#1 2015-07-31 07:29:42

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capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

I was playing tonight on the USA server (just before the time on this post), I think on Kursk, and was TKed at least three times by "cp kerk," who was also being a real jerk in chat.  I don't think there was any question in anyone's mind that he was TKing intentionally (one of the times he indicated that he TKed me to retaliate after I called him out for taxiing to a plane with an APC).  Finally Flick gave him a ban.

The next game was Omaha Beach, and after a while there was a player named "capt kerk" (or something very close).  When I noticed him swearing in chat like cp kerk had been doing, I asked if he was the same guy, and he said, "No, that guy's an a--hole."  I also saw Flick say no, and I wasn't sure if he was replying to me or someone else, but I just let it go at that point.  However, in the last couple of minutes of the game I was sniping from one of the bunkers overlooking the beach, when all of a sudden I'm getting shot in the back by machine gun fire, and I see "capt kerk killed a teammate."  There's no way I was TKed accidentally, but the game ended before I could ask any questions.

Is it likely that capt kerk is the same person as cp kerk, and just changed his name to evade the ban he was given?


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#2 2015-07-31 07:48:56

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

I banned him one month for avoiding initial ban.



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#3 2015-08-03 23:18:25

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

Thanks. Hope I don't get too annoying during the games when I complain about players like this, but he really made a strong first impression in the first minute of the game by crashing an APC head-on into my plane before I even started moving.


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#4 2015-08-04 22:39:21

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

Played with you this weekend Catpain and again last evening. I see you as a good player and was fun to be on your team and opposing you. Nice job by the way at Midway yesterday! Personally i see it as help not complaining. Thanks for the in game mentions.


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#5 2015-08-11 05:31:11

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

There is a captkerk5 on Simple USA right now, so I think he is evading the ban again.  Trying to get TOOKIE's attention.

(added with edit)

Back from game.  Tookie banned him again.  Thanks, Tookie.

Here is how to spot this guy:

1) TKs and/or negative score
2) name contains some combination of an abbreviation for "Captain," followed by "kerk" (duh)
3) foul language, especially when confronted

Last edited by Catpain_Blackadder (2015-08-11 05:55:07)


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#6 2015-08-11 07:14:58

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

capt jerk...


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#7 2015-08-12 22:48:37

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

Catpain_Blackadder wrote:

There is a captkerk5 on Simple USA right now, so I think he is evading the ban again.  Trying to get TOOKIE's attention.

(added with edit)

Back from game.  Tookie banned him again.  Thanks, Tookie.

Here is how to spot this guy:

1) TKs and/or negative score
2) name contains some combination of an abbreviation for "Captain," followed by "kerk" (duh)
3) foul language, especially when confronted

These are turning out to be pretty good rules for spotting him.  I saw he just got banned over at aX under the name "cptkerk" (2).  The guy who reported him (not me smile) complained about TKs (1) and other behavior, and posted screen shots of him cursing at people (3).


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#8 2015-08-24 12:10:35

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

Met this guy on the FRA server yesteday. Same procedure - he came in, shot a guy in the back and left. He came back and I banned him. Exactly the same name.

Last edited by uraw (2015-08-24 12:11:04)


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#9 2015-08-24 13:30:16

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

That was an assassination


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#10 2015-08-24 18:39:54

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Re: capt kerk: is he the same as cp kerk?

I ran into him yesterday at Kbely Airfield on Moongamers of all places.  I sniped him long-range before I even realized who it was (he was on the enemy team this time).  I didn't notice whether he was TKing there (# 1 in my rules for recognizing him above), but I think friendly fire is off there anyway.  He was on as "cptkerk" (# 2), and did reply with an abbreviated curse (# 3) when I said hi after shooting him.


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