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«Die brennende Liebe [der deutschen Linken] zum palästinensischen Volk ist ein angenehmer Weg, antiisraelische, antijüdische und "antizionistische" Ressentiments als Solidarität mit Unterdrückten zu verkaufen, und soviel ist ja wahr, dass der gemeine Palästinenser unterdrückt wird; die Frage ist nur, von wem. (...)
Während Israel seine jüdischen Flüchtlinge aufnahm, blieben jene Palästinenser, die nicht das Glück hatten, auf israelischem Gebiet zu leben, in dem, was kritische Philosemiten wie J. Augstein bis heute "Lager" nennen, Dauerprovisorien, die sich dem Umstand verdanken, dass die arabischen Eliten nie das mindeste Interesse hatten, diese Wunde nicht publikumswirksam am Schwären zu halten. (...)
Wer ohne Doppelmoral vom "Schicksal" der Palästinenser schmarren will, muss (...) sich die Frage gefallen lassen, (...) warum ihm ein Staat mit bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechten ein Schurkenstaat ist, das praktizierte Mittelalter nebenan aber ein "Freiheitskampf"; und ob sein leidenschaftliches Engagement für Ausländer, um die er daheim einen Bogen macht, nicht ganz andere Gründe hat. Evt. sogar die üblichen.»
Jews in jenin camp/ cant sleep due to shooting + bombing sounds
1 palestinian were killed in Ramallah tonight
they are every where help !!!!
Last edited by HoOK (2014-06-16 03:55:41)
Shit, Hook please be careful man!!
Hebron today...
They are also attacking West Bank ?
Watching these pictures from Ukraine, Middle East and other parts of the Earth heated by the civil war, I enjoy my life as much as I can, being glad that I live in the peaceful place. Hook, take care of your life and health, I hope one day there will be no more war there.
Last edited by nämeless (2014-06-16 18:03:07)
Watching these pictures from Ukraine, Middle East and other parts of the Earth heated by the civil war, I enjoy my life as much as I can, being glad that I live in the peaceful place. Hook, take care of your life and health, I hope one day there will be no more war there.
sorrry for sarcasm
«Die brennende Liebe [der deutschen Linken] zum palästinensischen Volk ist ein angenehmer Weg, antiisraelische, antijüdische und "antizionistische" Ressentiments als Solidarität mit Unterdrückten zu verkaufen, und soviel ist ja wahr, dass der gemeine Palästinenser unterdrückt wird; die Frage ist nur, von wem. (...)
Während Israel seine jüdischen Flüchtlinge aufnahm, blieben jene Palästinenser, die nicht das Glück hatten, auf israelischem Gebiet zu leben, in dem, was kritische Philosemiten wie J. Augstein bis heute "Lager" nennen, Dauerprovisorien, die sich dem Umstand verdanken, dass die arabischen Eliten nie das mindeste Interesse hatten, diese Wunde nicht publikumswirksam am Schwären zu halten. (...)
Wer ohne Doppelmoral vom "Schicksal" der Palästinenser schmarren will, muss (...) sich die Frage gefallen lassen, (...) warum ihm ein Staat mit bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechten ein Schurkenstaat ist, das praktizierte Mittelalter nebenan aber ein "Freiheitskampf"; und ob sein leidenschaftliches Engagement für Ausländer, um die er daheim einen Bogen macht, nicht ganz andere Gründe hat. Evt. sogar die üblichen.»
Erstens sollte bei Zitaten immer angegeben werden, von wem sie stammen.
Zweitens ist die deutsche Linke bezüglich Israels gespalten, es gibt sowohl israelfreundliche als auch israelkritische Strömungen.
Drittens klingt es wie blanker Hohn, von Glück zu sprechen, dass Palästinenser in Israel leben dürfen, nachdem der Großteil von ihnen von eben jenen aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben wurde.
Viertens ist der Thread auf englisch, also lass uns dabei bleiben.
nämeless wrote:Watching these pictures from Ukraine, Middle East and other parts of the Earth heated by the civil war, I enjoy my life as much as I can, being glad that I live in the peaceful place. Hook, take care of your life and health, I hope one day there will be no more war there.
sorrry for sarcasm
reminds me on this!
Hebron; 13 years old kid has been murdered
Jews in my university
Hook, is it common for burial ceremony (or funeral) to carry body exposed to everybody on streets? And who are people carrying, are they family members? I apologize if you found this questions inappropriate, I just wander because funerals are different here in Croatia.
Hebron; 13 years old kid has been murdered
Wild Wild East, Middle East...
Last edited by nämeless (2014-06-23 13:00:16)
Hook, is it common for burial ceremony (or funeral) to carry body exposed to everybody on streets? And who are people carrying, are they family members? I apologize if you found this questions inappropriate, I just wander because funerals are different here in Croatia.
HoOK wrote:Hebron; 13 years old kid has been murdered
1- yes its common then they go to cemetery
Family members, friends, neighbors and everyone lives near would participate
oh cute, you watch RT
Shoud I watch Fox News or ZDF?
Hook, I have got a question for you since you are running this thread on the forum. Don't get me wrong because I have never been to the Middle East and I know nothing about people's mentality there, in spite of the fact that we also have a few "problematic" regions to the south of our native country with a lot of Muslim people there. There are at least two wars still going on in the Middle East nowadays: Iraq and Syria. When I watch Western media news, I only hear that those Syrian rebels are the freedom fighters and they fight against Bashar the tyrant for their freedom and democracy. When it affects Iraq, the point is in the democratic government that is trying to do something with terrorists. What is the difference between those freedom fighters and terrorists? For me personally, they all are just a bunch of radicals and very dangerous religious fanatics, so why do they deserve some special media treat in different ways? I want your personal opinion on this issue. Thanks.
you idiot
How cute you are...
Last edited by nämeless (2014-06-24 08:27:31)
freedom fighters is Syrian ppl who fight against injustice (bashar)
but as you see bashar army is fighting\killing innocent citizens.
about iraq terrorists; they got a name "داعش" they claims that they are applying islamic law, and they set a rules that suit them
and anyone violates/refuse their rules they kill him!!!!!!!!! group executions etc......
But Syria has a lot of Islamic terrorists too and they fight against government. I saw a lot of videos about these Islamic fanatics and even cannibals from Syria, so what is the difference?
But Syria has a lot of Islamic terrorists too and they fight against government. I saw a lot of videos about these Islamic fanatics and even cannibals from Syria, so what is the difference?
Not all who fight against Assad are like that. Those who you mean call themselves "salafis" but by other muslims they are known as "Wahhabis". They are a crazy people with no brain and no emotions.
(Btw I'm not taking sides for or against Assad, I just wanted to mention this point.)
nämeless wrote:But Syria has a lot of Islamic terrorists too and they fight against government. I saw a lot of videos about these Islamic fanatics and even cannibals from Syria, so what is the difference?
Not all who fight against Assad are like that. Those who you mean call themselves "salafis" but by other muslims they are known as "Wahhabis". They are a crazy people with no brain and no emotions.
(Btw I'm not taking sides for or against Assad, I just wanted to mention this point.)
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I still don't get it how the fuck people kill people due to some religious issues in 21 century...
simply its about Shiite VS sonah
how the fuck people kill people due to some religious issues in 21 century...
i think on the higher level its all about power, not religion, religion is a tool.
to the question how (21+)
nämeless wrote:how the fuck people kill people due to some religious issues in 21 century...
i think on the higher level its all about power, not religion, religion is a tool.
to the question how (21+)
Fucking apes...
Jenin camp this morning
He is 17 years old.
Last edited by HoOK (2014-07-01 07:05:53)
I still don't get it how the fuck people kill people due to some religious issues in 21 century...
The men allways found reasons to smash each others head...
In past protestants and catholics also fight each other, even in switzerland. (16th century and the last at 1847) or all over europe over centurys. The last two wars in the neighborhood were in Ex-Yugoslavia.
Holy war or war at all is a part of menkinds growing up. And if it's not about religion, they find another reason to get what the others have.
Last edited by Arkos (2014-07-01 12:01:54)