#1 2019-11-03 21:09:26

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Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Like I asked before, is pixelshooting allowed on this server ?
Bored about those player who basecamping on Caen with Sexton. Impossible to shoot it from the other side of river.
Today after maybe 10-15 seconds of starting playing, Darcano killed with sexton people on river flag.

Thanks to clarify this abuse (or not), never saw a player being punished for that here.


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#2 2019-11-03 22:02:53

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

No but how you know he is using the clouds?
He could use a spot or especially in that map other legal methods beside blind fire.
There are several ways to silence this weapon in base.


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#3 2019-11-03 22:36:01

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

There was no inf on the map and start shooting the flag few seconds after the begining.

Last edited by Horza (2019-11-03 22:36:32)


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#4 2019-11-03 23:15:45

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

It can be done legally on Caen, look at the minimap and landscape.


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#5 2019-11-04 01:45:12

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Frank(Ger) wrote:

look at the minimap and landscape.

Is´nt that the definition of pixelshooting? Arent we supposed to use the scout support?


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#6 2019-11-04 06:56:55

White Power
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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Someone better player than Horza? He should be banned. lol


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#7 2019-11-04 07:01:19

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen


15 secondes after beginning killing on other side of the river?

Seemse not really possible like this.


Last edited by Arkos (2019-11-04 07:01:39)


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#8 2019-11-04 08:22:25

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Frank !


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#9 2019-11-04 10:19:27

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Horza wrote:

Like I asked before, is pixelshooting allowed on this server ?
Bored about those player who basecamping on Caen with Sexton. Impossible to shoot it from the other side of river.
Today after maybe 10-15 seconds of starting playing, Darcano killed with sexton people on river flag.

Thanks to clarify this abuse (or not), never saw a player being punished for that here.

pixelshooting is not allowed in simple servers

was 40 seconds, not 10-15

the problem with punishing for pixeling, is that it is hard to prove. scout spotting doesnt show up as a message for all players, only players in arty can see the message, and also, only players in arty can see the area spotted by the sniper. maybe the internal event log (not the chat log) displays sniper spots, i cant remember

Frank(Ger) wrote:

It can be done legally on Caen, look at the minimap and landscape.

He could use a spot or especially in that map other legal methods beside blind fire.

that is pixelshooting frank. it doesnt matter if you use the minimap, trees, the sky, pixels etc..

if a player in arty adjusts the aim with anything else than a sniper spot, then it is "pixel shooting". another more fitting term could be

"stationary aiming using secondary targets"

an exception to this is "random blind shooting" where one just fires without sniper spot, randomly or systematically mapping the sky, until one hits something

seasoned pixel shooters can deliberately use "random blind shooting" to mask their pixelshooting, so it looks like they just shot randomly, but finally by luck or skill found a target

frank ....  "blind shooting" is the only other legal alternative to sniper spotting

heres the round from yesterday where horza suspected darcano of pixeling. after watching it, i think darcano probably did pixelshoot, but im not 100% sure

its hard to say, because he was not highlighted in green in the video, and the big minimap was not used, and allied snipers were not highlighted either

it looks as if no snipers could see the actual axis base first 40 seconds, and therefore could not make a proper scout spot.

players "topdog" and "gimpers" seemed to be the only infantry players within visual sight of that axis base, but they were engineers, so they couldnt spot

41:19 (ingame time) darcano fires the the shell that makes his first kill
41:17 darcano makes his first kill

this video doesnt even show where darcano made that first kill. charging fast axis players could have rushed close to allied main and gotten killed by darcano there

but it looks like the explosion at 41:17 in axis main, is darcanos sexton kill

etc. etc. etc.

overall, this just underlines that it often is dificult to prove if somebody pixelshoots, even with a video from another player


Last edited by 000 (2019-11-04 10:39:40)


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#10 2019-11-04 18:43:27

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Thanks OOO for the recording, I didnt record too bad, but I (I was in panzer, we can see me at the end) saw players dying on my right (right of repear pad) because of Darcano and reported on chat about that pixelshooting


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#11 2019-11-04 21:28:27

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

I knew this gets funny, i hope i don't help the wrong guy.

bud wrote:
Frank(Ger) wrote:

look at the minimap and landscape.

Is´nt that the definition of pixelshooting? Arent we supposed to use the scout support?

So what is the definition of pixelshooting? Never seen one.
Sure is one thing: In reality clouds are not static and aiming at them is an unrealistic advantage.
If Darcano fires with landmarks und knows (excactly) were he hits from spots/reports in earlier rounds (unreal knowledge), it might be also pixelshooting but he won't need the minimap for that and he doesn't have to guess anything.

BFSoldier 1 wrote:
Frank(Ger) wrote:

It can be done legally on Caen, look at the minimap and landscape.

He could use a spot or especially in that map other legal methods beside blind fire.

that is pixelshooting frank. it doesnt matter if you use the minimap, trees, the sky, pixels etc..

To be accurate, what i mean includes guessing/blind fire:
I doubt that it is pixel shooting if you look at the minimap, have just an idea what might be in the ballistic curve behind a landmark, don't know where you hit but kills prove that the theorie is at least successfull. I didn't use that tactic on simple since i know many admins here think/did think the following: "If you don't have a spot, it's pixeling." but i think it is legit if it is really as i said.

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

if a player in arty adjusts the aim with anything else than a sniper spot, then it is "pixel shooting". another more fitting term could be

"stationary aiming using secondary targets"

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

frank ....  "blind shooting" is the only other legal alternative to sniper spotting

All bullshit, yesterday (aberdeen) a player reported to me: "more right" "more left" etc. It was additional to his own spot but it also can be used without.
Sometimes even the minimap tells you were you hit(for last adjustments).


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#12 2019-11-04 23:08:33

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

forgot to mention teammate guiding. so non-pixelshooting options are :

1)  sniper spot
2)  teamates guiding via chat / teamspeak, and then adjusting fire according to that
3)  blind firing until one hits something, and then adjusting fire according to that
4)  blind firing and watching own kills on the the minimap, and then adjusting fire according to that

is that all ?

if yes, anything else should be considered pixelshooting

like i said, the problem is that artillerists can use 1 , 2, 3, and 4 as excuses again and again to explain all their succesful hits and kills, which makes it very hard to prove pixelshooting

Last edited by 000 (2019-11-04 23:35:37)


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#13 2019-11-05 07:57:39

White Power
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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Horza, wanna fun with me?


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#14 2019-11-05 08:58:27

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Only actual landmarks, even trees, providing a line up on the map, should be legal, using clouds is pixel aiming, but pre knowing a point reference on the map without using the sky itself is also legit, position, reference, gun angle and shell flight is everything, but help outside that with sky is pixel aim


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#15 2019-11-13 20:39:03

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

4)  blind firing and watching own kills on the the minimap, and then adjusting fire according to that

I don't know what kind of minimap you have/use but concerning kills: I would see only teamkills on mine.

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

is that all ?

No but i think you just want to know every legal trick i know but even that might be not all so

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

anything else should be considered pixelshooting

seems to me to be the wrong approach


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#16 2019-11-14 03:23:18

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Frank(Ger) wrote:

I knew this gets funny, i hope i don't help the wrong guy

u gotto ❤️ admin Frank(Ger)

White Power wrote:

Horza, wanna fun with me?

Dude could u please stop harass Horza... he is a friend of mine, thanks!

And while ur at it... be nice in =aX= server please.... tongue (im teasing u white powder).

Last edited by iCQ (2019-11-14 03:26:49)


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#17 2019-11-20 14:37:10

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

I'm a bit confused there, what is pixel shooting?


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#18 2019-11-20 16:52:29

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

aiming at the sky with artillery, shooting blind


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#19 2019-11-20 18:14:10

Bad Actor
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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

jorgen wrote:

aiming at the sky with artillery, shooting blind

That's not strictly true, I've often shot blind when no scouts are spotting and it's pot luck.
I definitely do it on Omaha from the def gun out to sea and keep adjusting trajectory till I see the crosshairs register a hit on the ship but that's not pixel shooting. That's just firing blindly and adjusting until you hit the bugger.

On other maps, sometimes I hit enemy, sometimes I score a tk but if no scouts are putting in a shift then why not.

I assume pixel shooting to be firing arty from a def gun which is static and using a fixed point of reference such as a cloud, a particular bump in a hill you are shooting over or any other static object on the map.

Serious pixel shooters have probably worked out all the reference points in single player and maybe even have markers stuck on their screen smile

Mobile arty is a little more tricky as you can't be exactly sure you are in the exact place you need to be before firing I guess.

Last edited by Bad Actor (2019-11-20 18:17:24)


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#20 2019-11-20 19:37:22

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen


In Omaha you can see the muzzle flash through the dust from the beach with Priest if the canones are shooting.

I'm allways pissed, when Priests shoot and shoot for minutes onto the bunkers, but the canones are still up.



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#21 2019-11-21 12:18:10

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

jorgen wrote:

aiming at the sky with artillery, shooting blind

... ??? wtf

Some people can shoot blind in the game from certain positions, based on their experience.

That's forbidden?

Don't lock me on Omaha Beach!


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#22 2019-11-21 14:33:23

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Arkos wrote:


In Omaha you can see the muzzle flash through the dust from the beach with Priest if the canones are shooting.

I'm allways pissed, when Priests shoot and shoot for minutes onto the bunkers, but the canones are still up.


That's what I was always talking about - you can see some silhouettes of objects, structures, enemies etc. on a background of an explosion splash if you stand on a certain distance. I hope it's not considered as a pixelshooting because I am not using any pixels on the trees, objects, sky etc. to correct my aim.

Last edited by Insane (2019-11-21 14:33:51)


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#23 2020-05-13 19:59:35

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Re: Darcano pixelshooting on Caen

Oh never saw this thread, I don't pixelshoot, I usually attack from the windmill and use the silhouettes to check if I'm hitting something.

The thing is, on Caen there is a "safe zone" that doesn't allow you to sneak and zook the sexton.
I think the most reasonable solution to this problem would be getting rid of the Sexton and putting a M10 (It has a chance against a tank on the pad) on there.


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