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In recent weeks random administrators have been desgining and applying new rules that are not in line with the ones posted at the forums:
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I myself and few other active players would like to see an officiall statement whether those new rules apply for everyone from now on. We'd like to see an official rules update.
Here are some examples starting with the one that concerns me:
- I got banned by game administrator Hydra for my "inappropriate" name that looks like this (the one in green):
if you apply to your game files this patch:
it should read as "Нудга[KNUR]". I didn't recieve formal explaination of which rule forbids me using that name.I didn't receive any constructive feedback from other admins in my unban appeal: So i guess this measure is accepted among the other administrators and should be officialized with a new entry in the official rules topic, with proper definition so other players know and avoid doing the same crime I have commited whatever it is ...
- A very active player that goes by default name BFSoldier ingame(he would be certainly in top 3 if there was statistics and his name wasn't default), but has a profile name in the forums "xp fanatic" got banned by administrator Knaso for presumably pixelshooting.Pixelshooting is listed in the rules as crime but propper definition is missing so it's open to interpretation by administrators. Later xp fantastic brought explanations for his actions. And they were accepted by the majority of the people who read his forum post. He states that he has been using artillery on scout provided target, and after it expired he contiuned to do so, and he supported this statement with evidence and quotes by tuia that are not offical but provide a good definition to what pixelshooting is and when administrator should intervene:
If he used scout target before, it's not pixel shooting. Be careful when accusing someone of pixel shooting.
Pixel-shooting is when you shoot from far distance to a precise spot without any scout assistance. If you had scout target before, I don't consider it pixel-shooting, shooting at that same place
The answer of knaso to this was:
Its very easy BFSoldier aka xplameatic, if i think that you are pixelshooting i will kick you.
Again no constructive feedback from any other administrator was provided so it seems Knaso actions are synchronized with the rest of administrator collective. To my knowledge xp fantastic's ban has not been lifted up to this day. He didn't make unban appeal, but he tried to report knaso for abusing of administrator rights: … 39#p118639. Please add propper definition of pixelshooting in the official rules thread. "Using artillery on expired scout spot is not allowed"
- a guy called frotter got banned for "stealing an enemy motorboat to torpedo the ship." You should add a rule for that maybe ...
- YourMother got perm banned for single attack on enemy base. Maybe you should emphasis on how bad of a crime is that when you get perm ban without warnning, for something that could have happened by accident.
- And finnaly SW/RTR admins are systematicly kicking people for picking team at the start of the round. There has been multiple discussions about this. SW/RTR admins believe they are in their right to introduce rules that apply only for their server. That's ok for me just make it offcial by posting it in the forums in some offical form.
Rules are like two side contract between the players and the server. Badly defined rules means bad server. Right now administrators allow themselfs to introduce new rules and apply them immediately according to the situation. You are allowed to play on this server if you follow the rules, but if we don't like you we can make new rules to get rid of you. And with 50+ administrators that are currently active, without any hierarchy and zero responsibility for their actions chances are someone won't like you once and awhile. That's the reason why you get 50+ unban appeals per month, while the orther servers comparible in size get 10.
So when some admin quotes me the rules and asks me have you read them, they should think twice if the rule they have in mind even exist in there.
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Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-20 17:35:39)
That's the reason why you get 50+ unban appeals per month, while the orther servers comparible in size get 10.
Ok that may be a reason too, but my point is still valid
Another interesting topic that should be addressed in the rules update is about aircraft carriers. While teamkilling is certainly a bad thing and i am sure everybody agrees with that, getting in controll of an aircraft carrier can get you kicked. In fact this is a very common scene and it just happened yesterday to this poor guy who got banned for the same reason and admins are again quoting him the rules: … 92#p118692. I claim i can get banned just about anyone who has the guts to do what he did, and you could try this by yourself(few more autobans won't hurt anyone,right?). All i have to do is to spawn on a carrier that is in move and start jumping in one place untill i die. 2-3 suicides like that will get him auto kicked. Several autokicks will get him banned. Since this is not regulated by any rule, admins have learned to threat carrier teamkills the same way as teamkills that are done on purpose. And quoting the rules to this poor guy shows that clearly. Not to mention all the noobs that try to take off with a plane on a moving carrier without any understanding that they need to compensate for the carriers movement. Very often when that a guy crashes his plane like that admins kick/ban the player in controll of the carrier for disrupting gamplay without any explaination.
Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-21 09:37:59)
"And then you'll say
Even in time we shall control the game,
When all you'll see
Deep inside the game's controlling you and me
As Ax and SiMPLE are both the same,
We look on as pawns of their game
They move to testify the day,
Inside out, outside in...
All of the way"
"And then you'll say
Even in time we shall control the game,
When all you'll see
Deep inside the game's controlling you and me
As Ax and SiMPLE are both the same,
We look on as pawns of their game
They move to testify the day,
Inside out, outside in...All of the way"
I trolled a bit, need new poem