#1 2023-03-18 16:49:55

John Gult
Reputation: -11
Location: Russia, Crimea
Registered: 2016-08-09
Posts: 249
iOS Safari 15.6

За что меня сейчас забанили, и на сколько?

На Bocage играли сейчас, YuraBudimenko рассказывал смешную историю, его стали кикать за спам.
Он этого не понял, подумал что кикнули за афк.

Я ему написал, что его кикнули за спам, и могут забанить (чтобы он замолчал).

И меня забанили! Забанили за предупреждение другого игрока о правилах!

Админы - можете объяснить, что это было? Что я нарушил?!

P.S. Правда до этого на мою мину на мосту наехал свой игрок, но я вроде извинился… Бан то за что?! И на долго ли?

Last edited by John Gult (2023-03-18 16:51:12)


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#2 2023-03-18 16:51:47

Reputation: +396
Registered: 2014-11-07
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Windows 10 Firefox 111.0

Re: За что меня сейчас забанили, и на сколько?

ne panimaju


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#3 2023-03-18 16:53:48

Ferd Grapperhaus
Reputation: +247
Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 481
Windows 10 Chrome 111.0

Re: За что меня сейчас забанили, и на сколько?

Hi John,

15 minutes ban for continuous chat spam, already kicked for that earlier today.

Stop your non-stop chat nonsens and war-related messages. If not, next time the ban will be 1 day.

2023-03-18 11:39:16 : # [Global] John Galt: Today is 9 years of the reunification of Crimea with Russia!

You deliberately start to piss off people, you know it's not allowed. You have your spam-cave on our forum for that.

Cya in-game.

P.S. Chat rules:

Any language in chat is acceptable, however please do not flood/spam the chat especially if you are not communicating in English. Please do not disturb other player's gameplay with excessive messages.
English language is recommended to communicate with admins.
Excessive swearing is not allowed. Please do not insult other players.
Please be friendly in chat.
Pure aggression and bullying in game chat to offend or spark a reaction will not be tolerated.
It's not recommended to discuss politics in game chat. You can have whatever political views but  gaming server is not the right place to express them. Players who open such discussions and/or heat them with specific purpose to troll, provoke, trigger or bully other players will be sanctioned.
Server has a list of prohibited words.

Last edited by Ferd Grapperhaus (2023-03-18 16:59:59)


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#4 2023-03-18 17:00:15

John Gult
Reputation: -11
Location: Russia, Crimea
Registered: 2016-08-09
Posts: 249
iOS Safari 15.6

Re: За что меня сейчас забанили, и на сколько?

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:

Hi John,

15 minutes ban for continuous chat spam, already kicked for that earlier today.

Stop your non-stop chat nonsens and war-related messages. If not, next time the ban will be 1 day.

2023-03-18 11:39:16 : # [Global] John Galt: Today is 9 years of the reunification of Crimea with Russia!

You deliberately start to piss off people, you know it's not allowed. You have your spam-cave on our forum for that.

Cya in-game.

Ferd, you don't understand!

We didn't touch the war at all.

YuraBudimenko told a funny story about his girlfriend and got kicked for spamming.  He did not understand this, he thought that he was kicked for afk.  I wrote to him that he was kicked for spam, and that he could be banned (so that he would stop writing to the chat).  And I got banned for it!  It's not fair.

Quote from 11:39:16 - it was I who congratulated Yura Budimenko on the holiday, he answered “Thank you”, and we did not touch this topic again.

P.S. PaulBoumer asked me not to touch the topic of war in the game.  I have known him for a long time, and I respect him, and I try to fulfill his request.  I write about the war only in a special section on the forum, trying to refer to the Western press and minimize my own reasoning.

Last edited by John Gult (2023-03-18 17:09:10)


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