#781 2021-06-27 23:14:44

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


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#782 2021-06-28 00:39:16

Kebab killer
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

noone is using masks anymore. this is fake news on wiki, they do that to get donations bullshit.


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#783 2021-06-28 01:04:31

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

HoOK wrote:

noone is using masks anymore. this is fake news on wiki, they do that to get donations bullshit.

The statistics suggests otherwise.


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#784 2021-06-28 02:10:57

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *




Last edited by Arkos (2021-06-28 02:11:25)


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#785 2021-06-28 16:44:25

Reputation: +306
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Posts: 277
Android Chrome 90.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

seventy wrote:

How is the current situation in India, nifty bro?

Hello 70, Covid cases fallen so much. Black fungus cases also got reduced much. Now its not as hell as it was weeks ago. We all getting vaccines and shutdowns turned into partial lockdowns (outing allowed from 6 am to 6pm only). Yet govt is struggling to get people vaccinated due to vaccine shortage, a slow pace of vaccination comapred with west due to mammoth population.

Kim in news, did he lost weight or hes fake?


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#786 2021-06-28 18:18:47

North Korea
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

nifty wrote:

Hello 70, Covid cases fallen so much. Black fungus cases also got reduced much.

That's such great news bro


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#787 2021-07-16 02:50:30

Reputation: +681
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


Anyone who hasn’t realized by now, that the world and humanity are in the midst of World War 3, cold-blooded started by China, with the Chinese synthetically engineered bioweapon called Covid19 ...... is deeply retarded.

China intentionally spread it around the world in late 2019 and early 2020, and all these deadlier and more contagious variants aren’t mutations. They are new, better, versions of Covid19, artificially created by China, and planted around the world, by the Chinese government, made to look as if they’re natural random development of Covid19.

China’s goal? To kill as many humans globally as possible, and to weaken and destroy as many nations as possible.

Asians are low, totalitarian, non-humane filth, and USA should’ve nuked and annihilated China and other hostile, destructive countries back in the 1940s–1960s when they had the chance.

You’re all gonna die


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#788 2021-07-16 03:07:26

Kebab killer
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

BFSoldier 1 wrote:


Anyone who hasn’t realized by now, that the world and humanity are in the midst of World War 3, cold-blooded started by China, with the Chinese synthetically engineered bioweapon called Covid19 ...... is deeply retarded.

China intentionally spread it around the world in late 2019 and early 2020, and all these deadlier and more contagious variants aren’t mutations. They are new, better, versions of Covid19, artificially created by China, and planted around the world, by the Chinese government, made to look as if they’re natural random development of Covid19.

China’s goal? To kill as many humans globally as possible, and to weaken and destroy as many nations as possible.

Asians are low, totalitarian, non-humane filth, and USA should’ve nuked and annihilated China and other hostile, destructive countries back in the 1940s–1960s when they had the chance.

You’re all gonna die



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#789 2021-07-16 05:57:58

Reputation: +568
Location: Russia
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

What if someone just want us to think that china - its culprit of the virus spreading... so, there would be a "good" reason to impose new sanctions against China, slow down the growth of their economy, and maybe even start a war against them...
The Western world has been sharpening its fangs on China for many years.


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#790 2021-07-16 14:43:25

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

BFSoldier 1 wrote:


Anyone who hasn’t realized by now, that the world and humanity are in the midst of World War 3, cold-blooded started by China, with the Chinese synthetically engineered bioweapon called Covid19 ...... is deeply retarded.

China intentionally spread it around the world in late 2019 and early 2020, and all these deadlier and more contagious variants aren’t mutations. They are new, better, versions of Covid19, artificially created by China, and planted around the world, by the Chinese government, made to look as if they’re natural random development of Covid19.

China’s goal? To kill as many humans globally as possible, and to weaken and destroy as many nations as possible.

Asians are low, totalitarian, non-humane filth, and USA should’ve nuked and annihilated China and other hostile, destructive countries back in the 1940s–1960s when they had the chance.

You’re all gonna die

-=Privet=- wrote:

What if someone just want us to think that china - its culprit of the virus spreading... so, there would be a "good" reason to impose new sanctions against China, slow down the growth of their economy, and maybe even start a war against them...
The Western world has been sharpening its fangs on China for many years.

Я сильно расстроен тем, что это была не наша российская идея убить всех людей на планете с помощью вируса, искуственно произведенного для этих целей в секретных лабораториях спецслужб. Надеюсь, что нам получится установить контроль хотя бы над частью населения планеты с помощью нашей вакцины Спутник-5. Пишу на русском, чтобы наши европейские и американские враги не догадались, товарищ. Давай выпьем водки за успех наших китайских братьев.


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#791 2021-07-16 15:42:36

Reputation: +306
Registered: 2018-09-30
Posts: 277
Android Chrome 90.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Such days of establishing control over other countries is fading away. Many countries don't care G7 countries propaganda these days. Big EAGLE is losing her grip, and the LION got so much old and has nothing to do. This century is all about controlling trade and establishig influence via trade. Thats what China is doing. All G7 countries need China to sell their product and to manufacture their products to be supplied within Asia. The West needs developing countries like China, India, korea, Indonesia, Vietnam and other countries to market thier products, without developing countries where do these developed coutries export?. Such dependence on China for trade by West is the main reason why they fear of China and trying to supress her growing influence, remember trade war by trump. G7 still thirsty of power to control world, but they sensed losing that power to Asian giants, firstly China..So they are trying to supress China as a whole. Already countries messed with China are facing heat, example is Australia. China had cut lots of Australian exports and damaging Australian economy. Its just all about greed for control of influence. This century belongs to Asia. Such 1900 to 1990s) days of establishing control over weak countries which just got independence is over. But there is lot to suspect about origination of Covid.

Last edited by nifty (2021-07-16 15:47:29)


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#792 2021-07-16 16:04:46

Czech Republic
Reputation: +554
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

nämeless wrote:
BFSoldier 1 wrote:


Anyone who hasn’t realized by now, that the world and humanity are in the midst of World War 3, cold-blooded started by China, with the Chinese synthetically engineered bioweapon called Covid19 ...... is deeply retarded.

China intentionally spread it around the world in late 2019 and early 2020, and all these deadlier and more contagious variants aren’t mutations. They are new, better, versions of Covid19, artificially created by China, and planted around the world, by the Chinese government, made to look as if they’re natural random development of Covid19.

China’s goal? To kill as many humans globally as possible, and to weaken and destroy as many nations as possible.

Asians are low, totalitarian, non-humane filth, and USA should’ve nuked and annihilated China and other hostile, destructive countries back in the 1940s–1960s when they had the chance.

You’re all gonna die

-=Privet=- wrote:

What if someone just want us to think that china - its culprit of the virus spreading... so, there would be a "good" reason to impose new sanctions against China, slow down the growth of their economy, and maybe even start a war against them...
The Western world has been sharpening its fangs on China for many years.

Я сильно расстроен тем, что это была не наша российская идея убить всех людей на планете с помощью вируса, искуственно произведенного для этих целей в секретных лабораториях спецслужб. Надеюсь, что нам получится установить контроль хотя бы над частью населения планеты с помощью нашей вакцины Спутник-5. Пишу на русском, чтобы наши европейские и американские враги не догадались, товарищ. Давай выпьем водки за успех наших китайских братьев.

Skoro to vypadá, že lidi nebudou mít tušení, kdy si děláš srandu, a kdy naopak ne. : )


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#793 2021-07-16 16:24:47

Reputation: +558
Registered: 2014-08-13
Posts: 1,008
Android Chrome 85.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

For who are running the show, there are no country borders. They're conducting their business everywhere. No matter from what angle you look at this plandemic, it shows to be forced upon people. The need for vaccination only comes for travelling, festivals, not because of health risk. In other words, vaccines are sold like tickets for people to be able to buy their life back and governments bite. Great business


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#794 2021-07-16 16:36:41

Czech Republic
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iOS Safari 14.1

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

simon wrote:

For who are running the show, there are no country borders. They're conducting their business everywhere. No matter from what angle you look at this plandemic, it shows to be forced upon people. The need for vaccination only comes for travelling, festivals, not because of health risk. In other words, vaccines are sold like tickets for people to be able to buy their life back and governments bite. Great business

True. And it’s crazy how majority of governments agree and keep on going on with this right??


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#795 2021-07-16 17:39:53

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Location: shangri la
Registered: 2012-07-07
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Well, suppose "they" start with something like this covid pandemy and then people kinda get used to it, then i suppose its easier to successively add on other things later on, just speculation of course.
But as an example, facemasks and handwash has doubbled its price. I wouldnt be surprised if we got some sort of "covid tax" eventually.


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#796 2021-07-16 20:31:56

North Korea
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Linux Firefox 87.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

KANER88 wrote:
nämeless wrote:
BFSoldier 1 wrote:


Anyone who hasn’t realized by now, that the world and humanity are in the midst of World War 3, cold-blooded started by China, with the Chinese synthetically engineered bioweapon called Covid19 ...... is deeply retarded.

China intentionally spread it around the world in late 2019 and early 2020, and all these deadlier and more contagious variants aren’t mutations. They are new, better, versions of Covid19, artificially created by China, and planted around the world, by the Chinese government, made to look as if they’re natural random development of Covid19.

China’s goal? To kill as many humans globally as possible, and to weaken and destroy as many nations as possible.

Asians are low, totalitarian, non-humane filth, and USA should’ve nuked and annihilated China and other hostile, destructive countries back in the 1940s–1960s when they had the chance.

You’re all gonna die

-=Privet=- wrote:

What if someone just want us to think that china - its culprit of the virus spreading... so, there would be a "good" reason to impose new sanctions against China, slow down the growth of their economy, and maybe even start a war against them...
The Western world has been sharpening its fangs on China for many years.

Я сильно расстроен тем, что это была не наша российская идея убить всех людей на планете с помощью вируса, искуственно произведенного для этих целей в секретных лабораториях спецслужб. Надеюсь, что нам получится установить контроль хотя бы над частью населения планеты с помощью нашей вакцины Спутник-5. Пишу на русском, чтобы наши европейские и американские враги не догадались, товарищ. Давай выпьем водки за успех наших китайских братьев.

Skoro to vypadá, že lidi nebudou mít tušení, kdy si děláš srandu, a kdy naopak ne. : )

Całkowicie się z tobą zgadzam. Nämeless uwielbia sarkazm. smile


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#797 2021-07-20 09:54:43

North Korea
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

No need to watch it all, just posting something Corona-related.

Would be interesting to hear something about this from our French comrades.



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#798 2021-07-20 11:42:34

Reputation: +26
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Posts: 73
Android Chrome 91.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

seventy wrote:

No need to watch it all, just posting something Corona-related.

Would be interesting to hear something about this from our French comrades.


I live in Ireland now but originally from Brittany. In both places there is the same legislation that has come in (except in Ireland no new organisation is talking about the protests).
Personally I'm a hundred percent against this, it creating second class citizens! Not everyone can get a vaccine, a PCR test is about 100 euros a pop, how on earth are you supposed to afford this to go to the shop, restaurant etc...
Also what's the point, when you see that 60 percent of all people hospitalised for covid are fully vaccinated....

Luckily I'm moving to Lapland for work, but I'm really wondering at what point do you need to act before they take even more liberties away... In one year they took away our right to travel, our right to leave our homes more than 5km, they've sent people to jail for not wearing a mask (in the west of Ireland there has been a few old people in this case), both my wife and I are self employed and they shut our businesses down and got us stuck on some miserable stipend (which I don't want, don't want fucking government handouts, I prefer to do my job)and they've created second class citizens...


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#799 2021-07-20 21:46:37

Reputation: +705
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

People need to stand up and I am sure they will at one point. If not, we still have a choice. This system is collapsing and the authoroty knows it. This is why they desprately want to controle and enslave us through fear. I think people have to act bevore it is too late. Otherwise this will become an Orwell'eons state.


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#800 2021-07-20 23:24:56

Reputation: +558
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Windows 7 Waterfox 78.12

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Authority has just as much power as people give them. Also, the world is run by eugenics and if you understand the problems we face today, their methods seem like legit ways of maintaining planet earth's resources. Just don't follow the masses


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#801 2021-07-21 08:35:20

Reputation: +1842
Location: shangri la
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


Not everyone can get a vaccine, a PCR test is about 100 euros a pop

Was the test free (or cheaper) from the beginning? I have a vague memory that it was, and then now suddenly shot up in price.


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#802 2021-07-21 10:55:18

Reputation: +26
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Posts: 73
Android Chrome 91.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

bud wrote:

Not everyone can get a vaccine, a PCR test is about 100 euros a pop

Was the test free (or cheaper) from the beginning? I have a vague memory that it was, and then now suddenly shot up in price.

In Ireland Free if you think your ill but not valid to use for going in public.
In France it's free for another few weeks then will be charged.


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#803 2021-07-31 14:00:44

Reputation: +2784
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


In Massachusetts 74% from the new infected people had already two vaccination doses.

90% had the Delta variant.


Last edited by Arkos (2021-07-31 14:01:38)


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#804 2021-07-31 14:07:01

North Korea
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Arkos wrote:

In Massachusetts 74% from the new infected people had already two vaccination doses.

90% had the Delta variant.

If I got the information right, you can still get and spread the virus after being vaccinated, but the symptoms will not be as severe as without the vaccination.


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#805 2021-08-02 21:50:24

Empress of Doom
United States
Reputation: +4799
Registered: 2012-08-14
Posts: 6,809
Android Opera 64.2

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

New data from the university hospital on Friday... 146 COVID hospitalizations. 136 of those are unvaccinated. 23 are in COVID ICU. 3 of the 10 vaccinated COVID patients were hospitalized for reasons other than COVID. Some of the others were hospitalized as a precaution (elderly and/or compromised immune system). 0 deaths. An overwhelming majority of the patients are under 65yo (Most under 50). There is 1 person under 18yo who is currently on a ventilator.

There has been breakthrough infections among staff at that hospital. No official numbers, but most are asymptomatic. Those who are symptomatic are dealing with extremely mild symptoms.

***Edit: Changed numbers because numbers were revised after badly worded release. Instead of 3 vaccinated patients, it's 10. The 3 were the people who were admitted for other reasons unrelated to COVID but tested positive.

National breakthrough stats:


Last edited by Sunshine (2021-08-03 00:04:21)


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#806 2021-08-03 01:32:14

Reputation: +26
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Posts: 73
Android Chrome 92.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Sunshine wrote:

New data from the university hospital on Friday... 146 COVID hospitalizations. 136 of those are unvaccinated. 23 are in COVID ICU. 3 of the 10 vaccinated COVID patients were hospitalized for reasons other than COVID. Some of the others were hospitalized as a precaution (elderly and/or compromised immune system). 0 deaths. An overwhelming majority of the patients are under 65yo (Most under 50). There is 1 person under 18yo who is currently on a ventilator.

There has been breakthrough infections among staff at that hospital. No official numbers, but most are asymptomatic. Those who are symptomatic are dealing with extremely mild symptoms.

***Edit: Changed numbers because numbers were revised after badly worded release. Instead of 3 vaccinated patients, it's 10. The 3 were the people who were admitted for other reasons unrelated to COVID but tested positive.

National breakthrough stats:


It's interesting because it's very very different stats to what we're getting in Europe. Number vary between 40 and 60 percent of patients hospitalised for covid are vaccinated.
Makes you wonder if there is some other factor like climatic, environmental, population health, interests of researchers publishing these stats etc affecting these numbers.
Which hospital is this that you mention?


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#807 2021-08-03 01:51:47

Empress of Doom
United States
Reputation: +4799
Registered: 2012-08-14
Posts: 6,809
Android Opera 64.2

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


Which hospital is this that you mention?

The university hospital in this area of FL.


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#808 2021-08-03 09:05:51

Reputation: +558
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Android Chrome 85.0

Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Very interesting indeed. A forum bot is looking for answers I see. There there, no need to find any answers for yourself, they will be provided for you along with the
new instructions very soon. For example something in the lines of 'you've been a bad boy and using physichal currency for purchases with your dirty covid infected hands, now you'll be forced to use our new global digicurrency and surrender all your posessions too'
Just bend over a little bit more and you'll have rainbows and unicorns in your garden and a completely sterile environment.


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#809 2021-08-03 09:25:48

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Sunshine wrote:

New data from the university hospital on Friday... 146 COVID hospitalizations. 136 of those are unvaccinated. 23 are in COVID ICU. 3 of the 10 vaccinated COVID patients were hospitalized for reasons other than COVID. Some of the others were hospitalized as a precaution (elderly and/or compromised immune system). 0 deaths. An overwhelming majority of the patients are under 65yo (Most under 50). There is 1 person under 18yo who is currently on a ventilator.

There has been breakthrough infections among staff at that hospital. No official numbers, but most are asymptomatic. Those who are symptomatic are dealing with extremely mild symptoms.

***Edit: Changed numbers because numbers were revised after badly worded release. Instead of 3 vaccinated patients, it's 10. The 3 were the people who were admitted for other reasons unrelated to COVID but tested positive.

National breakthrough stats:




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#810 2021-08-03 18:46:49

North Korea
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

As we can clearly see, COVID is over in Palestine. big_smile


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