#1 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE is dying quickly now » 2023-11-13 03:07:16

I'm back in the game so Simple doesn't die big_smile

#2 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-13 19:53:55

Butcher wrote:
Rinjo wrote:

A server with all the necessary security against unregistered DDoS attacks ( SOCKS proxies and SSL connections )
With freedom of speech and no senseless rules. Just answer yes or no.

Better the devil you know, sometimes.

I don't know how long you've been here Rinjo, but I can say there's been a massive improvement since new administration took over.  Now, everybody is accountable for their actions, including admin.  Sure, nothing is perfect and there's always room for improvement, but relatively speaking, it's not been long since new admin took over... It's a work in progress.  Give it time and voice your concerns through the right channels.

One of the main set backs that slows things down, is that the server owner is almost always absent.  This mainly affects things like DDOS and anything that requires ftp access to the server (MODS!!!).  AFAIK the server does have a level of DDOS protection.

However, I do agree that there should be a new server with a new location, under the same management, with a more barebones approach regarding server settings, (hz) mods etc.  There's definitely something going on with this server... jumping pings, simultaneous lag spikes and erratic hit registration.

Sometimes, less is more.

BTW: If you're looking for a team to join fun wars now and then, conquer might be able to accommodate you.


For this reason, I decided that there is no point in creating something new. The division of the community with so few players is a shot in the foot. An unnecessary procedure. A possible side effect is the big fuss I caused behind the scenes. I hope that it will contribute to good changes and I will not become a hated player.

#3 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-12 09:27:13

Thank you for all the votes and comments. I consider the survey closed. All players deserve respect and egalitarian rules regardless of game level.

#4 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-12 00:27:31

because if so, it's just empty words and "hot air" driven by your irritation with Ferd. -I never wrote that I want to create my own server. As for the rest - don't take a path that is unfamiliar to you. Regards.

#5 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-11 23:48:53

I think it was irony on Maurits' part. I have very good memories with SIMPLE and apart from one person - everything is really ok.  Some modifications are coming to simple servers + today there was no hacker attack. Excellent!

+ edit - there were also no senseless kicks for "chat spam" smile Thank you for the changes.

#6 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-11 21:14:17

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Of course you won't get banned for trying to raise BF42 to hopefully better and new heights.

But stop counting votes. Just start working. We only have 80 BF42 related servers running right now - bring your idea to life!

The survey does not determine any steps on my part. That's your far-fetched guess. If things are going well, all you have to do is enjoy it Regards <3

#7 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-10 21:16:12

Monopoly creates abuse. The new server could be subsidized by players who would influence any changes on the server. The need, as you can see, is because the current state: 13 for yes, 8 for no.

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Removed incorrectly (innapropriate name) » 2023-01-10 18:25:15

Slava Ukraine (Glory to Ukraine) is the same as Chwała Wielkiej Polsce (Glory to Great Poland) in Poland.
The greeting gained an important symbolic meaning after February 24
Now the question is who is on which side of the "barricade" and how he relates to it.
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the nickname "slava ukraine"

#9 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-10 16:09:14

Current: 12 Yes, 8 No

#10 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-09 21:25:43

Nothing is certain. I'm probably going to get banned soon because I made a poll ;-)

#11 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-09 18:14:43

Votes are 100% anonymous. I can't see who voted for which option. Current score: 8 for yes, 4 for no.

#12 Re: Technical Help » Maps? » 2023-01-09 05:25:20


RTR+SW and you can play RTR+SW Server. Pretty good maps smile

#13 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-09 01:42:37

dary wrote:

Which rules do you deem as senseless.

ask Ferd.

#14 Re: Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-09 01:41:15

It's not about being MY server. A preview question to see if there is interest. Regards.

#15 Feedback » New Server » 2023-01-09 00:59:42

Replies: 24

A server with all the necessary security against unregistered DDoS attacks ( SOCKS proxies and SSL connections )
With freedom of speech and no senseless rules. Just answer yes or no.

#16 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why i got ban » 2023-01-08 21:21:41

Comandante Hugo Chavez wrote:
Rinjo wrote:

Were you able to explain the situation?

I did. And no response. It is ok. Plenty of other servers.

Chill it

Good luck on other servers. Let's hope everything will work out in the future.

#17 Re: BF1942 Events » Golden Gun Second Chance TDM Tournament [FINISHED] » 2023-01-08 20:41:42

The tournament itself lasted less than 2 hours, and the announcement was made a month earlier. There were 12 players at the start, which secured the possibility of the game. What I would improve is the frequency of such tournaments. Fun is great. Let's say once a quarter is it possible? smile

Side thing to change/improve: Kill/Death bonus points.
I just tried to have a kill/death plus, while charging turns out to be more profitable smile

Advantages of such a system: One worse round (more deaths) can have an interesting effect on the results.
For example, a 25/20 player in this system is worse than a 35/40 player

With the introduction of the kill/death bonus, they are on par.

First gets +5
Second -5
They both have 30 pts.

#18 Re: Feedback » What is your favourite map ? » 2023-01-08 18:23:54

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:
Rinjo wrote:

So far no one has voted for battleaxe and iwo jima - and I have the impression that these maps are liked.
A lot of people voted for Berlin and Stalingrad, and during the game, the servers are "emptying" when these maps come into play smile

It might be very hard to understand, Rinjo, but because the bots who fill up a lot of the server slots isn't represented here in this topic / forum, you get confused.

You're right. However, I think that a representative sample should be determined by the majority. Without bots (as you called it) -everyone plays on their own level- there would be no game. Let's not forget that.

The only map that seems to be painfully linear is Kursk. It's neither a map for infantry, nor for tanks, nor for planes. The gameplay is flat. In my experience on the server, people don't like this map very much.

Regards smile

#19 Re: Feedback » What is your favourite map ? » 2023-01-08 06:12:57

So far no one has voted for battleaxe and iwo jima - and I have the impression that these maps are liked.
A lot of people voted for Berlin and Stalingrad, and during the game, the servers are "emptying" when these maps come into play smile

#20 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why i got ban » 2023-01-07 21:27:12

Were you able to explain the situation?

#21 Re: BF1942 Events » Nations Cup 2021 » 2023-01-07 20:31:41

2023 edition? Is there a desire?

#22 Re: BF1942 Events » Golden Gun Second Chance TDM Tournament [FINISHED] » 2023-01-07 19:57:04

Volturi wrote:
Black Mamba wrote:

Yeah thanks guys for the fun games.

12 players out of 13 showed up, not bad.

I will declare the winner soon.


I did not show up to let you guys play under an even number as i mentioned earlier (and due to my internet problem).
I hope it was fun!

Too bad Volturi, maybe next time it will work! smile

#23 Re: BF1942 Events » Golden Gun Second Chance TDM Tournament [FINISHED] » 2023-01-07 19:48:29

Thank you all. It was great. Super fun. Too bad it's over ;-)

#24 Re: Feedback » What is your favourite map ? » 2023-01-07 17:40:34

Bulge(Nice map - some attack, others defend. Many possibilities.)/Caen(Some attack, others defend. After capturing the flag, interesting fights in the city)/Garden(Great map flexibility.)

#27 Re: BF1942 Events » Golden Gun Second Chance TDM Tournament [FINISHED] » 2023-01-07 14:39:17

Black Mamba wrote:

Just wanted to remind everyone that the tournament starts at 17:00 CET tomorrow.

Thank you and good luck!

The tournament will be hosted on January 7th, 2023 @ 2:00 PM EST (20:00 CET)

Why tomorrow? Today is 7.01

#28 Re: Technical Help » Its Lagging so much cant even kill some one in BF 1942 » 2023-01-07 00:56:09

No, I'm not reporting anyone. Such things should happen organically - within the administrative structures.

For me there are two server paradigms.
1. Player's perspective - the player comes to the server to play with friends and have fun (including chatting).
2. Admin Perspective - This is a service that helps players have fun (and not abuse their powers and scare).

#29 Re: Technical Help » Its Lagging so much cant even kill some one in BF 1942 » 2023-01-07 00:44:58

Honestly, over the past few months, I've seen a few players intentionally do something illegal in the game.
Nobody reads the rules before starting to play on the server - everything comes out in practice. More patience and a relaxed approach.

For example. The fact that someone accidentally destroyed an ally's plane (player killed immediately crying to the admin) - is not a reason to ban.

Let's also not forget that each player plays at his own level. Some are stronger, some are weaker. There is no team play on a public server - everyone does what they want. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but you have to accept it.
And I even saw a situation when an administrator kicked a player because he was "using wespe wrong".

I'm not writing this to find fault. I just expect a more relaxed approach to players. We are a really small community. Please take this into account.

#30 Re: Technical Help » Its Lagging so much cant even kill some one in BF 1942 » 2023-01-07 00:00:08

Dakota, I saw what you wrote and deleted.
If we approach the subject in this way, in a moment no one will be playing "simple".

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