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The last time I saw Frenchy was 6 months ago. He stopped attending Aberdeen regularly leading up to then. He talked of cancer. He was a veteran player, and was in his mid 70s. BF1942 has lost one of or perhaps it's oldest player. I would like to pay tribute to him. Frenchy loved Aberdeen. He wasn't the best in a tank and was more often found as infantry defending a flag. This he did with dogged determination. He was good at laying traps and sneaking up on an enemy tank in a fearless way. At the age he was, he is an inspiration to carry on playing BF1942. Frenchy, I salute you! You were a true warrior.
RIP Frenchy a truly great guy! Always a pleasure to see him on the BF.
It´s always strange to see players we know for quite some time passing, many we dont know personally or even seen in person, but they are part of our life somewhat and losing them indeed truly hits. Hope all stay safe here and in good health. Even in our differences and dislikes with one another and endless bickerings at the end this is just a game (we all love). Hope this community sticks together until the last guy standing. HF GL.
cool play with new pc even editing no lag.
Top vid! Great music, what pc/windows you got?
Tragic, that was fun to watch
Here it is, Mamba:
SiMPLE BF1942 Knife Tournament
That was 10 years ago.
These players have signed up so far, and beware, they're all known for their sharp knives:
Jim Lahey
Blind can I still play?
Any feedback on the new server? Do you feel it is better, worse, or notice no difference in France location?
The times I played, zero lag, absolutely no lag and it finally feels smooth but it was always with an average of 16 players. Not sure when it fills if the experience will be the same. Regarding regs it seems good but honestly I didn´t played that much. Overall it seems like it was 8, 10 years ago before the move to Netherlands.
Still down, any progress?
"Hi all. SiMPLE servers will be back today or tomorrow with most certainty, under a new IP address and with a new location that we will communicate once everything is set. Testing shows new server is more stable and is better in quality, so we expect most of our players to have a better experience than on the previous server." Paul Baumer message
Ninja wrote:Hello,
I am back after long time ago! I play for fun for now, learning to comeback as i was before
I have some questions about this game.I think i have afwull hit regs on this game, is there any help about that?
Ping ingame : 35-55 latency
Win 11, great computer , connected wired from PC to Internet ( not fiber, ordinary VDSL internet )Is there anything that is possible to fix a little bit hitreg?
I have a lot of dots when i try to hit people, monstly when i see this , i start burst fire so i can have cleaner shots. When people moves (left / right ) it's really bad, and hard to hit them. I have very good aim, still in shape, that is not an issueI saw guy 000 some videos on Youtube, he has regs like he's playing in lan, even people move in side from him , his hits are constant. How is this even possible, its impossible for me to have regs like that. I understand his ping is 12-13ms but...
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
BmC Ninja
Maybe this can help:
WTF is this???
And for the record I dont like that he posted this message about you here. I dont think its right and correct. Either send to an admin or speak with you privately.
Free the bugging! Joking aside, I bugged 2 or 3 times in the last year. The last time I did it, for a very specific reason, I paid the fair price for it and I didnt come to the forum crying about it. I know 000 for a long long time and back in the day he did a lot for the game, making events, servers, to keep the game alive. And I respect him for it. Doesnt mean I agree with all he does and im sure he doesnt agree with all I do. The fact that I get along well with him doesnt mean that I dont get along with a lot of guys that dont like him. I just dont care honestly how anyone decides to play the game. It just doesnt affect me. Im just surprised after all this years that all of you just keep falling on his traps/trolling and that´s is quite funny.
Deeko this is not directly to you but you just brought up my name and if you pay attention I never never come to the server publicly attacking anyone or talking about this player ot that player. Ill speak privately unless someone does it publicly, like Butcher did. Even with Butcher, I hope, we are in good terms. I don´t hold grudges, far from it.
Like I said I have no time to this forum bullshit and constant attacks from a community that should have fun and enjoy the game while it lasts. I wish I could enjoy it... I see this like a football game. All disputes should remain in the game, outside is just bullshit.
Btw I havent spoke with 000 for like a year I guess. He does is thing I do my thing.
ahahaha love it, nice music too but you chose that last clip with Merlin for last
Lecter wrote:Tuia
You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?
No candlelight dinner for me. Sorry Lecter, i am not gay.
What a relief to hear that!! Better tone down those gay vibes then because it´s very deceiving! I took the risk of inviting you thinking you were, was going to buy flowers just in case to make you feel welcomed, happy I saved the money! Was going to put my ass literaly in jeopardy for this community but glad to know you are ok mentally...for now.
Lecter wrote:Tuia
You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?
You can press ALT+WIN+R and wndows will record your gameplay. Here you go, I saved you from an awkward dinner
ahaha Serebro but it´s not that, its being seated here and experience it and take notes. Recording its not enough
You are in Lisbon, Im in Lisbon. I invite you to my house to have lunch or dinner, when you can, and try to play here. Then you will see what everyone is saying and what Ive been experiencing here for many years. And its not even can record and then we can share everything with this community and share the conclusions. Parece bem?
Today a 14 year old boy came with two guns and 4 Molotov cocktails into elementary school in my city. He made a detailed plan on paper with scheme of the school wich he divided into levels with priority targets list. He killed 7 girls, 1 boy and security guard. There is at least 7 more injured in this attack including a teacher that gave him a bad grade. I am feeling sick...
Sorry to hear that Hydra, crazy world....with the amount of mass shootings in schools in the US I always wondered when something like this would happen in Europe...copy cats...
I don't know about you guys, but it definitely feels like i'm on some kind of drugs when i'm playing in Simple. Nothing seems logical or natural, all my years of infantry down the gutter. 300 ping snipers and zookers have it better than me sometimes. They've finally made my reg worthless in simple, but only when i'm on the "no reg team". ONe round i get 2 bullet kills and the next round i die with 2 bullets or a tank shell to the face from who knows where. If these things are happening just cause of "bad server quality" then this server is probably running from some crackheads basement.
Had a day of fun and recorded all the rounds, everything in this video is from today
It was definitely easier playing against the best infantries this game had to offer than playing a round of infantry in Simple these days.
Extremely chaotic and sped up gameplay with weird stuff happening every round, i've seen nothing like it before or in moongamers/clanwars. This is not how the game works in normal servers.
We had this conversation in private Deeko, welcome to my everyday day for the last 6/7 years...and its actually worse than you are having it here, btw I completely understand your post not trying to stir things up.
A man can´t look thru walls and hills anymore...
TBH, if I could suck my own, I divorce my wife hahahaha
You can´t???
ahahahaha that was funny
Hello guys, as you may have noticed servers were under attack recently which caused them to crash frequently. The good news is that servers owner stopped the attacks from happening. The attacker has been identified and banned and future server crashes prevented. We will keep monitoring the situation.
Who was the mf?? PM please
Thank you Mamba! Was fun!!
Berlin TDM / Caen / Omaha (allies only, I like the mayhem going up ). Bocage, Garden, Stalin, Bulge, Axe would be next. My favorite map though is not here, it was Remagen.
Just so everyone knows, I plan to host this tournament around January 7th, 2023. To all players who registered please let me know if this date is OK with you. Thanks.
All good, you know the hours already?
The endless drama for a one day ban...won´t even mention the dramas guys bring here for random kicks only...
Merry Christmas!!! Who vote negative on this???
Volturi wrote:Black Mamba wrote:I've updated the rules:
- No chatting will be allowed during live tournament rounds (this excludes GL and GG).
This rule is unnecessary Mamba, people who participate here are fun guys, let all talk and interact while playing, it is more fun in that way rather than keeping everyone silent. I don't think people would insult eachother etc.
well since Lecter is in, i prefer no chat rule
Sounds good
1. Lecter
2. Portugal
3. to be decided
4. Yes
Fun team, some really good energy! I hope they beat Portugal now.
evilahm wrote:@SELF A la casa te vas a ir!
You no longer support Saudi Arabia?
There is only one D10S and that´s Maradona. I was lucky to seem him live playing against Sporting Lisbon when he came here with Napoli for a UEFA round. I love Messi but Maradona was another level, another.
By popular demand* I created a BF1942 horror movie
This EPIC release portrays a German WW2 soldier who is haunted by his past war crimes
*(nobody asked)
One of the best videos out there, congrats!
Your guy seems angry...ours always feels bored and sleepy