#1 2023-01-28 15:27:43

Reputation: +22
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sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Player Tundra  ist not 100 % Clean.

we wos on Berlin today and u got always 100  % Headshots.
his hits are to amazing and feels not true wink

i know we have lots of fake nick players...

its always sad that one player can distroy the good server vibes...


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#2 2023-01-28 17:43:50

Paul Baumer
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.


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#3 2023-01-28 19:05:39

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Let's chek his IP to see what nicks he used before, so that we can track him easier in game by recording his gameplay. But still, it is hard to proof that he has something to improve the aim right?


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#4 2023-01-28 19:38:34

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

from previous knowledge, both you and that tundra guy record their games, it would be intersting to watch it side by side to see how things were going


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#5 2023-01-28 19:38:53

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Paul Baumer wrote:

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.

Excuse M@ster for his post, please. He is noob player who can not see the difference between cheat and real skill given by God to be a sniper in BF42. As well the newbee is new to the forum so he doesn't know what he can write and what is forbidden. I am sure he will never do that again.

Last edited by e.S (2023-01-29 00:24:11)


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#6 2023-01-28 20:40:56

Paul Baumer
Reputation: +2659
Registered: 2016-06-19
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

logs from berlin

2023-01-28 13:29:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: xD
2023-01-28 13:29:52 :    # [Axis] Banga: sorry
2023-01-28 13:29:55 :    # [Global] Vietnamese: hehe
2023-01-28 13:30:34 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: lol
2023-01-28 13:30:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: nice
2023-01-28 13:30:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: hacks on? tongue
2023-01-28 13:30:55 :    # [Allies] snorkel!: 2 on left at end of alley
2023-01-28 13:30:55 :    # [Global] tundra: TY
2023-01-28 13:30:55 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: need it?
2023-01-28 13:31:07 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: fu u
2023-01-28 13:31:10 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: off xD
2023-01-28 13:32:07 :    # [Allies] dary: get a mg
2023-01-28 13:32:14 :    # [Allies] dary: and attack
2023-01-28 13:32:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: come on
2023-01-28 13:32:55 :    # [Axis] Banga: sorry
2023-01-28 13:33:01 :    # [Global] SmololFenixx: how
2023-01-28 13:33:25 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: bis der erster hacker kommt dary
2023-01-28 13:33:25 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: ist so klar xD
2023-01-28 13:33:40 :    # [Global] dary: D
2023-01-28 13:33:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: no chance tongue
2023-01-28 13:34:13 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: 100 not save wink
2023-01-28 13:34:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: aim bot smile
2023-01-28 13:34:19 :    # [Global] sChUtZsTaFFeL: bs
2023-01-28 13:34:28 :    # [Axis] shadow: sorry
2023-01-28 13:34:58 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: come on smile report is out <3
2023-01-28 13:35:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: yes 100 aim bot big_smile
2023-01-28 13:35:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: admin nr 8 is not 100 % clean
2023-01-28 13:36:04 :    # [Global] sChUtZsTaFFeL: agree
2023-01-28 13:36:25 :    # [Global] shadow: nice shot dude smile
2023-01-28 13:36:37 :    # [Global] cranberry: hi guys
2023-01-28 13:36:41 :    # [Global] Vietnamese: hi
2023-01-28 13:36:44 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: nr 8 not clean
2023-01-28 13:36:49 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: aimbot or somethink
2023-01-28 13:36:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: g
2023-01-28 13:37:14 :    # [Axis] cranberry: he is simon i think
2023-01-28 13:37:26 :    # [Global] SmololFenixx: good
2023-01-28 13:37:35 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: taht say all, hacker wink
2023-01-28 13:37:41 :    # [Axis] cranberry: )
2023-01-28 13:38:04 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: i lost all fights against hime no hits
2023-01-28 13:38:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: all
2023-01-28 13:38:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: fu u big_smile
2023-01-28 13:38:22 :    # [Axis] cranberry: yesterday deeko were playing too
2023-01-28 13:38:40 :    # [Axis] cranberry: and butcher)
2023-01-28 13:39:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: we know the are not clean smile
2023-01-28 13:39:55 :    # [Allies] dary: no regs
2023-01-28 13:39:58 :    # [Global] cranberry: sensless to talk about it...
2023-01-28 13:40:13 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: yeah look
2023-01-28 13:40:19 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: 1 sek and dead
2023-01-28 13:40:22 :    # [Global] cranberry: )
2023-01-28 13:40:34 :    # [Global] cranberry: u are getting used to it))
2023-01-28 13:40:37 :    # [Global] dary: it not impossible
2023-01-28 13:40:41 :    # [Global] Alfons: heh
2023-01-28 13:40:46 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: dary komm
2023-01-28 13:40:52 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: es ist löcherlich
2023-01-28 13:40:58 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: er trifft wie a gott
2023-01-28 13:41:22 :    Server: Player RS2000 kicked.
2023-01-28 13:41:25 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: und er ist immer da wo ich bin
2023-01-28 13:42:07 :    # [Global] dary: ich treff nicht viel
2023-01-28 13:42:43 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: hacker <3
2023-01-28 13:42:46 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: 1000 big_smile
2023-01-28 13:43:10 :    # [Global] dary: ok master
2023-01-28 13:43:22 :    # [Global] H_ngm_n: w
2023-01-28 13:44:14 :    # [Global] sChUtZsTaFFeL: fkn bs
2023-01-28 13:44:23 :    # [Global] Vietnamese: d
2023-01-28 13:44:23 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: was muss in einen leben falsch laufe xD
2023-01-28 13:45:23 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: ich report dem eh im forum
2023-01-28 13:45:38 :    # [Global] sChUtZsTaFFeL: tundra you got something going on ?
2023-01-28 13:45:59 :    # [Global] mitsumi: a prostate plug?
2023-01-28 13:46:04 :    # [Global] PISOT: soory
2023-01-28 13:46:46 :    # [Global] dary: enough accusation for today, go to forum please
2023-01-28 13:47:23 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: so lächerlich xD
2023-01-28 13:50:37 :    # [Global] ((={PRC}=)): D4!!!!
2023-01-28 13:50:37 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: hahha
2023-01-28 13:50:40 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: tundra
2023-01-28 13:50:43 :    # [Global] ¤)ßmÇ(¤ M@ster: go to hell <3
2023-01-28 13:51:07 :    # [Global] tundra: gg


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#7 2023-01-28 21:00:24

Reputation: +557
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Unknown Firefox 108.0

Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

That chat log is amazing and feels not true big_smile
100% spam and killing good server vibes xD

Last edited by simon (2023-01-28 21:01:47)


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#8 2023-01-28 21:03:19

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

simon wrote:

That chat log is amazing and feels not true big_smile
100% spam and killing good server vibes xD

So, was it you simon?


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#9 2023-01-28 21:10:50

Reputation: +394
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I wasn't planning on recording that round but i turned the camera on after the first few accusations, knew it would be useful big_smile


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#10 2023-01-28 21:21:23

Reputation: +54
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

ABAS wrote:

it would be intersting to watch it side by side to see how things were going

Master is a legend of the game.

He is certainly one of the most gifted infs that ever touched this game.

There are 4 infs in bmc, so he is perhaps top 4 in the world atm, very unlikely he can get beaten.

We should take this report very seriously.

Hopefully, we get to see both angles on video.


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#11 2023-01-28 21:54:17

Reputation: +353
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

e.S wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.

Excuse Flasche for his post, please. He is noob player who can not see the difference between cheat and real skill given by God to be a sniper in BF42. As well the newbee is new to the forum so he doesn't know what he can write and what is forbidden. I am sure he will never do that again.

I need to understand this post of yours, eS, because I don't know due to your history whether your being sarcastic. Does your post mean that because I'm so much more of a player than you, everyone should take my word for granted if I accuse you of something?


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#12 2023-01-28 21:57:37

Czech Republic
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
e.S wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.

Excuse Flasche for his post, please. He is noob player who can not see the difference between cheat and real skill given by God to be a sniper in BF42. As well the newbee is new to the forum so he doesn't know what he can write and what is forbidden. I am sure he will never do that again.

I need to understand this post of yours, eS, because I don't know due to your history whether your being sarcastic. Does your post mean that because I'm so much more of a player than you, everyone should take my word for granted if I accuse you of something?

e.s. has accused me of cheating dozen times in the past and he most probably still thinks so,  i think this will make you understand his post easier.

Btw nothing to really see on this deeko's video..


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#13 2023-01-28 22:56:43

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Deeko wrote:

I wasn't planning on recording that round but i turned the camera on after the first few accusations, knew it would be useful big_smile

nice playing was enjoyable to watch. : D


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#14 2023-01-28 23:21:21

Reputation: +22
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Posts: 48
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Now with this Video  from deeko i have to say,  He is one of the best inf on bf1942 history. (After esl eps liga time) I will dream from your skills tonight  wink  hope u are not Sad that i say to you hacker and i hope u come to haven not to hell <3 

Its true some words on Chat wos not from my best side ?

Btw, his game/Server regs and hitbox looks on  his video mutch better ... strange for me. Think i make some changes in the settings  or He is gaming on an old win XP PC
Whataver  it is, hope its legal wink

See u on the field

Last edited by pas42|M@ster (2023-01-28 23:24:52)


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#15 2023-01-28 23:30:07

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

e.S wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.

Excuse Flasche for his post, please. He is noob player who can not see the difference between cheat and real skill given by God to be a sniper in BF42. As well the newbee is new to the forum so he doesn't know what he can write and what is forbidden. I am sure he will never do that again.

I was not at the server. please do not use my name for your entertainment.

Last edited by Flasche (2023-01-28 23:33:09)


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#16 2023-01-28 23:30:51

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Deeko wrote:

I wasn't planning on recording that round but i turned the camera on after the first few accusations, knew it would be useful big_smile

very confident gameplay, no pressure or panic while having 7-8 bullets.


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#17 2023-01-29 00:03:55

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Flasche wrote:
e.S wrote:
Paul Baumer wrote:

Do you have a proof, M@ster?
Knowing your own skills at infantry I bet you get accused too when you play but does it mean you're cheating? No public haccusations should happen without solid proof, it's even in our rules. Please provide a video and submit it do an admin if you notice anything suspicious but we are not gonna ban anyone for cheating without solid evidence because we take action based on facts that can be proven, a pure intuitive suspicion is not enough.

Excuse Flasche for his post, please. He is noob player who can not see the difference between cheat and real skill given by God to be a sniper in BF42. As well the newbee is new to the forum so he doesn't know what he can write and what is forbidden. I am sure he will never do that again.

I was not at the server. please do not use my name for your entertainment.

Oh, sorry  Flasche. You understand that I ment M@ster... ( He wrote the topic)

Last edited by e.S (2023-01-29 00:26:56)


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#18 2023-01-29 00:30:03

Reputation: +278
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Deeko wrote:

I wasn't planning on recording that round but i turned the camera on after the first few accusations, knew it would be useful big_smile

Where I can download this version of the game?


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#19 2023-01-29 01:01:35

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3


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#20 2023-01-29 02:07:43

United States
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I only see Master and Cran breaking rules in that video. Polluting the chat with unfounded hackusations.

Very embarrassing for you.

Your twitch videos show mediocre infantry skill and not very much intelligence from what I’ve seen. The difference is incredible. I think you should study and learn instead of coming here to complain.


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#21 2023-01-29 03:03:39

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

We all know that the game runs smoother for some player than for others. Depending on the hardware, operating system and the version of the game. If you install the game via CD it doesn't run as smooth as some versions in this orbit. At least this is my experice. I think this is a reason why some people think others are cheating.
Nice to see the gameplay of this round, was fun to watch.

Last edited by dary (2023-01-29 03:33:49)


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#22 2023-01-29 10:32:29

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

tragic wrote:

I only see Master and Cran breaking rules in that video. Polluting the chat with unfounded hackusations.

Very embarrassing for you.

Your twitch videos show mediocre infantry skill and not very much intelligence from what I’ve seen. The difference is incredible. I think you should study and learn instead of coming here to complain.

it makes me think more that you make a forum account especially for this nonsense. congratulations for your first post. And I'm not saying that because I want to defend my brother.

this is getting too personal again, please close this post.???

we all know that there are players here who put a lot of time into the game, no one knows by god what is technically possible, which brings advantages whether legal or not, everyone has to agree with their conscience whether they can do it in a 20 years old game needed. it might help if all the new pros didn't have a new name on the server every day, this would probably also build a little trust. and you can really save your childish you tube video, or have you really achieved nothing in real life to put people down?
crying around on the server is maybe not the nicest way and has always been, is somehow part of the bf ingame chat but making videos to get horny is also a kind of diagnosis. if simon, dekko and company really had balls they would just make plain text and tell us which version they use and whether there are internet settings etc.

ahh and last but not least I always find it exciting, because we're talking about player intelligence here: those who aim best at berlin | Stalingrad play some shit on other maps together. I always ask myself, isn't the brain enough?

Last edited by Flasche (2023-01-29 10:43:53)


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#23 2023-01-29 10:49:24

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Flasche, your post doesn't make any sense. It was M@ster who started the accusations and created this topic. The video was posted by deeko as evidence. Where do you see a personal attack here? You can't say whatever you want and not stand by your words
Anyone can use whatever nickname they like and it doesn't even matter because m@ster already knew who he was facing. Why stir up drama, there was already an apology

Last edited by simon (2023-01-29 10:52:22)


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#24 2023-01-29 10:58:51

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

simon wrote:

Flasche, your post doesn't make any sense. It was M@ster who started the accusations and created this topic. The video was posted by deeko as evidence. Where do you see a personal attack here? You can't say whatever you want and not stand by your words
Anyone can use whatever nickname they like and it doesn't even matter because m@ster already knew who he was facing. Why stir up drama, there was already an apology

you are not wrong then please take it as please as i would like to know who i play against. I've been trying not to flame you on the server for a long time. I also realized that this makes little sense and using the example of bfsoldier, you can see how good it is for the server.

take it as an acknowledgment when people think you two brothers aren't completely clean.
I really don't know anyone who can aim that well, congratulations. I'm looking forward to seeing you again on the server! wish you a nice weekend

Btw i can also understand if you guys are clean and use no Special things that is not fair to get attacked on forum and Public. But haters makes you famous ?? or not?

Last edited by Flasche (2023-01-29 11:06:33)


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#25 2023-01-29 11:18:20

Reputation: +211
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

Would more fun play if all good players would use orginal name no fakenicks. I only use fake nicks when record laggy videos.  I usally shoot lazy fakenick players than orginal names. If i see deeko example use his nick i would try shoot harder than fakenick.


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#26 2023-01-29 12:05:54

Reputation: +22
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Posts: 48
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

i think we all say enough and the Admin can close this before the troll train gets startet.

Thx to the Server, u are part of it to keep the game alive.

Have a Nice Day wink


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#27 2023-01-29 12:42:22

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

I got absolutely no clue what you are saying Flasche - you are talking nonsense in east and west. Ah that's wrong, I understood you are not satisfied with the evidence-video from the actual round Master is referring to, instead you wan't Deeko to send his PC for you to study... I prefer Masters edited thank/apology comment above.

So what did we learn…
Its a good idea for players who frequently get accused to record their games or be able to do enable.
Deeko got an awfull music taste - is he really listening to german techno radio?
he doesn't like to zoom or to add himself to buddylist.

eS is (still) too paranoid and clueless about this game. Everyone is cheating except former teammates. When do you learn that this game is one of the most buggy and weird games ever? I bet with all the hours behind you, you also tried to experience perfect hitregs, smooth gameplay and the oppossite - some suffers negative from this, while others do less, and added with great skills it's a scary combination.

An admin should have kicked/banned Master for his chat spamming and hackusations. Bad admin.

Though it might be kindda lame that some players are allmost forced to be able to record their gameplay, I kindda like it.  I don't understand why players who have been accused so many times, like u killer88 who play so much, or Jazzy for that matter, refuse to record after all, u probably have been through - just proove the haters wrong while you jump through the ruin window on Berlin (I never make that jump). To me it would be more understandable for Master to whine towards players who never record than for example Butcher and Deeko who's always ready to record and share.

Ps: Hencca, I will make that claim that it's near impossible to fakenick in this game with less than 100 users. Half the server got acces to Ulys browser-tool, and if you can't figure out who the player with 50-5 on Berlin and around 50 ping is, then you should just uninstall. Ah sorry it could be both Simon and Deeko, but I believe bf-league think they are the same person 8-)


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#28 2023-01-29 12:47:21

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

I got absolutely no clue what you are saying Flasche - you are talking nonsense in east and west. Ah that's wrong, I understood you are not satisfied with the evidence-video from the actual round Master is referring to, instead you wan't Deeko to send his PC for you to study... I prefer Masters edited thank/apology comment above.

So what did we learn…
Its a good idea for players who frequently get accused to record their games or be able to do enable.
Deeko got an awfull music taste - is he really listening to german techno radio?
he doesn't like to zoom or to add himself to buddylist.

eS is (still) too paranoid and clueless about this game. Everyone is cheating except former teammates. When do you learn that this game is one of the most buggy and weird games ever? I bet with all the hours behind you, you also tried to experience perfect hitregs, smooth gameplay and the oppossite - some suffers negative from this, while others do less, and added with great skills it's a scary combination.

An admin should have kicked/banned Master for his chat spamming and hackusations. Bad admin.

Though it might be kindda lame that some players are allmost forced to be able to record their gameplay, I kindda like it.  I don't understand why players who have been accused so many times, like u killer88 who play so much, or Jazzy for that matter, refuse to record after all, u probably have been through - just proove the haters wrong while you jump through the ruin window on Berlin (I never make that jump). To me it would be more understandable for Master to whine towards players who never record than for example Butcher and Deeko who's always ready to record and share.

Ps: Hencca, I will make that claim that it's near impossible to fakenick in this game with less than 100 users. Half the server got acces to Ulys browser-tool, and if you can't figure out who the player with 50-5 on Berlin and around 50 ping is, then you should just uninstall. Ah sorry it could be both Simon and Deeko, but I believe bf-league think they are the same person 8-)

And we all know that your are the Mr. Perfect im so tired about your talking, you have rly interesting psycho analytics skills.

Last edited by Flasche (2023-01-29 12:58:19)


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#29 2023-01-29 13:00:56

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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

The only thing smooth in that video was the aiming. Apart from that it's the same buggy game we all know and enjoy.

If u want to make urs smoother, reduce the mouse sensitivity. Here you go, big secret revealed.

Sure there is an aspect when it comes down to regs. However, when ur cross hair is generally more off target, ur positioning and movement is weaker than the others it's not a factor.

The hit registration is controlled on the server, we all play on the same server.

Fake nicking is essential to prevent being targeted. If you want a proper nick, accept the challenge in the league.


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#30 2023-01-29 13:01:31

Czech Republic
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Re: sweet hacks on Berlin <3

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Though it might be kindda lame that some players are allmost forced to be able to record their gameplay, I kindda like it.  I don't understand why players who have been accused so many times, like u killer88 who play so much, or Jazzy for that matter, refuse to record after all, u probably have been through - just proove the haters wrong while you jump through the ruin window on Berlin (I never make that jump). To me it would be more understandable for Master to whine towards players who never record than for example Butcher and Deeko who's always ready to record and share.

Idk where it comes from, but I barely spend enough time on this game I used to in the past (probably from the past where I played alot).. during weel time some days I dont play at all, some maybe a round or two, sometimes I dont even show up for our wars due to lack of time or anything else, but its all fine.  Idk, nowadays 1942 has barely any good infs around and its become boring at times.. I mean, dont get me wrong, but Ive spent the last 1,5 years mostly with flying, its super fun and cool and then I come to berlin/stalin  (where I still see couple of people trying hard every day) but Im still able to get around 120-150 frags per round without any training for such a long time.
Anyways, paranoid dudes who still tryna force me record my inf game and desperately believe im cheating, always make my day better.


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