#3 Re: Off-Topic » Funny Videos and Pics... » 2014-02-27 10:24:52


well..this look like fun!...a tequila please ! smile))..maybe some more! smile)
I want to make a reservation for the whole season !!  Visa?

#5 Re: Off-Topic » Funny Videos and Pics... » 2014-01-27 15:21:57


Gypsy Wedding smile)))..let`s bring the big boy!....:))..all this probably because she was NOT a virgin! smile)

#9 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Five favourite and least favourite Battlefield 1942 maps? » 2014-01-13 09:58:12


5 best:
1. Market (and it`s really ballanced...love it!)
2. Wake
3. Guadalcanal
4. Gazala
5. Battleaxe

5 worst:
1. Philippines (huge)
2. Coral sea (i have sea sick:))))
3. Battle of Britain (duh!)
4. Kursk (too damn dark, i`m no bat)
5. El Alamein

#10 Re: BF1942 Events » SiMPLE BF1942 Knife Tournament » 2013-12-19 15:05:04


they are out..making some snowmen !!...or snowgirls..:)

#12 Re: Report Abuse » Francois Hollande » 2013-12-13 07:12:32

Lionel Twain wrote:

let him be...he likes "poop" a lot!  smile))))))))...he might be smelly! smile)))

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