#1 2020-02-02 20:17:36

Reputation: +5
Registered: 2020-02-02
Posts: 4
BeOS SeaMonkey 1.5

My BANNED thread

Today i decided to play under a new name, i didnt like my old one anymore and such.

Now i am banned 15 minute for something about  nicknames.

Now you should see the RULES on this server the boss TUIA made... no offensive things... but 000 is not offensive...

so i ask you.. which admin banned me WHY? Please enlighten us with your moderator magic.

Thank you in advance,



NOTE: odd two days in a row i got team wounded by 'a bfsoldier', but no action was taken, no admin did anything about it... so i decided to play under a new name... i do not want anyone to know it is me, sorry it is my good right, RIGHT?

There are a 100 hitlers and a 1000 bfsoldiers, is that illegal too? If yes then do your job mister and leave me alone please... i do not like team wounders, tkers cheaters and backstabbers.

are nicknames copyrighted?

  1. no
  2. yes
Total votes: 10

Poll is closed

Last edited by OOO (2020-02-02 20:23:57)


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#31 2020-02-03 03:14:32

Reputation: +681
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Re: My BANNED thread

Dionysus wrote:

000 and OOO is not same thing.
First ones are numbers, other ones are letters.
As I can see ICQ is using letters, so what's the issue?

as expected, more weak thought process from simple forum members, this time dionysus

ask a simple logical question in this forum that cant go wrong, and youll see a bunch of people messing it up anyway

000 and OOO looks almost identical ingame

players should get their own unique names, instead of stealing. if players insist on copying, then they should at least make a significant change to the tag

if using other player's names with just a tiny change was permitted, then everybody could start impersonating others, and we could get a lot of lame stuff like this :

Maj.MerliN                    Maj,MerliN 
Caligos                          Caljgos
Igor'                               Igor''
$parrow                         Sparrow
_Corax                          -Corax
Kevin(SCO)                   Kevin(SC0) 
Zwarrior                        zwarrior
Frank(Ger)                     Frank[Ger]
Arkos                             ARKOS
inVictus|nameless       inVictus|namelezz
RaketenHorst              RakettenHorst

etc. etc.

Last edited by 000 (2020-02-03 03:19:59)


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#32 2020-02-03 03:19:08

Reputation: +544
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Registered: 2017-07-31
Posts: 1,967
BeOS SeaMonkey 1.5

Re: My BANNED thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

as expected, more weak thought process from simple forum members, this time dionysus

ask a simple logical question in this forum that cant go wrong, and youll see a bunch of people messing it up anyway

000 and OOO looks almost identical ingame

players should get their own unique names, instead of stealing. if players insist on copying, then they should at least make a significant change to the tag

if using other player's names with just a tiny change was permitted, then everybody could start impersonating others, and we could get a lot of lame stuff like this :

Maj.MerliN                    Maj,MerliN 
Caligos                          Caljgos
Igor'                               Igor''
$parrow                         Sparrow
_Corax                          -Corax
Kevin(SCO)                   Kevin(SC0) 
Zwarrior                        zwarrior
Frank(Ger)                     Frank[Ger]
Arkos                             ARKOS
inVictus|nameless       inVictus|namelezz
RaketenHorst              RakettenHorst

etc. etc.

genius.. very genius.. so you not parasite on anybody.. you did not team wound me.. you are not a stat padder.... everybody loves you

AND.. you be number one in the global world stats is because you are that amazing experienced honest player right?

u are more funny than my 102 year old grandma.. you know that?


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#33 2020-02-03 03:37:25

Reputation: +555
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Posts: 863
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: My BANNED thread

@ Bfsoldier

U are not doing it right, try to write those nicknames with numbers...
Then u will see how big difference there is.

If u can find videos of ur ''accidental'' team wounding I believe all this madness would stop.
But u cant, or can u?


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#34 2020-02-03 03:45:02

Reputation: -30
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Re: My BANNED thread

They already do that, for trolling purposes, and at time, flat out impersonation of name and or ping, cd key / bf profile theft


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#35 2020-02-03 04:17:20

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Re: My BANNED thread

if you want to protect your name, i suggest you use your name. you can't claim a name if you only use it when you are getting gold.


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#36 2020-02-03 05:04:54

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Re: My BANNED thread

jorgen wrote:

if you want to protect your name, i suggest you use your name. you can't claim a name if you only use it when you are getting gold.

Now isnt that BRILLIANT advise? Sorry i do not want to rub it in BFSoldier 1 2  or 0.....

But you KNOW you are wrong.. and you KNOW you are protected.. and you KNOW you cannot keep this up forever.

We all know tuia will choose for his team... he is a loyal man

i stay banned... you stay the lonely stat padder, it is ok boy...
mr. wanna-be-pro gamer by vampire ALL OF US

i am banned from the forum.. i am banned from the game.. and i really DO NOT CARE

i am NOT afraid of ANY BAN... i am a man... dude.. u think i not know where to get a new IP and nickname and CD key?

do not make me laugh dude... dont make me load up my map hack radar no recoil ammo hax and ruin your little life

u are LUCKY i did not find your ass in our UNKNOWN CHEATS site logs where some of the people here (yeah i know who you are little bitch) are also... yes.. there is a simple member who downloads cheats with us.. want me to spoil the fun????? fvck with me again and i will.............................. 31337

you 000 did not download any of the bf1942 cheats... nope you did not.. else i would post it here RIGHT AWAY

i am member there.. to SERVE AND PROTECT... go figure

fcuk WHY u people act i am the NOOB here.. it is HILARIOUS

stop fucking with me all you mental cases.. call me sick.. want to know and see the REAL ABSOLUTE TRUTH about this place you call your home??????????????????????????????

Last edited by iCQ (2020-02-03 05:10:14)


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#37 2020-02-03 05:13:35

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Re: My BANNED thread

this is the bullshit i talk about... i better NOT see your ass down there.. OK son?


go ban me.. u think u can???? oh boy.. go back to your dream world PULEAAASSEEEE

just fvck off noobs... just shut up like you do for weeks and months in a row

how about when you see me.. YOU LEAVE,.,. how about that???

i tried to be nice and decent... but you want to burn you said? OK BURN BUDDIES...

there is a 1000 ways to kill simple completely RIGHT NOW RIGHT HERE...

you claim i kill the server and the forum and this and that... noob SHUT UP.. u have NO CLUE what you are talking about

i am here for YOU.. and for the decent players...

and if tuia or nameless cant help you

if your sunshine looks away again

well give me a call because i eat such arrogant noobs for supper

i was not born to be nice to be your asshat... i was born in reality and i obey the truth and the righious

i dont need medals, friends, gold or your money.. i cannot care less, SORRY

put this in your mind: H4X0RS RULEZ (only the white hat ones)

ban 000... unban me and delete my whole forum account i dont care... i play whenever with whatever name i want... i am iCQ and you are I DO NOT KNOW

i know u like bad guys... its fine... i laugh about such bitches..

Last edited by iCQ (2020-02-03 05:22:22)


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#38 2020-02-03 05:23:02

Reputation: +544
Location: Netherlands
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Re: My BANNED thread

ban me again.. delete me... GO.. do your sneaky things, u rats!


Last edited by iCQ (2020-02-03 05:23:36)


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