#1 2019-09-01 16:51:28

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Teamkill by lop|Arwen

a bit after 16:30 French time today (14:30 GMT), on the Simple server, while playing Kursk, a player named lop|Arwen (number .26) teamkilled me by shooting straight at me in the main base, at point-blank range.
When I asked why, he said he didn't, that I was a liar, and called me names.

So I think he's a teamkiller and a liar himself.

I'd like an admin to check the logs to confirm he actually is the guy who teamkilled me, please, and if so, to punish him somehow. I'm asking for that check since he's a player I've seen playing properly, and his calling me a liar makes me doubt a bit, although I'm pretty sure of what I read. Sometimes log goes fast.

But one thing I'm sure of is that I was teamkilled in a way that can't be an error, the guy came straight at me while I was standing besides the runway and gunned me down with their SMG.


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#2 2019-09-01 17:10:40

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen


Prophylacticly i will zook her face next time i see Arwen smile



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#3 2019-09-01 19:13:24

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen


I only called you crazy because we were not even in the same team. I had minus due to an explosion when I mined a tank. Your accusation is simply wrong. smile

Last edited by Arwen (2019-09-01 19:13:58)


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#4 2019-09-01 20:12:16

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Were we not ? yikes
I'm quite certain I saw your nick written in grey when I was teamkilled. If that was just because your tank mining happened at the same moment than my teamkill, it would explain that. Now that you mention it, I didn't really pay attention to team colors when I checked your id hmm

If that's so, I'm sorry I called you a teamkiller and a liar.


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#5 2019-09-01 21:49:36

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Notapix wrote:

Were we not ? yikes

If that's so, I'm sorry I called you a teamkiller and a liar.


Ssosso... Image BBCode test

So i can't zook her?        Image BBCode test


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#6 2019-09-01 21:51:59

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

is arwen really a girl / woman in real life ?

i dont believe it .... i think its just a thing that started as a running joke, then developed over time

i wanna see some evidence ... or a least some circumstantial evidence



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#7 2019-09-01 22:09:57

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

There's no womans or girls on internet until they proof the contrary. Chill out. smile


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#8 2019-09-01 23:04:33

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

You can always try! hehe


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#9 2019-09-01 23:06:24

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

is arwen really a girl / woman in real life ?

i dont believe it .... i think its just a thing that started as a running joke, then developed over time

i wanna see some evidence ... or a least some circumstantial evidence


Okay let’s see:
1. It doesn’t matter on any way, you are free to believe whatever you want
2. There is not a single reason to discuss such a thing, nor a place
3. It’s not even related to anything here especially not for this player’s post, do not spam
So have some respect now, thank you smile


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#10 2019-09-01 23:09:09

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Notapix wrote:

Were we not ? yikes
I'm quite certain I saw your nick written in grey when I was teamkilled. If that was just because your tank mining happened at the same moment than my teamkill, it would explain that. Now that you mention it, I didn't really pay attention to team colors when I checked your id hmm

If that's so, I'm sorry I called you a teamkiller and a liar.

Yes, that could have happened. Also don’t need to get mad over a teamkill, even if it seems intentional, most of them are newbies who dont know the game yet and they are confused. You can always report, and we will warn or kick them, so we are fine I guess, no worries. See u in game


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#11 2019-09-02 02:33:24

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Creepers gonna creep


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#12 2019-09-02 10:44:37

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Arwen wrote:

Yes, that could have happened. Also don’t need to get mad over a teamkill, even if it seems intentional, most of them are newbies who dont know the game yet and they are confused. You can always report, and we will warn or kick them, so we are fine I guess, no worries.

Thanks for your understanding smile

Actually I wasn't really mad at first, it's your denial that made me so, since I thought you were my TK’er. I’ve seen too many people do wrong and then pretend they're innocent…
Well, sorry again. smile


BFSoldier 1 wrote:

is arwen really a girl / woman in real life ?
i wanna see some evidence ...

I rather think you don’t want to see that.
Who knows, maybe she’s a 60 year old, 90 kilos former MMA champion.
Or more probably, she's just a normal lady whose picture would fry your brain under a sudden influx of testosterone.
Don't ask for what you can't survive. tongue

Arkos wrote:

So i can't zook her?

Like you wouldn’t do it if I said no, even if you had the opportunity?
Now that is tempting… big_smile

Last edited by Notapix (2019-09-02 10:47:13)


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#13 2019-09-02 22:00:48

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Lets all celebrate for bfsoldier's first interaction with a female in his life


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#14 2019-09-02 22:26:29

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

gio wrote:

Lets all celebrate for bfsoldier's first interaction with a female in his life

First interaction must of been whit his mother, If not he nust be special !!  big_smile

Last edited by Dakota (2019-09-02 22:33:16)


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#15 2019-09-02 22:47:27

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

gio wrote:

Lets all celebrate for bfsoldier's first interaction with a female in his life



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#16 2019-09-03 00:40:01

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

nämeless wrote:
gio wrote:

Lets all celebrate for bfsoldier's first interaction with a female in his life


ive probably dated and banged more broads than gio, shame and the rest of lop, combined

real nice ones ... young, slim, blonde, scandinavian miss'ses


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#17 2019-09-03 02:10:06

Black Mamba
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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

BFSoldier 1 wrote:
nämeless wrote:
gio wrote:

Lets all celebrate for bfsoldier's first interaction with a female in his life


ive probably dated and banged more broads than gio, shame and the rest of lop, combined

real nice ones ... young, slim, blonde, scandinavian miss'ses

Hmm. I beg to differ. Most of your posts on this forum paint the picture of an angry, lonely, sexually frustrated overweight virgin who only cares about scoring points in a 15 year old dead game.

So, Mr Womanizer, what do you tell women when you take them out on dates? I'm asking because I'd like to learn from the best.

''Hi, my name is xp_fanatic aka BFSoldier. I kill 100 + players in one round in Battlefield 1942 with my Thompson. I am known as the Terminator of Battlefield''.

Don't kid yourself. We all know the women you go out with are inflatable. smile


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#18 2019-09-03 02:38:39

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

black chimpa the dimmtard ...  as usual youre way off with your primatestyle guesses  .....     i know it must be hard for you to cope with the thought that i prolly have had more datingsuccess and female relationships than you

..... scandinavia has the most pretty girls in the world .... and i have done my share of them

i once dated a model from https://www.elitemodel.dk

true story ... we both enjoyed it a lot

i also once did 50 girls in a year (thats not even a lot ... 150+ per annum would be a lot)

i saw that simple-forum-published photo of your girlfriend ... and thats likely the only case where i (and 9 outta 10 men) rather would do an inflatable


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#19 2019-09-03 04:12:20

Black Mamba
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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

You are a pathological liar, just like your butt-buddy Lachesis. I remember him telling us how great his life was; how he had friends ''all over the city'' and his girlfriend looked like a ''super model''. He also said some super funny shit about being ripped and going to the gym often. Guess what? It was all a lie. This guy also happens to be from Denmark btw. Maybe you should be a bit more modest; after all most people don't feel the urge to brag about their sexual achievements on a gaming forum. Now that's lame.

Also, if you dedicate that much time to playing Battlefield 1942, you are most likely not a very social person. You are always on the forums, moaning and bitching about getting unbanned and being an anti-bugging social justice warrior. I wouldn't be surprised if you spent at least 6 hours a day playing BF and browsing the forums. What a pathetic record. I play BF as a hobby, and atm I don't even play this game, for you, BF42 is a lifestyle.

Plus, you come across as a sex-deprived creep, as can be observed to your earlier reply on this thread. Why do you care so much about Arwen being a female? Why do you want her to prove it to you? You've obviously had sex with hundreds of women by now with your amazing womanizer abilities, so why would you care about seeing the picture of a female on a gaming forum? I bet that turns you on. And she's not my GF you fuckin.g idiot, now stop being a creep and looking for female pictures on a gaming forum. Loser.

Thanks for admitting that you have sex with inflatable women btw smile


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#20 2019-09-03 04:46:14

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

everything i have written here is the truth .... but of course, whats normal for me is unreachable and impossible for little black bambi ....

and your lack of intellect made you misunderstand even that airdoll joke above .... ur gf was so *g*y, that, of those two terrible choices, doing ur gf would be the most gruesome

... and dat pic was ur girlfriend

but youre prolly too tarded to spot your own miscomprehensions ... u cant even decipher a basic sentence

listen, little snake, no one cares about you, go back to dating ur gorilla


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#21 2019-09-03 08:06:52

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

i once dated a model from https://www.elitemodel.dk

true story ... we both enjoyed it a lot

i also once did 50 girls in a year (thats not even a lot ... 150+ per annum would be a lot)

Technically, it's a new girl every week. smile


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#22 2019-09-03 09:32:21

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

That one special girl that fills your heart with joy is worth more than all the models the world can bring.


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#23 2019-09-03 10:20:34

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

he considered every "local area milf in your 1km" ads popup as a new date

Last edited by ABAS (2019-09-03 10:38:53)


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#24 2019-09-03 14:20:36

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Did that person actually shared a link from a dating app to prove something???

bfsoldier :"I have a bunch of hot girls! look"
*shares dating app*
-Server message: "New high score in sad life achieved"


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#25 2019-09-03 14:55:49

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

wrong ....... its not a dating app link. its a link to a real model agency


gio is a retard ... he misunderstands everything   



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#26 2019-09-03 18:04:55

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

A true team-simple thread.

Start: TK issue
End: Sex life



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#27 2019-09-03 18:54:12

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

bud wrote:

That one special girl that fills your heart with joy is worth more than all the models the world can bring.

I must say, bud is the smartest guy here, in fact on whole forum.

Last edited by Dionysus (2019-09-03 18:54:41)


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#28 2019-09-03 19:12:22

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

Holy shit I'm fricking dying LMFAO


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#29 2019-09-24 02:11:51

Black Mamba
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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

everything i have written here is the truth .... but of course, whats normal for me is unreachable and impossible for little black bambi ....

and your lack of intellect made you misunderstand even that airdoll joke above .... ur gf was so *g*y, that, of those two terrible choices, doing ur gf would be the most gruesome

... and dat pic was ur girlfriend

but youre prolly too tarded to spot your own miscomprehensions ... u cant even decipher a basic sentence

listen, little snake, no one cares about you, go back to dating ur gorilla

Are you lachesis' retarded cousin? I swear you and him write the exact same way. Come on, just admit it.

Talking a bout my ex-GF, that's a pretty cheap shot, don't you think? The real question is what the fuck are you doing on a gaming forum, stalking people you don't even know? I knew you were weird, but not that weird. You are the only person in this forum bragging about how many women you've scored, seems to me you are in desperate need of validation and suffer from a huge inferiority complex. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're not going to find said validation on a gaming forum. Maybe on FB? Idk.

We know you're an angry guy. We know you are addicted to BF1942 and it is your only hobby.

You want to talk about the truth? The only truth is in this game, is I have pwned you many times in many different situations (mostly in inf), despite having a clear ping disadvantage and you have constantly cried about it like a little bitch.

You are such a clumsy, predictable, sluggish and useless player. Your aim is absolutely atrocious, you just spray and pray most of the time, hoping for a lucky kill. You aim like a heavy smoker that burns through 5 packs a day. Absolutely terrible. I don't even know how you end up in first place.

You only know how to spawn camp because you've modded the stock maps in the past, and as such know the spawn locations.

I remember once in Berlin killing you 5 times in a row and when you finally killed me you were furious and spamming the chat with stuff like ''die snake'', or ''sit now''. You are an absolute joke.


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#30 2019-09-24 09:14:44

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Re: Teamkill by lop|Arwen

ahahah  looks like my remarks about little black bambi hit bullseye ..... he got so angry that he spent 20 days composing a reply .... lol ... ur pathetic XDDD


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