#31 2023-01-29 13:02:03

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3


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#32 2023-01-29 13:11:07

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

henccak wrote:

Would more fun play if all good players would use orginal name no fakenicks. I only use fake nicks when record laggy videos.  I usally shoot lazy fakenick players than orginal names. If i see deeko example use his nick i would try shoot harder than fakenick.

Agree with that... when I go to simple there are always new names. You would think there are every day new players.
I did it too for similar reasons, now not anymore.


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#33 2023-01-29 13:13:08

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Tbh, yes the regs in the video are quite average and at times even bad. I'm sure some players with lower pings watch this and see that their game actually runs even a bit smoother lol.
Nubian is right, if you want smooth aim buy a big ass mouse pad and reduce sensitivity


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#34 2023-01-29 13:18:36

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

There's only one way to settle this - BmC vs conquer. Then killer can finally tryhard instead of taking it easy in public berlin and i get to finally show flasche that i do know how to throw nades!
What do you say, fellas?


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#35 2023-01-29 13:22:28

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

I got absolutely no clue what you are saying Flasche - you are talking nonsense in east and west. Ah that's wrong, I understood you are not satisfied with the evidence-video from the actual round Master is referring to, instead you wan't Deeko to send his PC for you to study... I prefer Masters edited thank/apology comment above.

So what did we learn…
Its a good idea for players who frequently get accused to record their games or be able to do enable.
Deeko got an awfull music taste - is he really listening to german techno radio?
he doesn't like to zoom or to add himself to buddylist.

eS is (still) too paranoid and clueless about this game. Everyone is cheating except former teammates. When do you learn that this game is one of the most buggy and weird games ever? I bet with all the hours behind you, you also tried to experience perfect hitregs, smooth gameplay and the oppossite - some suffers negative from this, while others do less, and added with great skills it's a scary combination.

An admin should have kicked/banned Master for his chat spamming and hackusations. Bad admin.

Though it might be kindda lame that some players are allmost forced to be able to record their gameplay, I kindda like it.  I don't understand why players who have been accused so many times, like u killer88 who play so much, or Jazzy for that matter, refuse to record after all, u probably have been through - just proove the haters wrong while you jump through the ruin window on Berlin (I never make that jump). To me it would be more understandable for Master to whine towards players who never record than for example Butcher and Deeko who's always ready to record and share.

Ps: Hencca, I will make that claim that it's near impossible to fakenick in this game with less than 100 users. Half the server got acces to Ulys browser-tool, and if you can't figure out who the player with 50-5 on Berlin and around 50 ping is, then you should just uninstall. Ah sorry it could be both Simon and Deeko, but I believe bf-league think they are the same person 8-)

I know pretty well who is under fakenicks but still i might shoot lazy than vs nofake nicks and example i play better when i use own tag.   No idea what is it maybe its in my head.. But dont understand ur point that i shold unnistall.  Is not that big thing for me.


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#36 2023-01-29 13:27:54

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Deeko wrote:

There's only one way to settle this - BmC vs conquer. Then killer can finally tryhard instead of taking it easy in public berlin and i get to finally show flasche that i do know how to throw nades!
What do you say, fellas?

would be interesting although I read this arrogant undertone again.
let's make something up!


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#37 2023-01-29 13:30:08

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

The sad part is.

One player gets defamed, insulted, accused.

He ends the game with just a "gg".  Then has to show video evidence.

While the other party still looks for a way to make him look bad, by insinuating he is using illegal settings and making a bigg fuss about using a fake nick.

I wonder who actually is getting protected here?


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#38 2023-01-29 13:31:02

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Flasche wrote:
Deeko wrote:

There's only one way to settle this - BmC vs conquer. Then killer can finally tryhard instead of taking it easy in public berlin and i get to finally show flasche that i do know how to throw nades!
What do you say, fellas?

would be interesting although I read this arrogant undertone again.
let's make something up!

cool! let's keep in touch


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#39 2023-01-29 14:01:08

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

one more thing, I didn't know it was deeko because he had a fake nick and I don't know all the fake nicks and their ping by heart. If I had known, I would not have made this report here. just wanted to point out that the player seems weird to me. since there is no real evidence, this has now also been done. but now I will have one more eye open and if I find any proof, I will write a post according to the rules.

nubian, you are not the only one admin to decide who gets banned. every 2 on the server would have to be panned immediately for the chat.

I have already apologized for my words, which were purely emotional.

daubti, i can read a certain amount of hate in your comment towards me wink maybe because we didn't accept your new clan.

But as I can see, a factual discussion without trolls or stupid comments is not possible here anyway, so my renewed request, please close this post.

yes we could do a match 8 vs 8 would be cool and also can talk in ts after the match.

Last edited by pas42|M@ster (2023-01-29 14:05:22)


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#40 2023-01-29 14:05:07

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

NuBian wrote:

The only thing smooth in that video was the aiming. Apart from that it's the same buggy game we all know and enjoy.

If u want to make urs smoother, reduce the mouse sensitivity. Here you go, big secret revealed.

Sure there is an aspect when it comes down to regs. However, when ur cross hair is generally more off target, ur positioning and movement is weaker than the others it's not a factor.

The hit registration is controlled on the server, we all play on the same server.

Fake nicking is essential to prevent being targeted. If you want a proper nick, accept the challenge in the league.

Thanks for the advice, it is a not a bad advice at all. I was not talking about the smoothness of the aim tho. I am talking about the whole picuture, the objects, how smoothly the enemies move etc...
My sensitivity is pretty low. In the Infantry.com it is game.setInfMouseSensitivity 0.027777 at 400 DPI.


Last edited by dary (2023-01-29 14:09:32)


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#41 2023-01-29 14:17:56

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

I got absolutely no clue what you are saying Flasche - you are talking nonsense in east and west. Ah that's wrong, I understood you are not satisfied with the evidence-video from the actual round Master is referring to, instead you wan't Deeko to send his PC for you to study... I prefer Masters edited thank/apology comment above.

So what did we learn…
Its a good idea for players who frequently get accused to record their games or be able to do enable.
Deeko got an awfull music taste - is he really listening to german techno radio?
he doesn't like to zoom or to add himself to buddylist.

eS is (still) too paranoid and clueless about this game. Everyone is cheating except former teammates. When do you learn that this game is one of the most buggy and weird games ever? I bet with all the hours behind you, you also tried to experience perfect hitregs, smooth gameplay and the oppossite - some suffers negative from this, while others do less, and added with great skills it's a scary combination.

An admin should have kicked/banned Master for his chat spamming and hackusations. Bad admin.

Though it might be kindda lame that some players are allmost forced to be able to record their gameplay, I kindda like it.  I don't understand why players who have been accused so many times, like u killer88 who play so much, or Jazzy for that matter, refuse to record after all, u probably have been through - just proove the haters wrong while you jump through the ruin window on Berlin (I never make that jump). To me it would be more understandable for Master to whine towards players who never record than for example Butcher and Deeko who's always ready to record and share.

Ps: Hencca, I will make that claim that it's near impossible to fakenick in this game with less than 100 users. Half the server got acces to Ulys browser-tool, and if you can't figure out who the player with 50-5 on Berlin and around 50 ping is, then you should just uninstall. Ah sorry it could be both Simon and Deeko, but I believe bf-league think they are the same person 8-)

He was just a bit emotional and Deeko seems wise enough to know it. There was no need to kick. I told him at one point that it is enough. But well, there is no need to judge an admin. But it is nothing new that you are judgemental. Focus on yourself, don't get distracted too much.


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#42 2023-01-29 14:28:12

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Everyone who wants gets something off their chest here and there will be less tension on server ;p

Last edited by simon (2023-01-29 14:28:28)


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#43 2023-01-29 14:43:59

Anna Nym
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

a lot of insulting, irritation, false insinuations and so on would be pointless if Dekko, Simon, Butcher would play with their nicks instead of always new fakenicks - guys is that so hard ?


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#44 2023-01-29 15:02:05

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

simon wrote:

Everyone who wants gets something off their chest here and there will be less tension on server ;p

Once in a while we should all take a medi pack and heal each other... maybe that would help. lol


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#45 2023-01-29 15:35:44

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

They lack self awareness.

Essentially, when they accuse people of cheating, they're questioning their very character.  They accuse them of being unfair and dishonest people, which can be taken as an insult.  They discredit the skills they've acquired over years of playing Battlefield.  Not only do they do this publicly without any evidence, but in some cases it is uploaded/saved on Twitch and Youtube channels.  Then they wonder why there are videos in response...

"Cause and effect my love"

They don't take FULL accountability for their actions.  Even in an apology, there is a distinct taste of bitterness, "I think he make some changes in the settings or he is gaming on an old win XP PC, whatever it is, hope it is legal wink"

Some players act on emotion and ego.  The better players are able to use common sense and logic to separate fact and truth from all the other drivel.


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#46 2023-01-29 15:41:41

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3


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#47 2023-01-29 16:14:23

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Anna Nym wrote:

a lot of insulting, irritation, false insinuations and so on would be pointless if Dekko, Simon, Butcher would play with their nicks instead of always new fakenicks - guys is that so hard ?

2023-01-28 13:37:14 :    # [Axis] cranberry: he is simon i think
2023-01-28 13:37:26 :    # [Global] SmololFenixx: good
2023-01-28 13:37:35 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: taht say all, hacker wink

sadly not.

fact is that chat abuse is punishable, fake nicking is not.

Assuming it was an actual hacker playing there, this would not be the right way to go about it anyway.


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#48 2023-01-29 17:07:50

Black Mamba
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

dary wrote:
NuBian wrote:

The only thing smooth in that video was the aiming. Apart from that it's the same buggy game we all know and enjoy.

If u want to make urs smoother, reduce the mouse sensitivity. Here you go, big secret revealed.

Sure there is an aspect when it comes down to regs. However, when ur cross hair is generally more off target, ur positioning and movement is weaker than the others it's not a factor.

The hit registration is controlled on the server, we all play on the same server.

Fake nicking is essential to prevent being targeted. If you want a proper nick, accept the challenge in the league.

Thanks for the advice, it is a not a bad advice at all. I was not talking about the smoothness of the aim tho. I am talking about the whole picuture, the objects, how smoothly the enemies move etc...
My sensitivity is pretty low. In the Infantry.com it is game.setInfMouseSensitivity 0.027777 at 400 DPI.


Jesus dary, that must be like moving a brick around. Don’t know how you do it.

I find low mouse sens to be excellent for long distance shots as infantry, but in close areas like spawn points you have to move your mouse like hell to kill players.


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#49 2023-01-29 19:33:40

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Well only thing they are good at is tech stuff/internet/ modding and i know butcher is master at this stuff too. Its obvius he is hitting beyond what you can hit at ping 45, atleast what we are familiar with.
Its funny how some players hit with ping of 45, but thats life, someone knows around computers while someone cant have regs like that even when ping goes above 25, like me ( i played on 40+ping and never ever ever had these regs)

So to answer ur question master, they know about pc/internet, how to make ur pc/internet better. Is it all legal we will never know and we cant tell from video. Also noticed deeko has almost no vertical mouse sensitivity, not sure if it affects bullet deviation, but surely he made it for reason. And also i see alot how he hides his hitboxes behind walls, or using WASD combinations, its a cheap play i never used for example.

@dary, that could be to the different monitor/ motion blur technologies i guess

Last edited by Denny (2023-01-29 19:37:01)


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#50 2023-01-29 20:23:06

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Flasche: I'm not saying I'm perfect. But I feel the need to speak when someone is trying to get a player banned - which is for eternity in this game and therefor pretty serious, and then the accused player actually provides footage which shows his innocence  and all you can come up with is some nonsense bitter crap speech. Psycho analytics... At least Master got it right in the end and manned up for an apology .

Killer88: I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't ask for your gaming schedule, which I believe is still very much above an average persons. I simply just said that I don't know why good players, who been accused for cheating frequently/ a lot, don't just provide some gaming footage from time to time. It's very easy, and would prolly be enjoyed and admired of many.

Dary: Don't take it too personal. My own admin performance is pure garbage, and I didn't watch the video closely, but to me it looked like a massive chat spam full of hackusations. Good u told him to stop. Please let me know what you think I should focus on.

Hencca: I said you should uninstall or stick to coop, if you can't put 1 and 1 together and figure out the player with 50 ping and a score of 50-5 on Berlin in a game with 10 users.

Denny: I think your quite wrong if you think Butcher and Deeko are good at tech stuff. Pretty sure guys like Fear, Viita, Mitch and Henk are light years ahead of them. It's not too long ago Corax helped Butcher through an installation of Linux (something Butcher shared in here on this forum), in Butchers constant pursuit of trying out different stuff to improve his game experience. But you are right when you say, that they try different things, settings, OS and so on. Butcher probably have the biggest love/hate relationship to this game than any of us, and that's also why I personally believe he would be the last one to ruin it with illegal cheats.


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#51 2023-01-29 22:49:41

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Denny wrote:

Well only thing they are good at is tech stuff/internet/ modding and i know butcher is master at this stuff too.



Damn, that one used to be humble back then.


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#52 2023-01-30 00:10:26

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Denny wrote:

And also i see alot how he hides his hitboxes behind walls, or using WASD combinations, its a cheap play i never used for example.

Notice how i also jump around corners with SPACEBAR, that's even worse!
You can't be writing this shit with a straight face, this is the reason why making long posts trying to explain things to people like you is pointless, you're a proper melon head


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#53 2023-01-30 01:27:20

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Did i hit the hurt spot?


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#54 2023-01-30 01:29:39

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3



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#55 2023-01-30 08:30:43

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Haha denny do you happen to live in Australia because your world is upside down.
If you want to talk about regs, lags, hitboxes etcetera then this section should be mandatroy read first:
https://forums.blurbusters.com/viewforu … 1a74001bbc

What you're saying is basically me, deeko and butcher are smarter than everyone there, some have been reasearching this issue for a decade and have a degree, yet there is no solution anywhere.
So, please stop spreading bullshit, the nameless era of baseless claims is over


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#56 2023-01-30 13:08:25

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Between Denny and Master - Deeko has modified settings, an ideal operating system, registration enhancement, hitbox manipulation, strafe manipulation, coding genius (beyond that of Mitch, Tuia, Henk, etc), Y-axis sensitivity manipulation, aimbot, motion-blur cancellation technology, and deviation hacks...all of which are unavailable to anyone but the Estonian(s). All these advantages combined are still masterfully hidden and concealed when given the first-person perspective of these deviants.

Don't forget the use of tactics and superior hardware to further enhance these unicorn behaviors that can only be summarized as "cheap" and unskillful for a 20+ year-old video game.

Honestly, much of this really wouldn't be in question if he merely used his real alias instead of a smurf name. Obviously, he must be up to no good if he is concealing his identity regularly.

But yet, the combined intellect, analysis, and variable competencies from the entire BF community with an accumulative experience of over 2 or 3 centuries can only conclude that these behaviors are UNEXPLAINABLE and SUSPICIOUS.

To really cement this lunacy, the accusers are ALWAYS unable to provide a personal perspective of these unwinnable gun fights and supposedly inhuman encounters.

The more likely explanation is that the complainers are conceited, unimaginative, illogical, and only interested in the self-preservation of their ego.

But ignore me, this is only my second post, I'm an entire ocean away and these cheaters wouldn't be able to compete in a competitive 8vs8+ environment anyhow...


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#57 2023-01-30 14:12:17

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I laughed. The hardest part is trying to keep a straight face and giving a serious answer to such absurd accusations.
Best example right here is in the first post. "100% headshots", I go and watch deekos video and I am disappointed. Where are the headshots? Lol
Anyway, good post


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#58 2023-02-04 00:39:34

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Black Mamba wrote:
dary wrote:
NuBian wrote:

The only thing smooth in that video was the aiming. Apart from that it's the same buggy game we all know and enjoy.

If u want to make urs smoother, reduce the mouse sensitivity. Here you go, big secret revealed.

Sure there is an aspect when it comes down to regs. However, when ur cross hair is generally more off target, ur positioning and movement is weaker than the others it's not a factor.

The hit registration is controlled on the server, we all play on the same server.

Fake nicking is essential to prevent being targeted. If you want a proper nick, accept the challenge in the league.

Thanks for the advice, it is a not a bad advice at all. I was not talking about the smoothness of the aim tho. I am talking about the whole picuture, the objects, how smoothly the enemies move etc...
My sensitivity is pretty low. In the Infantry.com it is game.setInfMouseSensitivity 0.027777 at 400 DPI.


Jesus dary, that must be like moving a brick around. Don’t know how you do it.

I find low mouse sens to be excellent for long distance shots as infantry, but in close areas like spawn points you have to move your mouse like hell to kill players.

I noticed many people don't know that the sensitivity is higher is when you move compared when you stand still. smile I have a big mouse pad, you get used to it to move the whole fore arm. Didn't play always like this. Playing inf feels too hectiv with higher sensitivity for me.

+ I have a wireless mouse... cable is too annoying

Last edited by dary (2023-02-04 00:40:13)


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#59 2023-02-04 01:33:00

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I think faster sens is always better if you're used to it, but it doesn't really matter, it's all preference. Dary is right, it's better to just stand still on long fights, cause sensitivity accelerates with movement roll


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#60 2023-02-04 03:03:05

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

All talk about  high or low sens.   Find ur medium sens that is the best with super slow mousepad. Pad is important with fast pad mouse sens wheels higher even u have same sens than slow pad


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