#1 2017-11-20 00:23:46

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nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

A week ago on omaha, close to the end of the game with very even looking ticket count nameless types !runnext and ends the round. Next map he tried to excuese himself, that he did a mistake, instead of !runnext he was supposedly trying to type !nextmap somehow. It's rare sight to see admin saying sorry so I couldn't help myself but to screenshot this moment:


Anyways I thought it's cool and all, admins are people and people make mistakes. Seems like he didn't stop there tho and the guy has developed bad habbit of ending rounds when he decides the game is over. Today I was in germain main Battle of Brittain, shooting down B17 and suffenly i get this screen:


This time he made it clear it wasn't a mistake, bunch of people complained, he said something like "the game was over, noone want's to wait". There was nothing to suggest the objective was completed, ticket countdown hasn't started, the guy probably died without ability to spawn and was too bored to wait like everybody else cuz he is "special".

Earlier that day we play Stalingrad with Nameless and Uly present. Some russian tried to raid german's main with tank and died from HP drain by anti-camp system. I was able to recover the T34 which was badly damaged, so i retreated back to main looking for someone who can repair it. After minute during which i was in no way active (wasn't attacking anyone and was very deep inside german main base still calling for repairs), guy called [Templier] Pedro jumps magicly from behind [anti-basecamp protected area] and takes my tank down with bazooka. I reported him in chat, and the guy just !wbase himself, to show me he is in charge. None of the other administrators that were present said or did anything, Pedro later said it's not basecamping since i "stole" the russian tank  i am not allowed to keep it ...

       I would like to know if administrators take anti-basecamp HP drain  like normal players. Even if that's not the case what he did was against the rules and I suspect he was assisted to obtain my location by another admin who was playing axis. This is not the first case of protectionism: no matter if they break the rules, glicth or teamkill [templier] never get even warning. This isn't clan server, everyone who feels clan loyal to a degree to close his eyes for misbehaviour while being on duty should not be admin.


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#2 2017-11-20 00:39:03

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

hanyweh wrote:

A week ago on omaha, close to the end of the game with very even looking ticket count nameless types !runnext and ends the round. Next map he tried to excuese himself, that he did a mistake, instead of !runnext he was supposedly trying to type !nextmap somehow. It's rare sight to see admin saying sorry so I couldn't help myself but to screenshot this moment:


Anyways I thought it's cool and all, admins are people and people make mistakes. Seems like he didn't stop there tho and the guy has developed bad habbit of ending rounds when he decides the game is over. Today I was in germain main Battle of Brittain, shooting down B17 and suffenly i get this screen:


This time he made it clear it wasn't a mistake, bunch of people complained, he said something like "the game was over, noone want's to wait". There was nothing to suggest the objective was completed, ticket countdown hasn't started, the guy probably died without ability to spawn and was too bored to wait like everybody else cuz he is "special".

Earlier that day we play Stalingrad with Nameless and Uly present. Some russian tried to raid german's main with tank and died from HP drain by anti-camp system. I was able to recover the T34 which was badly damaged, so i retreated back to main looking for someone who can repair it. After minute during which i was in no way active (wasn't attacking anyone and was very deep inside german main base still calling for repairs), guy called [Templier] Pedro jumps magicly from behind [anti-basecamp protected area] and takes my tank down with bazooka. I reported him in chat, and the guy just !wbase himself, to show me he is in charge. None of the other administrators that were present said or did anything, Pedro later said it's not basecamping since i "stole" the russian tank  i am not allowed to keep it ...

       I would like to know if administrators take anti-basecamp HP drain  like normal players. Even if that's not the case what he did was against the rules and I suspect he was assisted to obtain my location by another admin who was playing axis. This is not the first case of protectionism: no matter if they break the rules, glicth or teamkill [templier] never get even warning. This isn't clan server, everyone who feels clan loyal to a degree to close his eyes for misbehaviour while being on duty should not be admin.

Factorys were down so he used run next.


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#3 2017-11-20 01:16:53

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Hydra{SRB}. wrote:

Factorys were down so he used run next.

why not wait 20 secs to let the tickets run out naturally ?

those nameless runnexts always occur in situations he doesnt like ....


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#4 2017-11-20 05:44:53

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

xp fanatic wrote:
Hydra{SRB}. wrote:

Factorys were down so he used run next.

why not wait 20 secs to let the tickets run out naturally ?

those nameless runnexts always occur in situations he doesnt like ....

  He was dead and he couldn't be bothered to wait. It's not 20 sec, it's more than a minute and people were still playing, I was about to make a kill, maybe more than one in the given time. That game was really short (just check the time at the screenshot) and he ate like 20% of it. That's not the point tho, it's not the first time he does something like that. When it gets more complains that he could handle he comes up with  the accidental mistake excuses. The truth is this is disruptive behaviour, the same kind that you get people banned for.
   You get to disable the map vote when you feel like it, then you get to decide when the game should end and which clan players are immune to regulations. I wonder what's coming next ?

  No one has answered my question ... Are admins subject of anti-basecamp HP drain? Why do I keep seeing people with admin rights crossing anti-rape protected area like it doesn't exist. I've seen it many times before, I had my suspicions, but what this templier guy did today opened my eyes...

Last edited by hanyweh (2017-11-20 05:51:48)


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#5 2017-11-20 11:30:19

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

As far as I remember, I did only one mistake when I confused !nextmap with !runnext. I apologised for this, of course. I don't get the disputes over the other claims about running the next map when the map is 100% over. There is no need to wait 20 more seconds at Britain when all objects are destroyed.


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#6 2017-11-20 14:41:11

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Think about all those poor point whores Nameless, you uncaring bas***d big_smile big_smile big_smile


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#7 2017-11-20 14:47:56

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

nämeless wrote:

As far as I remember, I did only one mistake when I confused !nextmap with !runnext. I apologised for this, of course. I don't get the disputes over the other claims about running the next map when the map is 100% over. There is no need to wait 20 more seconds at Britain when all objects are destroyed.

This is not elimination map you can only compare it to coral see and you'll never accept yourself ending coral if you are still in the air when all enemy carriers are sunk. There was you and at most 5 other players who was dead at this point and couldn't spawn. The rest were still playing and you ended the game without consulting anyone. Next time when playing brittain see how many times you can count 20 sec from the moment last objective is down to when all tickets run out (especially with 800+ tickets). You'll be surprised.

Do you get HP drain from base protection ?


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#8 2017-11-20 15:38:25

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended



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#9 2017-11-20 16:15:47

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

i wouldnt take this guy too seriously because he doesnt even smoke


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#10 2017-11-20 16:23:04

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

joint wrote:

i wouldnt take this guy too seriously because he doesnt even smoke

Do you even read his posts?


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#11 2017-11-20 16:33:45

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

e.S wrote:
joint wrote:

i wouldnt take this guy too seriously because he doesnt even smoke

Do you even read his posts?

i know name of this topic, these guys are kindlike a paper: when youve read the heading- its like youve read whole article, you know..


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#12 2017-11-20 17:49:26

disciple of Jeff
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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

in my opinion such a work is good ,when map finishes and there is no enemy around,  players usually  think its time to "do what ever you like" so they start to teamkill ,baserape ,radio spam, chatspam ,and when we kick them they get mad WHYY I WAS GET KICKED ,when we do not kick them ,another player says   "  ADMIN YOU STUPID WHY YOU NOT KICK  TK YOU BLA BLA BLA  "       , and this goes on, a runnext will avoid shits


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#13 2017-12-30 21:41:30

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

another skipped map today  ....

philippines was only thirty seconds old, 60 players were in the server, when       * somebody *       decided to skip it and put aberdeen on instead ..... aberdeen wasnt even the next map

who could that mapswitcher be ... ? somebody that doesnt like philly, but likes deen, somebody that has map changing rights       hmmm


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#14 2017-12-30 21:44:25

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Like 20 people said change the map... That Phill map should be out of rotation anyway xD Hard to say who there is 10-15 people with map rights

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2017-12-30 21:47:03)


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#15 2017-12-30 22:31:47

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

xp fanatic wrote:

another skipped map today  ....

philippines was only thirty seconds old, 60 players were in the server, when       * somebody *       decided to skip it and put aberdeen on instead ..... aberdeen wasnt even the next map

who could that mapswitcher be ... ? somebody that doesnt like philly, but likes deen, somebody that has map changing rights       hmmm

Just by reason of mapvote,  maplist has changed. the server launched the map (and all subsequent ones) that were played 1-2 hours ago. Most asked to change map, which was done. Btw, where did you go from Kharkov having scores 21 18 19?


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#16 2017-12-31 01:07:52

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

its like listening to a spokesperson for putin; nothing wrong, we're going by the rules ....

philly despite being one of the most popular maps, was switched to deen ... it wasnt due to the ingame vote

btw .... why do you need half the tamplier team to turn around a game ?

and btw .... why are you and the majority of the admins / members unable to stay on topic ?


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#17 2017-12-31 01:22:54

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

It was explained. Map vote mess up rotation it was second Philly in 2 hours. And that map beeing most popular you made me laugh xD
And it was because most of well known players didnt want to play it smile


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#18 2017-12-31 08:12:04

disciple of Jeff
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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Why you guys ruined fanatic flying moment? You ever noticed how good he destroy boats with plane , he gets 35 kills without dyying UNBELIEVABLE


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#19 2017-12-31 14:15:24

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

People said they don't like Philippines. It wasn't my initiative to change the map, I was ready to play Philippines though I don't like it. People are breaking the map order by voting or some admins changing the next map, hence we have broken map sequence like Philippines we have played already about three hours earlier.


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#20 2018-07-21 00:21:38

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

another skipped philippines by nameless today, with 20+ minutes remaining

nameless doesnt like omaha and philippines, especially if he doesnt get a tank or plane

sadly he has map-switching rights

philippines is one of the most popular maps, but most clanners dislike it because they dont know how to play it properly

and philly is the only map that isnt in rotation all the time. it should be, in my opinion

nämeless wrote:

People said they don't like Philippines.

invalid argument and lame excuse. ask in any map, and there will always be somebody who dont like the map and wants another

philly is one of the most liked and population-increasing maps

youre being selfish and biased

vlcsnap_2018_07_21_00h00m56s988.png vlcsnap_2018_07_21_00h01m29s381.png vlcsnap_2018_07_21_00h04m02s015.png vlcsnap_2018_07_21_00h04m31s795.png

Last edited by 000 (2018-07-21 00:41:05)


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#21 2018-07-21 00:55:28

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Actually we voted smile
You are just mad people owned you today and even Sunshine took your gold. Philippines is one of the most hated maps. The only reason you love it and stack to allies side is so you can shoot at boats and then brag about how awesome your score is. You just think world spins around you.

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-07-21 00:58:13)


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#22 2018-07-21 01:09:11

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Actually we voted smile
You are just mad people owned you today and even Sunshine took your gold. Philippines is one of the most hated maps. The only reason you love it and stack to allies side is so you can shoot at boats and then brag about how awesome your score is. You just think world spins around you.

Whoa whoa whoa! "even Sunshine took your gold" ... What are you trying to say!? -.-


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#23 2018-07-21 01:11:00

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Sunshine wrote:
Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Actually we voted smile
You are just mad people owned you today and even Sunshine took your gold. Philippines is one of the most hated maps. The only reason you love it and stack to allies side is so you can shoot at boats and then brag about how awesome your score is. You just think world spins around you.

Whoa whoa whoa! "even Sunshine took your gold" ... What are you trying to say!? -.-

That you took a gold not even playing serious. Using zook and aa only.


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#24 2018-07-21 07:43:57

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

and even Sunshine took your gold. .

big_smile big_smile big_smile

Last edited by ABAS (2018-07-21 07:44:24)


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#25 2018-07-21 08:41:46

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

Sunshine wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa!



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#26 2018-07-21 10:08:20

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Re: nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended

just for the protocoll i like the philippines map, however i wasn´t there.


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