#61 2022-08-16 18:07:03

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

I rarely check or comment anything anymore here, but I find it really laughable and ridiculous how he's not punished by now by head admins who promised changes to whole Simple community to make it better. I think they can easily change status for semi-corrrupt admin too with all pride. Way to go, brigther future.


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#62 2022-08-17 00:13:49

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

KILLER88 wrote:

I rarely check or comment anything anymore here, but I find it really laughable and ridiculous how he's not punished by now by head admins who promised changes to whole Simple community to make it better. I think they can easily change status for semi-corrrupt admin too with all pride. Way to go, brigther future.

Thanks for having common sense Killer. To the admins, open a thread in that hidden forum and at least put this topic up for discussion, either give it a solution or cut it off.

Your choice.


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#63 2022-08-19 15:44:28

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

El Alamen
1. Player (ping 13) started playing as allied.
2. Then a strong player joined axis - Mary Muscles (most likely it's Simon).
3. Player was afraid to play against him and he switched to his side, to axis.



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#64 2022-08-19 17:45:24

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

BFSoldier3 wrote:

El Alamen
1. Player (ping 13) started playing as allied.
2. Then a strong player joined axis - Mary Muscles (most likely it's Simon).
3. Player was afraid to play against him and he switched to his side, to axis.

big_smile big_smile

test, you didn't understand anything. This is a special player, he has his own rules


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#65 2022-08-19 19:38:41

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Indeed Test, Just make sure he does not ;

a) teamkill you for gold or revenge
b) teamstack to your side for hassle free scoring
c) insults you ingame
d) send you salty harsh,even racist worded pm's
e) challenges you to a medpacksucking 1v1 contest to calm his ego
d) call you a c**t

We should all be happy we can play with such world class players as 000 **

**Text might be ironic**

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-08-19 19:39:47)


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#66 2022-11-03 14:53:41

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Adding to this post by reporting 000 for teamstacking on BOB map yesterday around 2 am.
He started as allied,went for basecamping the axis main off course but was shot down by me and deathbailed.

("Let's deathbail ,this guy is too good "says 000.)

He then disconnected and reconnected to allied team,to quickly do a teamstack to axis so he wouldn't have to fight me.
He unbalanced teams completely again this way, forcing other players over to allied.

("Stack to axis coz I can't beat Zoidy in a plane" says 000!)

After calling him out as the 'Weak King" he lauched some insults back at me.


When I then stacked to his team in his campy Berlin map, he always joined the opposite team....

Such a rule obiding fun player this is....and such a weakling.

You dont teamstack 000?      yes u do.
You don't teamshoot 000?     yes u do.
You don't insult 000?              yes u do.
You don't spawncamp 000?    yes u do.
You don't target people 000?  yes u do.

I wonder what his punishment will be for a guy who claims he 'follows the rules' all the time again and has had multiple bans already for 'following those rules'.

Can you finally stop this coward of behaving the way he does ?

Ill do you guys a deal ;  ban him 6 months and you can ban me 6 months too for reporting him correctly on the intended forum in the intended subsection.
I am prepared to go down with this numbskull to give ALL OTHER players some peace of mind.


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#67 2022-11-03 15:44:02

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day


youre a joke and non-truth teller zoid .... you should be sanctioned for all your false reporting, forum stalking, insults and provocations

this is basically zoid getting encouraged because he got merlin banned for months


and now hes trying to do the same with me

regarding yesterday

-  you said during that brit that you recorded ... its in the chat log .... wheres the vid ? or was that yet another zoid lie .....
-  you started insulting me in that brit round ... i then insulted you back .... but i wouldve been silent as usual if you hadnt started .... lets see the logs .... and youve insulted me for years ... and you always start the ingame insults against me
-  you targeted me in that round .... and youve targeted me for years

look as zoids posts ....

https://team-simple.org/forum/search.ph … er_id=1345

hes obsessed with me. he has  insulted and stalked me in this forum for years

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 98#p181898

the only thing i agree with zoid is this :

Dr.ZoidbergCLAW wrote:

  you can ban me 6 months too for reporting him

yes .... zoid should finally get a ban for hanging on my back for years, disrespecting me, falsereporting, forumstalking me etc


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#68 2022-11-03 15:49:48

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Stop talking around the actual subject ,the fact is you teamstacked to axis again as you couldn't beat me ...
All the drivel you add here is rather non relevant to your ego tripping sheit attitude ingame.

We all know how you behave ingame by now.

You should be removed for all the stuff you do to get yur stupid first places ,it has been disturbing long enough without admins actually acting against it.

So  again   :
reporting a teamstack to axis by 000 on BOB map last night.This is against the rules,which he has clearly shown NOT to respect over and over for years .
As he is keen to point out these rules to others yet breaks them himself to get an advantage over an over again I suggest you start applying increasing bans for this individual without much backbone.

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-11-03 15:53:43)


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#69 2022-11-03 15:56:56

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

all your forum + ingame insults of me, your forum stalking and your targeting of me, and you still have the nerve to report me .... you should report yourself for once ...

wheres the evidence of that alleged stack ? ... that 2nd screen of yours is not enough


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#70 2022-11-03 16:00:46

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Logs will show who is lying..

I'm sure many will attest here you don't do such things as I claim you do.

I made a funny!

Should I request an admin to post that log here so all can see?

That would make you a liar on top of a teamstacker wink

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-11-03 16:11:08)


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#71 2022-11-03 16:22:37

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

the logs show chat and misc other things

they dont show info about stacking


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#72 2022-11-03 16:57:35

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

And you wonder why I called you a rulebender?

Wonder no more  smile

Now please    stop polluting this post.

Again :

Reporting 000 for teamstack to axis on BOB map last night around 2 am after a deathbail and a reconnect.

Now behave like a normal person for once and wait for an admin to reply.

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-11-03 17:04:54)


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#73 2022-11-03 17:20:26

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 84#p182884

Dr.ZoidbergCLAW wrote:

When I then stacked to his team in his campy Berlin map, he always joined the opposite team....

you just admitted that you teamstacked several times yesterday ....... (and you did, i remember that berlin 12 hours ago)

you report me for something that you did yourself ......

less smart behavior by zoid


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#74 2022-11-03 19:26:54

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

i agree with zoidberg on this one


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#75 2022-11-03 19:30:59

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

zoid admitted to repeated teamstacking yesterday

i agree that zoid should finally get his first ban for all his stacking and insults over the years


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#76 2022-11-03 19:32:51

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

I was testing if you would stack back against me......and you did      several times smile 

It is fun to see how the self proclaimed King that taunts me in infantry games has to stack to my team to get ahead in fly maps smile
It is also fun to see you make up all kinds of excuses to justify your rulebreaking wink

And the first time I see smart behaviour by you   ......I'll let ya know...

See ya on a fly map near you Fa-King smile

Again :

Reporting 000 for teamstack to axis on BOB map last night around 2 am after a deathbail and a reconnect.

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-11-03 19:37:30)


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#77 2022-11-03 19:42:30

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day


you have no evidence

youre just repeating yourself over and over

youre a :

- forum spammer
- falsereporter
- teamstacker
- griefer
- targeter
- insulter

and many other things

i am reporting zoid for several deliberate teamstacks yesterday, which he admitted above

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 95#p182895


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#78 2022-11-03 19:44:07

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

So   :  lets see your evidence then.....

Maybe go look through your personal 'ban appeal thread' ;maybe you 'll learn something there.
And all the things you accuse me of ,many of the players that have known me for years know I don't do such things.
And that includes MANY admins.

YOU on the other hand have been an obnoxious toxic streber that does ANYTHING to get first place in a game for years now.
Things that include
- forum spammer
- falsereporter
- teamstacker
- griefer
- targeter
- insulter

and many other things (as again proven by 'your ban thread")

I will not cease being obnoxious to something as vile and backstabbing as what lives in your mind and your behaviour towards others and I will continue to report any rulebreaking stuff I see you do on the server.

Here a song for you 

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2022-11-03 19:50:33)


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#79 2022-11-03 20:52:40

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Dr.ZoidbergCLAW wrote:

You dont teamstack 000?      yes u do.
You don't teamshoot 000?     yes u do.
You don't insult 000?              yes u do.
You don't spawncamp 000?    yes u do.
You don't target people 000?  yes u do.

Well, every player know this is the story of 000 playstyle, if he is playing, which is most likely; he will join a map based on only 2 purposes: Getting gold with all cost and if that isn't possible or the map doesn't suit his gold rush, he will usually spend his meaningful time targeting a specific player.

Explained further:
- Getting gold the easiest way possible: Getting low ID to get specific vehicles to suit his purpose, teamstacking by constant reconnecting until he end up in the "right team".
- Targeting a specific player: Usually by taking a plane spending a whole map searching for 1 specific player to kimikaze or hunt high from the sky. Some would call it a waste of a usefull vehicle others would probably call it "balancing between trolling and targeting".

Merlin got, I think a whole of 2 months ban, for his anger management problems with his chat(abuse), I'm curious about this case if a chat(abuse) gives 2 months....


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#80 2022-11-03 21:42:21

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

chat abuse .... what are you talking about .....

its well known that youre an enemy of me, just like zoid .... youre a part of the hate-group that always acuse me of all kinds of things

you shouldnt accuse me of something i havent done

and .... you have a long history of targeting me doubti ....

and you admitted to deliberately teamstacking against me for so many times

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 56#p182656

you claim you got a special "teamstacking permission" from the head admin. i question that


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#81 2022-11-03 22:33:34

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Ah 000;
You talk of a hate group....but you always behave and play like you are looking for hate ...
You talk of false accusing...but have a ban list longer than your diploma list...
You talk of targeting..but will come in a game to do just one revenge kill then disconnect...

You may claim a lot yourself but I claim this:

You teamstacked to axis on BOB map yesterday because you didn't want to lose to me thus forcing other players over to axis.

And I question THAT!


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#82 2022-11-04 22:44:28

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Maybe he 000 topic should be moved to "technical help" ?


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#83 2022-11-04 23:11:53

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day


Meow  smile



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#84 2022-11-04 23:28:16

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

. . .





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#85 2022-11-06 08:45:05

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

1. nnc (BFSoldier, ping 13) started playing as axis.
2. Allied took 3 flags.
3. After that, nnc switched to allied.



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#86 2022-11-08 08:44:42

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Re: my my (BFSoldier, ping 13) - teamstacking continues every day

Coral sea
1. BFSoldier (ping 13) started playing as axis.
2. One axis carrier was sunk.
3. After that, BFSoldier switched to allied.


Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2022-11-08 09:03:52)


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