#31 2017-12-24 10:11:45

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable


To play RtR or SW on a server you need only the BF1942 Key.

But why you want to change it? Did you install it new?

Ah, portable version?


Last edited by Arkos (2017-12-24 10:12:35)


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#32 2017-12-24 14:29:35

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Yes sorry I was not very clear. So lets say I have the portable version on a machine that has never had bf1942 installed and as such there is no key in the registry. I imagine this means the key is NULL. If multiple people with a NULL key join a server you get a cdkey in use message.

I believe that I can change the key to anything (random sequence of alpha-numeric character) that does not need to be a valid bf1942 key so as to fix this problem but unsure where to create the key in the registry. I believe the reg location is different on an XP machine than it is on windows 7/8/10.


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#33 2017-12-24 14:40:14

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

I should add that the reason I ask about the expansions being different is that four of us where are able to play on our online server palying iwo jima (map from the original game) but when switched to a SW map we had the key issue. I assumed therefore that a different key was being used.


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#34 2017-12-24 16:36:21

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable


Which system you have?



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#35 2017-12-24 16:54:51

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

All windows 10


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#36 2017-12-26 12:35:28

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable


Any ideas anyone?


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#37 2017-12-30 15:45:44

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

If the question is still regarding key location, I don't think there is any "Windows XP versus Windows 7/8/9/10" difference, but rather a "32-bit Windows versus 64-bit Windows" difference.  The Battlefield 1942 game is a 32-bit application, and so the registry locations can be different when this 32-bit application runs on a 64-bit version of Windows (whether that's XP or any later version of Windows).

Here are the locations where I swap my registry key values, based on where I found them located after a clean installation many moons ago.  Note this covers both the CD-based installation location and also the Origin-based installation locations; i.e. I had installed both versions, and this is where the key(s) had been written to.

For 64-bit Windows:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\Origin\Battlefield 1942\ergc]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Core\Staging\1004264\ergc]

For 32-bit Windows:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\ergc]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Origin\Battlefield 1942\ergc]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Core\Staging\1004264\ergc]

As you can see, for 32-bit Windows you're just dropping "Wow6432Node" from the registry path for some of the values.



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#38 2019-12-12 17:58:38

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Best way you got and share this link Battlefield 1942: http://team-simple.org/download/Battlefield_1942.zip
And support the active Battlefield 1942 online servers together.:-)


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#39 2020-12-05 20:18:28

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

there should be a warning on this topic :


i just found out that running a portable bf1942, probably results in no keyhash, or maybe changing, random keyhashes

also heard a rumor recently, that simple is running an automated ip and keyhash evasion scanner

if one gets banned with a portable bf1942, and then reconnect, it looks like it will automatically turn into an ip ban

it would be great to hear a clarification from the simple founder


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#40 2020-12-05 22:55:48

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable


You can't play with no key.

And i doubt that an different keyhash will be generated automaticly.

The point is, you try to avoid the really important question.

I suggest you start to apologize when you Teamkill, like all others do, ... it's not asking too much.


If this happends, what you say ... you point to the "All In One Installer from Simple", then keep in mind, that there is no sense to install Bf1942 new in the Moment after a Ban, except you want to avoid an existing Ban.

So easy is that.


Last edited by Arkos (2020-12-05 22:58:01)


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#41 2020-12-05 23:28:20

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Arkos wrote:

You can't play with no key

thats the big question ...... looks like you can ..... probably only tuia can answer that for sure

heres what he wrote :

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 000#p55000

tuia wrote:

Updated BF1942 portable executable. Now, it works also with Road to Rome and Secret Weapons. With this executable inside, you copy your BF1942 folder and can play it in any computer, from a USB drive, for example. However, it may crash the game in Wiindows Vista and above, because you probably have no administrator rights. Mind that, this BF1942 portable executable is just a hack, because it won't exit the game, if it cannot read the registry or there is no BF1942 information in the registry, and your CD-key assigned will be whatever there is in that memory address reserved, most probably the empty string. The right way to make it portable, would be to read the CD-key and game language value from a text file, but that involves some larger changes in executable.

and i use that patched bf1942.exe from simples download page in this new portable bf1942 of mine. moments ago, i tried to read the keyhash, using some tool. it says theres no value there. im pretty sure theres no keyhash in my windows registry, and i therefore wont have a keyhash when connected to simple

Last edited by 000 (2020-12-05 23:30:36)


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#42 2020-12-06 00:04:44

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

im pretty sure theres no keyhash in my windows registry, and i therefore wont have a keyhash when connected to simple

Can't speak for your regisitry, but the server does see a hash.

The one used in the one-week ban begins with:  d20....
And the evading ban:  ef5..


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#43 2020-12-06 00:38:00

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Vertigo wrote:

Can't speak for your regisitry, but the server does see a hash.

The one used in the one-week ban begins with:  d20....
And the evading ban:  ef5..

k, thats a strong indicator to me, that having no keyhash in the windows registry, like me, recent month, due to using a portable bf1942, results in simple server giving a new (random?) keyhash, probably for each new connection (reconnect or maphange)

this will probably lead to an auto-ip-ban, if one is first given a normal keyhash ban

this is the keyhash ive used in simple for more than a year, which i havent changed in that period :



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#44 2020-12-06 01:29:36

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

i just confirmed it

you can play without a key

a portable bf1942 client without keyhash, will result in bf1942 server creating a new (seemingly random) keyhash for the client, each time the client connects to the server

moments ago, i quickly set up a server, then joined it several times, then watched the keyhash via bf server manager. the keyhash changed for every reconnection

anybody can test this too, using above method, and see that its true

this means, by having no keyhash, simple server has generated 100+ keyhashes for me recent month, without me even knowing it

as soon as i got banned, a reconnection would result in the server making a new key for me, and the new simple-auto- keyhash-scanner then sees it as an evasion and makes an auto ip ban

Last edited by 000 (2020-12-06 01:32:16)


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#45 2020-12-06 03:10:08

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable


Funny, ... the Game you can't install, but the Server you install.

You play on a PC. Excuse to use a portable version? You know exactly, that you played always with different keys.

You said some time ago, you change your keys, that you can faster reconnect after a crash.



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#46 2020-12-06 09:20:05

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

moments ago, i quickly set up a server, then joined it several times, then watched the keyhash via bf server manager. the keyhash changed for every reconnection

You don't need to install BFSM, as checking your own keyhash is built into the game itself.


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#47 2020-12-06 10:02:51

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Arkos wrote:

Funny, ... the Game you can't install, but the Server you install.

You play on a PC. Excuse to use a portable version? You know exactly, that you played always with different keys.

You said some time ago, you change your keys, that you can faster reconnect after a crash.

i can install bf1942 properly, quickly, with a static keyhash, if i want to. ive done that a trillion times. i deliberately used portable for experimental purposes, just like i have experimented with a lot of other stuff, related to hardware, windows, bf1942 etc. in the past

i didnt "install" a server, i just ran bfsm.exe from within the bf1942 install, takes 5 secs to do. anybody can do this. ive done a lot of bf42 modding in the past. one of the basic requirements for this is starting/restarting servers to test own mods

no, i didnt know that portable bf1942, within a new win xp 32-bit, results in no key, and that the server therefore generates a new random key for me at each reconnect

im telling the truth, i havent switched key/keyhash in simple for more than a year. you can look in my "banned thread". i always posted the same keyhash


yes, i switched keys two years ago, to reconnect faster, to avoid "cd key in use", after my client frequently crashed, but i stopped it after an admin complained about it, and it wasnt for evasion purposes

it was actually this post :

https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 08#p161808

a month ago, that got me started on using a portable bf1942. i simply copied an existing install, then accessed it from a new windows install. maybe it only can be done under xp 32-bit. thats why its such a rare situation

Last edited by 000 (2020-12-06 10:31:36)


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#48 2020-12-08 22:59:29

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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

You guys are wasting your lives


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#49 2020-12-11 04:29:00

Black Mamba
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Re: Battlefield 1942 Portable

Ah fuck off Watchlist


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