#31 2018-05-27 17:22:40

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

thank you nameless

Red Scorpion wrote:

Teams were even,tickets 5 of a difference,Abas and Arkos defending carrier and killing you,so you switch,WHY? Should have been 1 month

sure scorpion .... 1 month ban for a nonstack switch ....

what the h... is wrong with some of the admins' thought process ? cant you understand simple logic ? i'll repeat .... if teams are even or your team is winning, youre always allowed to switch once to the opposite team if autobalance allows it

its completely irrelevant if you have 5 clanner elite pilots chasing you and then switch. your crazy minds are making up bs "gentleman's" / "honor" code stuff, and confusing it with actual rules

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

The dude is exploting every rule

doubti, tell me which RULES im am breaking / bending / exploiting. dont mix "lameness" or weird feelings into this. just clear and straight ... which RULES .... ( i'll answer -  few to no rules )

its absurd that some of you call my gameplay lame. infantry stuff is easy to prevent and guard. and i probably only camp 10 % of the time. grab a stopwatch and try speccing me for long periods and youll find it true

here are some real low moves that i despise and rarely or never perform, but many admins / clanners shamelessly carry out regularly .... this stuff is the real lame gameplay :

- scorewhoring with a stalingrad tank
- scorewhoring with the omaha axis tank
- scorewhoring with axis caen tanks
- scorewhoring with axis wake planes, and constantly killing allied planes at the runway / takeoff
- pilots stacking to axis on maps with spitfires because the bf109 is better
- constantly using the heavy tanks at deen

- generally constantly being in a tank or plane, avoiding going inf at all costs ! .... making things miserable for infantry

etc etc

You have balls to say that?!
Someone who always uses b17 on Bocage.
Who always hides in hangar and nade spam on El Alamein.
Who always bails on Coral sea and nade spam spawn.
Who always plays allies on Philly so you can shot at boats with inf.
Who always use plane to taxi to beach on Iwo Jima.
You always teamstack.
And someone who always leave when he cant get gold.

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-05-27 17:27:25)


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#32 2018-05-27 18:52:13

Jochen Peiper
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

If a good player is in the opposing team and BFSoldier dies too often then he changes the team to kill more noobs.
He know the rules so i think the ban is correct maybe to long...


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#33 2018-05-28 00:31:37

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

You have balls to say that?!
Someone who always uses b17 on Bocage.
Who always hides in hangar and nade spam on El Alamein.
Who always bails on Coral sea and nade spam spawn.
Who always plays allies on Philly so you can shot at boats with inf.
Who always use plane to taxi to beach on Iwo Jima.
You always teamstack.
And someone who always leave when he cant get gold.

You gotto love those type of players (puke)

Be a team player... i promise you its WAY more fun.. join a clan or something to learn it. Or just choose a few friends which u team up with... u'd be more powerful and have much more fun. I have to say its much harder to do in BF since there are not so much servers and clans anymore. My best team play experiences i not have in BF but in other shooters. For example in unreal tournament Vehicle Capture the flag or Warfare where you are FORCED to work together. Unreal XMP and Renegade were those types of games also.. without teamplay you simply have no power sources this no extra weapons, goodies or vehicles.

In our DC server we used to simply ban all rouge players who not team work... stat padders we call them.

These days u cant do that if u want your server to stay alive. Too many people play this game for their own ego scores.




Last edited by iCQ (2018-05-28 00:44:33)


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#34 2018-05-28 01:31:59

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Its "genius" to study bf1942 and figure out a way to get the most noob kills and best K/D ratio... its more fun to see what other team players are doing and support them by doing the other tasks. Theres plenty of rats in-between also. I say rats but they are regular people of course... sorry.


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#35 2018-05-28 06:54:54

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Listen here now, as long as you play this game, you are no different than everyone else who does. From the moment you spawn, any game style can be considered as score whoring


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#36 2018-05-28 08:30:19

disciple of Jeff
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

simon wrote:

Listen here now, as long as you play this game, you are no different than everyone else who does. From the moment you spawn, any game style can be considered as score whoring

Finally A word from mother of bride


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#37 2018-05-28 18:03:33

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

simon wrote:

Listen here now, as long as you play this game, you are no different than everyone else who does. From the moment you spawn, any game style can be considered as score whoring

You might dream that dream but when i spawn and i medic or repair my team... ZERO score... you call me a score whore? Listen to yourself now... you make no sense. You reason your own greedy behaviour to higher levels... and you fail. Not every woman is a whore (gosh i heard so many baby boys say this) and not every BF1942 player is "can be considered as score whoring noobs" you insult your own friend here too now.

Or for example, on Omaha beach simple server, often i just spawn and place modded spawn-able APC on a tactical good position. (i prefer left ramp just before it goes up) i can stay there whole round. No score.. that is 0-0-0 i help my team spawn, get middle flag and they can medic in my APC)...

Again i get 0-0-0 score... i might die a few times. That cannot be considered to be a score whore.

A whore is someone who sells his/her body for money in return for sexual favours. You might want to try again to explain me which part im a stats whore.

Look... i have been at 8th place on world rank of BF1942 long long time ago.. i was there for a few weeks without any cheat or no-fog and without WHORE play. Our clan won MANY matches... non of us were whores. We did everything EXCEPT whore out the game.

Last edited by iCQ (2018-05-28 18:05:40)


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#38 2018-05-28 20:43:41

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

iCQ wrote:

ZERO score

Again i get 0-0-0 score

wouw what's your secret? I'm fan

new trend in bf it appears. instead of high scores team simple now posts low and minus scores with a detailed description how it is the superior way to help your team and have fun #)


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#39 2018-05-28 21:39:33

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Today he stacked again to a winning team. And when he was in axis by auto balance he moved APC so it can be destroyed. Then switched back to allies.


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#40 2018-05-28 21:51:18

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

And you didnt ban him for this? Especially the APC move is really low and BTW why people that have been caught cheating think that their opinion matters to anybody?


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#41 2018-05-28 22:11:02

disciple of Jeff
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Today he stacked again to a winning team. And when he was in axis by auto balance he moved APC so it can be destroyed. Then switched back to allies.

Kin told me that aswell , he was lucky that i was watching iran football match , if  i was there , i would perm ban him


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#42 2018-05-28 22:13:35

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Not to late ABAS, you got the info on him so just drop the ban stick on him again. That's what I whould do !


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#43 2018-05-28 22:22:05

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

gio wrote:

And you didnt ban him for this? Especially the APC move is really low and BTW why people that have been caught cheating think that their opinion matters to anybody?

End of a round didnt have time.


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#44 2018-05-28 22:29:50

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Dakota wrote:

Not to late ABAS, you got the info on him so just drop the ban stick on him again. That's what I whould do !

Read some posts of this topic again , he has some good bodyguards there, all of my perm ban has a video proof

Last edited by ABAS (2018-05-28 22:30:35)


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#45 2018-05-28 22:41:48

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

If he can delete the topic mean that's he is a hight place or friend whit a modarator and admin status I guess ? So Tuia should get ride of them Game killers !!!

PS: I know i cant delete a topic !


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#46 2018-05-28 23:37:55

North Korea
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Dakota wrote:

If he can delete the topic mean that's he is a hight place or friend whit a modarator and admin status I guess ? So Tuia should get ride of them Game killers !!!

PS: I know i cant delete a topic !

Everyone can delete topics which he/she started by removing the first post.


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#47 2018-05-28 23:46:19

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

You can delete or modify your post but after a certain time you cant, exemple for feedback on map time I maid 

I cant


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#48 2018-05-28 23:47:23

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

omg .... OMG ... omfg

i now have three lying retards stalking me, constantly spreading false info about me, and trying to get me busted for stuff i have never done ...

[soh] kin, latino and hydra,

.... kin is by far the worst. on top of that, a hysterical aggressive admin called abas, and a semi-hysterical, semi-aggresive one named gio

ok .... starting anti-bullshit, repealing system :

first of all ... the tard kin has been verbally assaulting last two months completely without me provoking him, and last 5 days he's been trying very hard to get me banned by repeatedly saying that i teamstack when i dont. he discovered that teamstack thread and then thought, oh, i can just say that bfsoldier is stacking even if he doesnt , and he will get banned. yesterday he said that i had stacked in a round where i ( as usual ) had been in the same team entire round. a major lie. kin should be banned for spreading lies about me

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Today he stacked again to a winning team. And when he was in axis by auto balance he moved APC so it can be destroyed. Then switched back to allies.

hydra ....omg bullshit lie ..... axis was not winning .... axis was losing .... i didnt switch to axis, autobalance switched me because people were switching away from axis, due to axis losing. i moved the apc a few meters and it got destroyed by enemies. not my fault

gio wrote:

And you didnt ban him for this? Especially the APC move is really low and BTW why people that have been caught cheating think that their opinion matters to anybody?

are you referring to me gio, have i been caught cheating ?

ABAS wrote:

Kin told me that aswell , he was lucky that i was watching iran football match , if  i was there , i would perm ban him

you blindly trust kin the liar ? what a nice super system that cant fail. a perfect way to get a player that has broken zero rules, banned

kin, latino, hydra, abas, gio .... and a few others .... youre a bunch of lying bullshitters, doing EVERYTHING you can to get me banned, for absolutely no rulebreaking, or tiny microscopic petty stuff that no other would be sanctioned for

y'all should be banned or have your admin rights revoked for all the shit youve done towards me ....

as a precation of all this crap and grotesque witch-hunt directed at my person, im gonna record all my gameplay in simple fra from now on, keep the vids for myself, and the next time i get the next BULLSHIT accusation, i can present a video of what really happened

then hopefully some intelligent or rational simplers will see whats this "lets ban bfsoldier" campaign is really all about ...

Last edited by 000 (2018-05-29 03:45:10)


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#49 2018-05-29 00:05:55

Reputation: +852
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

omg .... OMG ... omfg

i now have three lying retards stalking me, constantly spreading false info about me, and trying to get me busted for stuff i have never done ...

[soh] kin, latino and hydra,

whereas kin is by far the worst. on top of that, a hysterical aggressive admin called abas, and a semi-hysterical, semi-aggresive one named gio

ok .... starting anti-bullshit, repealing system :

first of all ... the tard kin has been verbally assaulting last two months completely without me provoking him, and last 5 days he's been trying very hard to get me banned by repeatedly saying that i teamstack when i dont. he discovered that teamstack thread and then thought, oh, i can just say that bfsoldier is stacking even if he doesnt , and he will get banned. yesterday he said that i had stacked in a round where i ( as usual ) had been in the same team entire round. a major lie. kin should be banned for spreading lies about me

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Today he stacked again to a winning team. And when he was in axis by auto balance he moved APC so it can be destroyed. Then switched back to allies.

hydra ....omg bullshit lie ..... axis was not winning .... axis was losing .... i didnt switch to axis, autobalance switched me because people were switching away from axis, due to axis losing. i moved the apc a few meters and it got destroyed by enemies. not my fault

gio wrote:

And you didnt ban him for this? Especially the APC move is really low and BTW why people that have been caught cheating think that their opinion matters to anybody?

are you referring to me gio, have i been caught cheating ?

ABAS wrote:

Kin told me that aswell , he was lucky that i was watching iran football match , if  i was there , i would perm ban him

you blindly trust kin the liar ? what a nice super system that cant fail. a perfect way to get a player that has broken zero rules, banned

kin, latino, hydra, abas, gio .... and a few others .... youre a bunch of lying bullshitters, doing EVERYTHING you can to get me banned, for absolutely no rulebreaking, or tiny microscopic petty stuff that no other would be sanctioned for

y'all should be banned or have your admin rights revoked for all the shit youve done towards me ....

as a precation of all this crap and grotesque witch-hunt directed at my person, im gonna record all my gameplay in simple fra from now on, keep the vids for myself, and the next time i get the next BULLSHIT accusation, i can present a video of what really happened

then hopefully some intelligent or rational simplers will see whats this "lets ban bfsoldier" campaign is really all about ...



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#50 2018-05-29 00:07:05

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

I vote he is banned for an over exuberance of victim mentality or an irrational level of self importance big_smile


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#51 2018-05-29 04:45:42

disciple of Jeff
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

He has a internal maj merlin


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#52 2018-05-29 07:10:52

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Don't forget last night bfsoldier


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#53 2018-05-29 07:25:29

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

omg .... OMG ... omfg

i now have three lying retards stalking me, constantly spreading false info about me, and trying to get me busted for stuff i have never done ...

[soh] kin, latino and hydra,

.... kin is by far the worst. on top of that, a hysterical aggressive admin called abas, and a semi-hysterical, semi-aggresive one named gio

ok .... starting anti-bullshit, repealing system :

first of all ... the tard kin has been verbally assaulting last two months completely without me provoking him, and last 5 days he's been trying very hard to get me banned by repeatedly saying that i teamstack when i dont. he discovered that teamstack thread and then thought, oh, i can just say that bfsoldier is stacking even if he doesnt , and he will get banned. yesterday he said that i had stacked in a round where i ( as usual ) had been in the same team entire round. a major lie. kin should be banned for spreading lies about me

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Today he stacked again to a winning team. And when he was in axis by auto balance he moved APC so it can be destroyed. Then switched back to allies.

hydra ....omg bullshit lie ..... axis was not winning .... axis was losing .... i didnt switch to axis, autobalance switched me because people were switching away from axis, due to axis losing. i moved the apc a few meters and it got destroyed by enemies. not my fault

gio wrote:

And you didnt ban him for this? Especially the APC move is really low and BTW why people that have been caught cheating think that their opinion matters to anybody?

are you referring to me gio, have i been caught cheating ?

ABAS wrote:

Kin told me that aswell , he was lucky that i was watching iran football match , if  i was there , i would perm ban him

you blindly trust kin the liar ? what a nice super system that cant fail. a perfect way to get a player that has broken zero rules, banned

kin, latino, hydra, abas, gio .... and a few others .... youre a bunch of lying bullshitters, doing EVERYTHING you can to get me banned, for absolutely no rulebreaking, or tiny microscopic petty stuff that no other would be sanctioned for

y'all should be banned or have your admin rights revoked for all the shit youve done towards me ....

as a precation of all this crap and grotesque witch-hunt directed at my person, im gonna record all my gameplay in simple fra from now on, keep the vids for myself, and the next time i get the next BULLSHIT accusation, i can present a video of what really happened

then hopefully some intelligent or rational simplers will see whats this "lets ban bfsoldier" campaign is really all about ...

I know rules better than you...
but your bodygaurd (nameless) help you a lot...


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#54 2018-05-29 08:23:52

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

KIN wrote:

I know rules better than you...

of the hundreds of known players of simple fra, youre close to the top when it comes to dumbness and stupidity

you belong to the same group as


keep trying to frame me with your false statements. im recording every round from now on

please continue ... looking forward to post vids of yours and other peoples lies about me


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#55 2018-05-29 08:40:31

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

we will be happy if you recording every round ...don't forget we are not admin to ban you... admins decision ban you or not.. last night most of player saw that you joined axis.. destroy apc then join back allied.. you were lucky because nameless there and there was no other admins to ban you

Last edited by KIN (2018-05-29 08:52:16)


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#56 2018-05-29 09:33:10

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

KIN wrote:

last night most of player saw that you joined axis.. destroy apc then join back allied

i was AUTO-BALANCE switched

ALLIES destroyed the apc, not me

u little dim liar ..... looking so much forward to record .....


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#57 2018-05-29 14:40:19

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

BFSoldier 1 wrote:
KIN wrote:

last night most of player saw that you joined axis.. destroy apc then join back allied

i was AUTO-BALANCE switched

ALLIES destroyed the apc, not me

u little dim liar ..... looking so much forward to record .....

if I liar why you banned for 2 times for team stacking???


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#58 2018-05-30 18:06:49

Capt price
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

BFSoldier 1 wrote:

trying again .....

short version : i broke NO rules whatsoever in that coral round, and yet got a 7 day ban for teamstacking, basically because abas was angry that i switched to his axis team, so him and arkos couldnt hunt me in their planes anymore

but ok ....

abas ..... try and tell me which rule you think i broke in that coral round  ...

when i made the switch to axis ( completely normal switch, allowed by autobalance, and no console command ) ,

the standing was allies 365 - 360 axis, meaning allied was the winning team. so technically, i switched to the losing team ( teams were virtually even, and both teams had two carriers )

a switch like that is perfectly allowed

and when it comes to teamstacking, determining which team is winning / losing, is normally done by tickets and / or flags. coral has no flags, so for this map it is tickets and if teams have one or two carriers

abas .... you cant ban somebody for seven days, just because you and arkos want to stalk me on coral, and i then switch to the losing team, which is allowed

tell me ..... which rule you think i violated

Gold digger


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#59 2018-05-30 19:41:46

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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

admin arkos got a little pwnd today and started accusing me of using injectors     smile

thx ppl for encouraging me to record

enjoy full hd and 60 frames per second !



Last edited by 000 (2018-05-31 02:00:42)


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#60 2018-05-30 20:03:10

disciple of Jeff
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Re: Abas misunderstanding rules ...

Great music at background and with this clip you showed you use your ping advantages , no aiming skill

Last edited by ABAS (2018-05-30 20:13:26)


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