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Pages: 1
Hello everyone
This might be a long shot, but team-dk/ Asstralis need more players if we are ever to make hopes of participating in bf-league. So if you understand just a little danish and like to play/would like to play organised bf42, do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other members.
You don't need to be danish to play with us, but since we speak danish when playing together, I think it will be very frustrating not understand a single word (however all us speak proper english). Therefor this topic is probably only relevant to people from scandinavia.
We are not tryharding or aiming for anything special, we just want to have fun together and try our best, so you don't need to have any super skills or anything like that. You have to have a microphone and willing to install Discord since we run everything through that.
The team so far mostly consist of (rusty) experienced oldschool danish clan players and a few former bf-league players and is as follows: Demetri, Lighty, Firestorm, Mammo, Beer/Hounden, Nattergal, Huggo, Pace/Pajser and Mourits/DoubTi
fun fact : i have met firestorm in real life, and talked with him. he probably doesnt remember me, or know who i am
Can i join>
I'm sorry Timmos. But there is a lot of new teams rising, maybe you can try your luck there
I'm sorry Timmos. But there is a lot of new teams rising, maybe you can try your luck there
Can i join>
join team zozi
Pages: 1