#1 2020-10-23 20:26:21

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test01 and raketenhorst

Wake 5 min ago. I was waiting for tank. Next test01 join me and wait for it too. I make a joke coz he was play as medic and I put mines under tank spawn.
It is tak waste when good mechanic waiting for tank and some egocentrc medic think he is better. He will destory this tank in 2 min, and will be screaming "I need mechanic" on radio.
Tank finally spawned. I enter it first. He enter browning in the tank. I was waiting before he go away coz mine was stil under tank. When I leave and was trying to fiz the mine witch wrench, test in 1 sec enter my tank and move from spawn position. Next he fake report e that I delib tk him. Fucking dicksucker raketen kicked me 2 times and baned.

He know very well there is mine coz he was shooting before to it when I put it. ANd next he ride AT PURPOSE killing me too.

Now I know why 000 was killing this whore on purpose, he is russian scammer like all this server.

Playing with idiots.
1st russian problem maker who eat all brains and fake reports. If I want to kill you I will not try to fix the mine you fucking scammer. ANd admin who dont know what is going around. How many russian dicks you sucks raketen?


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#2 2020-10-23 20:32:14

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

hi dexaler, MrPedophileAndrzejDuda, SexySADistBunnyD, Shen Zhang, ..... and many other names that you have chosen in the past to describe your person.

unfortunately you have attracted negative attention several times in the past.

you are now excluded from the game for a week.

I ask you that you behave here with us and follow the rules.

I thank you in advance and wish you a lot of fun with us.

see you in 1942

Last edited by RaketenHorst (2020-10-23 20:44:47)


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#3 2020-10-23 20:36:31

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Lol hahahah "that should describe your person." brain dead, look in mirror. I follow the rules. but you and your friends not. thats is the problem cheaty sucker. I always has the right, coz never doing stupid shit like purpose tk or fake reports. But you dont understand it.

You need ask yourself, becasue I understand rules, you not.


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#4 2020-10-23 20:41:09

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Your reading comprehension and understanding is below 50%. I think you was first of the dumbasses at theprimary school.


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#5 2020-10-23 20:46:22

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

0I<777 wrote:

I make a joke ... and I put mines under tank spawn.

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2020-10-23 20:47:06)


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#6 2020-10-23 20:58:14

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Another false report.
We had 1.5 - 2 respawn points. Both were waiting for a tank, then some kind of inadequate dex ... started firing a pistol at test01, then he mined the tank's spawn point, the first one sat in it and exploded, receiving -6, then started yelling that test01 had stolen the tank from him. Lol?


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#7 2020-10-23 20:58:39

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

If you are so smart explain, why did he ride when mine was under, and reporting delib tk? Why he didn't report it at radio that I mined the tank which he just stole? And when I enter it first, it is mine, thats the rule of the server what you was asking about, I think you dont know it still. And anyone who is going to release own emotions on thema they dont understad, first answer this questions too. After 5 min there will be 10 allknowed stupid-smart idiots who will comment with own regullar shit.
" have attracted negative attention several times in the past." Put yourself in my position kid, and maybe you will understand who is makeing nagative attention. And your scammed reputation is thypical dicksucking. 
You are trying to put me  in a bad light all the time. Many many months doing the same.
Why on ax there isnt such problem? and playing there is nice and smoothly? Maybe becasue emo-problems admins dont looking for victims.  You are too week to make a victim from me. Your lies are only honest truth for your scammed friends who make same scamm like you, and believe ever sugar sweet words.
My opinion about server is actualy -7/10 so keep going and you will hit the maximum. You are very close.


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#8 2020-10-23 21:01:24

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

bf3 I was waiting 30sec before this guy will leave. LEARN TO READ IDIOT. there is writed that I exit it for fixing the mine and he change position in tank from 2 to 1 you fucking moron. LEAR to read coz your iq is below 40. I was shooting my pistol in the ground, not directly at him you small scammy shit.

Last edited by 0I<777 (2020-10-23 21:03:23)


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#9 2020-10-23 21:05:25

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

the problem is that fucking medics wasting tanks all the fucking time. Is it so hard to understand it? I think for you it is very hard.


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#10 2020-10-23 21:18:10

Empress of Doom
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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

0I<777 wrote:

the problem is that fucking medics wasting tanks all the fucking time. Is it so hard to understand it? I think for you it is very hard.

Thats irrelevant. There is no rule stating medics can't use tanks.


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#11 2020-10-23 21:28:47

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

0I<777 wrote:

I mined the tank which he just stole?

What do you mean stole?
How could test01 steal a tank that hasn't respawned yet?
Both were waiting for a new tank to respawn. You mined the respawn point, the first one got into the tank and blew up both, receiving -6.
Before that, you fired a pistol at test01.

Are you adequate at all?


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#12 2020-10-23 21:53:12

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

you are too stupid to understand the reality. You even dont know what mean to steal.
You trolling is close equal as suckertenhorst. I have no time to explain it 4rth time read again idiot wht I did write.


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#13 2020-10-23 22:00:41

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Sunshine wrote:
0I<777 wrote:

the problem is that fucking medics wasting tanks all the fucking time. Is it so hard to understand it? I think for you it is very hard.

Thats irrelevant. There is no rule stating medics can't use tanks.

Quote me if I writed there is such rule. what is irrelevant? that he ride at purpose at my mine in my tank, and didnt let me fix the mine and fake report me next? or what?
It is annoying when medics take tanks. I see you don't understand such hard things too. he will destroy it after 2min and will complainign that no one repair his tank.


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#14 2020-10-23 22:15:12

Empress of Doom
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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

0I<777 wrote:
Sunshine wrote:
0I<777 wrote:

the problem is that fucking medics wasting tanks all the fucking time. Is it so hard to understand it? I think for you it is very hard.

Thats irrelevant. There is no rule stating medics can't use tanks.

Quote me if I writed there is such rule. what is irrelevant? that he ride at purpose at my mine in my tank, and didnt let me fix the mine and fake report me next? or what?
It is annoying when medics take tanks. I see you don't understand such hard things too. he will destroy it after 2min and will complainign that no one repair his tank.

Your statement about your disapproval of medics in tanks in that post and your initial post is irrelevant. I'm just pointing out the obvious. He can take it if he wants to.

You are the one who initiated this chain of events by placing a mine at tank spawn while you two were waiting.


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#15 2020-10-24 00:28:48

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

this test01 is a troll, a disrupter, a griefer

he fakereports a lot too

he somewhat behaves when admin are present, but delib tks, mainbaseattacks and insults like retard (which he is) when no admins are around


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#16 2020-10-24 00:53:34

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

King of bail, better tell us about your intentional teamkills and your fake reports.

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2020-10-24 00:53:57)


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#17 2020-10-24 01:56:38

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Vertigo wrote:

Oh, he's not shy; he'll intentionally tk admins also..

ohohohoho ... who would say

It is not clear how you are still an administrator for your antics?

Better tell everyone how you kick and ban players for the tank, who took the m10 ahead of you on the Bulge?
Or for a bail (not a deathbail) on Bocage or for first place?
Or sit for a word?
Or when you can't kill another plane for 5 minutes and then kick your opponent out of anger?


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#18 2020-10-24 14:55:32

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Ok if I sum up what I understand :

You put a mine, you enter the tank 1st seat, and you feel dumb because you can't move it... because of your own mine. Then you leave to remove mine and someone else (who wanted the tank also) takes it and dies with your tk.

Looks like just a "vehicle enter race".

If you had been clever, you would have put no mine. Without your own mine, you could use the tank.

Insulting Raketen doesn't change a thing. You layed a mine where you should never have.
It causes a purpose tk => punishment.

I won't comment about your other fakenicks or anything.

Last edited by Meow (2020-10-24 14:56:42)


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#19 2020-10-24 16:13:08

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Meow wrote:

Ok if I sum up what I understand :

You put a mine, you enter the tank 1st seat, and you feel dumb because you can't move it... because of your own mine. Then you leave to remove mine and someone else (who wanted the tank also) takes it and dies with your tk.

Looks like just a "vehicle enter race".

If you had been clever, you would have put no mine. Without your own mine, you could use the tank.

Insulting Raketen doesn't change a thing. You layed a mine where you should never have.
It causes a purpose tk => punishment.

I won't comment about your other fakenicks or anything.

No, you misunderstood.
He put a mine, he enter the tank in the 1st seat and drove it himself, blowing up himself and the 2nd passenger, after that he started yelling that they wanted to take from him a tank that had not yet spawned.
He did not try to de-mine. He drove over and blew both up.


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#20 2020-10-24 16:18:31

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

OMG, it's even worse than I thought.


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#21 2020-10-24 19:41:27

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Tell everyone how you kick and ban players who have not violated anything.

More than 50 such cases are known.

Last edited by BFSoldier3 (2020-10-24 19:43:43)


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#22 2020-10-24 19:54:54

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

As a rule, when you are flying and you cannot kill someone, you can just kick him, so it's easier right?
You just have a butthurt.
You also like to say that you never bail. Although you are constantly bail. Bailerboy.

I just don't give a damn about a jerk like you.


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#23 2020-10-24 22:32:33

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

BFSoldier3 wrote:

Tell everyone how you kick and ban players who have not violated anything.

More than 50 such cases are known.

BFSoldier3 wrote:

As a rule, when you are flying and you cannot kill someone, you can just kick him, so it's easier right?
You just have a butthurt.
You also like to say that you never bail. Although you are constantly bail. Bailerboy.

I just don't give a damn about a jerk like you.

Heh, personnal things put aside, the topic isn't about Vertigo nor Test01. Just about why mining a tank that is about to spawn...


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#24 2020-10-24 22:42:10

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

my ranked all-time top 5 of worst and most corrupt simple admins, who cant/couldnt maintain self-control at a reasonable level


two of them lost admin rights, two of them are inactive. good. simple is a better place without them

kudos to the rest (with a few exceptions). there are 15 + current simple admin who mostly behave, and mostly maintain an acceptable level of integrity


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#25 2020-10-25 07:07:59

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Vertigo wrote:
BFSoldier 1 wrote:

simple is a better place without them

Less admins to catch your teamkilling/teamstacking must be a real treat for you..
Get together with Test to compare genealogy.  You may actually be related wink

There are many adequate admins on the Simple. But sometimes it is necessary admin purge. To deprive the admin's right of such shit and trash like you (and your (girl)friend).


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#26 2020-10-25 22:26:10

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Vertigo wrote:
BFSoldier 1 wrote:

simple is a better place without them

Less admins to catch your teamkilling/teamstacking must be a real treat for you..
Get together with Test to compare genealogy.  You may actually be related wink

Related or retarded Vert ?? big_smile

Last edited by Dakota (2020-10-25 22:26:23)


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#27 2020-10-25 22:56:16

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Vertigo wrote:

You're clearly not playing with a full deck, but rant along as you like here on the forum..
Please know that the next time I see you teamkill, stack, lie, attack base, use vulgarity or
w/e else you want to get away with, I'm going to ban you to extinction.  That is a promise.

Stop flooding here troll. Tell your fairy tales to someone else.


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#28 2020-10-25 22:58:36

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Tell everyone how you kick and ban players who have not violated anything.

Tell everyone how you kick and ban players for imaginary reasons.


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#29 2020-10-26 02:19:40

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

Vertigo wrote:

You're clearly not playing with a full deck, but rant along as you like here on the forum..
Please know that the next time I see you teamkill, stack, lie, attack base, use vulgarity or
w/e else you want to get away with, I'm going to ban you to extinction.  That is a promise.

Everyone already knows that you constantly abuse the admin panel.

As an admin, you are completely useless for the server.

You only kick and ban only those who personally interfere with you, for example, who will take the tank ahead of you, or who will score more points than you, or when you fly for 3 minutes and cannot kill your opponent, or for any word that you cannot liked.

You constantly lie, troll and provoke players, and then you ban them for it. Complete inadequate.

You are just impotent, who can not show anything with your game on Simple, you lose control over yourself and start to abuse the admin panel.


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#30 2020-10-26 03:17:40

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Re: test01 and raketenhorst

go to the doctor, treat your head


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