#631 2020-07-15 23:40:08

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Re: My banned thread

Above all ... axis had 3 great infantries : Somma, Razer and me. Allies had only nameless. Not that you would make much of a difference, but stacked anyway.

Last edited by KILLER88 (2020-07-16 00:25:59)


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#632 2020-07-15 23:40:25

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Re: My banned thread

You started this map as Allied and then disconnected from the server because of no frags and opposition from Killer88. A bit later you got back with fake nickname as usual and joined the same team as Killer88 to avoid being killed by him. Killer88 can witness this blatant teamstacking.

Your ban is lifted.


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#633 2020-07-16 01:07:32

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Re: My banned thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

banned 24 hours for what nameless .....


Image BBCode test



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#634 2020-07-16 08:08:34

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Re: My banned thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:


What's up with the lines


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#635 2020-07-16 12:22:17

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Re: My banned thread

Jim2102 wrote:
BFSoldier 1 wrote:


What's up with the lines

He's probably trying to fiddle with all the settings he can. I would watch out for this guy, he's desperate to get any advantage.
I wouldn't be surprised if he used hacks.


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#636 2020-07-16 13:21:15

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Re: My banned thread

This is unreal. Get rid of him really. This sad no lifer is really looking to give up his life for one fucking gold medal.
This is beyond joke.  Never ever call yourself king 000 again.


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#637 2020-07-16 14:16:12

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Re: My banned thread

lol, deeko, trying to stir up shit and manipulate, u little brat, i knew you would post those pms, because youre angry from all the times ive gotten you kicked

i dont mind, i expected it, and they were obviously written as a joke and pure entertainment between you and i, just as similar other pms between us. i knew from the beginning, that you or simon would never ever give me any tips in a trillion years, no matter what, since u two dislike me a lot

ive probably sent and received 70-80 pms to and from s&d since 2017. all with hilarious, highly amusing gangsta smacktalk

and those blue lines in my videos are true indicators of me running hacks. no doubt about it. everybody knows that blue lines are evidence of cheating, just like frodos sword start glowing blue when evil orcs are near

nameless is bending facts and truth again; me disconnecting, then coming back 10 minutes later and letting autobalance selecting my team, isnt stacking, 2nd switch wasnt either

i had mouse problems, thats why my game was inconsistent. the plastic mouse feet are coming off, making the mouse get stuck and tearing my mousepad, so i had to spend 10 mins gluing them back on, fifth time in two months

and how often does nameless ban 24 hours or longer for teamstacking ? virtually never, unless its me

the real reason for the ban was that nameless doesnt like to have me in enemy team in berlin, especially when im not going for gold .....

and please .... this little noob88 gets owned daily by me, i usually try to get in his opposite team. he has almost given up on using frontal shooting at me as his main attack. now, his primary way of attacking me, is nading, backstabbing, teamstacking, hiding behind teammates, attacking me in uncap main, always using thompsons, using tanks, etc.

hes below me, and always will be. when we meet alone, randomly with my normal regs, i make him sit 70-80% of the time. and hes has never come close to beating any of my highscores, and this little dog gladly and proudly dies 50 times and gets a kdr of 2, just to pursuit gold. hes just another random eastern european noobish nobody

sommarel, razer, noob88 or nameless are not great infantry. at most, theyre average

btw, wanna 1v1 inf nameless ?

          [warning for nameless] :

in a neutral server 1v1 inf match, you cant stack, you cant hide in planes or tanks, you wont get help from uly, you cant use your cheap noskill nades, stationary machineguns are useless or wont be present, surprise/backstab kills are virtually impossible, you cant hide behind teammates, and you cant kick or ban me for stacking, planebailing, wasting vehicles, accidental tks, having a minus score, being afk, or anything else of your usual bs, when things arent going your way

Last edited by 000 (2020-07-16 15:03:34)


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#638 2020-07-16 14:37:23

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Re: My banned thread

You are a very bad liar mr. king of Rage Quit.


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#639 2020-07-16 14:42:38

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Re: My banned thread

You are pathethic liar.

1) You did not expect him to type it here. There is almost 3 weeks between messages. I expect you to pay even real money from this estonian cheater to get some sort of info about cheating and I even believe there was at least 20+ messages in between and you are just lucky he posted only 2 messages. Everyone here who knows you is aware it wasnt a joke. You are such a tool.

2) I asked and played 1v1 with deeko  and even with his all cheats and hacks, which were very nicely seen after couple of minutes playing ( constant headshots, being unhittable + was able to hit me when I was behind wall, wagon, sanback or something, always his shot went in ),
he won by 3 kills like 27-24. Then he childishly loved how he trashed me and how he won with 10y.o. emojis: xDDDDDDDDDD.

You really would ask the best cheater available zero, but you know that.

3) I dont know what lies you are tryling to sell here, but everyone from daily players know you cant do a shit when Im on the server and you just ragequit almost every time. Your only chance of getting gold os spawnkilling, yet you pretend like you were something, you have no skill and whenever time  you see me you just run with medic and healing yourself. Pathethic, you little Danish internet hero.

5 months ago we were mediocre. Now you call us average ? Its pretty sad that we even as average players still own you all the time. You are the one who always play easier side, take thompson and you have to be so mad when I get the better of you even with Mp40.
You ask Goldie to play inf 1v1...you ask nameless who dont like inf much to play 1v1 and whenever some of better infs challenge you, you disappear from the conversation like you didnt even exist or keep telling lies. Get some life.

I really did not see anything more suspicous by now, but I can assure you, if I do, imma get you banned. Bet on it.

Last edited by KILLER88 (2020-07-16 15:10:05)


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#640 2020-07-16 15:26:21

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Re: My banned thread


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#641 2020-07-16 19:34:22

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Re: My banned thread

Lovely reading,many lame excuses from 'weakteamjoiner' again,but we all get to see a little more clear again what he will do to get his useless gold medal.
Filmed him taxibailing every plane he was in on a Midway map,quite fun...

like i stated before...



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#642 2020-07-17 06:04:46

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Re: My banned thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

and those blue lines in my videos are true indicators of me running hacks. no doubt about it. everybody knows that blue lines are evidence of cheating, just like frodos sword start glowing blue when evil orcs are near

Might be a lose cable connection, or your cable is going bad. If I recall correctly, you made a post about how you record your videos, and I think you said you used some cables input/output, kinda like a capture card. Unfortunately I can't find the post atm.

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

sommarel, razer, noob88 or nameless are not great infantry. at most, theyre average

Well, you're not great either...


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#643 2020-07-17 19:06:29

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Re: My banned thread


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#644 2020-07-17 21:59:41

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Re: My banned thread


from the golden days

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2020-07-17 21:59:58)


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#645 2020-07-17 22:34:45

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Re: My banned thread


Hehe, i was reading "From the golden gays" tongue

Btw. The quality is really low. Sadly.



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#646 2020-07-22 10:35:30

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Re: My banned thread


banned again by admin gio for at least 24 hours. its misuse of admin rights  (just like he has kicked and banned me 50+ times in the past)

his reason : "taxiing with a tank"

the real reason is that its just a bogus ban. his friend jazzy was in the server and they sat in teamspeak together, i had just killed jazzy twice with the tank, which annoyed him, so they made up some fantasy reason, because they didnt want me in the server. they always make up excuses to ban me

late night in simple with few players, isnt a strict official clanwar. there should be creative freedom. what i did is not even kick reason

00:06      i grab a tank
00:22      i get some tank kills
00:40      i decide to return the tank to main, because i want to do some inf'ing
00:46      the tank is parked in main, i exit it (theres a deathbubble, so enemies cant reach it easily)
01:22      a teammate grabs the tank
01:38      gio bans me for at least 24 hours


keyhash :                                 9c0c8f846c3f49b768d0b547ffd460e8

youre probably all sick and tired of seeing this unban thread about me constantly. its understandable, but mostly not my fault. a small group of simple admins are to blame : nameless, vertigo, hydra, gio, jazzy, and to lesser extent, combat, arkos, jørgen. and then there are thirty other better simple admins, who never have banned me, and virtually dont abuse

blame those admins for this thread, dont blame me

theres an easy fix for stopping this thread : stop banning me

the vast majority of my bans are caused by admin misconduct, where admins make up new rules against me because they dislike me, or ban me for stuff that never should be ban reason, like;

calling normal vehicle usage for wasting vehicles, calling brief exiting from a vehicle for taxiing, calling switching between even teams for stacking, calling accidental tks for deliberate, banning for being afk, having a minus score, pressing the suicide button, non-deathbails from planes  etc. etc.

Last edited by 000 (2020-07-22 11:08:02)


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#647 2020-07-22 11:22:54

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Re: My banned thread

gio is back?

here maybe be some admins abusing their powers, but you are still not a victim.

You don't serve the team, you care only about yourself and your stats.


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#648 2020-07-22 15:31:00

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Re: My banned thread

Aren't u embarrassed uploading a video where u hide in main in tank?
''Best player ever'' hiding in main. ROFL

And ur teammates could use that tank to capture some flags considering ur team was losing, but u don't give a fuck about that.


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#649 2020-07-22 16:47:19

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Re: My banned thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

calling normal vehicle usage for wasting vehicles, calling brief exiting from a vehicle for taxiing, calling switching between even teams for stacking, calling accidental tks for deliberate, banning for being afk, having a minus score, pressing the suicide button, non-deathbails from planes  etc. etc.

This is not a normal vehicle usage, it's a waste of a vehicle. Each side on this map has only one tank, so the success of the whole team depends on how wisely it will be used. What I see is wasting, you don't move forward because you afraid to be shot with bazooka from behind or naded from aside. You don't move it just in case to be able to run away and hide in the main base. Your team gets nothing, moreover the teammates are losing any possible advantage of a tank usage. I understand Gio because it's a typical thing for you to use vehicles as taxi and he could be easily mistaken this time, because what you did costs a kick or maybe 15 minutes, not a whole day. It's not mostly Gio's fault, it's all about your reputation. The ban is lifted.


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#650 2020-07-22 18:31:07

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Re: My banned thread


One for the collection......

If he can't camp,he's no champ.
If you're on his tail,watch his glorious deathbail.
If he can't get gold,see how his connection won't hold.

Here I would normally say  BAN THAT GUY   

now I can only say  :Good Job!


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#651 2020-07-23 00:44:05

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Re: My banned thread

nämeless wrote:

This is not a normal vehicle usage, it's a waste of a vehicle. Each side on this map has only one tank, so the success of the whole team depends on how wisely it will be used. What I see is wasting, you don't move forward because you afraid to be shot with bazooka from behind or naded from aside. You don't move it just in case to be able to run away and hide in the main base. Your team gets nothing, moreover the teammates are losing any possible advantage of a tank usage. I understand Gio because it's a typical thing for you to use vehicles as taxi and he could be easily mistaken this time, because what you did costs a kick or maybe 15 minutes, not a whole day. It's not mostly Gio's fault, it's all about your reputation. The ban is lifted.

This is exactly the reason but since I couldnt write all this in game I said taxi, I agree that one day was too much but he constantly does that in Stalingrad, sitting in tank behind Allied main wall and then just bails it if he is in danger.
Thanks Nameless for clarifying it to him bcs he pretends he doesnt know what is wrong with it and how much he disturbs the game of his team.
That's why I banned for disturbing and not for taxing

Last edited by gio (2020-07-23 00:46:00)


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#652 2020-07-23 00:50:05

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Re: My banned thread

No problem. smile


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#653 2020-07-23 01:11:43

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Re: My banned thread

Little story from yesterday
Fag comes to Wake
Fag is axis (he never plays axis on this map)
Fag try to change team
Fag cannot change team
Fag disconnected
Fag changed nick
Fag came back
Fag was axis
Fag disconnect again
Fag changed nick again
Fag was axis again
Fag left
Fag changed nick again
Fag came back
Fag was again axis
Fag suicide
Fag finally changed team
Fag was kicked
Fag came back.
Fag was axis again
Fag did not know how to play axis side
Fag died a lot
Fag rage quit


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#654 2020-07-23 01:54:16

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Re: My banned thread

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Little story from yesterday
Fag comes to Wake
Fag is axis (he never plays axis on this map)
Fag try to change team
Fag cannot change team
Fag disconnected
Fag changed nick
Fag came back
Fag was axis
Fag disconnect again
Fag changed nick again
Fag was axis again
Fag left
Fag changed nick again
Fag came back
Fag was again axis
Fag suicide
Fag finally changed team
Fag was kicked
Fag came back.
Fag was axis again
Fag did not know how to play axis side
Fag died a lot
Fag rage quit

Looks like a dramatic screenplay.


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#655 2020-07-23 15:08:11

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Re: My banned thread

Even if he has a dirty gameplay, you guys go too far. You sound like triggered housewives. lol


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#656 2020-07-23 19:01:42

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Re: My banned thread

Well,he has played the triggered house-leprechaun for so long ,some housewife triggering might accur yes....
Why is it he is the ONLY one with a ban thread 22 pages long.?..coz he is such a 'respecting,rule-obeying,fun teamplayer"?
If you see his behaviour ,replies and gameplay       he deserves much worse....

He gives you lame excuses and someone always unbans him,where afterwards he goes and insult and quote 'rules' which he has broken MANY times himself before....and he's a self proclaimed pro?     

i say   f*ck that egotripper 000!

BAN THAT GUY     again!

Next time make it a longer ban,because ,as he states himself,he is SO PRO,so he should have the rules tatoed on his arm....and thus know he is doing bad things.....and get a 'pro' ban time  COZ HE KNOWS THE RULES (repeated for the slow readers)

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2020-07-23 19:10:05)


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#657 2020-07-24 00:02:32

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Re: My banned thread

Wow, this thread is longer than any of our ban threads I think. Impressive!

I never understood people who refuse to play axis or allied on certain maps. It's a game, learn to play both sides, otherwise, you're missing half the fun on the map!


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#658 2020-07-24 00:29:36

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Re: My banned thread

You cannot play on both sides, because it allows u to spawnkill only on one side at certain maps


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#659 2020-08-11 22:35:52

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Re: My banned thread


banned for at least 24 hours

id like to know :

- who the banning admin was
- ban length
- reason

keyhash:               9c0c8f846c3f49b768d0b547ffd460e8


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#660 2020-08-11 22:38:44

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