#1 2022-03-19 17:09:19

John Gult
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Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Admin CACTUS bans for "Z" for a week.
With me now banned three players.

In doing so, we do not violate the rules of the server.
We do not conduct propaganda, we do not provoke anyone.
We play.

Through "Z", we simply express our opinion, which is different from the opinions of other people, but also has the right to exist.

You, in the West, are so proud of freedom of speech, freedom of the press! But at the same time, you are engaged in censorship and persecution of dissidents.

I ask senior admins to explain to CACTUS that our server is not a place for illegal actions, censorship and harassment.



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#2 2022-03-19 17:50:27

Anna Nym
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

John Gult wrote:

Admin CACTUS bans for "Z" for a week.

... do not conduct propaganda, we do not provoke anyone.
We play.

Through "Z", we simply express our opinion, which is different from the opinions of other people, .

exactly  here and now you confirm that you want to send a message with the nick. you want to express yourself with it, to convey your attitude, your political message, your value system for which you stand.

That's exactly what the community doesn't want or need - let's play the game because of the game. everything else you can do elsewhere.

What is so difficult to understand about that - or you want to provoke with it?


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#3 2022-03-19 17:50:58

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Go express your political views in blogspot.com


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#4 2022-03-19 17:57:36

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Anna Nym wrote:

exactly  here and now you confirm that you want to send a message with the nick. you want to express yourself with it, to convey your attitude, your political message, your value system for which you stand.

That's exactly what the community doesn't want or need - let's play the game because of the game. everything else you can do elsewhere.

What is so difficult to understand about that - or you want to provoke with it?

Why then is it allowed "SS", and "F**ng Putin", and "FK Russian Army", etc?



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#5 2022-03-19 18:11:09

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)


Ofc i kick also your 2nd and 3rd example. The 1st we discussed in the past already. 

The difference is, one is history and the other is actual happening.

No need to heat up this conflict in the game.

Perhaps also you think different in let's say  2-3 months.


Last edited by Arkos (2022-03-19 18:14:39)


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#6 2022-03-19 18:22:21

Anna Nym
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

John Gult wrote:

Why then is it allowed "SS", and "F**ng Putin", and "FK Russian Army", etc?


Yes, it is always a very thin line to decide what is permissible or still permissible or even on the edge of the tolerable.
Is it anchored in history or does it have a current reference?

The very fact that this discussion is starting here can be welcomed or avoided.

As you say yourself, you want to make a statement with your choice of nickname and also in relation to the current events.   That is for you to say here now:

A war of aggression on Ukraine.   Every day, even every hour, people are killed here, children, civilians, with missiles and bombs, and civilians are shot with tanks.
John Guit, these people in Ukraine don't want that. Only yesterday I was on one of my construction sites, here in my town, and I can tell you that two Ukrainian women war refugees are being housed here.
In Germany we already have over a hundredthousand after 3 weeks. In Poland over a million.   And how nice that you also mention freedom of speech.
Can you freely express your opinion on the streets in Russia if it does not conform to current Russian politics and events? Why are independent journalists named and have their accreditation withdrawn and so much more ... oh John - you think all this is so good that you have to support it by pointing out your choice of nickname here. honestly - I wonder what you lack the most -  intelligence judgement - critical questioning or just empathy or all of them together?


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#7 2022-03-19 18:27:27

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Vertigo wrote:

An admin who also wears the Z has provided an alternative method of dealing with this:

3/17/2022 15:35:42 : # [Global] APC driver: Vojislav could You changr your political name? its g
3/17/2022 15:36:00 : # [Axis] SRB>Vojislav<RUS_Z: no
3/17/2022 15:39:01 : # [Global] SRB>Vojislav<RUS_Z: step one esc button step two disconnect

Or do you intend on banning the admin for the same representation?

Thanks for the unbiased opinion.

There is no politics in my [Z]. In my [Z] - a personal opinion, a demonstration of the fact that there is a different vision of the world.


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#8 2022-03-19 18:34:00

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Anna Nym wrote:
John Gult wrote:

Why then is it allowed "SS", and "F**ng Putin", and "FK Russian Army", etc?


Yes, it is always a very thin line to decide what is permissible or still permissible or even on the edge of the tolerable.
Is it anchored in history or does it have a current reference?

The very fact that this discussion is starting here can be welcomed or avoided.

As you say yourself, you want to make a statement with your choice of nickname and also in relation to the current events.   That is for you to say here now:

A war of aggression on Ukraine.   Every day, even every hour, people are killed here, children, civilians, with missiles and bombs, and civilians are shot with tanks.
John Guit, these people in Ukraine don't want that. Only yesterday I was on one of my construction sites, here in my town, and I can tell you that two Ukrainian women war refugees are being housed here.
In Germany we already have over a hundredthousand after 3 weeks. In Poland over a million.   And how nice that you also mention freedom of speech.
Can you freely express your opinion on the streets in Russia if it does not conform to current Russian politics and events? Why are independent journalists named and have their accreditation withdrawn and so much more ... oh John - you think all this is so good that you have to support it by pointing out your choice of nickname here. honestly - I wonder what you lack the most -  intelligence judgement - critical questioning or just empathy or all of them together?

I lack the fact that the world accepts / understands different views, and does not trample on those who are unlike themselves.
Give us freedom of thought.

I'm not happy with the ongoing conflict. I am for bringing peace to Ukraine. Sometimes when kids fight, they need to be punished to end the conflict. Here also.

P.S. Children/women have been dying for 8 years under the bombs. For 8 years, the bastards who received weapons in their hands mocked civilians with different views. They didn’t ban, didn’t punish, but killed and tortured. You didn't see it. (((

P.P.S. Refugees come to my city and tell me how they were forbidden to leave the city, hiding behind them. Those who did not obey were shot so that people would not leave the city. The Nazis covered themselves with people in order to shout about the atrocities of the Russian army, in order to make news stories for the West.

Last edited by John Gult (2022-03-19 18:36:46)


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#9 2022-03-19 18:40:06

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Arkos wrote:


Ofc i kick also your 2nd and 3rd example. The 1st we discussed in the past already. 

The difference is, one is history and the other is actual happening.

No need to heat up this conflict in the game.

Perhaps also you think different in let's say  2-3 months.


I admit that in 2-3 months you will start thinking differently. But I don't discuss it in the game.
I am for world peace.


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#10 2022-03-19 18:41:28

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

I don't want to discuss politics here anymore.

I want to get the right to freedom of opinion.

Thanks everyone!

Last edited by John Gult (2022-03-19 18:41:47)


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#11 2022-03-19 18:58:45

Anna Nym
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

John Gult wrote:

I don't want to discuss politics here anymore.

I want to get the right to freedom of opinion.

Thanks everyone!


John, if this right of free expression is so important to you, then go down and take to the streets in Russia.
Stand up for the people who are being arrested at your mothercountry for their right to freedom of expression. Why don't you get involved in real life instead here in this silly virtual forum?


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#12 2022-03-19 19:11:16

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)


Specially after the latest statements how to handle other thinking people.

The same we had 70 years ago and we know where it was leading and ending.


Btw. ... it's pretty hypocritical being for peace in the world and use that name inGame.


Last edited by Arkos (2022-03-19 19:12:49)


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#13 2022-03-19 20:00:43

John Gult
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Arkos wrote:


Btw. ... it's pretty hypocritical being for peace in the world and use that name inGame.


For you, [Z] is a symbol of war.
For us, [Z] is a symbol of peace.

The world is not unipolar. We are all different.
Personally, I really want peace. I have 2 children. I took a refugee from Lugansk to work. He and his wife and young son left the mortar shelling in 2014. And we have many such children from under shelling. Some of these children can not talk - shock.

I really do not want my children, and all other children, to experience what his son experienced. I know the situation from the inside, so for me [Z] is a symbol of peace.

Everything, I finish.
I don't want to talk about it here anymore.

I have one request - freedom of opinion on the server.


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#14 2022-03-19 22:53:17

Ferd Grapperhaus
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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

John Gult wrote:
Arkos wrote:


Btw. ... it's pretty hypocritical being for peace in the world and use that name inGame.


For you, [Z] is a symbol of war.
For us, [Z] is a symbol of peace.

The world is not unipolar. We are all different.
Personally, I really want peace. I have 2 children. I took a refugee from Lugansk to work. He and his wife and young son left the mortar shelling in 2014. And we have many such children from under shelling. Some of these children can not talk - shock.

I really do not want my children, and all other children, to experience what his son experienced. I know the situation from the inside, so for me [Z] is a symbol of peace.

Everything, I finish.
I don't want to talk about it here anymore.

I have one request - freedom of opinion on the server.

Oh wait, so you are just a peacemaker?

Is this what Z means to you?



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#15 2022-03-19 22:56:44

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

John Gult wrote:

For us, [Z] is a symbol of peace.

you are not going to get any peace by flashing this symbol. All of these SS, hitler, putler, Z nicknames are just to provoke, you just happen to offend a lot more people right now with this symbol than you would with SS f.ex. But you probably know this already and you're enjoying it, another chance to say that the western people are hypocrites


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#16 2022-03-19 22:57:03

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)


Sorry to hear that, and i respect your point now.

Sadly, because this symbol has two meanings, it can be understood as supporting the actual situation.



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#17 2022-03-19 23:11:25

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

"In the name of peace... [Z]"



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#18 2022-05-14 21:49:30

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

There is a guy in the server win nick "Z+V=VICTORY" witch is by all means supporting Russian attack against Ukraine and its people. I don not find this acceptable, keep your propaganda out of this game.

Last edited by Addy_EST (2022-05-14 21:50:21)


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#19 2022-05-18 12:57:47

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Believe it or not, there are people in eastern Ukraine who have experienced the Ukraine government, as an aggressor since 2014 and not the Russian government. People who have been experiencing terror, torture and death since 2014 and no one is helping them, nobody wanted to see that, our media remained silent. Only Russia has helped. This war cannot be considered independently of the past. Therefore, a logical consequence for the rules on our server would be to allow all symbols in this regard(Ukrain conflict) or to prohibit all of them.  I see anything else as hypocrisy.


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#20 2022-05-18 13:22:39

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

It always goes both ways. Hard working people who respect the country they live in don't get tortured for no reason.
We have russians here who lived here for all their lives and don't speak a word of estonian. It would be okay, if they didn't demand we speak russian to them. That's where conflicts start - at least here.
That doesn't mean it's fine to torture them, and that again doesn't mean russia can use its military to march into ukraine.
But obviously the reasons are bigger of nature than that and go above our heads


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#21 2022-05-18 13:28:53

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

As for the symbols, those players who support any kind of armed conflicts around the world are usually lowskill noobies who never reach a good score, that speaks for itself for what they arw trying to compensate. A healthy person doesn't care


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#22 2022-05-19 04:35:47

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

NZ you are utterly retarded with state controlled media tv...


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#23 2022-05-19 04:38:32

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Vojislav is ragging on Russia, not pro, the context of the name should be considered here, nothing wrong with telling it like it is about that mess, its pro russia names you should be banning only, that is the western, wider world's resolve, and it is apt, therefore its not a double standard or any more provocative than is already due.


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#24 2022-05-19 08:42:30

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Zatoichi wrote:

NZ you are utterly retarded with state controlled media tv...

I dont get your point. I am german. In german media the whole conflict is like an US patriotic thriller. But even US News are more balanced and less one sided than German news. I am bored by posts like yours. Please refrain from writing such naïve comments. That doesn't help anyone. I deal with this conflict since nearly 10 years. I have followed the development of German propaganda television over the years. And i decided not to eat just that one sided trash. Johns example is real. Maybe any individual in the world has to understand, that there is no good and evil. It is politics. And politics walk over dead bodies. In any country.


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#25 2022-05-19 11:10:16

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

I must be living in a different Germany big_smile You re from the east? tongue


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#26 2022-05-19 13:18:19

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)


Muss ein Sachse sein tongue



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#27 2022-05-20 12:20:23

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Niedersachse um genau zu sein, also Westen. Kapitalistenland. Wo Freiheit groß geschrieben wird und das Böse schnell ausgemacht ist. Der Osten nämlich. Weil da alle Nazis sind. Und Putin Lover. Wie das zusammen geht? Interessiert nicht. Hauptsache sie sind BÖSE smile


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#28 2022-05-20 12:51:22

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

Warum sollten Putin und Nazis nicht zusammen gehen? Immerhin ist er doch ein Faschist wie die Nazis im Osten es auch sind smile


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#29 2022-05-21 03:12:39

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Re: Why kick for [Z] ? (part 2)

You guys need to post here only in English please!

Note: I know German well.


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