#121 2014-11-27 01:35:58

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

It's genetic. With all this looting and crime maybe some will raise their racial awareness. It's about time they get fast education in racial realities.


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#122 2014-11-27 02:41:32

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Poverty>Bad education> High crime level.

If you're raised in a bad society you can't be good. You just don't know how to be different than the peps around you.

Tuia you live in Portugal. A nice country. Probably you have a good helping family -> you had learning possibilities and you became a decent society member. Now imagine you were born in some black criminal hood' and had no money. What would you be like? Chances are other , eh?

Sometimes I hate these guys too, but when you start thinking about it... they are unlucky to be born in a wrong place.


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#123 2014-11-27 04:20:19

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

tuia wrote:

It's genetic. With all this looting and crime maybe some will raise their racial awareness. It's about time they get fast education in racial realities.

And you, Latin guy, mixture of all the people of the Mediterranean, Marranos, Crypto-Moor, are you corruptible, lazy, hypocritical, vainglorious by genetics ? smile


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#124 2014-11-27 09:41:00

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Image BBCode test


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#125 2014-11-27 13:19:50

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

tuia wrote:

It's genetic.

I took this from internet so it might be right or it might be wrong

internet wrote:

the human race (homo sapiens sapiens -- our subspecies) evolved around 200,000 years ago (YA) in Africa

12% of all humans that have ever lived are alive right now.

every human on the planet is directly descended from one man who lived in Africa around 60,000 YA. Geneticists call this person Y-Chromosomal Adam (UPDATE: A new study just came out in March 2013 that pushes the date to between 237,000 and 581,000 YA with a 95% accuracy prediction; jury is still out on this one).
everyone outside of Africa is descended from a small tribe of humans that ventured out around 50,000 YA
human evolution isn't a straight line -- it advances in branches, some of which die out (see below).

50,000 YA, there were at least 4 human subspecies:

    Us (Africa; small populations in Europe and Asia)
    Neanderthals (Europe, Middle East)
    Denisovans (Asia)
    Homo floresiensis (Southern Asia)

And... here's where they are today:

    Us - alive, kicking, ruling the planet

    Neanderthals - deceased.
    Last known area of habitation: Gorham's Cave (at the base of the Rock of Gibraltar), circa 23-33,000 YA

    Denisovans - deceased.
    Last known area of habitation: cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, circa 41,000 YA

    Homo floresiensis - deceased.
    Last known area of habitation: Flores island (near Java) in Indonesia, circa 13,000 YA

These subspecies of humans could interbreed with our subspecies (we believe), and there's evidence that they did:

    Europeans and Asians have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA

    Melanesians and Australian Aborigines have up to 6% Denisovan DNA

We know (or believe we know) that Neanderthals:

    existed in Europe as early as 600,000–350,000 YA (up to 400,000 years before we evolved); still a subject of debate.
    had voice boxes that were shaped differently than ours, which could have limited their communication
    had large brains, as big or bigger than ours.
One study showed Neanderthal and modern human brains were the same size at birth, but by adulthood, the Neanderthal brain was larger than the modern human brain.
    were strong, especially in their upper bodies.
    buried their dead
    could have had some sort of primitive religion


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#126 2014-11-27 16:55:35

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

on the news here in Sweden it was a clip from a program where the involved (mother, father and cop) had met. they showed the mother condemning the cop in high voice with angry words, but there was not one second given to the cop to answer or say something to his defence.

edit: found another news program where they only showed the cops version.

its like people are just pawns manipulated by media how to react or think

Last edited by bud (2014-11-27 17:21:36)


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#127 2014-11-27 19:03:28

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

I saw a video of the case with that young boy, he walked under a pavilion and the policecar came along, policeman opened the door and fired immediately.

http://www.focus.de/panorama/videos/ers … 04235.html

Last edited by Kobra (2014-11-27 19:04:15)


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#128 2014-11-27 19:15:44

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Kobra wrote:

I saw a video of the case with that young boy, he walked under a pavilion and the policecar came along, policeman opened the door and fired immediately.

http://www.focus.de/panorama/videos/ers … 04235.html

That happened just a little bit ago with the kid with the fake gun. Why he would walk around and point the pistol at people is crazy. Some people wonder why a cop would be afraid of a 12yo with a gun. There are times where they do shoot cops especially with gang initiations.


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#129 2014-11-27 19:18:16

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

bud wrote:

on the news here in Sweden it was a clip from a program where the involved (mother, father and cop) had met. they showed the mother condemning the cop in high voice with angry words, but there was not one second given to the cop to answer or say something to his defence.

edit: found another news program where they only showed the cops version.

its like people are just pawns manipulated by media how to react or think

An overwhelming majority blamed the cop from day 1. They make Brown look like just a gentle boy.

It was a trial by public opinion and the cop was found guilty.

Leftist media and racist black people made this worse.

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-11-27 19:49:09)


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#130 2014-11-27 21:44:57

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Racist joke time! I think I need to create a YouTube channel and broadcast it to Ferguson because they have too many negros with pistols, these jokes will make them angry, meanwhile I will be in the safe place across the ocean.

— Why so many niggers died in Vietnam? When the commander yells "Get down!", all the soldiers will fall to the ground and only niggers will begin dancing...

P. S. If there are black people around, I apologise. I have no bad intention. smile

Last edited by nämeless (2014-11-27 21:54:04)


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#131 2014-11-27 23:35:57

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

yeh, medias in all times could determine for societies which deaths worth to worry and which are not


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#132 2014-11-28 00:22:01

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

The cop is working on resigning because obviously he would be in danger and put the other officers in danger due to bounties on him. He's probably going to have to move away and find a new kind of job. A newspaper published his address but luckily he's at some kind of safehouse somewhere else.

But good news for him is that he and his wife just found out they will be having a baby smile

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-11-28 00:25:21)


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#133 2014-11-28 02:10:16

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA





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#134 2014-11-28 05:25:14

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

This is a man who decided to kill when he could do otherwise. Today, he's free and he considers it's normal to do what he did.

I see no evidence that would indicate it was a racist crime but it's disgusting how many people defend a barbarian like that.

You're willing to defend any motherfucker in your racial squabble. Bunch of crackpots.


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#135 2014-11-28 06:23:07

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

The cop did nothing wrong. He was attacked for no reason and Brown even grabbed the cops gun and turned it towards the cop. Brown decided to try to kill the cop. Even a jury of his peers (made up of white and black people) agrees the cop did nothing wrong. Many witnesses (mostly black) testified in front of grand jury and said what happened.

I would defend the cop if the races were reversed. That doesn't matter to me. If the cop did something wrong, then I'd call him/her out for it.

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-11-28 06:58:22)


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#136 2014-11-29 01:45:50

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA


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#137 2014-11-29 02:02:32

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA



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#138 2014-11-29 02:29:51

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Negroes are and have always been more predisposed to be violent. It is genetic. You look at the crime stats and it is plain obvious. Jews brought them to America and Europe for this reason.
But you won't hear these facts on the news. The jewish mainstream media only trumps up these Ferguson stories and what they are doing is pushing for racial wars.
I once saw a crime map of USA, and the higher crime rates were in regions where there were predominant black people. I can't seem to find it, though.


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#139 2014-11-29 12:57:29

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#140 2014-11-29 13:00:42

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA


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#141 2014-11-29 16:55:53

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

With all due respect, it isn't genetic. Now it may be a cultural problem...but it isn't genetic.
Does it have to do with slavery. Not now. At some point victims become volunteers.
There are enough successful blacks to disprove they are being held back. We (America) have not helped by increasing entitlements. I think, to some, it gives the false sense of being owed something. But that isn't an excuse for criminal behavior...bitching...ok .... but it has to stop there.
As far as the criminal behavior that folks feel justified in doing after some lame incident (that our president and atty general made worse) ... the consequences are not steep enough to prevent that. Never have been. Make an announcement, give the looters, arsonists...criminals 30 minutes to go back to the house, then join with the national guard and open a can of whoop ass on them and take back your community.  It is silly...all they have to do is see that the consequence doesn't justify the risk/reward. Criminal thinking has no color boundaries. It does respect preservation of life. Most of the times...lol. I guess the gentle giant disproves that...what an idiot.
A community should not allow themselves to be brutalized like that. DEFEND yourself and your neighbor.
Just another glowing example of how jacked up this nation is and how weak we have become as Americans.
We will go save a rancher's cows from the feds...but we wont protect our own communities from criminal disobedience? Pussies.


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#142 2014-11-29 20:43:08

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

How can you explain all these crime stats, if it is not genetic? Whether you go to South Africa, USA, England or Portugal, it's all the same. More numbers:

http://saboteur365.wordpress.com/2014/1 … e-mindset/

The single group the 2011 FBI crime statistics say are responsible for:
55.6% of all Robbery
49.7% of Murders
33.6% of all Aggravated Assaults
32.9% of Forcible Rapes

This group is only 3% of the total US population. REPEAT 3%

Black males aged 15-34, the main perpetrators are only 3% of the total US population, see any pattern here, or is that racist?


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#143 2014-11-29 20:55:12

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

I am not arguing the stats. They are reflective of the prison population and speak for themselves. I am going to stick with cultural. Or it would be 100% or at least higher than what you quote. If it is born within your genes you cannot escape it...why isnt the % higher?

There is no scientific study to show that there is a black genetic trait of criminality, Tuia. That is silliness. The stats point to an embarrassment of that community. But for most black leaders, it is the elephant in the room. They would rather point outward than look at this tremendous problem of criminal thinking that plagues their own race.

Sorry man...just cannot go the genetic route with you. There isn't an iota of scientific genetic evidence to indicate your position has a trace of validity. It is behavior based...as most criminal acts, regardless of where it happens and the color of ones skin.

Last edited by samiam (2014-11-29 21:03:58)


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#144 2014-11-29 21:02:07

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

They are more than 3 now. They are like 13 I think. But still it is quite sad that they do more than half the murders. The thing that is even worse is that more than 90% of all black victims are killed by other blacks. They are killing eachother and only a few black people come forward and talk about that!!!

I heard that the number 1 killer of young black men is murdered by another black man. That's crazy  sad

Last edited by Sunshine (2014-11-29 21:13:29)


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#145 2014-12-04 01:52:47

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA


How can someone say this?

Obama and his criminal gang Holder and Sharpton


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#146 2014-12-10 20:31:00

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Yes, sharpton, our president and atty gen are all race baiters.

never let a serious crisis go to waste.
Sad thing is, this agenda was transparent prior to the 2nd election.
Voted in

There is a growing resentment in this country of exactly what that first picture screams...racial entitlement (if that was actually written on his sign). A black man, like sharpton, can publicly say that, but if the reverse is true, a white guy is a racist. America has allowed this to happen and it has grown legs. It will be interesting to see where the breaking point happens.


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#147 2014-12-11 14:25:40

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

So joint, do you think its good they made a riot there? Or any other russians, if you do then we are kinda allowed to nuke you fuckers dont we? Because 1 cop shoot an innocent child makes one hell of a riot, what about shooting down a fucking commercial airplane with allmost 300 innocent people on board?

eat that u fucking cheap vodka drinking cunts


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#148 2014-12-11 18:53:40

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

no, i think riots cant be good, yes, if you really really want, youre allowed to nuke anyone you want, go ahead!
Timmie, if you were born in Russia, you would be harder commie ever! you would hate all western europeans and espesially dutches, i guarantee you, you would call them not the other way but hommos, the only what wouldnt change its your aspiration to nuke someone smile


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#149 2014-12-12 00:36:13

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

still didnt take away my questions towards you. Luckly am not russian, i would have commit suicide instant when i saw how that shitcountry is


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#150 2014-12-12 02:46:19

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Re: Riot in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

Would be nice to kidnap Timmos and force him to make a russian citizenship. MUAHAHAHA. Or even Moldavien !!! Poor boy WATCHAGANADO xD


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