#31 2015-06-29 04:54:39

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Re: Server Rules - Querries

Russ wrote:

Is there a policy on grenade spamming (standing next to a grenade box and throwing more than three grenades in a row)?

And which map would that be?  I thought all maps were limited to 3 nades per pack....I'm constantly picking up dead soldiers kits for nades.

which map Russ?

btw....I don't see "no nade spamming" in any rules....where is it please so we can enforce as needed.  PS  I'm not saying I approve of nade spamming, just saying I don't see it prohibited....Maybe Winston has it in the deleted rules forum, pre June15th....


Last edited by ATF_SurrenderMonkey (2015-06-29 04:57:23)


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#32 2015-06-29 07:23:32

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Re: Server Rules - Querries

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Russ wrote:

Is there a policy on grenade spamming (standing next to a grenade box and throwing more than three grenades in a row)?

And which map would that be?  I thought all maps were limited to 3 nades per pack....I'm constantly picking up dead soldiers kits for nades.

which map Russ?

btw....I don't see "no nade spamming" in any rules....where is it please so we can enforce as needed.  PS  I'm not saying I approve of nade spamming, just saying I don't see it prohibited....Maybe Winston has it in the deleted rules forum, pre June15th....


The forced 3 nade limit only applies on certain maps. I believe Omaha Beach, Battle Axe, Stalingrad, and Berlin. The others you can refill as much as you'd like. I ask because I've complained in the past about people nade spamming, but I see now that there is no policy against it.


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#33 2015-06-29 08:03:10

Winston Smith
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Re: Server Rules - Querries

ATF_SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Russ wrote:

Is there a policy on grenade spamming (standing next to a grenade box and throwing more than three grenades in a row)?

And which map would that be?  I thought all maps were limited to 3 nades per pack....I'm constantly picking up dead soldiers kits for nades.

which map Russ?

btw....I don't see "no nade spamming" in any rules....where is it please so we can enforce as needed.  PS  I'm not saying I approve of nade spamming, just saying I don't see it prohibited....Maybe Winston has it in the deleted rules forum, pre June15th....


I have nothing, nothing.

As far as I know it's one of those rules that's technically not illegal but is such a shameful action that no honest player would do it.  Although, I get most of my kills from grenades but those are picked up from kits or just the original three.  My general rule of thumb when reloading from an ammo box is: for every three grenades you should use another weapon before throwing another three.  That way it's not constant spam.

I have mixed thoughts on other people grenade spamming.  When I see someone lying on the ground next to an ammo box making an arc or death I think two things.  Firstly, what a douche!  Secondly, what and easy target! 

I don't have such a problem with grenade spamming tanks though, when it's necessary to save a base or something.  The rule is a little lopsided since tankers routinely "tankspam" and never get called out for it.


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#34 2015-06-29 20:28:14

United States
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Re: Server Rules - Querries

True dat ladies...  thanks


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