#721 2014-09-14 08:23:21

average dödelcopter pilot
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

For angry unkrainians:


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#722 2014-09-14 08:46:01

Reputation: +15
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Flettnerman wrote:

Or I can not get it, or did not I understand sense of humor?


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#723 2014-09-14 08:49:01

average dödelcopter pilot
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Location: Moscow, Russia
Registered: 2013-06-04
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Minnesota wrote:

Or I can not get it, or did not I understand sense of humor?

This pic not for you, you are not angry. smile


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#724 2014-09-14 09:44:30

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Minnesota wrote:
Flettnerman wrote:

Or I can not get it, or did not I understand sense of humor?



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#725 2014-09-17 23:48:06

Reputation: +1129
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

http://beforeitsnews.com/global-unrest/ … 60300.html

Hackers Learned Who Shot Down Boeing In Ukraine

7701362oligarch-Igor-Kolomoisky.jpg 5120774020212422.jpg 9272294Igor_Kolomoisky-350x357.jpg

Kolomoisky, the alleged planner of the attack. Wanted in several countries for crimes.

The hacker group “KiberBerkut” hacked personal correspondence of the Ukrainian officials regarding downed July 17 Malaysian “Boeing”. In the correspondence of two lieutenants of the oligarch and part time governor Kolomoisky, as well as the new defense minister of Ukraine Valery Geletey actively discussing Ukrainian fascist AF actions and how the local media should present the circumstances of the crash. Earlier conversations indirectly referring to the doctor who refused to remove organs from wounded Ukrainian National Guard soldiers in one of the hospitals.

Below Transcripts of the conversations.

(2 lieutenants)

25.10.2012 13:19
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Анатолий Степанович, поздравляю вас с Днем рождения! Желаю вам крепкого здоровья, политических успехов, и вдохновения в вашей работе!
Anatoly Stepanovich, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, political success and inspiration in your work!

28.10.2012 20:03
Анатолій Гриценко
Щиро дякую вам за теплі слова! Мені дуже приємно!
Thank you very much for your kind words! I am very pleased!

25.10.2013 18:59
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Поздравляю вас с Днем рождения, Анатолий Степанович! Хочу пожелать вам счастья и здоровья! И пусть в ваших делах вам всегда сопутствует успех! Всего самого наилучшего!
Anatoly Stepanovich, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, political success and inspiration in your work! … All the best wishes to you!

26.10.2013 12:17
Анатолій Гриценко
Слава, дякую за щирі вітання! Головне – це здоров’я та міцні нерви, а все інше ми завжди зможемо здобути своїми руками, головою та працею!..
Thank, thank you for the greetings! The main thing - it's a health and strong nerves, and everything else we can always get with our hands, head and hard work! ..

26.10.2013 12:18
Анатолій Гриценко
Як життя? Ти не змінив місце проживання? Здається, ти хотів перебиратись із сім’єю до столиці?
How's everything? Are still living in the same place? I heard you wanted to move your family to the capital?

26.10.2013 12:47
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Анатолій Степанович, в мене все гаразд! Ні, не змінив. Моя політична кар’єра в дніпропетровську є стабільною, а пропозиція Арсенія Петровича хоча і є цікавою але зараз я не готов кинути все заради того, щоб по суті починати все спочатку
Anatoly Stepanovich everything is fine! No, I didn't move. My political career in Dnepropetrovsk is stable, although offer from ArsenyPetrovich [Yaitchenyukh], was interesting I'm not ready to give up everything in order to essentially start over

26.10.2013 13:08
Анатолій Гриценко
Звісно вирішувати тобі! І добре, що все гаразд. Передавай мої вітання шефу.
Of course its for you to decide!  Glad to hear everything is good. Send my regards to the chief [Kolomoysky].

26.10.2013 13:10
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Спасибі! Неодмінно передам!
Thank you! Sure will!

01.01.2014 22:29
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Вже прийшли до нас морози, І ведмідь хропить в берлозі, Ми вже п’яні, чути сміх, З Новим роком вас усіх!
[x-mas carol]  Cold is here, and bear already asleep, we are hearing laughs. And wish everybody Happy new Year!.

01.01.2014 22:32
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
З Новим Роком, Анатолій Степанович! Бажаю вам, бажаю всій країні, бажаю всім нам, щоб в Новому Році ця скотина в короні як найшвидше була скинута зі свого трону волею усього народу! Бажаю в новому році здобути нову, сильну та прекрасну країну! Ще раз з Новим Роком! Слава Україні!
Happy New Year, Anatoly Stepanovich! I wish you, the whole country, and all of us in upcoming New Year that beast [ex. president Yanukovich]  will be deposed as soon as possible. I wish for a new, strong and beautiful country! Once again, Happy New Year! Glory to Ukraine!

03.01.2014 19:20
Анатолій Гриценко
З Новим Роком, Слава! Тобі також всього найкращого у наступному році!
Happy New Year, Slava! Same to you, all the best wishes!

03.01.2014 19:21
Анатолій Гриценко
Я приєднуюсь до твоїх побажань, і також бажаю всій країні, щоб вони здійснились якнайшвидше! Героям Слава!!!
Same to you!

19.07.2014 09:15
Анатолій Гриценко
Слава! Якого чорта?! Що ви суки накоїли? Як можна було викласти це відео за добу до проведення операції???!!! Ти розумієш, що «рашисти» його вже передали на експертизу, та запросили з Ютюба дату першого завантаження???
Slava! What the hell ?! What have you bitches done? How anyone could upload this video a day before the operation ??? [MH-17 provocation] !!! You know perfectly well that russians employed experts, and requested from youtube date of the first upload ???

19.07.2014 09:17
Анатолій Гриценко
А ці придурки, які були за пультом в Харкові? У ВАС ТАМ ПАМ’ЯТЬ ПОВІДШИБАЛО?! Я не розумію як так їх ловлять наші хлопці на кордоні з Кримом, хоча їх повинні були відразу затримати саме ваші люди??? Я бачу, ви з Шефом зовсім прихуїли у своєму Дніпрожидовську!!! Петро вас розірве!!!! Я САМ ВАС РОЗІРВУ!!!
And those assholes at the command center in Kharkov? [Air Defense control center in Kharkov, Ukraine] HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FRACKING BRAINS? I don't understand, how they got caught on the border with Crimea? It was your people??? I see you and your chief [Kolomoyskiy] totally screwed up in your Dneprojewsk !!! Peter will flay you all alive !!!! Screw that, I'll do it myself !!!

19.07.2014 09:25
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Анатолий Степанович, я вам сейчас перезвоню! Я вышел а телефон остался в кабинете, в интернете с планшета. Я вас сейчас же наберу, пара минут.
Anatoly Stepanovich I'll call you right back! I was out of the office for a second and left my phone in the office. I'll call you directly.

23.07.2014 17:38
Анатолій Гриценко
Якщо шеф зараз поряд з тобою – дай йому слухавку! Я знаю, що у вас зара нарада іде – так що просто передай йому слухавку! ШВИДКО! Я зараз наберу тебе.
If chief [Kolomoysky] with you, put him on the phone! I know you have meeting right now, thus don't bother to talk, just put your boss on the phone! DIRECTLY! I'm dialing, right now!

23.07.2014 17:40
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Go ahead

Transcript II

(with defense minister)

12.07.2014 23:01
Валерий Гелетей
Это мой профиль. По телефону или скайпу больше такого не спрашивай! И здесь – все только условными фразами. Это понятно?
This is my profile. And never again ask those questions on the phone or Skype! And here also use only code-phrases, is that understood?

12.07.2014 23:03
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Понял. Хотя насчет телефонов я не совсем разделяю вашу обеспокоенность. У нас все согласовано.
Understood! But I don't agree with extra precautions in phone conversations.  Everything is copacetic.

12.07.2014 23:06
Валерий Гелетей
По диспетчерам с твоим шефом мы уже все решили. Он сказал, что контроль будет на тебе. Завтра я пришлю тебе своего человека, и ты должен будешь через него каждый день мне докладывать о ходе всех запланированных этапов подготовки, которые в вашей ответственности!
Reagaring ATC’s we have agreement with your boss. He [Kolomoysky] said you will be curator of the operation. I'll send my man tomorrow, and you will report to me daily through him about every detail of the preparation process, for which you are responsible!

12.07.2014 23:07
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Валерий Викторович, а человек зачем? Или вы уже решили, что я сбегу и оставлю семью неизвестно у кого?
Valery Victorovich [Ukrainian Defense Minister] why do a need a watch man?  Do you really thing I'll go on the run? and leave my family?

12.07.2014 23:09
Валерий Гелетей
У тебя память короткая. Ты забыл, как тебе передали инструкции? Вот такой же человек, который сможет гарантировать защиту и конфиденциальность твоих докладов мне – завтра к тебе и прибудет.
You have a short memory. Have you forgotten your instructions? He is a man who can guarantee the protection and confidentiality of your reports to me - you will meet him tomorrow.

12.07.2014 23:09
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Хорошо, жду!
Good, can't wait!

14.07.2014 20:43
Валерий Гелетей
Напоминаю про обещание твоего шефа: сценариев репортажей я от вас так и не дождался! Завтра утром, когда будешь передавать мне отчет, пришли мне сценарии и видео, которое вы сделали.
Let me remind you about your boss' promise to provide me with copies of the scripts  for the media reports. In the morning, with your daily report do send me those scripts and prepared videos.

14.07.2014 20:47
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Валерий Викторович, шеф задание директору канала дал еще неделю назад! Он гад страх потерял – затянул со сроками! Но сегодня они уже все закончили. Набросали больше 10 сценариев, для разных вариантов развития событий, на первые двое суток. Сейчас работают над следующими тремя сутками. Утром вам все пришлю.
Valery Victorovich, boss directly ordered CEO of TV channel week ago to get everything done. He delayed everything. But today everything is completed. Prepared more than 10 different scenarios depending on actual events to happen for the first 48 hours. Right now working for the news coverages for 3 days more. You'll get everything first thing in the morning.

14.07.2014 20:48
Валерий Гелетей
И видео не забудь – у меня о нем Петр Алексеевич спрашивал.
Don't forget to include the video. Petr Alekseevich [Poroshenko, president of Ukraine]  specifically asked to see it.

14.07.2014 20:48
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Я понял. Все сделаю. До связи.
Understood. Everything will be done. Catch you next time.

16.07.2014 08:46
Валерий Гелетей
Дальше связь только через наш канал. Человек будет у тебя, пока это необходимо мне. И шефа спроси, почему к нему как обычно не дозвониться, а потом он начинает сам звонить и рассказывать все почти открытым текстом?
From now on any communications only through our [secure, military?] channel. My man will be with you until further notice, as long as it is necessary for me. Also ask you boss [Kolomoysky] why he is unreachable, and then he will call back on unsecured channel and flap his mouth about everything?

16.07.2014 08:48
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ок! Без проблем.
Sure, will do.

16.07.2014 08:49
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Шефу тоже передам, но у него же телефон с шифрацией, его не прослушаешь и не раскодируешь. Все равно будет звонить!
I'll tell chief [Kolomoysky] for sure, but why? He [Kolomoysky] also has secure phone with scrambler. No one can  eavesdrop or decode anyway. Well, he [Kolomoysky] will call you anyway.

16.07.2014 08:51
Валерий Гелетей
Да, только у него с шифрацией, а у меня, на который он вечно звонит – нет. Так что напомни ему мою просьбу о безопасном канале. По крайней мере, до конца операции.
Sure, even if his [Kolomoysky] phone is secure he keep calling me on unsecured one. Ergo, remind him about my request to use secure line. At least until operation is over.

16.07.2014 08:51
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Да, конечно. Я передам сегодня же вечером.
Sure, of course, I'll pass it tonight, directly.

Transcript III

(2 lieutenants)

01.05.2014 10:26
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Юра, заедь ко мне сегодня
Yura, stop by my place…

01.05.2014 10:43
Юрій Береза
Сегодня смогу после 20 или уже завтра утром.
Not today, may be after 8:00 PM or tomorrow morning.

01.05.2014 10:50
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ладно, давай завтра. Позвонишь
OK, lets make it tomorrow, call me first.

10.05.2014 10:02
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Возьми так называемые пропозиции, о которых мы говорили в прошлый раз, и постарайся сегодня у меня появится
Grab so called propositions we're talking about last time, and try to make it today.

10.05.2014 10:09
Юрій Береза
Да не вопрос. Наберу тебя через часик!
Not a problem. Will cal you in about an hour or so!

25.05.2014 19:43
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Завтра утром мы с шефом тебя ждем, тебе передали?
Me and the boss [Kolomoysky] expecting you tomorrow. Did you get a message?

25.05.2014 19:45
Юрій Береза
Да. Буду к 10
Of course, will be there at 10:00 AM

25.05.2014 19:45
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ладно, тогда до завтра.
Good, See you then.

07.06.2014 21:07
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Юра, мы же на сегодня договаривались!
Yura, we agreed to meet today! [why didn't you showed up]

07.06.2014 21:10
Юрій Береза
Так получилось, срочные дела были…
Sh!t happens, emergencies…

07.06.2014 21:11
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
И что теперь? Когда сможешь подъехать?

07.06.2014 21:11
Юрій Береза
Скорей всего завтра после обеда. Вы будете на месте?
Most likely tomorrow after lunch. Are [both of] you will be there?

07.06.2014 21:12
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Да, будем. Заходи
Sure, come on in.

16.06.2014 11:13
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ты так и не прислал мне материалы. Забыл или что?
You haven't sent me anything. Forgot?

16.06.2014 11:19
Юрій Береза
Нет, надо еще кое-что добавить. Сегодня вечером мне перекинут дополнительные фотографии, и тогда уже все вместе пришлю тебе.
No, had to add something. Tonight I’ll get additional photos, and then everything will be on your desk [tomorrow?]

16.06.2014 11:20
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ок, давай
OK, good.

28.06.2014 20:35
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Набери меня, я тебе не дозваниваюсь, ты вне зоны. Что там решилось?
Call me, I can’t reach you, always out of coverage zone. What was the final decision?
И кстати, что с ранеными? Вас разместили?
By the way, what is going on with wounded? everything OK? [Referring to the wounded Ukrainian soldiers chosen for disassembly for organs to be sold on the black market]

28.06.2014 20:39
Юрій Береза
Раненых разместили, все нормально. Только главврачу пришлось немного мозги прочистить) провели политбеседу, так сказать, применили меры))
The wounded were placed, everything is fine. Only the head physician give us hard time, had to do little “brain washing”, so to speak, “applied measures”))
[Apparently one of the doctors refused to participate in organ removal operations. Please note two smiley faces at the end of the sentence]

28.06.2014 20:40
Юрій Береза
Сегодня все не смогу – надо ребят отправить. Завтра утром. Подойдет?
Wouldn't be able to do everything today – need to send boys out. Tomorrow morning?  If its OK with you.

28.06.2014 20:40
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Да, нормально. А насчет врача не слышал еще!
Sure, acceptable. I haven't heard about doctor yet!

28.06.2014 20:41
Юрій Береза
Да теперь все ок.
Everything is fine now [Doctor was killed]

28.06.2014 20:41
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Я не сомневаюсь
I never doubted you.

07.07.2014 09:56
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ты мне будешь нужен сегодня! Надо с материалами до конца определиться. Бери спеца и приезжайте после 18:00.
I will need you tonight! Need to decide about materials [mass media coverage] Take an expert and I'll see you two after 6:00 PM

07.07.2014 10:07
Юрій Береза
Да помню я! будем
I remember! Will be there.

17.07.2014 21:21
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Что с архивом? Пароль не катит. Кратко – что там? Как в итоге?
What happen to archive? Password does not work. In two words – whats in there? What is the result?

17.07.2014 21:22
Юрій Береза
Да обычный пароль! Раскладку и капс проверь.
Regular password, check CAPS or language settings.

17.07.2014 21:22
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
Ладно, фиг с ним. Что? И как?
Screw it. What and How [it went]?

17.07.2014 21:23
Юрій Береза
землей – прямым – воздухом
Ground [SAM] – direct [referring to cannon] – air [air to air missile]

17.07.2014 21:24
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
А воздухом какого хера???
Why air in the fracking world? [Air to air missile]

17.07.2014 21:26
Юрій Береза
Передали, что не смог долго удерживаться там, типа высоко. Сделал один прямым. Не проканало. Тогда пришлось воздухом.
[Pilot] reported that he could not keep plane so high for a long time. Made one straight [cannon salvo]. Didn't work. Then had to use air to air [missile].

17.07.2014 21:27
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
А почему сначала харьковских подняли?
Why Kharkov was involved? [Air defense military command center]

17.07.2014 21:30
Юрій Береза
Они сказали, что сначала команда пришла из Киева на харьковский пульт, а когда он начал разворачиваться, тогда уже остальных подключили.
They said that the first orders came from Kiev to Kharkov control [Air defense military command center] , only when they went on defcon others begun to follow.

17.07.2014 21:32
Svyatoslav Oliynyk
ясно, ну расскажешь еще потом подробнее. Ты без задержек?
got it, well later on you'll provide me all details [in personal conversation] Any delays?

17.07.2014 21:34
Юрій Береза
Да, скоро на месте буду. Только закончил с журналистами.
Absolutely, soon well be there, Just finished with journalists.


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#726 2014-09-18 03:18:42

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Just saw this in local news. Lol


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#727 2014-10-16 23:01:19

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#728 2014-10-16 23:11:02

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

thank you mccrank ! this is rare !


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#729 2014-10-16 23:40:03

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

That's the first step, you realize that you are being told lies after lies in the news. However, he fails to address who is bribing journalists? Who are these billionaires? Why are they pushing a war against Russia?


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#730 2014-10-17 00:04:58

Reputation: +11
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

tuia wrote:

However, he fails to address who is bribing journalists?

you have to buy his new book
no idea if you find any hard facts there but at least he gets the money ;-)


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#731 2014-10-17 00:35:06

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I'm not interested at all in his new book. What he says in the interview is self-evident, but he does not go deeper. He mentions the CIA and Germany secret agency, but who are behind these? And why instigate a war against Russia?


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#732 2014-10-17 13:22:30

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Tuia, calm down. The only possible war in Russia is the civil war or a war against the invaders. They failed with the first scenario in 2011 when the opposition leaders were bought out through some U.S. funds for "development of democracy and freedom of speech". Nowadays they do it through Ukraine to provoke Russia to make war there. It was almost successful provocation because there were a lot of people here who have been thinking that invasion of Ukraine would be appropriate but there still no invasion. I am thinking now what's next.


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#733 2014-10-17 13:30:22

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Many people know that the media is lying. It is nothing new tuia...


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#734 2014-10-17 13:53:19

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

The lies by the media is a usual thing. I always laugh when I get information from Ukrainian media: they tell lies everyday and their lies is a pure absurd but it seems that Ukrainian citizens trust them because of no choice and no real alternative source. Here media got used to share information in a different way. Technically, they don't lie but they present some things in a false colour and it's even worse than just a lie. Since this thread is about Ukraine, here is an example. When I watch news about Ukraine, there could be a representation like I watch news about Germany in 1920-1930 during the beer hall putsch or the night of the long knives. Of course, they show riots and political murders, sometimes it's even live, but it's just a part of Ukrainian population, the minority. Checking the results of the last Ukrainian elections I would say that Nazis are about 5-7% of the Ukrainian population but here on TV it looks like 50-70%. I still believe in good, one day everything will be fine in Ukraine.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-10-17 13:55:07)


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#735 2014-10-17 14:29:08

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

we have here now real uncovered wars of ukrainian inner mass medias which belong to different oligarchs, dont know any person who will vote on this election, people sick of lie sooo much... waiting for a spark smile


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#736 2014-12-09 11:51:22

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#737 2014-12-09 20:44:54

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

That title is so misleading lol. That isn't declaring war. That is just to make it formal that they condemn what's going on there.


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#738 2014-12-09 22:03:13

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Sunshine wrote:

That title is so misleading lol. That isn't declaring war. That is just to make it formal that they condemn what's going on there.

I was in the bomb shelter waiting for this comment.

Last edited by nämeless (2014-12-09 22:04:10)


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#739 2014-12-09 22:28:25

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Sunshine wrote:

That title is so misleading lol. That isn't declaring war. That is just to make it formal that they condemn what's going on there.

Did you read the full article?


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#740 2014-12-09 22:47:36

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Tuesday wrote:
Sunshine wrote:

That title is so misleading lol. That isn't declaring war. That is just to make it formal that they condemn what's going on there.

Did you read the full article?

Yea. People been talking about that for a few weeks now. I was like whoa shit when i first saw the first time but then i asked someone and they explained that its not a declaration of anything and not any kind of law. It's just like an opinion. They condemn certain things and believe Ukraine should be supported and they want the use of sanctions.

I guess these kind of things are done a lot. Like there's one where the congress did one about disagreeing with a law and they wanted the president to not pass it. Sometimes they do it on dumb things. We had one house resolution where some wanted to honor Michael Jackson lol.


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#741 2014-12-10 03:02:41

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I didn't think it was a declaration of war, nor does the title suggest that roll

They aren't just condemning Russia's actions either, they are acusing Russia of invading Ukraine without providing proof.


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#742 2014-12-10 03:17:33

Empress of Doom
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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Tuesday wrote:

I didn't think it was a declaration of war, nor does the title suggest that roll

They aren't just condemning Russia's actions either, they are acusing Russia of invading Ukraine without providing proof.

Ok sorry. To me I thought "Pushing for war" kinda sounded like it. Other sites talking about this did say that so I kinda thought that this title was meaning the same.

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-12-10 03:26:21)


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#743 2014-12-11 19:14:39

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

we have now a lot of war pusher fags in the goverment, its good for carrers and attract grants nowadays,
also they passed the law that allow foreigners to work in Ukrainian goverment on higher positions, its ridiculous


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#744 2015-09-24 00:12:03

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

The news about refugees stopped here in Germany and now it is time for a new issue. However, VW's Diesel scandal is issue no.1 btw...

Didn't hear any news about Ukraine recently. Is there still war? Excuse my stupid question, but our media thinks it is not interesting anymore i guess.

Just saw a video about that the USA has deployed modern atomic bombs here in Germany. Some kind of guided atomic bomb which the USA don't even have yet. It is a shame that this great broadcast (Frontal21) is only in German. At 9:15 a woman is talking Russian. Germans are not allowed to have an atomic bomb, but if our master USA tells us to drop the bomb we are suddenly allowed to do so. Seem legit.


Last edited by dary (2015-09-24 00:17:20)


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#745 2015-09-24 18:24:18

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

yes, dary, its stll war, or anti terroristic operation or civil war, nobody knows for sure nowadays..a good news is they announced the ceasefire, and looks like this time it comply for the most part,
but now, judging by tv news, most important war shifted on potitical arena, now people look on war that going between senior clowns, different funny things happen everyday, one of the recent: radikal Moseychuk got arrested, he busted on video where he is taking bribe, funny thing is that they all are doing exactly the same all thr way, and everybody knows that smile  only hope one day they all completely expose each other, and send each other to a Gulag



Last edited by joint (2015-09-24 18:35:56)


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#746 2015-09-24 18:43:32

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I want Ukraine to get back to those times when people were throwing stones from a catapult on the main square of the capital. It wasn't too late to stop and to change everything. I am not talking about the middle ages, it was in 2013. smile


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#747 2015-09-24 19:13:24

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

its like the whole contry in a fuckin catapult now


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#748 2015-09-24 23:53:09

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

I feel sad for what is happening there... sad


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#749 2015-10-13 14:15:05

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

Thx joint, it is really strange what is going on... nobody has an idea why there is war but at the end it is all about money.

If you have news post it here please. I am interested in your view, i don't trust our media, even though they don't talk about it anymore.

First they talked all day about the crisis in Greece, then about the refugees... i am glad they talk now about the VW-scandal. Can't hear this shit anymore. The country (USA of course) with the biggest cars (25 l on 100km) complain about exhaust gas, that's funny. GM had once defect ignition locks which they knew about and because of that 170 and more people died. They "only" had to pay some hundred millions for punishment. From VW they want few billions. After Merkel invited all refugees, Germany was a good example for morality. Now VW-scandal destroyed this good view about Germany and we are the bad guys again. lol


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#750 2015-10-14 11:30:06

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Re: Ukraine demonstrations

My keyboard is broken, waiting for a new one, is not easy to write on the virtual ... I will write news important, or funny in my opinion. and what there you have with nuclear weapons, do you think it is in a safe place, and under the protection of an accident?


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