#691 2020-09-21 23:27:46

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

LMAO !!  You think US would test Russian vacinne ?? This was only de Vert issment !!  big_smile

Last edited by Dakota (2020-09-21 23:39:51)


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#692 2020-09-22 07:14:16

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Vertigo wrote:

As some of you know, I worked in the medical field and I volunteered for the vaccine trials for Covid-19 at UCLA last week. The drug is apparently made by a Russian Pharmaceutical company. I just received my first shot yesterday and waиted to let everyone know that it’s completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши. На здоровье!


Idk why, but this text reminds me one of dota 2 reviews on steam smile



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#693 2020-09-22 20:17:34

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Pleiades53 wrote:

BEST giggle I had ALL DAY TODAY!!!!
Thanks Vert.

Yes it was a funny post from Vert and how many people that did not get it, I did not laugh that much for a very long time and I would like to tank you guys for that !! big_smile

Hope every recovered 100 % from it, like Sunshine, Bad Actor ect...  Looks like we are going in the second wave that they talked about and we just starting the normal flue season were I live.  I am afraid that there will be a other big lock donw in a month or 2, just hope I am wrong ? Hospitals starting to be over charge again, my zone is yelow for now but might turn red in a week or 2 and if it does it means that bars, restaurnts will close like no essential buisnes making them go bankrupty ect...


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#694 2020-09-22 20:47:24

Bad Actor
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Thanks Dakota, yes I've recovered but get very tired and lethargic in the afternoons these days and end up dozing on the sofa whilst lightly hallucinating smile

Not been playing much for last 6 months as wifey has been working from home since March and having her sat alongside me at the bar kind of spoils my concentration. Guess I would disturb her too with my language and clacking on a mechanical keyboard.

As the nights draw in I will be back though, I haven't quit.

Just purchased a "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"  Steam key yesterday for 5p under a quid  so will revisit that, the mod community is bringing out a remaster next month on steam workshop.

Used to spend hours playing multiplayer back in the day, still got the disc somewhere.

Last edited by Bad Actor (2020-09-22 20:55:37)


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#695 2020-09-22 21:02:11

Bad Actor
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Vertigo wrote:

As some of you know, I worked in the medical field and I volunteered for the vaccine trials for Covid-19 at UCLA last week. The drug is apparently made by a Russian Pharmaceutical company. I just received my first shot yesterday and waиted to let everyone know that it’s completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши. На здоровье!


Submit dashcam video of you inexplicably losing control of your car and swerving across the road only to be hit by an artic or it didn't happen.

I'll also accept hitting pedestrians on a zebra crossing smile


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#696 2020-10-06 09:16:06

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


released less than 24 hours ago :

"WHO Estimates Coronavirus Has Infected 10% of Global Population. The new estimate indicates some 760 million people may have been infected by the virus"

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcev … 21ea6c4430

https://www.google.dk/search?biw=1920&b … CA0&uact=5

im a visionary

a sage amongst stupid sheep

i knew it right from the beginning. im a pioneer, the one with the big perspective. i envisioned the masterplan from the start

avoiding getting infected with covid19 in the long run, is almost impossible. one out of ten, globally, have probably already been infected. we are all supposed to get infected with covid19, just like the world population regularly gets infected with common viruses. viruses have coexisted with humanity and nature for millions of years. its pointless to hide from viruses with low fatality rates

its easier just to let everybody get infected, and not shut down anything. the 2020 and future covid19 precations and shutdowns will cause more deaths than covid19 alone. but 90+ % of people dont understand this. politicians always cater to the dumb majorities. staying mainstream secures votes

hiding at home / stay home, stay safe is idiotic thinking by scared people, who cant see things clearly

this means that the global fatality rate is around 0.13 % (1 million deaths divided by 760 million infected), just like i said in march, where y’all screamed furiously at me for saying that

0,13 % is about the same as the common flu. almost nobody is afraid of the common flu, and it rarely hits the headlines, even though it kills around 500.000 humans per year


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#697 2020-10-06 10:37:34

Empress of Doom
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.



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#698 2020-10-07 17:33:40

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


They found 90 different mutations of the Virus.

https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101 … 20186155v1

https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/schweiz … 9-mutation


Last edited by Arkos (2020-10-07 17:34:52)


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#699 2020-11-05 20:37:15

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Need Danish expert opinion on killing 17 million minks...


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#700 2020-11-05 21:33:43

Danish Dynamite
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Not an expert but it is pretty simple.
It's to prevent further mutation, because of the vaccine in particular. It's extremely sad for the livelihood of all the mink farmers though. They are gonna kill all their animals, including non-infected.


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#701 2020-11-14 02:30:38

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

nämeless wrote:

How to stay home and don't go mad? What are you people doing during the self-isolation? I spent three days at home and it was terrible. I'm really tired of a couch, I cannot eat that much anymore but I continue to eat. I want some physical activity but the only place where I can get fresh air is balcony. I ate almost everything from the freezer and hence there was a reason to go outside to the shop. Instead of this, I went for a walk to the park and it was abandoned: no people in the streets, nobody is jogging, no bicyclists, no one is walking his dog, no one is walking on his own.


How does it feel to come outside?


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#702 2020-11-14 15:50:21

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


This Mink business is an ugly business. 

Perhaps better dead then living in a cage like this.



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#703 2021-01-25 23:09:52

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


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#704 2021-01-26 00:36:40

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Cartmanez wrote:

Not an expert but it is pretty simple.
It's to prevent further mutation, because of the vaccine in particular. It's extremely sad for the livelihood of all the mink farmers though. They are gonna kill all their animals, including non-infected.

They would kill them anyway. No it's not sad for the farmers, it's sad for the Minks.


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#705 2021-01-26 08:48:05

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

The comments below this video on YouTube are ridiculous.


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#706 2021-01-26 09:59:46

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Shields made of wicker? Everything's high tech these days


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#707 2021-01-26 20:11:32

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

I can give you a small status update about the riots in the Netherlands.

Since saturday there is a curfew in the Netherlands, every evening in the bigger city's there are riots against the government. Problem is, those riots are not done by protesters but by the lowest layer of people in the Netherlands. Idiots, criminals, anti government etc.

The hate against the governemnt is quite logic. If you go to the start of the virus. We had a lockdown because of the availability of the intensive care beds. Now that was finished we had still measures because of normal hospital beds. Now we have a lockdown with retail closed because of infections (and the infections are lowering every week) but the measures keep on coming.

Its a big thing here in Holland and people are tired of accepting it. I applaud for the people who go to the demonstration, but every type of violence is bad in this situation.

Its stupid


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#708 2021-01-26 20:16:23

Anna Nym
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Timmos wrote:

Since saturday there is a curfew in the Netherlands, every evening in the bigger city's there are riots against the government. Problem is, those riots are not done by protesters but by the lowest layer of people in the Netherlands. Idiots, criminals, anti government etc.


... now I'm reassured, I thought all Dutch people were wearing these 3 striped jogging pants


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#709 2021-01-26 20:56:01

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


Unpleasant news

That was the preview of the news, but the film was not anymore sent at the pre-determined time because a "technical failure" smile

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFlJ-n0 … e=youtu.be


Last edited by Arkos (2021-01-26 20:58:49)


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#710 2021-01-26 22:58:45

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Arkos wrote:


Unpleasant news

That was the preview of the news, but the film was not anymore sent at the pre-determined time because a "technical failure" smile

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFlJ-n0 … e=youtu.be


Her weider uber shpiller trushen shruhen das ₩£^=×
..Hmm weird, i still cant speak german.. sad


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#711 2021-01-27 02:55:40

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

joint, didn't you promise me you would learn some German during the Corona crisis? big_smile


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#712 2021-01-27 03:09:21

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


You can activate automatic translation for the Sub.

But in short.

In Norway they had 23 death in a care home after they got the Corona Vaccination.

The article disappeared in the News because of "technical failure.



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#713 2021-01-27 04:24:13

L0rd Waggachugga
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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

The press allways exaggerate, they reported the same here at first. But if you read the official information the story is a bit different:

https://www.fhi.no/nyheter/2021/interna … ksinering/

23 wasn't in one care home but a total for the country for the first 6 days after vacination. On average 300 people die each week inn care homes. And there are more deaths during winter , especially in the north in  jan/feb due to the winter darkness.

Last edited by L0rd Waggachugga (2021-01-27 04:24:48)


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#714 2021-01-27 12:23:27

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

seventy wrote:

joint, didn't you promise me you would learn some German during the Corona crisis? big_smile

Technically i did, but i thought we all gonna die and i will not have to keep my word. Moreover, technically Corona crisis isnt over yet, so..


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#715 2021-02-28 16:55:44

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

BFSoldier1 was spot on with his first post in this thread.



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#716 2021-04-12 14:37:27

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Some of our stores & supermarkets have now removed the "one-way" markings on the isles, but a
local restaurant still had this high-tech solution, as well as plexiglass dividers spaced along the bar.
What are you seeing these days?


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#717 2021-04-12 15:30:55

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *


Protection against 2m Sneeze Attacks?

This is Nonsens vs Aerosols smile



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#718 2021-04-12 17:32:40

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

Here, we officially are on the brink from orange to red zone, in supermarkets you have to put on mask only when paying, so usually people shopping, then on cashbox put mask on and after that immideately take it off, mostly noone look on marks on floor, all the measures seem dont have any significant impact on statistic.


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#719 2021-04-12 18:47:55

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

I don't get why you are close to this, judging by statistics, there are a lot of countries with much worse numbers.


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#720 2021-04-12 20:22:59

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Re: * * * Coronavirus * * *

nämeless wrote:

I don't get why you are close to this, judging by statistics, there are a lot of countries with much worse numbers.

i think this is rather more about control enhancement than about health of nation
today they extended quarantine till 30 apr


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