and you were able to come right back into the game. When any admin is addressing you, you need to answer them, period. Regardless if it's me or any other admin. Next time you blatantly ignore an admin, you will receive a one day ban, 3 days for the next, etc.  and that's not just from me , that includes any admin on the SiMPLE server.  Now, with that being said, I do apologize for calling you a fucking idiot, I felt that at the time, the description fit perfectly, but I digress, you are definitely not an idiot. Your just an asshole, who chose to ignore an admin, got kicked, and the came to cry about it on the forum.  I see the difference now, my mistake.



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#3 2016-01-26 08:18:32

Winston Smith
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Re: More admin abuse

Human tigers are scary creatures!



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#4 2016-01-26 16:19:19

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: More admin abuse

FlickoftheSwitch wrote:

When any admin is addressing you, you need to answer them, period. Regardless if it's me or any other admin. Next time you blatantly ignore an admin, you will receive a one day ban, 3 days for the next, etc.  and that's not just from me , that includes any admin on the SiMPLE server.

Who the f*ck are you? Player MUST reply to admin? Are you kidding, man?


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#5 2016-01-26 17:26:39

Hong Kong
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Re: More admin abuse

OMG that's too fu*king terrible

What else can I say?


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#6 2016-01-26 19:12:00

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Re: More admin abuse

KarlsoN wrote:
FlickoftheSwitch wrote:

When any admin is addressing you, you need to answer them, period. Regardless if it's me or any other admin. Next time you blatantly ignore an admin, you will receive a one day ban, 3 days for the next, etc.  and that's not just from me , that includes any admin on the SiMPLE server.

Who the f*ck are you? Player MUST reply to admin? Are you kidding, man?

I was thinking the same. Sorry but calling him an asshole and kicking hin for this is really not cool!


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#7 2016-01-26 19:34:45

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Re: More admin abuse

Winston Smith wrote:

Human tigers are scary creatures!


they are relatives with human koala!


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#8 2016-01-26 22:23:42

Red Scorpion
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Re: More admin abuse

Hope they put their hand up if they want to pee


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#9 2016-01-27 00:17:18

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Re: More admin abuse

so question .. if players ignore admin requests we are suppose to be happy with that .. wouldn't that mean we cant police the server at all ?
If i'm asking a player something and they ignore me or type in to chat that they are ignoring me i'm suppose to just be happy with that

there is a command to kick for ignoring admin requests what should that be used for hmmm ????


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#10 2016-01-27 01:17:01

Red Scorpion
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Re: More admin abuse

Depends what you are asking.if asking to bring back m10 I would ignore as well .its a public server maybe clarification is required as to,what admin was asking


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#11 2016-01-27 05:41:41

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Re: More admin abuse


CUPCAKES!!!!! AND PINK TOO big_smile

Last edited by BoS (2016-01-27 05:42:09)


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#12 2016-01-27 06:03:41

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Re: More admin abuse

yaaaaaaaaaay cupcakes .. but i dont like pink .. find me purple cupcakes and im yours forever tongue


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#13 2016-01-27 06:52:22

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Re: More admin abuse

Gosh, I thought he had me on ignore.  Who knew?

Do whatever you want dude.


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#14 2016-01-27 06:58:22

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#15 2016-01-27 07:01:09

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Re: More admin abuse

"God damn fucking admin kicks me I was having a good game and tk's me,these power tripping admins think they can do whatever they want.,how can you run a server like this, you are a bunch of fucking retards"

...oh the operator auto kicked me? 

"My bad"


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#16 2016-01-27 08:19:48

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Re: More admin abuse


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#17 2016-01-27 09:05:53

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Re: More admin abuse

FlickoftheSwitch wrote:

Yeah, exactly what I thought. I kicked you for not answering me. I yelled at you several times. I didn't ban you, and you were able to come right back into the game. When any admin is addressing you, you need to answer them, period. Regardless if it's me or any other admin. Next time you blatantly ignore an admin, you will receive a one day ban, 3 days for the next, etc.  and that's not just from me , that includes any admin on the SiMPLE server.  Now, with that being said, I do apologize for calling you a fucking idiot, I felt that at the time, the description fit perfectly, but I digress, you are definitely not an idiot. Your just an asshole, who chose to ignore an admin, got kicked, and the came to cry about it on the forum.  I see the difference now, my mistake.


Are you aware of how irresponsible your statement sounds like and that you're pushing it even further by writing:

Next time you blatantly ignore an admin, you will receive a one day ban, 3 days for the next, etc.

just makes it ten times worse.

I don't know how the real situation looked like, maybe he deserved it (?) however your explanation regarding the incident makes it look like you're abusing your admin rights. As an admin you should be well aware of the rules and there is no written rule saying it's unacceptable to ignore an admin. I sure wouldn't reply to you if you were yelling at me, considering I haven't done anything against the rules, maybe a warning would be in the right place then. Now I'm curious why they had to add bots on SiMPLE USA big_smile

Last edited by SleveN (2016-01-27 09:07:24)


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#18 2016-01-27 09:34:38

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Re: More admin abuse

Had a round on midway that for about 10 minutes the enemy prince of whales class ship kept sinking the carrier each time it spawned. Bots were operating all our destroyers and were busy finding nemo or whatever the hell it is they do. Our prince of whales was not far, and I asked the operator to come help, but he just sat there and pounded the island. Eventually issued a !kill to go take care of the problem and then returned it. He was similarly butthurt.

Having the M10 leave the main base on torbuk to get blown up on the front line of flags is pretty bad strategy wise for the entire team. Makes defending the rear base much harder. Maybe if you actually responded, or, shocker, just said sorry, things could have gone differently.

Last edited by Russ (2016-01-27 09:36:19)


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#19 2016-01-27 09:56:11

Kurwa japierdole
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Re: More admin abuse

Russ wrote:

Having the M10 leave the main base on torbuk to get blown up on the front line of flags is pretty bad strategy wise for the entire team. Makes defending the rear base much harder. Maybe if you actually responded, or, shocker, just said sorry, things could have gone differently.

If i take tank i can decide what to do with it. I can stay at main, i can push forward. I don't need someones consulting...


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#20 2016-01-27 10:44:18

Red Scorpion
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Re: More admin abuse

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 100%.maybe we should use this on French server so if karlson even looks at the Wespe I can tell him nooooooo then kick smile


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#21 2016-01-27 15:01:21

Hong Kong
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Re: More admin abuse

yes yes yes flood the thread with irrelevant craps as expexted, good jod all asshole kissers


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#22 2016-01-27 15:22:58

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Re: More admin abuse

might be just trying to tell you guys might try differently on how to approach a complaint thread, I might agree or disagree with you but throwing out insults is not the way to go.  I know from experience, but i learn.

but this thread should be about how piper would look good in a purple cupcake!!


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#23 2016-01-27 15:34:43

Hong Kong
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Re: More admin abuse

(so called) insulting wont work but purple cupcakes do. Roger that, yes sir, understood smile


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#24 2016-01-27 15:55:35

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Re: More admin abuse

BoS wrote:

might be just trying to tell you guys might try differently on how to approach a complaint thread, I might agree or disagree with you but throwing out insults is not the way to go.  I know from experience, but i learn.

but this thread should be about how piper would look good in a purple cupcake!!

I think Piper would prefer it the other way around big_smile

Yet again tiger feels the need to butt into things that have absolutely nothing to do with him, do you even play this game tiger why are you here?

Insults is always the way to go for some it will get you nowhere but that's a choice you must make.


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#25 2016-01-27 16:50:15

Hong Kong
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Re: More admin abuse

(BB)DinkW wrote:
BoS wrote:

might be just trying to tell you guys might try differently on how to approach a complaint thread, I might agree or disagree with you but throwing out insults is not the way to go.  I know from experience, but i learn.

but this thread should be about how piper would look good in a purple cupcake!!

I think Piper would prefer it the other way around big_smile

Yet again tiger feels the need to butt into things that have absolutely nothing to do with him, do you even play this game tiger why are you here?

Insults is always the way to go for some it will get you nowhere but that's a choice you must make.

neither this complaint aganist flick, nor my reason I'm here, has absolutely nothing to do wif you too. If you think I shouldn't butt into this thread, you should butt your mouth into your own asshole to support your view.


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#26 2016-01-27 17:21:11

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Re: More admin abuse

Ok so you have chosen to make badly worded insults and I can see from your lack of thought process when compiling your response that you are one of those people that will go nowhere.
You clearly know nothing regarding what this is about so are speaking without any knowledge of your subject matter.  So in summary : you were not there when the incident took place, you are not one of the effected parties and you only reason for getting involved is to stir up more trouble.

Note to Moderators - If we really must put up having trolls on the forums can we at least get some with an IQ above 30


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#27 2016-01-27 18:01:53

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Re: More admin abuse

You should consult for that asshole fixation of your's Tiger !!

Last edited by Dakota (2016-01-27 18:03:47)


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#28 2016-01-27 18:04:49

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Re: More admin abuse

Is that right SleveN ? Irresponsible ? Ten times worse ? Spare me your concern. There's a reason we have rules set aside to listen to and respect the admins on both servers. First off I could care less that he had the M10, what I was trying to convey to Len Knee was to keep the M10 back to defend the back base. We could then move the Sherman forward to attack. I in no way shape or form, wanted to take the M10 from him for myself, nor did Archer. The only reason I kicked him was to get his attention. Now, if you don't like that, I don't care. He could have just as easily responded, I could have made my request, and he could have agreed or disagreed and that would have been fine and the end of it. It's the blatant ignoring that I will not tolerate. If a player is reporting that someone is base camping, tking, or has a general question, I do not ignore I do my best to answer that question or resolve any issues at hand. I expect the same in return, it's a two way street.  I see he has the wear with all to come to the forums and write a 10 minute post about how I abused my admin powers, yet he couldn't take 5 seconds to say what's up, or what do you need? How SiMPLE it would have been.



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#29 2016-01-27 19:25:39

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Re: More admin abuse

As a spectator and veteran of BF1942, Ive seen most of what the game offers. Just my opinion, FlickoftheSwitch hasn't mentioned why he kicked Lenny. He said to get his "attention", but from what, Was he being disruptive?

Insight from what ive seen is, FlickoftheSwitch is also a flamer, and I never liked his style of gameplay mainly because he would hang out with icebags, and insult anyone that would make a mistake or bad move. Its a game, so relax and sit on some ice.

On the other hand, I don't care if Lenny is kicked or not. Played with him several times on ATF, and other servers, he's a big flamer when he starts to lose. I beat him to a tank, and stole the flag, on Iwo Jima, he starts insulting, and got server kicked. So that's the attitude.

Anyway, back to the point, given the experience ive been through with these two people, I would think its a tie on this matter, Lenny is back in game, and both explained points.

Case Closed.

Last edited by Jeremaiah (2016-01-27 19:26:37)


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#30 2016-01-27 20:00:42

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Re: More admin abuse

Vertigo wrote:
BoS wrote:

CUPCAKES!!!!! AND PINK TOO big_smile

PipeR wrote:

yaaaaaaaaaay cupcakes .. but i dont like pink .. find me purple cupcakes and im yours forever tongue

PipeR wrote:

I love u Bos big_smile

BoS wrote:

but this thread should be about how piper would look good in a purple cupcake!!

Oh, get a room already.....  One of those cheap hotels that offers cupcakes & donuts will do smile

yikes omg you did NOT just say a cheap hotel!!!!  Purple cupcakes need to go into a 6 star hotel!!!


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