#1 2018-11-08 21:44:37

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GERMAN: ICH BITTE DARUM, ALLES DURCHZULESEN. Hallo Leute, ich wurde vor 1 Monat wegen teamkillen trollen Chat Flaming und all den ganzen Scheiss den mann machen kann gebannt. Ich möchte mich "entschuldigen" für das was ich gemacht habe, es war wirklich einfach nur dumme kindische Scheisse was ich gemacht hab. und ich kann den Hass, gegen mich nachvollziehen. ich habe wirklich lange über meine Fehler nach gedacht, und bin zu dem Entschluss gekommen. Das ich euch Moderatoren und auch den Administrator, fragen wollte ob ich entbannt werden. Kann ich bin der Meinung, das ich jetzt Normal OHNE trollen Chat flaming Teamkillen spielen. kann und ich es nachvollziehen kann warum es alle so aufregen. Ich bitte wirklich um "Gnade" und möchte mich bei allen entschuldigen, die ich genervt habe und die ihre Zeit für' s entbannen bannen und verwarnen, investiert haben. und ich ziehe den Hut vor den Moderatoren, die dafür Sorgen das der Server Troll frei bleibt. Ich Liebe dieses Spiel (Bf1942) und ich möchte wirklich wieder auf dem Server Spielen, da es der einzige Server ist wo ich mit Ganz viel gnade eine chanchse bekomme. ich "wünsche"allen ein Happy Halloween und viel Spaß beim Zocken.

Ps: Ich finde das mann mit soviel Einsicht, eine chanchse: verdient hat weil es zeigt ey der Dude sieht seinen Fehler ein, auch wenn es etliche Bans etc gekostet. hat Spieler Name/n H1Z8 H1Z8IsWeAK Jesus

ENGLISH:ENGLISH:I PLEASE READ ALL. Hey guys, I got banned 1 month ago because of team kill troll chat flaming and all that shit the guy can do. I want to "apologize" for what I did, it was really just stupid childish shit what I did. and I can understand the hatred against me. I thought long and hard about my mistakes and came to the conclusion. I want to ask you moderators and also the administrator, if I will be exempted. Can i think i play now normal WITHOUT troll chat flaming team killing. can and I can understand why it makes everyone so upset. I really ask for "mercy" and would like to apologize to all those who annoyed me and who have spent their time banishing and warning them. and I take my hat off to the moderators, who make sure the server troll stays clear. I love this game (Bf1942) and I really want to play on the server again as it is the only server where I can get a chanchse with a lot of grace. I wish everyone a Happy Halloween and have fun playing.

Ps: I think the man with so much insight, a chanchse: deserves because it shows ey the dude sees his mistake, even if it cost quite a few bans, etc .. has player name (s) H1Z8 H1Z8IsWeAK Jesus


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#2 2018-11-08 22:16:19

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Re: Unbanreqeust

i dont know what he has done or how severe it was, but unless it was cheating or similar, i say, give him another chance. seems like some admins are overreacting


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#3 2018-11-08 22:35:57

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Re: Unbanreqeust


He was banned around 10 times for intentional teamkilling, allways promising that it won't happen again. Some of us spoke with him also personally and told him, (also several times), that it won't be like this allways. We told him where it ends, if he starts trolling around again.

The last time, we thought he got it, finally, but then, one, two days later the same old story.

I don't know who banned him definitively on simple, but it was his own responsibility, as it was each time before.

There was not even one too harsh ban. Each time it was for reason.

If tuia want to give him a chance... again, he can do it. If nämeless want to unban him, also accepted. But i understand if Abas won't unban him and please don't ask me. I spent some time to talk to him personally and i explained him what will happen, when he starts over again.

After he was banned, this time permbanned on simple, he played on our server. I told him that he has no other server to play and he should better stop disrupting and what he does 10 minutes later? He started teamkilling intentionally in the base.

He had allready around 10 chances. If you ask me, unban him, ok, but in 1 or 2 years or so.

This seemse to be the only way to make him understand not to fukkup other people.


Last edited by Arkos (2018-11-08 22:37:19)


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#4 2018-11-08 22:45:35

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Re: Unbanreqeust

If it is as Arcos said, don´t unban him until 2020.
We will not be able to change his behavior or protect the server from him if we are as inconsistent as before.

Last edited by Frank(Ger) (2018-11-08 22:45:54)


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#5 2018-11-08 22:48:38

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Re: Unbanreqeust

Some of us are trying to have fun and admins dont have time for this bs !


Last edited by Dakota (2018-11-08 22:51:40)


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#6 2018-11-08 22:58:22

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Re: Unbanreqeust

Go back come back with your parents jesus, ur only 13 , we need to talk to them

Last edited by ABAS (2018-11-08 23:00:41)


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#7 2018-11-09 01:22:12

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Re: Unbanreqeust

Go back to your ............  smile



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#8 2018-11-09 01:29:42

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Re: Unbanreqeust


Hallo Jesus363 ...

Deine Geschichten kennen wir ja nun zur Genüge  . ganze 6 Anfragen (jeder einzelne ein ban gewesen) in nur 4 Wochen .. soviel zum Thema: Glaubwürdigkeit ...
Wir haben uns immerwieder weichkochen lassen von deiner Einsicht, alles wird besser und und und ... und .... naja .. diesesmal geht es eben nicht mehr darum wie du es gerne hättest ... die
Zeiten sind erstmal vorbei ...
Wir müssen bzw. wollen ja auch dafür sorgen, dass jeder eine gewisse Qualität vorzuweisen hat damit alle auch  irgendwie Spass am Spiel haben ... und irgendwie scheinst du da nicht so reinzupassen ..
Wie oben schon erwähnt .. in 4 Wochen gleich 6mal gebannt ... zuvor endlose kicks ... du .. so einfach wie du es gerne hättest läuft es eben diesesmal nicht ...
Du hast jeden einzelnen Administrator getäuscht und somit auch ins Gesicht geschlagen ... wir haben uns sogar intern mit den betreffenden Administratoren besprochen wegen dir ... du bist also schon ein überlegtes Thema ... schliesslich sind wir ja um Spieler bemüht ... und .. nunja .. nun langt es ...

Nimm es wie ein Mann ..

Dir alles erdenklich Gute bei/auf den anderen Servern ..

Gruss RaketenHorst


Hello Jesus363 ...

We now know your stories sufficiently .. whole 6 requests (each one has been a ban) in just 4 weeks .. so much on the subject: credibility ...
We have repeatedly let soft from your insight, everything is better and and and ... and .... well .. this time it's just not how you would like it ... the times are over for now ...
We also have to make sure that everyone has a certain quality so that everybody has some fun with the game ... and somehow you do not seem to fit in there like that.
As mentioned above .. banned in 6 weeks equal to 6 times ... previously endless kicks ... you .. as easy as you would like it just does not run this time ...

You have misled every single administrator and thus hit in the face ... we have even discussed internally with the administrators in question because of you ... so you are already a deliberate topic ... after all, we are indeed trying to players ... and .. well ... now it will be ...

Take it like a man ..

You all the best with / on the other servers ..

Greeting RaketenHorst


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#9 2018-11-09 08:25:40

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Re: Unbanreqeust

i still would give him a chance in january 2019, and then once every three months after that


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#10 2018-11-09 08:55:21

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Re: Unbanreqeust

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at him. Unban Jesus. big_smile


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#11 2018-11-09 10:22:44

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Re: Unbanreqeust

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

i still would give him a chance in january 2019, and then once every three months after that

Are you admin?


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#12 2018-11-09 11:19:42

Reputation: +852
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Re: Unbanreqeust

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

i still would give him a chance in january 2019, and then once every three months after that

Your opinion


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