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The guy know the rules which apply for him the same way as for any other player. He either has to admit he is complete noob not seeing my color and ignoring the radio commands or face some consequences for his actions as any other player would. You can see the video file with better quality here:
mistake 146%
It's hardly a mistake, AA wasn't active , i anticipated his actions way in advance and gave multiple warnnings he plays with 100 % transperancy minimap and is able to see red dot, he knew who i am and that's why he performed the teamkill. That's the same person that very recently gave me 24 hours ban for an "inappropriate" nickname that looks like this:
Yet I didn't broke any rule, i didn't play disruptivly, and noone except few trolls answered my unban request.
Now this guy breaks the rules just to show me he is above the law, and you demonstrate double standards.
The guy know the rules which apply for him the same way as for any other player. He either has to admit he is complete noob not seeing my color and ignoring the radio commands or face some consequences for his actions as any other player would. You can see the video file with better quality here:
- Attacking the enemy uncapturable main base (basecamping or basebombing) is not allowed. You must not snipe at the main base. You are not allowed to shoot at planes during take-off. All other vehicles must be given the opportunity to leave their base. Nevertheless, it's permitted to air strike at a fireing AA gun or a shooting artillery that's inside the base.
- Offensive or blank player names are not allowed.
- Please respect all players. Behavior only meant to disturb or upset players is forbidden.
- Do not insult our admins, please respect those that put time and effort into our server.
Last edited by Whoopz (2017-12-21 15:30:09)
- The previous basecamping/basebombing rule does not apply to Battle of Britain map and Capture the Flag (CTF) maps.
I threat this guy with the same respect as he threats me and that's shown in the video. Rules are rules and they apply to all players admins or not. I can give you personal example where i get 1 month ban for 1 teamkill on purpose. I don't expect you to follow the rules and go against your buddy there, i'm just exposing your hypocrisy so everybody can see what are you made of.
Lol why would I didnt even had a chance to say anything before you called me an idiot.
Btw how do you know how I play... I dont have transparent map... Fuck off Merlin wanna be
That's report that is supported with evidence on Hydra concerning unlawful action he performed intentionally in his capacity as player. It is in the appropriate section of the forum and it's consistent with both server and forum rules. Your posts does not make positive contribution to the discussion so far.
Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-21 16:01:23)
That's report on Hydra concerning unlawful action he performed intentionally in his capacity as player. It is in the appropriate section of the forum and it's consistent with both server and forum rules. Your posts does not make positive contribution to the discussion so far.
I will ignore the ultras mentality, and demand a statement from someone mature enough who outranks him.
It seems i have a stalker.... He is trying to find a way for me to loose my admin right so he and his friend Knur can do trolling. In 2 years I have never had topic about me as a bad admin. It was about time I thaught I am not doing my job right. Thank you for recognizing my efforts to keep this server populated and not allow people like you to troll and flame.
Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2017-12-21 16:26:43)
That's report that is supported with evidence on Hydra concerning unlawful action he performed intentionally in his capacity as PLAYER.
The guy know the rules which apply for him the same way as for any other PLAYER.
Rules are rules and they apply to all players admins or not.
Am I wrong or Hydra is some kind of exception ?
Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-21 16:26:52)
Would you really make all this drama for tk ? Mistakes happens all the time, and i am sure he would say sorry if you didnt called him fucking idiot after. I can also see you hit him in last moment . It was axis plane and you try to tk back ? Thats hypocrisy
How many of this guys ip numbers match Hydra's? Yes I made one shot AFTER I got shot myself and bombed at zero altitude which probably damaged his plane more than i did. Early trajectory of the plane clearly shows Hydra's intend in this situation. He had more than enough time to react to my warnings and appologize after he commited the teamkill. I was aiming directly at him all the time yet I didn't make a single shot untill the very last moment. He was aiming at me too and my color was visible to him, yet he did everything in his power to finnish me off. Mistakes happen way too often at this server, yet that's never enough excuse to respect the mojority of the unban appeals that people are posting. This however is certainly not a mistake. but attack on my person, in attempt to demonstrate me how "Ultras mentality" is above everything and everyone.
Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-21 17:38:16)
How many of this guys ip numbers match Hydra's? Yes I made one shot AFTER I got shot myself and bombed at zero altitude which probably damaged his plane more than i did. Early trajectory of the plane clearly shows Hydra's intend in this situation. He had more than enough time to react to my warnings and appologize after he commited the teamkill. I was aiming directly at him all the time yet I didn't make a single shot untill the very last moment. He was aiming at me too and my color was visible to him, yet he did everything in his power to finnish me off. Mistakes happen way too often at this server, yet that's never enough excuse to respect the mojority of the unban appeals that people are posting. This however is certainly not a mistake. but attack on my person, in attempt to demonstrate me how "Ultras mentality" is above everything and everyone.
You make it sound like I am targeting you on server but from what I see you made a lot of effort to get a video of me tk-ing someone. And for some reason you use a lot of different nicks. Whats up with that huh? I have no way to know who you are. I was shooting at aa didnt see it was anyone in it. I just dont tk with intention there is no reason for that so your post is pointless. You are just mad for that fake nick joke. Wasnt funny for me so you had to wait a day.
Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2017-12-21 18:04:35)
I have rested my case. It's up to other people to review it. You can summon all the family members and such that you want, that won't change what the evidence clearly shows. That's your problem really, getting appointed as admin at day 1 without admin apllication and propper review, depending for everything on friends and family made you believe you are above the rules. Even if that proves to be right I'll still have amazing example of all the hypocrisy and lawlessness that's inherent to to this server.
I have rested my case. It's up to other people to review it. You can summon all the family members and such that you want, that won't change what the evidence clearly shows. That's your problem really, getting appointed as admin at day 1 without admin apllication and propper review, depending for everything on friends and family made you believe you are above the rules. Even if that proves to be right I'll still have amazing example of all the hypocrisy and lawlessness that's inherent to to this server.
Family members? Now you bring my family to this? Really?
I am not sure how I can show you "that I am above the law" when you hide under different nick every day. I don't have special powers to read minds etc...
Well some people i trust and some not.
Never had an issue with Hydra........
Mistakes happens all the time, and i am sure he would say sorry if you didnt called him frick idiot after.
Well some people i trust and some not.
Vojislav wrote:Mistakes happens all the time, and i am sure he would say sorry if you didnt called him frick idiot after.
DirtyDiana wrote:Well some people i trust and some not.
Hydra he thinks we are familly members nice to see you bro
Hydra he thinks we are familly members
nice to see you bro
You too bro He is bulgarian xD
In 2 years I have never had topic about me as a bad admin. It was about time I thaught I am not doing my job right. Thank you for recognizing my efforts to keep this server populated and not allow people like you to troll and flame.
In 2 years I have never had topic about me as a bad admin.
In 2 years I have never had topic about me as a bad admin.
Well some people i trust and some not.
Hydra{SRB} wrote:In 2 years I have never had topic about me as a bad admin.
Hahhahahah you are just pathetic.