#1 2015-10-08 07:05:19

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Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

I don't know how long all the flags have been north of the river in Liberation of Caen, but I noticed it recently and I think it makes the map worse.  Here are my reasons:

  1. Having the flags where they are now effectively throws away half the map, and I've always enjoyed playing on that half of the map.

  2. Having everything compressed so close together makes it just non-stop firing, which some people probably like, but I don't.  I also think this causes lag from the server not being able to keep up with so many simultaneous events.  Many people commented on the lag in the game I just played, and I certainly had problems with the lag myself.

  3. It facilitates the Axis team base camping the Allied main, which was also a problem toward the end of the last game.

  4. Minor point, but the instructions displayed once the map loads don't make any sense, because they say the Allies will have more ways across the river once they capture the flag just south of the river.

Can some of the flags be moved back to south of the river?

Last edited by Catpain_Blackadder (2015-10-08 07:10:25)


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#2 2015-10-08 12:25:43

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

All valid points.  Not sure about 2.  I think the lag is from something else.

This map would be better left stock, with maybe the Allies getting a mobile APC spawn point at the beginning.

And turbo jeeps, more turbo jeeps...


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#3 2015-10-08 15:25:30

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

I LOVE this mod!


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#4 2015-10-22 02:02:40

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river


You are dead on correct. Man, your in game observations invoke resilient points of discussion whether team play, rule adjudication, or as in this case tactical maneuvers.

This modification is the worse I have ever seen. You can’t catch your breath before your camped by a punk in an Hanomag.   


I support your position the map should be left stock?


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#5 2015-10-22 03:26:07

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

I agree with Archer and reno, the stock map imo had better balance.


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#6 2015-10-22 03:58:55

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

I played it again after I started this thread, and noticed another problem: the anti-tank guns on either side of the steel bridge still point south, so they are of no use since all the action is behind them.

Back to my 3rd point, as soon as I started playing that particular game (on Allies) there was a lot of base attacking, and I mean Axis actually coming into the red circle marking the Allied base to attack.  One of the admins seemed to chalk it up to the flags being so close, but maybe didn't understand what was going on.  Another admin though was later warning a lot of people about it.


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#7 2015-10-22 04:02:43

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

Yes base-camping there is an issue if that's the only flag...we are looking at it.


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#8 2015-10-22 07:14:37

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

Yes, as someone who plays well with and enjoys non-stop, close in infantry like berlin and stalin, I really dislike this mod. Usually there is some kind of strategy in a map by which you can take and hold flags. On this one, no matter how many players there are, it just ends up being an endless circle.

The attacking the uncap main is especially difficult to patrol because on the normal cain map, this is where infantry drop and you attack them and it's a good thing to do so.

I'm all for experimentation though. Maybe if the mod placed the allied spawn on the west bank?


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#9 2015-10-22 15:39:01

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Re: Liberation of Caen map not good with all flags north of river

I am not a fan of the new mod either, BUT........it might make a big difference with the spawn on the west bank. Now there is some tactics involved!

Russ wrote:

Yes, as someone who plays well with and enjoys non-stop, close in infantry like berlin and stalin, I really dislike this mod. Usually there is some kind of strategy in a map by which you can take and hold flags. On this one, no matter how many players there are, it just ends up being an endless circle.

The attacking the uncap main is especially difficult to patrol because on the normal cain map, this is where infantry drop and you attack them and it's a good thing to do so.

I'm all for experimentation though. Maybe if the mod placed the allied spawn on the west bank?


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