#1 2023-09-20 21:48:56

Reputation: +56
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CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

(better quality might be still processing)

Merlin might be soometimes delusional but he's not a liar. Please don't just ignore when someone is disrupting him (especially when I actually confirm, because I do only when I'm sure he's right) - he'll stop spamming reports then and everyone will be happy.


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#2 2023-09-21 01:32:51

John Doe
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Re: CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

Chielevatorman is not John Doe


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#3 2023-09-21 01:44:57

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Posts: 37
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Re: CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

Karwsz wrote:

Merlin might be soometimes delusional but he's not a liar.

Except when he is. Like 2 days ago in the Philippines, my plane got ship-shelled. I jumped out as plane was on fire, zooked the ship, turned to the right and immediately got clobbered by Merlin's plane taking off. Total accident and should have been obvious to him, but his reporting standards are very low when he doesn't like you.

I would love for someone to post a video of this false report/kick.


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#4 2023-09-21 02:22:32

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Re: CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

Hey Karwsz

Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Please be careful with your assumptions or suspicions about people you don't know.

In addition, to be fair, the SiMPLE admins do not act based on assumptions but rather on the basis of facts.
The SiMPLE admin team is able to assign every person.

I can assure you that the player "CHIElevatorman" is NOT John Doe.

Who this person "CHIElevatorman" is has now been identified and action is now being taken with a request to urgently change the behavior, starting with 1 day ban.
I strongly advise the gentleman "CHIElevatorman" to change this unnecessary behavior in order to avoid further and longer bans.

I wish you all continued much fun and success on SiMPLE.

Best regards

See you in 1942


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#5 2023-09-21 11:36:51

Reputation: +56
Registered: 2021-06-06
Posts: 64
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Re: CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

Thanks, I will make corrections on my assumptions and leave identifying trolls to admins.


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#6 2023-09-21 23:43:24

United States
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Registered: 2021-12-05
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Re: CHIElevatorman (probably John Doe) targeted disrupt on Maj. MerliN

I love how Rose handles in-game situations! No nonsense..... one curt warning, and failure to comply? BAZINGA!!!!!


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