#301 2020-06-02 19:23:35

Where´s Clarice?
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Re: My report thread

I would actually rather have above 100 ping and no lag and reg registration. 140 ping like that and I would gladly take it.

Only here you will understand:
- no regs
- mouse speeds up when im near a player or a lot of action, makes it almost impossible to control mouse movement
- Freezes, seem like microfreezes
- players move in frames, feels sometimes even I im moving in a swamp
- when i snipe and aim scope goes back and forth most of times. Hard to keep control
- I could go on.
Lag is the minimum. I used to play like this and i would rather play with this lag then what im experiencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nISqMmoe59U

Last edited by Lecter (2020-06-02 19:34:15)


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#302 2020-06-02 19:28:53

Where´s Clarice?
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Re: My report thread

For someone that consistenly used to get over 120 kills on Berlin , Stalin and other maps and now barely go to 80 with a lot of difficulty and most of the times playing 5 minutes at Berlin or Stalin, which I love playing, is very frustrating.







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#303 2020-06-02 19:40:41

Where´s Clarice?
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Re: My report thread

And this why I say the current level is low, no offense. Its hard for me to play and some days ago I was able to get this scores even with all this problems...and this is when its slightly better but stil far from perfect or a smooth play...



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#304 2020-06-02 20:02:56

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Re: My report thread

Black Mamba wrote:
Dionysus wrote:

How can someone not ''shit talk'' to him, when every single time he gets killed he types ''fuck lag, or fuck regs''.
There is no other player that comes near Lecter when it comes to lag/regs crying.

Because you guys don't know what it's like always playing with 100+ ping, or unstable hit registrations. I'm seeing a lot of low ping players here constantly complaining about how they're not able to hit anything, and nothing is said about that.

If your ping is above 100, or you have unconsistent regs, then you're allowed to complain.

Nice words.  It really shouldnt be anything ordinary for us lowpingers to complain. I know it could be frustrating.
Lecter, defenitely would be nice to see a little less of your frustration, but you can see he was one of really good players when all was fine.
Show some respect guys..

Last edited by KILLER88 (2020-06-02 20:03:13)


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#305 2020-06-02 20:52:16

Marshal Murat
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Re: My report thread

KANER88 wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:
Dionysus wrote:

How can someone not ''shit talk'' to him, when every single time he gets killed he types ''fuck lag, or fuck regs''.
There is no other player that comes near Lecter when it comes to lag/regs crying.

Because you guys don't know what it's like always playing with 100+ ping, or unstable hit registrations. I'm seeing a lot of low ping players here constantly complaining about how they're not able to hit anything, and nothing is said about that.

If your ping is above 100, or you have unconsistent regs, then you're allowed to complain.

Nice words.  It really shouldnt be anything ordinary for us lowpingers to complain. I know it could be frustrating.
Lecter, defenitely would be nice to see a little less of your frustration, but you can see he was one of really good players when all was fine.
Show some respect guys..

i think i'm the example here.


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#306 2020-06-02 21:24:26

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Re: My report thread

Many ppl here have lag/regs issues, but not all cry.
I have 2mgb adsl connection, integrated graphics, 2 GIG of RAM.. etc... but i don't cry.
It is what it is.

P.S this game should be played for fun, not for score, especially for old players, i mean until when will u frag, 40, 50 years?
Grow up. smile

Last edited by Dionysus (2020-06-02 21:25:31)


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#307 2020-06-02 23:01:17

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Re: My report thread

Black Mamba wrote:
Dionysus wrote:

How can someone not ''shit talk'' to him, when every single time he gets killed he types ''fuck lag, or fuck regs''.
There is no other player that comes near Lecter when it comes to lag/regs crying.

Because you guys don't know what it's like always playing with 100+ ping, or unstable hit registrations. I'm seeing a lot of low ping players here constantly complaining about how they're not able to hit anything, and nothing is said about that.

If your ping is above 100, or you have unconsistent regs, then you're allowed to complain.

Alright ima come in with my 350 ping and complain cos im allowed to  hehehe big_smile


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#308 2020-06-02 23:52:19

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Re: My report thread

Vertigo wrote:

Moderator should slice the last couple dozen posts to a new "gutter" thread.

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Ban appeal probably

Private ban appeals?   Imagine that troll doing any of this to an admin here sad
He seriously enjoyed that shit:

6/1/2020 16:10:41 : # [Axis] trophy / oli: never had a more enjoyable stalin round

I have no idea since I didn't see him in ban list I presumed it was ban appeal.


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#309 2020-06-03 15:25:04

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Re: My report thread

PipeR wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:
Dionysus wrote:

How can someone not ''shit talk'' to him, when every single time he gets killed he types ''fuck lag, or fuck regs''.
There is no other player that comes near Lecter when it comes to lag/regs crying.

Because you guys don't know what it's like always playing with 100+ ping, or unstable hit registrations. I'm seeing a lot of low ping players here constantly complaining about how they're not able to hit anything, and nothing is said about that.

If your ping is above 100, or you have unconsistent regs, then you're allowed to complain.

Alright ima come in with my 350 ping and complain cos im allowed to  hehehe big_smile

Never ONCE heard you bitch about ping. EVER. And your ping has always been crap as long as I have known you.


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#310 2020-06-03 23:46:09

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Re: My report thread

only with you in the car Vertigo cos im trying to make you throw up hahahaha


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#311 2020-06-07 22:35:02

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Re: My report thread

Sometimes i encounter players that im sure use some kind of hacks. They know where i am when im sure they cant. First time can be a coincedence but then i start testing them and they constantly know where im at when im 100% sure they cant. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Last edited by Mierk (2020-06-07 22:35:33)


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#312 2020-06-08 00:10:54

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Re: My report thread

Mierk wrote:

Sometimes i encounter players that im sure use some kind of hacks. They know where i am when im sure they cant. First time can be a coincedence but then i start testing them and they constantly know where im at when im 100% sure they cant. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Record your gameplay.


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#313 2020-06-08 00:37:31

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Re: My report thread


krauser, ping 27, seemingly deliberately glitched in wake, some minutes ago



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#314 2020-06-08 00:40:55

Empress of Doom
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Re: My report thread

BFSoldier 1 wrote:


krauser, ping 27, seemingly deliberately glitched in wake, some minutes ago


Thanks. Banning him now


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#315 2020-06-08 22:10:30

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Re: My report thread

nämeless wrote:
Mierk wrote:

Sometimes i encounter players that im sure use some kind of hacks. They know where i am when im sure they cant. First time can be a coincedence but then i start testing them and they constantly know where im at when im 100% sure they cant. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Record your gameplay.

Thanx, it will be a difficult one to prove though


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#316 2020-06-10 03:27:01

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Re: My report thread

Next time when zero starts complaining how someone is insulting him, just show him this pic.


Last edited by Dionysus (2020-06-10 03:29:20)


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#317 2020-06-10 14:27:37

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Re: My report thread


Reminds me at the moment, when they brought in the radio that there is a ghost driver on the highway.

- "One?!?! There are hundreds!


Last edited by Arkos (2020-06-10 18:12:29)


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#318 2020-06-15 18:53:11

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Re: My report thread

lol and this problem childs is an admins here?
I know why people hate this fool so much.
I think the problem is the owner, who totaly allow


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#319 2020-06-20 00:43:49

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Re: My report thread

I'm reporting triple 'whatheactuallyis' for being a total rulebender again on BOB around midnight.I smacked him a little too hard so he decided to join my team to make it 'easy for the campvamp' he is on allied again......soon he was in his very familiar hangar again.....pitchin his wee tent....

So triple numbskull???  why dya switch?       team balance i bet........   as always     very in your favor       must be coincidence everytime....

or maybe your gold was threatened?   (Scrooge Mcduck much?)

Ill call you out for what you are......rulebending coward  wink

I bet your second half of the game was easier ey???   lol    coward punk    go jump out of a window on Berlin again .....chicken.....

Please  :  for the sake of your server       B A N  T H I S  G U Y    he has brought you nothing but misery with his very limited thinking and egocentric behaviour. do you REALLY want such people in your games?

I don't.....


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#320 2020-06-20 12:12:57

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Re: My report thread

I'm sure he won't be replying to this one again........he doesn't want to show his real coward face  smile     .......Cmon,I'm sure you read this   ,I'm reporting YOU in your own thread.....bozo
oh  and PLEASE post the video of how you played too!  especially the teamswitch!

again   BAN THIS GUY

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2020-06-20 12:14:34)


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#321 2020-06-20 12:54:44

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Re: My report thread

There's no hope. He's protected by the server-owner.  I've already reported the fag a million times  and no actions has been taken against him.

And yes,  even after that report, he'll  keep doing it again.


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#322 2020-06-20 13:44:15

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Re: My report thread

He was banned for team switch multiple times.. and he still does it when there is no admin online.
I just wonder why don't admins give longer ban for same offence from same player, let's say 7 day for constant team stuck.
Giving constantly 1 day ban is not much of a helper..


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#323 2020-06-20 14:23:53

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Re: My report thread

just for the record, dion, sparrow, zoid, are obsessed with me, and hate me so much, that they have dedicated 100+ hours ingame for specifically going only after me. and they constantly break the rules themselves, by provoking and insulting me via ingame chat

according to you, all my teamswitches, are teamstacks; im not even allowed to switch once during a round, to the weak team

this is wrong, you misunderstand the rules

the rules as i understand them :

switching once or twice to the weak team, or even between even teams, is allowed, and is not stacking

only switching to the strong / winning team, isnt allowed

and you make it sound as if i switch teams 24/7. in about 75% of al maps i stay in my team for the full round

so, my switches to the weak or even team, is allowed


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#324 2020-06-20 14:31:57

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Re: My report thread


I don't know what others have, i love it to hunt you smile



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#325 2020-06-20 16:40:17

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Re: My report thread

One : So you have your 'ingame chat' back ???? ,seen as you say i 'provoked or insulted' you: ......first lie....
Two:you WERE in the WEAK team :so why the switch  ???(getting killed too easy by me?)  :second lie/rulebender excuse
Three:quoting rules makes u sound like 'Arnold Rimmer'    look it up....smeghead....we all know u hide behind them when it suits you
Four:weakminded individual.....I'm sure your namechanges aren't meant as 'provocative'  ('king_000'   narcistic much?)

You switched coz my score was higher      thats all   ,just displaying your inferior fun gamer mindset again.......anything for a virtual medal   thinking it makes u something more than the slime you are..........

again   BAN THIS GUY!

Last edited by Dr.ZoidbergCLAW (2020-06-20 16:42:45)


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#326 2020-06-20 18:14:36

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Re: My report thread

Fagnatic basically can't survive a day without telling atleast 1 lie.

So much for the ''king of gold'' that's nowhere to be found when  skilled players are online.

He regards switching to a STRONGER team as a weaker team.  His mental capacity is  very limited.

Biggest disgrace in BF history.

The only things hes pro at is  stacking, suiciding to avoid kill, lying 1000% of the time, spawn-camping  which he  keeps calling it ''skill'', and ofcourse dating imaginary women.


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#327 2020-06-20 18:31:50

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Re: My report thread

Ohhh we insult u!
U forget when u change ur nickname into something that really insults whole server?
Are u scisofrenic ?
Very possible that u are, who normal would say for himself that he's ''best bf player ever''.

P.S Best bf player ever would never write such thing for himself.
Others would say it for him.
And i say again u r NOT best inf, tank nor pilot.
Jazzy is better inf, Sparrow better pilot and Arkos better tanker.. and many others.

So, why do u think that u r best player ever?
By spawn killing noobs in public server?
By making Goebbels level propaganda videos?

Last edited by Dionysus (2020-06-20 18:33:27)


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#328 2020-06-20 18:45:27

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Re: My report thread


That's a lie, Arkos is Noob!



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#329 2020-06-20 19:15:41

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Re: My report thread

Arkos wrote:


That's a lie, Arkos is Noob!


Well, zero is worse noob then u. big_smile


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#330 2020-06-20 19:29:58

Empress of Doom
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Re: My report thread

Dionysus wrote:
Arkos wrote:


That's a lie, Arkos is Noob!


Well, zero is worse noob then u. big_smile



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