#1 2022-12-02 02:05:42

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Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hi, may I please now the reason of the ban and for how long it is ?

Player name: Mo
Date: December 1st, 2022 , time around 6:45 pm EST
Server: Simple | BF1942

Last edited by Mo1234 (2022-12-02 02:07:01)


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#2 2022-12-02 03:33:21

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

I'm not sure of the reason but it was a 15 min kick.  You should be able to play at this point but I'm sure Gio will follow up and let you know what you did that caused that kick. 



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#3 2022-12-02 03:43:03

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hi Momz, i got banned by Alfred (i think) My name - "AntiZ". So... JUST becouse he asked me to use the plane! So i made a deal with hym, i should make a last kamikazy and il leave the next plane for hym! and he ACCEPTED!, But then after i died, he just gone from airfield for a long period lol! wt should i do? wait for ever?? RESUME - i actually did nothing wrong, no tk, no dis, NO NOTHING! and he ban me LOL, i hope this message will not be in vain! (to bad i doubt it). Any way i just wana know how much time is the ban! can yu info me please? Thanks Momz. Cya and merry Xmas!


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#4 2022-12-02 03:51:38

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Water Fox wrote:

Hi Momz, i got banned by Alfred (i think)

Nope, it wasn't me


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#5 2022-12-02 03:58:51

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Yu sure Alfred?? THAN WHO LOL???? couse i really did nothing wrong lol, u know who then??


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#6 2022-12-02 04:03:05

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Dunno, I didn't kicked any on my team in that round, wait for admin response.


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#7 2022-12-02 04:10:38

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hillbill is online but said nothing yet xD, i sent a message to hym, are u able to call hym faster?? who knows xD


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#8 2022-12-02 04:25:31

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Maybe it was a mistake? Lets see .
Try to connect

Last edited by Hillbillyninja (2022-12-02 04:26:29)


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#9 2022-12-02 04:28:44

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hi Bill! can yu see the ban time for me pleaseee? My name - "AntiZ", but i will try that! hold on... thanks to appear.


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#10 2022-12-02 04:29:21

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

yes...try now and let me know txs

Last edited by Hillbillyninja (2022-12-02 04:30:07)


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#11 2022-12-02 04:34:03

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

oh meeeen! no, it says Disconnected! (Banned) in other words! can yu see then please? sad


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#12 2022-12-02 04:56:51

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

The Name AntiZ is not in the ban list.
Neither is the keyhash for him


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#13 2022-12-02 10:52:40

Ferd Grapperhaus
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hillbillyninja wrote:

The Name AntiZ is not in the ban list.
Neither is the keyhash for him

Waste of time:

https://team-simple.org/forum/search.ph … er_id=3496

Honesty is not easy for everyone i guess!


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#14 2022-12-02 21:34:53

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hi Water Fox

We found out that you repeatedly target people who you obviously don't like on purpose, team kill them and then quickly leave the game, also posing as the administrator by name with your trolling actions.

Your behavior will not be tolerated and for these reasons you will now be permanently banned from our servers.

The SiMPLE community wishes you all the best for the future and stay healthy.

Best regards


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#15 2022-12-02 23:03:21

Water Fox
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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

1- Half u said is false (but just half, i assume all other half)
2- How much time is the perm ban? 1 year?
3-If i say sry and promise it was the last time wth that behavior... ill yu reduce that ban just a bit? maybe 1 month ore more?!...
4- Best regards yu too and good Xmas if possible! (Just for yu, Hillbill, And Baumer!)


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#16 2022-12-03 03:52:12

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Re: Banned from Simple:BF1942

Hey merry christmas Water Fox!


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